This one's Harry Potter based.
#4 Privet Drive, night.
I approach the house. You'd think it'd be locked, or I'd use my manners & knock. Nope. Open the door right up.
I expected Vernon Dursley to chew me out, demand I leave, or something. Nope!
Another strange thing; Aunt Marge is there like in Prisoner of Azkaban, but Dudley's friends are all there; Reeking of smoking, as though their 15 year old selves from Order of the Phoenix, but they are 13 also.
None of them move, like time had frozen or something.
Igo upstairs, expecting 13 year old Harry to be there.
The room's a freaking nursery!!
I soothe, swaddle, & lift Harry, and carry him downstairs.
Again, zero reaction from Vernon D; No orders to stop, no demands to put Harry down - For that matter, no approval of getting Harry out of the Duraley house.... Nothing.
At the end of the road, the scene goes black for a short few seconds, then I find myself on a dirt road to.... The Burrow??
What does this mean?