Lower Mistwood Prep, 6th grade
“You’re such a dork, loser.” Ronan said. And everyone in the hallway laughed, because that’s what you did. Or risk going home with a blackened eye.
Hayes sneered. “Your so dumb- wait, I’m sorry. Calling you dumb would be an insult to dumb people.”
The leader of the gang, Dante, walked straight up to my shaking form and stuck his hand out. “Hi, I’m from the human race, have we met?”
I ran out of the lunchroom and into the streets and cried. Why me, I thought. What did I do to deserve this?
Upper Mistwood Prep, Senior Year
The worst thing about living in a small town is that everyone knows your name- and your reputation. The big name calling incident had not been forgotten, and to this day people still constantly remind me of it. But this, now, was my last year in this dreary little town, and I was determined to end it was a blast, no matter who stood in my way. Dante and his gang didn’t bother me any more, they mostly just ignored me. Which, by the way, I was perfectly ok with.
“El!” a voice called.
I turned in the direction of the voice and saw my one and only best friend running towards me. I smiled, “Hey Janet, what’s up?”
When she reached me, she looked like she was about to burst. “There’sanewtransfertoourschoolandhe’ssohotwithbrightgreeneyesandperfectlytousledlightbrownhairandHE’SASENIOR!!!” she shouted the last few syllables.
I blinked at her. “What?”
She huffed. “I said, there’s a new transfer to our school and he’s hot!”
I blinked again. “And, that’s going to affect me because…?”
She grinned like a cheshire cat. “I peeked at his schedule and he has most of his classes with you, coincidentally.”
I groaned internally. I did not need a hot guy seeing me the way I am in school.
Janet laughed again. “Giiiiiiiiiiiirl, you so lucky! Good luck, and try not to make a fool of yourself!”
“I wish,” I muttered.
I picked out the books I needed for my next class and went on my way. I reached my classroom and settled down. Then I saw him, and I knew what Janet was talking about. Lean, muscular frame, piercing green eyes and tousled light brown hair. I tore my gaze away when I realized I was staring.
“Welcome to Advanced Calculus,” Mr. Hiesly checked his clipboard. “Colton Hunter. Please take a seat.”
Please don’t sit next to me. Please don’t sit next to me. I silently chanted in my head. And, of course, out of all the empty seats in the class, he chose to sit next to me. He smirked, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. I sighed, this was going to be a long day.