A/n: Alright everyone because of a suggestion of a fellow writer I'm doing something new. I will be posting the bio, info, harem list (if any), any other bits of information and the first chapter of various stories I'm working on. I have no schedule, so until I do, updates will be sporadic. For some it could be a week, for others a couple of weeks, but also sometimes a few a week. I would also like to add some stories might receive more updates than others, depending on my mood, if I'm getting into it, or ideas for that series. So these first few bits of information and chapters are to give you a taste of what's to come. This message will be only on the first chapter of each new story. Hope you enjoy this testing phase I'm doing and the stories I write. Don't worry, no story will be abandoned, regardless of how many I make. If anything, maybe temporary hiatus.
* Now onto the story, shall we.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAz6kdmmCAMK
Unexpected Arrival
???: "hell, not really something one often thinks about. Growing up, you're told it was a place of sin, where those damned for all eternity go for their sins while they were alive. It's a place of evil and greed, a place where all of the world's evils lay. Where all manner of sin and evil is celebrated, but what if I were to tell you that not only is this place in fact real, but that I've been there too? What if, everything you were raised to believe wasn't the whole truth? That history is often written by the victors. Well, strap in boys, girls and everything in between, this will be one hell of a story....... Pun intended."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAOostYHOXS9
[Location: Happy Hotel]
90Please respect copyright.PENANAC4bUGKBIb9
We now see into the realm known as hell. The sky was a dark red color with barely visible clouds that can be seen. Not only that, but what's most noticeable was the absolutely gigantic pentagram that floats in the sky. As the camera pans around, we can see a large building that has a lot going on, but the main thing that's noticeable was the large classic sign that say 'Hazbin Hotel' on it. The yard around the building was massive and surrounded by a rocky landscape.
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As the camera continues to pan around, we can see inside the motel. More specificity, it's lobby area. Inside, we can see a range of characters, each sitting in a different position and area of the lobby. We can also see the hotels creator, Charlie, pacing around. This is because she just came back from heaven to hopefully bargain with Heaven, but it failed. Not only that, but the extermination event is now only 6 months away, rather than the usual year. She was in a state of panic as she has no idea how to fix the issue or help redeem her hotel clients, which is the hotel reason the hotel exists.
Charlie: "what am I going to do, just what can I do? The extermination was moved to 6 months from now?" she begins to pace even faster, even biting her nails.
Vaggie: "I don't know Charlie but freaking out won't fix anything. You need to stop and take a deep breath."
Charlie: does that and takes a deep breath before exhaling, "I know. It's just-" she lets out a defeated sigh before sitting beside Vaggie in a slumped position, "I'm just not sure how I can fix all of this..... but, I know I have to. I just can't let them all die."
Angel Dust: lays down on a different sofa opposite of them, "it would be easier if you just accept this whole thing is a stupid idea. This is hell. You know, the end of the road. The final destination for sinners."
Vaggie: places her hand on Charlies back before glaring at Angel Dust, "well, just because it is, doesn't mean it has to be that way. Just because something hasn't happened before doesn't mean it's impossible. We just haven't discovered a way yet."
Charlie: looks at her and smiles, "thanks Vaggie." causing said woman to smile back at her.
Angel Dust: rolls his eyes, "ughh, just fuck already."
Charlie & Vaggie: in perfect synchronicity and the same potion, "we're not dating, just close!"
Angel Dust: waves his hand dismissively, "yeah, yeah, keep telling yourselves that." causing the pair to almost growl in annoyance.
Alastor: stands up with one hand on his jacket collar, "well, i, for one, find this conversation to be very riveting but........ What's that noise." he then looks around with his usual big smile.
Husk: grumbles something while cleaning glasses, but then his ears perk, "wait, I hear it too."
Angel Dust: "okay, that's good. Thought it was the drugs for a second."
Charlie: raises an eyebrow, "uhhhh, it's getting louder."
Vaggie: "no, it's getting closer..... Wait, it sounds like it's coming." looks up with a raised eyebrow, "from above us?"
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Everyone else then looked up in confusion, but what everyone didn't notice was that Alastor closed his eyes and took one long side step out of the way and out of frame.
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Husk: "wait, but that's pure hotel floor above us. How can it come from above?"
Charlie: "it sounds like-"
90Please respect copyright.PENANA7QO7WuAlLq
Suddenly, something or someone came crashing through the ceiling and landing in front of them, followed but a lot of wood, carpet and dust. Everyone, but Alastor, who simply turned his head, wave their hands in front of their faces while coughing because of all the dust. When the dust finally cleared, they saw a pile of rumble and wood in front of them. Charlie decides to get a closer look at what just came crashing through the ceiling. She walked slowly and cautiously towards it. She crouched down and moved some of the rumble out of the way, but as she did, she noticed a human like hand covered in dust and scratches.
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Charlie: "hey guys, I think someone is underneath all of this. Come and help me."
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Vaggie and Angel Dust came to aid her and started to help her move the rumble away from whoever is underneath it. However, Husk didn't move as he really didn't give a fuck while Alastor....... well he's Alastor so he just leaned over with mild interested at whoever this could be.
90Please respect copyright.PENANA3EvcC6n9cl
Charlie: moved enough to see their back so she put her hand on their pack, "guys, I...... I think he's alive."
Angel Dust: "wanna bet he's fucking hot?"
Vaggie: looks at him with the 'really' face, "Angel Dust, not the time."
Angel Dust: shrugs his shoulders, "toots, it's always the time."
Charlie: she moves the man a bit, which causes her eyes to widen, "uhhh guys?" this causes everyone to look at her, "we got a problem here."
Angel Dust: looks up,"yeah, you got a hole through your roof.... actually roofs."
Charlie: looks at him, "what, no..... well, actually yeah but-" they get a closer at the mysterious man while she rolls him over, "he's a human."
Angel Dust & Vaggie: "WHAT?!?!?!"
90Please respect copyright.PENANArpszARroGV
In the background we can see Husk with widen eyes, his wings sagged and his closed mouth sagging from the shock. He was so shocked, infarct, that he actually dropped the glass cup he was just cleaning, causing it to shatter on the floor. However, Alastor, almost not fazed at all, just leans over and looks at the young man.
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Alastor: "haha!, what a twist! Looks like we got quite the predicament on our hands./an interesting predicament." his usual smile slowly gets bigger.
Angel Dust: "........" smugly looks at Vaggie, "told you he was hot." this causes everyone, but Alastor, to look at him with a deadpan expression.
* stop at 2:08
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Angel Dust: gets a better look at the mysterious man, "nah toots. You have to be mistaken. A human can't be in hell."
Charlie: puts at the man with her hands, "well look at him, his skin tone, his lack of any demon features. He literally looks human."
Angel Dust: looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "you look human."
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Charlie looks at him with a deadpan expression before using her hand to gesture to her face and eyes.
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Angel Dust: "....... I'll stay quiet."
Vaggie: starts to panic a little, "oh no no no, this isn't good. This isn't good. A human cant be in hell. It's just not how it works. This is bad, this is very very bad."
Charlie: "woah, Vaggie, calm down. Why are you freaking out?"
Vaggie: still panicking, "Charlie, you don't understand. The angels...... if they find out a human somehow got down here. How do you think they would react?" Charlie looks at her confused until her eyes widen.
Alastor: "As interesting and perplexing as that thought is, may I suggest you put him somewhere more comfortable than the floor. That looks mighty painful."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAgS6ybCPiPy
The trio then look down at the young man, who's still underneath some of the rumble. His body covered in dust and debris, his normal look cloths ripped up, cuts at different points of his body, some blood leaking out of some of these cuts and no doubt he has some broken bones. This causes Charlie and Vaggie to look at each other with an embarrassed expression on their faces. Charlie then goes to grab him and puts one of his arms over her shoulder, but then notices Vaggie struggling to do something. She keeps trying to grab his arm, but she begins to shake a little.
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Charlie: "hey, I got this. Go on ahead and make sure things are clear. We don't want anyone else to see him."
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Vaggie just looks down with a sigh, but then looks back at Charlie and nods her head. Before getting back up and walking towards the hallway.
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Angel Dust: "yeesh, she still hasn't gotten over that?"
Charlie: lets out a small sigh, "I'm working on it but come on, help me with him."
Angel Dust: forms a smug, almost lustful smirk, "oh.... with pleasure."
Charlie: "and don't do anything funny."
Angel Dust: puts his hand over his hard and looks at her, visibly hurt, "I'm offended you think so lowly of me. That I would do anything-" he then notices Charlies deadpan expression, "...... ahem, so you get his torso while I get his legs?"
Charlie: "yes."
Angel Dust: "alright." bends over and grabs the mans legs, "I wonder if I can see his bulge if I angle him right?" he looks to see Charlie glaring at him, "whaaaat? I didn't say anything."
Charlie: "yeah, but you were thinking about it."
Angel Dust: shrugs his shoulders, "fair enough."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAdDw7jCaCT8
As the pair began to walk away from the scene, Alastor can be seen with his usual smile, but it was slowly getting bigger and bigger. Becoming more evil looking, but then Husk walks up behind him.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAQaSSgf5Jew
Husk: "so what are we going to do about the roof...... roofs?"
Alastor: returns to normal before then looking at the hole in the ceiling, but then waves his hand in a dismissive manner, "meh, it'll be handled off-screen."
Husk: looks up at his with a raised eyebrow, "what?"
90Please respect copyright.PENANAratRXw2P8i
I'm in Hell?!
[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Charlie and chibi Angel Dust caring the mysterious boy while a chibi Vaggie is on the lookout]
90Please respect copyright.PENANAV3qe2fJuNg
We then see into one of the many empty hotel rooms that are in the Hazbin Hotel. Inside we can see Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust and Alastor in there. We can see as they around surrounding a bed with the mysterious young man who literally came crashing in from the heavens above. This young man had bandages and band-aids all over him do to the many wounds he sustained during the fall and somehow crashing through multiple floors. As they watch on and conversing with each other, Charlie notices him beginning to stir. She got their attention, which causes them to look at him. As he stops stirring, his eyes slowly begin to open as he lets out a painful groan. With his very blurry vision, he tries to look around, but his eye eventually laid on Charlie, who was leaning closer to him than the others. When his vision finally begins to clear, he gets a better look at her.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAmM2i1msYzE
???: "are you..... are you an angel?"
Charlie: she lets out a cute little giggle, "smooth."
Angel Dust: "he has no idea how close he actually is."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAXKKjHAqbEg
The young man then tries to get up but struggles to do so, has his arms shack from the strain. This causes Charlie to quickly get close to him and place one of her hands on his back, while the other rests on his chest.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAaPNSYERvU8
Charlie: "woah there, big guy. You took quite the nasty fall back there. You still haven't recovered./by satan, his chest is broad as fuck."
???: rubs his head with a groan, "fall, what fall?"
Angel Dust: folds his 4 arms, "you came crashing in through the roof, literally."
???: "I..... I don't remember that. Wait..." he then looks around and notices their appearances, "am I near some kind of comic con or something?"
Angel Dust: tilts his head, "comic con?"
???: "yeah, I mean, look at you guys. You're totally kitted out. I heard some people really get into it, but damn. It looks so realistic."
Charlie: nervously looks away, "uuuummm. About that."
Angel Dust: "who's gonna tell him? Not it!"
???: "guys, tell me what?"
Charlie: "not sure how to put this, but we're not cosplayers. We're actual demons, and you're in hell...... like actual hell."
???: looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "hell?............ hahahahahaha!-owowow." this causes them to look at him with an unmoving expression while Charlie was more of a sympathetic nature, "haha.....ha.......haaa........ your....... you're not kidding..... are you?" they all slow shake their heads.
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This causes the young man to try and instantly get up, but then he falls to his knees. This causes Charlie to rush towards him and help him back onto the bed.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAtTiOG8Elp9
Charlie: "hey, I already told you, you're still injured. You still need some rest."
Angel Dust: "what were you trying to do anyways, scared or something?"
Alastor: "or suicide." they then look at him, with Charlies being more of a glare, "what, it's an option."
???: "no, i just though if I see the sky, I could see if you're telling the truth or not."
Angel Dust: "the sky?......." snaps his fingers, "rrrrright."
Charlie: "come on, Angel dust. Help me get him to that window over there."
Angel Dust: "you got it, toots."
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Angel Dust then walks over the young man and stands beside him. The pair then place his arms over their shoulders and help him slowly walk over to the pretty large window. When they finally reached it, the young man moves on his own and leans against the window. He looks outside and looks around. As he does, his eyes slowly widen in shock at what he is seeing.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAJqMLr0yPoa
???: "so...... it's.... it's true..... I'm really in hell...........we're all evil go, when they die....."
90Please respect copyright.PENANArwWDm9aNyx
Almost as if all of the strength in his legs left him do to the sheer shock of this revelation, he falls to his hands and knees. He looks down at the floor with his eyes shaking from the shock. Charlie was about to go over to him, but then Vaggie stops her. When she looked at her friend, Vaggie slowly shakes her head.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAHaRRCmTMlp
Alastor: "well... as riveting as all of this is. I got some...... private business to handle. Chow for now!" he turns around and was about to leave but-
Vaggie: "and where do you think you're going, Alastor?"
Alastor: he then slowly turns around, with his usual smile slowly becoming more demonic like but then returns to normal, "my dear. We have holes on multiple floors caused by our not so demonic friend here, and they aren't going to fix themselves. Plus, I doubt our little princess of hell wants others to know he's here. Like you said, it would cause us some problems if word go to those birds in the sky. We could just leave him, but we both know our ever, so kind hotel creator won't do that. So tah tah!" he then walks out of the room.
Vaggie: "tch, why do I feel he's plotting something?"
???: "so....... I.... I was a bad person? But I don't remember doing anything bad..... at least not bad enough to go to hell. I don't even remember how I died."
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Charlie then walks over to him and crouches down, placing a reassuring hand on his back. Vaggie looks on at them and almost looks jealous of them but not of Charlie, rather the young man instead.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAd4lhQ89SkL
Charlie: "I don't think that's the case."
???: "What do you mean? I'm literally in hell. That means I died and was a bad person when I was alive. I must've done something really bad to end up in hell." in the background, Angel Dust can be seen leaving the room.
Charlie: "what do you-" suddenly, Angel Dust walks in front of them and places a mirror in front of him.
Angel Dust: "hunk, you ain't no demon. Here, look."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAmAEOjEhcoF
The young man then takes the mirror out of Angel Dusts hand and looks at himself. He looks at it for a while before looking back at them. He then looks at the more human looking ones in the room, namely Charlie and Vaggie. He then looks back at himself through the mirror and sees he's lacking any demonic features at all. He looks just how he did the last time he looked at himself in the mirror when he brushed his teeth that morning.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAePYRZoUUes
???: "wait..... if I'm not a demon, then what does this mean?"
Charlie: "well, we're not entirely sure, but what we can tell is you didn't die. That means you're a-"
Alastor: literally spawning from the void itself and rests his hand on the mans shoulder, "meaning you never turned into a demon, or rather." looks up but then looks back at the man with a more cheeky grin, "you're a human in hell."
???: he then manages to stand up, with some struggle, which kinda surprises Alastor, "so.... I didn't die? Then how in the hell did I get down here?"
Alastor: "ahh, one of lifes great mysteries my dear boy, but one we can discover, together!"
Vaggie: narrows her eyes at the smiling demon, "alright, what are you plotting now, Alastor?"
Alastor: "ohhh, I have no idea what you're implying, my dear. I'm just being a helpful little demon to our troubled new friend here."
Vaggie: walks closer, "you know what-"
Charlie: gets in between them, "this isn't the time for arguing or accusations. What we need to do is help..... uh, actually, what is your name again?"
Y/n: "oh, I didn't introduce myself?" they shake their heads, "my bad, my name is Y/n L/n, and you are?"
Charlie: puts her hands behind her back and gives a bright smile, "my name is Charlie Morningstar. Nice to meet you, Y/n."
Y/n: "same to you....... wait, Morningstar?..... now why does that sound familiar?"
Angel Dust: "as it the devil, ruler of hell. That devil."
Charlie: "Angel Dust!"
Angel Dust: "whaaaat? He's going to find out eventually."
Charlie: "yeah, well, we don't want to freak him out. You know how my dad is portrayed on earth."
Y/n: "the devil? Dad?!........ wait! You mean THE devil, as in Lucifer?! The first son, the light bearer, he who rebelled against heaven! You mean that devil?! And he's your father?!"
Charlie: she then lets out a sigh before giving him jazz hands, "surprise.... now don't fr-"
Y/n: "I call bullshit." he then gets pretty close to her, "no way a beautiful girl, like yourself, is related to the ultimate evil, he who brought evil to the world. He's even said to have goat features."
Charlie: blushes for a second before recomposing himself, "well it's the truth and those depictions of him are all wrong. And he isn't that bad. He's just...... misunderstood."
Y/n: "..... so what does he look like then?"
Charlie: "mmmm, oh here. I have a photo in my wallet."
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Charlie then goes through her pocket and pulls out her wallet. She opens it and pulls out a small photo and shows it to the young man.
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Y/n: ".....so short. / is that really the devil? Hu, not what I was picturing."
Charlie: puts her wallet and the photo away, "what were you picturing?"
Y/n: "either a pure evil and demonic looking monster or a dashingly handsome man with a British accent."
Charlie: she forms a deadpan expression on her face, "........ you watch too much TV, dude."
Y/n: "yeah probably."
Vaggie: looks at the pair interacting with each other and gets jealous of the young man but then notices something, "uhhh, guys."
Charlie: "what is it, Vaggie?"
Angel Dust: "yeah, what is it, toots?"
Vaggie: "1, stop calling me that and 2, look at..... Y/n." they all look at him but were confused what she's pointing out.
Charlie: "what about him?"
Angel Dust: "tho, I don't need an excuse to look at him."
Vaggie: "look closer." they did, "ugh, he's standing up fine when he was struggling not too long ago."
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The all then quickly looked at him again and noticed she was right. He was standing up just fine, hell, he isn't even shaking, even a little, to stand up. He then looks around and then at himself. He moves his legs and notices he doesn't feel any more pain.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAOeqAAYTCEs
Y/n: "the fuck?...... I know doctors said I always had a high healing factor, but this is just ridiculous. I don't remember healing this fast." he places his hand on his shoulder and moves it around, "tho I still feel some pain in areas."
Vaggie: "that's way past normal. You had fractured bones, cuts almost everywhere, some were even deep enough to make you bleed. I even bet you had at least some broken bones."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAC2wi1kIiQv
Alastor looks down at the boy and narrowed his eyes. He looked as if he was contemplating something. He then slowly moved his hand forwards, as if to grab him or something, but then-
90Please respect copyright.PENANABY261PVlVs
Charlie: "so what now? We have no idea how he got here or even how to send him back. We can just put him under house arrest forever."
Vaggie: "yes, we can. He's an invader not just in our dimension but our home too. We have every right to. Plus, he can't just let him roam around freely. He's a human for Satans sake."
Charlie: "look, Vaggie. We can't just cage him like he's some kind of animal, but you're right. We can't let him roam freely." she then looks at the young man, "not like that, anyways."
Vaggie: slumps over, "oh.... no."
Charlie: uses one arm to pull Vaggie close and the other to raise into the air, "it's make over time!"
Vaggie: "ughh."
90Please respect copyright.PENANASfgMGwGGLf
*Cue outfit changing montage*
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They finally landed on a simple pair of horns, contact lenses that make his sclera look yellow while making his iris look orange, a tail with a motor in it that makes it mimic natural movement and a pair of broken looking wings. This way, no one will question why he doesn't just fly around.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAEpGAb6NU80
Charlie: "and there we go."
Vaggie: "this will never work, Charlie."
Charlie: "where's the faith. This will totally work. Plus, all the others just didn't look right on him. He can be like that guy..... uh, what's his name, the alien with superpowers?"
Y/n: "Superman?"
Charlie: snaps fingers, "yeah, him. No one ever notices him, even tho It's not much of a change."
Vaggie: "Charlie, this is real life. Not some comic book story. This will never work."
90Please respect copyright.PENANA1QhH0w179a
A Walk Through the City
[Mini Timeskip]
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Vaggie: forms a scowl on her face, "by Satan, this is actually working."
90Please respect copyright.PENANANN5qtdXBRw
We then see the trio working along the streets of Pentagram City. As they did, it seemed no one noticed anything off with the young man, some even waved to him like he was one of them. We can see that in front was Y/n, behind him was Charlie, who had a cocky grin on her face, then there was Vaggie behind her.
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Charlie: moves towards her and places her hand on Vaggies shoulder, "so, I told you this would work."
90Please respect copyright.PENANAQxLY3crK0t
As they continued to walk around, Charlie shows the boy around and tells him about the different buildings and people. As she does, she then notices something about him.
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Charlie: "say, you seem to be accepting this all pretty well. I figured you'd be freaking out more or struggling to adapt.... or something."
Y/n: walks up to one of the buildings and touches it, "I can't really explain it, but all of this just feels........ nostalgic. I'm not really sure why. All of this just feels..... almost familiar to me, but I'm sure I haven't been here before."
Charlie: "really? But you're a hu-sinner. It shouldn't be possible you remember anything about this place."
Y/n: "like I said, I'm not sure how to explain it. It's not a memory, just a feeling I have. I know I'm not making sense, but it's something I feel. I don't remember much of my life on earth. Maybe because of the fal-my death. What I do remember is that I had a normal, boring office life, or at least I think I did."
90Please respect copyright.PENANA8vNLufVP4c
In the background, Vaggie can be seen lagging behind. She seems to be watching the pair get along pretty well, and it's making her jealous. While she was lost in her thoughts, out of nowhere. Alastor appears beside her.
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Alastor: "hello."
Vaggie: almost jumps out of her skin, "ahhh!-fuck! Alastor! Will you stop that!"
Alastor: "mmm.... no." this causes her to grown in annoyance, "anywho. I'm not just here for funzys. It relates to our little human friend over there."
Vaggie: she quickly looks around and notices no one is around them, "what about him?"
Alastor: "haven't you noticed something else about him?"
Vaggie: raises an eyebrow, "like what?"
Alastor: "that he doesn't belong here."
Vaggie: rolls her eyes, "yeah, no shit. What's your point."
Alastor: "my point is, my dear, he quite literally doesn't belong here. He's a mere human." Vaggie quickly looks at the boy for a few seconds before her eyes widen, "humans can't travel between dimension. Otherwise, they will suffer a painful death. So the question is, how is our not so demonic friend over there, not suffering a painful death right now?"
Vaggie: looks at the forever smiling demon, then back at the young man, "I hate to say it Alastor, but you have a point. Because of the realms makeup is beyond what humans can physically handle. He should be in pain right now."
Alastor: "I suggest we keep an eye on our new friend." Vaggie looks up at him and contemplates something but then nods, "good, now that's dealt with. Tah tah!" he then walks away and seemingly disappears into the shadows.
Charlie: turns around to see how far back Vaggie was, "Vaggie, what are you doing back there! You're lagging behind!"
Vaggie: "coming!"
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As the camera begins to pan away, we can see as Vaggie is running towards Charlie and Y/n. As it continues to pan, we can then see on top of one of the many buildings in the city. As we get a closer look at it, we can see 4 feminine looking shadowy figures. Even tho they are covered in shadow, what could be made out was one of the figures seems to be caring a large scythe of some kind. Another one seems to have tentacles coming out of her arms, which are covered by her sleeves, and seems to have strange animal ear looking shapes on her head. Another has long wild looking hair, seemingly metallic or armored arm and something with coat tails on it. Finally, the other one also seemed to have long hair but hers was fashioned into a ponytail, a long but gravity defying dress, and some kind of rapier on her hip. However, what was almost noticeable about all 4 of these figures, is that all of them had either 1 or 2 demonic looking horns on their heads.
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??? 1: "look at that, ladies. Seems we have an interning visitor on our hands."
??? 2: "if what that radio demon said is true, then he's a human."
??? 3: her normal looking hand then turns into a monstrous looking one, before she then licks one of her long claws, "and he's a cutie. He looks like he'll be fine."
??? 4: her tendrils move into the air and remove her mask from her face, "I won't deny that. He seems like he'll be fun to play with." causing them all to let out an evil chuckle.
??? 5: "the issue is with him being her in the first place."
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The 4 girls then turned around and saw another feminine figure approaching them but like the others, her figure was covered in shadow. However, what could be made out was her long hair that was fashioned into a ponytail and seems to be wearing some kind of armor, with a sword and shield resting on her back.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAWevcd3wk6k
??? 1: "ah, what brings you here..... our overlord?"
??? 5: "I heard rumors that this so called 'Happy Hotel' had a strange new guest that literally fell on them. So I wanted to check them out for myself. I see the information was correct."
??? 2: "so.... what do you want us to do?"
??? 5: "nothing.... for now. Something is clearly wrong with him. I'll go inform our mistress. In the meantime. You 4 keep an eye on him. Learn what you can, but don't reveal yourselves until I, or our mistress, says so."
??? 1-4: "right!"
??? 3: "an excuse to watch over cutie for longer. Say less." causing the others to just sigh.
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Then all 5 of them looked down at the trio, each of their now glowing red eyes clearly visible from the shadows. A piece of paper flies over the screen, but when it finally leaves our view, the 5 girls are gone. Vaggie then instantly looks up and narrows her eyes, but doesn't see anything. So, shrugging her shoulders, she decided to continue walking alongside Charlie and Y/n.
90Please respect copyright.PENANA87l1IUXb4L
Relaxing At the Bar
[Timeskip | brought to you by 5 chibi shadowy figures watching a chibi Y/n, Charlie, and Vaggie]
90Please respect copyright.PENANAaCt2jdguUz
We now see the trio at one of the local bars called the Bull-head. Each hand food in front of them, which was nachos, burgers and friends, and each had some kind of alcohol in their glass drinks. We can see that Y/n was on the far right of the trio, with Charlie being beside him and Vaggie beside her. Behind the bar was a very large bull-man looking demon. He kinda looked like a typical Minotaur but was shorter than on, tho still taller than the average adult man. He had some kind of leather helmet on, a suit, arm guards and a loincloth.
He was cleaning some glass cups, but then someone ordered a drink. See, he grabbed the ingredients and cups needed. As he mixes them, he begins to;
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Charlie: "so you really can't remember anything?"
Y/n: "nope. I get glimpses here and there, but that's about it."
Charlie: "that's so weird. Do you think it's because of your fa-how you got here?"
Y/n: "maybe, but I'm not really sure.... wait, why are you asking me? I'm new to all of this."
Charlie: "hehe, right, sorry." she then turns to her friend, "Vaggie, what do you think?"
Vaggie: she was string her cup until she heard her name, "huh? Oh, yeah, probably. His..... unique entrance could've caused some kind of damage to him. Making hard for him to remember."
Charlie: she leans back on her chair, keeping herself from falling by holding onto the bar, "maybe." she then sits back normally, "your situation is pretty unique. Sinners typically remember their lives before they get here, and sometimes their deaths."
Bartender: walks up to them, "she's right, you know." they look up at him cleaning more glass cups, "wouldn't be much of a just punishment if we didn't remember why we're here in the first place."
Charlie: "true, I just wish we could figure out why you lost your memory in the first place. It might be the key to your..... situation."
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As they continued to talk, right behind them, a fight was beginning to break out.
90Please respect copyright.PENANADrTfmJl67X
Guest 1: "how about you shut up, old man! This asshat has it coming!"
Guest 2: "no, that's you asswipe!"
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As the 2 began to fight some more, a bottle of beer got tossed in the commotion, and it was heading right for Charlie. Vaggie was just about to react, but as Charlie began to turn around, she flinched at the incoming bottle. When she opened her eyes, she saw someone has caught the bottle. When the pair, and the Bartender, looked, they saw that it was actually Y/n who caught it, but he looked just as confused as they were.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAMVFmQV42Vk
Charlie: "wow, you actually caught that in midair! How did you do that?"
Y/n: "I'm..... not sure."
Vaggie: "what do you mean by 'not sure'? You're the one who caught it."
Y/n: "uhhh, yeah. It's like my body reacted on its own. Like it was some kind of instinct."
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Suddenly, the trio heard some kind of loud noise and yelling. When they looked, they saw the large Bartender was holding the 2 men by the scruffs of their neck like they were newborn kittens.
90Please respect copyright.PENANA7E3tgtYMKM
Bartender: "when I say 'take it outside'. I mean, TAKE IT OUTSIDE!!!"
90Please respect copyright.PENANA6WZJ5VHRad
The large demon then threw the pair not through the door, not through the window, but straight through the fucking wall like it was paper. This caused the other bar goers to look on in a mixture of fear and amazement. The 2 men could barely get up, but still managed to look at him angrily. The demon walked towards the hole in the wall and looked down at them, narrowing his eyes as he does so.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAcat8XVbXkv
Bartender: "got a problem?"
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The pair instantly felt fear take hold of them, so they began to run away...... well, limp away as best they could. The demon then huffs under his breath before returning to the bar as if nothing happened.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAycWxdi3DDT
Bartender: "sorry about that. Sometimes you gotta be rough with these morons."
Charlie: "no no, I get it but what about your wall?"
Bartender: "me, that's a future me problem."
Y/n: "thaaaats..... not a good mindset to have."
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After a few more drinks and just relaxing and talking to each other, the trio can be seen walking out of the bar. Charlie and Y/n can be seen waving bye to the Bartender before finally walking off. As they continued to walk, the young man deiced to asking Charlie something.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAbkGIR8pU5J
Y/n: "so, Charlie." this causes her to turn and look at him, "what's this whole extermination thing I've been hearing about?"
Charlie: "what? How have you been hearing about that? We've been with you this whole time."
Y/n: "I think I heard about it when I was knocked out. I thought I was dreaming, but I figured I'd ask. That and I heard some people at the bar whispering it."
Charlie: lets out a small sigh, "well, the yearly extermination is heaven raining down from the sky to slaughter sinners. It's their solution to our over population problem, since sinners can't leave the ring of pride."
Y/n: "so the 9 rings are a thing, but aren't they dead already? How can they be killed again?"
Charlie: "they can, because they aren't dead anymore. How it works is when they die, they are reincarnated as a demon but retain who they are and their memories. However, they can't die through normal means or illness. It takes a powerful demon, lowers of light, or a weapon of angelic nature to truly kill them."
Y/n: "I see. Charlie, I'm sorry that I'm about to sound like an asshole but-"
Charlie: she then stops her foot hard onto the ground and for a second she turned into her half demon form, "they don't deserve that!" she looks at the young angrily before cooling down, "s-sorry. It's just that..... they don't deserve to die again. Once they are killed down here, that's it. They're erased from existence or their soul posses and object. Sure, there are some of those down here who are the worst, but even they deserve redemption. I truly believe within every demon is a rainbow that's just waiting to come out. They just need someone to believe in them. That's what I'm trying to achieve with my hotel. I want to redeem the sinners so they can pass on into heaven."
Y/n: "that was weirdly hot. / so you believe even the worst can be redeemed?"
Charlie: she looks up at him with pure conviction, "I do......" she then folds her arms, "except for that broom lip bastard. That fucker can suffer for all eternity for all I care."
Vaggie: "yeah, It's rare to hear her cuss sometimes."
Y/n: "I've noticed and that she comes off as pure."
Vaggie: "but she truly believes in what she's saying. It's just sad that others don't give her a chance."
Y/n: looks up at the red sky, "It's not like you can blame them." he then looks back at them, "you don't need to be a Christian to know what hell is. all media and stories that's ever been made claim it's a place of eternal damnation. A place you can never leave from nor ever been redeemed. It's the place where the absolute scum of the earth is sent." he then looks at his open hand, "you're basically raised to believe in these so-called facts." he then balls up his fist, "it's even worse if you come from a Christian household." he then looks back at them, "so I can't blame them."
Vaggie: she was about to come to Charlies defense, "hey-"
Y/n: "however, after meeting everyone at the Hazbin Hotel and especially you 2. I'm starting to think differently." this causes Charlies eyes to practically sparkles, "that even hell itself isn't as black and white as everyone think it is. maybe it's possible for even the worst to get redeemed." he then raises up his fist in front of him, "alright Charlie, I've decided. I don't know how, I don't know in what way, but I'll help you achieve your dreams. I swear it." he then forms a cocky smile on his face.
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Charlie can be seen practically beaming right now, that someone else is believing in her, while Vaggie is forming a rare smile on her face. It's small but a smile nonetheless. However, what the trio don't know, that this one seemingly insignificant decision will set into motion events that will change hell forever. A vow from this seemingly normal and insignificant human that was somehow thrust into hell without dying. The question is, will they be ready when that time arrives, or will they fall?
The screen then slowly fades to black as the camera pans upwards into the sky.
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A Plot From a Witch
[Location: Wrath Ring]
90Please respect copyright.PENANAy8WofjZXoB
As the screen slowly fade back to normal, we can now see a volcanic wasteland. Everywhere the eye can see was nothing but lava, molten rock, igneous rock (dried up lava), and very active volcanos. A true depiction of hell itself.
As the camera continues to pan around, we can now see an absolutely huge, dark medieval style castle. This castle appears to not only be crafted from an active volcano but also looks to be made from the very lava that surrounds it.
As the camera begins to pan to inside the castle, we can see that the inside was no different. Lava falls and rivers everywhere. As it continues to pan around, we can see what can best be described as a throne room. Inside was absolutely large, almost looking like a stadium rather than a throne room. In the middle of this room was a platform that was suspended into the air, only being held up by large chains and a single bridge that leads to it. On the walls were numerous statues of some unknown woman with dragon like features, each in a different pose. Between each statue were large lava falls that lead into a huge lava lake that rests underneath the platform. As we get a better look around, we can see a tall mountain like structure that sits near the back of the room. This mountain is tall enough to nearly cast a shadow over the platform. On the top of the mountain was an obsidian throne that appears to have been built into the mountain itself. All over it were skulls, bones and blades.
Once we get a better look at it, we can see a rather voluptuous figure sitting on the throne. Her overall figure hidden by the shadow that her throne is casting. What can be made out was her long, wild looking hair, 2 large horns, something round and large on her back, and a rather long and thick dragon like tail that is currently resting on one of the arm rests. Another thing noticeable about her was her bright crimson red eyes that pierces through the shadows. We can see that this figure is resting her head on one of her fists, with her long longs crossed and her other clawed hand tapping on the other arm rest. From just her eyes alone, she clearly looks both bored and annoyed by something. Then a small turtle looking creature came bursting through the absolutely large double doors. This creature appears to be more humanoid in nature, it had grayish skin, yellow eyes, a large red turtle shell on its back, a demonic tail and 2 small demon horns.
* yeah, couldn't find a good, evil looking version of the Troopa that I liked.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAYz5nrZjlea
Turtle: "my queen, my queen! I have some news!"
90Please respect copyright.PENANAObPle9Hnxk
The woman looks down at the creature. Her mere graze was enough to make the creature stop in its tracks.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAcLEt1bJ1uQ
???: "Grrr." a small puff of fire shoots out from her mouth, "what do you want, grunt? For your own sake, it better be good."
Turtle: "it is indeed my queen. The princess of hell as made contact with a special guest."
???: "and? Why should I care about that brat and her ridiculous hotel?" more fire begins to shoot out of her mouth.
Turtle: "is haven't confirmed it yet, but there's a rumor about this guest. That he might be a human."
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The womans eyes widen but then sharpen in anger, he eyes glowing even brighter than before. She then suddenly stud up, causing even more fire to spray out of her mouth, which almost hit him but luckily for him, he managed to duck in time.
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???: "WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!"
90Please respect copyright.PENANAZJ0Isu3PL5
Her mighty roar was powerful enough to cause the entire castle to shake, as if an earth quack is currently happening. Almost as if the lava itself is responding to her anger, lava spouts begin to shoot into the air, allowing use to see what this woman looks like.
* Art Credit = https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5112841
* I know I could've gone with the normal version of her, but I decided to go with something that looks more demonic in nature without being too overkill.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAaf23tHgkfd
With the lava now illuminating her figure, we can get a better looking at what she looks like. We can see she has a rather curvy figure, rather large.... ahem, assets, scale covering her hands and arms that end just above her elbows, some scales on her shoulders, long wild red hair, some kind of spiked turtle shell on her back, 2 large horns, a small crown on her head, a large and long dragon tail, and lite tanned skin. She was also wearing a long black battle worn dress that does little to hide her curves and merely squishes her rather large breasts.
She then looks down at the little turtle like creature with pure anger in her eyes and hatred in her voice.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAtjeZ28C8ZS
???: "for your sake, you BETTER be joking, little insect. A lowly little human CANT be down in here in hell. It's impossible for such frail, weak, fragile little being to even survive a second down here."
Turtle: begins to shake in his shell, while slowly retreating into it, "it-it-it-it-it's o-only a rumor my queen. It-it-it hasn't been proven y-yet."
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The woman then slowly walks down her throne with heavy footsteps. As we can see, she isn't wearing any footwear as her feet someone resemble a dragons, albeit more humanoid in shape. With each thunderous stomp, he flinches and begins to retreat into his shell more and more. She finally stops in front of him, not only show just how small the creature is, but also how tall she is. she then reaches down and grabs him by his shell. She then slowly lifts him up, causing him to fully retreat into his shell, with only his eyes now being seen.
90Please respect copyright.PENANAdbVaD6n6iI
???: "tell me, worm, who has told you such rumors?" more puffs of fire come out of her mouth as she begins to growl like a beast. This scares the absolute piss out of him.
Turtle: "I'm gonna need a new shell after this./ I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I don't know my queen. It wasn't one of our usual sources. Just some cloaked figure saying they work for someone called The Fallen."
???: her eyes then widen for a second before narrowing her eyes, "tch." she then looks to her side and drops him, "what are you playing at here-"
90Please respect copyright.PENANAITGeVJ4o9z
[Location: Unknown]
90Please respect copyright.PENANAm6mjiDoKHy
We now see into a very vampire-esc castle room. Inside were candles placed everywhere, almost every inch of the walls covered in windows, dark purple crystal like formations that either have glowing purple tips or bottoms, in the middle was a large purple table that seems to be made from this same crystal substance. Then we can see that this table has large chairs surrounding it, but not the metaphorical front or back of the table. Finally, we can then see a large throne at the back of the room that appears to be made from this same purple substance.
On this throne, we can see a pale as a ghost, slender looking woman wearing a long black dress that allows some of her big cleavage to be seen. She also noticeably has 2 long white horns on her head and long white hair. We can see her sclera was black while her eyes were a bright red color. This woman then rests her head on her fist while forming a cocky smile on her face.
* https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3383118?q=parent%3A3325292
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* 1:10
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Suddenly, 6 pairs of wings come out from her back but what was most shocking about them was 3 of her wings looked like your typical demonic wings, but the other, looked like a tainted version of an angel's wings.
The camera then begins to quickly zoom out, revealing a large castle made from the same purple crystal like substance.
As the camera continues to zoom out quickly. We can see a barren wasteland, filled with large purple crystals, black lakes and mountainous regions. As it continues to zoom out, we can see hordes upon hordes of black monstrous creatures of varying sizes and shapes, but each had some kind of white mask of their faces.
As the camera fully zooms out, we can see that there are hundreds of these creatures, then in the background a large bird like creature can be seen flying towards the camera. It then flies down, out of frame, but then quickly flies back up into frame. As it flies in front of the camera, the scene fades to black.
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A/n: welp that's it for this chapter, how did you like it? Now, I'll go ahead and say I'm sorry. I have a feeling I didn't get Alastor right in this one. I've never written a character like him before. And yes, I did give him some fourth wall breaking characteristics. I just felt it sorta fits his character. Now, you might be wondering what was going on with Vaggie in the beginning. Well, I'm not telling. There's an aspect of her personality that I decided to make more of a core part of her character. I don't know how extreme it is in the canon series, but in this one It's dialed up a bit. Not sure why I did it originally, but I'm sticking with it. Before anyone asks, yes, the bartender is General Kai from Kung Fu Panda. His character will be explored in later chapters, and yes, he was originally human. I have some plans for him, but you'll have to wait and see what they are. Welp that's all I can think of, so I'll see you....... in the next chapter.
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