A/n: I can't believe this slipped my mind in the last chapter. My bad. If you're a little confused when the first chapter takes place, it takes place just after episode 1 but before episode 2. This will be just before episode 2 and then finally get on track with following the story.
Also, ironically, this song is what somewhat inspired this series. There was something else, but i'll save that for later as it contains spoilers, but this song did inspire me to write this story while the other one gave me plot ideas.
97Please respect copyright.PENANA3L3pCLSOwt
Coming up with a Plan
We now see an exterior shot of the Hazbin Hotel, then the camera begins to zoom into the hotel building. On the inside we can see Charlie pacing back and forth in a complete panic. Then we see a little cat like demon naked Keekee walking beside its owner. We can also see as Angel Dust is sitting on the sofa while watching her pacing around while sneaking glazes at their newest member, Y/n. We then said as said young man was sitting on a chair while reading some books, clearly confused at what he was reading, but he was still trying his best to absorb the information. Finaly, we see a Vaggie was sitting on a chair that sits beside the chair that Y/n was sitting on. She was clearly sad about the current situation and seeing her best friend basically panicking at what to do.
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Charlie: "okay, think. The extermination is coming within six months, instead of a year! That's not a lot of time but no big deal. Just a small set back, that's all. Hehe, yeah, nothing we can't handle. It's just a few angels cutting our timetable in half, but who needs a whole year to save some souls? Pfft, that's child play for the princess of hell!" her panic then sets in some more, "then they will cut it in half again, then again, then again again again AGAINAGAINAGAINAGAINAGAIN!!!"
Vaggie: "woahwoahwoah there!" she then quickly got up and places her hands on Charlies shoulders, "just calm down. Just take a breath but your right, we got this."
Angel Dust: "oooh, please. Yah had less than a half of a chance when you started this whole salvation bullshit and now-" when his phone vibrates, he looks at it and sees multiple massages, some including words like 'fucking bitch', "there's no silver lining this time toots. Your fuck and i don't mean the good kind."
Charlie: "of course there's a silver lining! We just....... need to think harder, that's all. Besides, we have help this time!" she then uses both of her hands to gesture to Y/n, who looked up in confusion.
Angel Dust: "who, the hun-ahem? You mean the new guy? Please, ain't no way he can help us. He doesn't know shit about hell or how the system down here works."
Charlie: "he can help! Besides, he has a....... unique perspective that could help us."
Vaggie: "Charlie, i think your putting too much faith in him. He's just a...... sinner after all. And a new one at that."
Charlie: she then lets out a small sigh, "i know, i know. Its just that..... i want to save them."
Angel Dust: "well keep on dreaming toots. Hell is going nuts right now and i mean literally." he then waves his phone in her face, "people are freaking the fuck out, it's all over the news. Look at what just happened in the doomsday district."
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He then begins to scroll down his phone until it lands at the bottom. This shows a demon screaming like a mad man while fire burns behind him. Suddenly a pink message appears at the top of the screen, allowing Charlie to read it.
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Charlie: "err, what's a........ 'donkey show'?"
Angel Dust: in a panic he hides his phone, "uhh, hahaha. It's nothing. Just my boss Val. He's freaking about this whole news thing too. He has....... a unique way of talking. Like i said, everyone is losing their fucking shit over this."
Y/n: he then closes the book he was reading and sighs, "besides, we still don't know how i can help. Reading all of this isn't helping me. i barely understand this shit." he then pinches the bridge of his nose and places the book down.
Charlie: "Wait.... does that mean your giving up?"
Y/n: he then looks up at her, "haha, no. there's no shot im leaving a beautiful woman like yourself to face all of this by herself." this causes her to blush a little before messing with one of her strands of hair.
Vaggie: she then leans over to look at him from behind Charlie, "ahem."
Y/n: he then looks at Vaggie, "what?"
Vaggie: "im here too, you know."
Y/n: "i know. I'm not leaving a beautiful badass woman like yourself alone either."
Vaggie: she then gets up and folds her arms while narrowing her eyes, "don't think you can sweet talk me. I'm not falling for that shit./ never again."
Y/n: "what shit? i only speak the truth."
Vaggie: "that's what all men like to say."
Y/n: "...... pardon?"
Charlie: she then quickly gets to her friend and places her hands on Vaggies shoulders, "dahahahaha, she's such a jokester." she then gets closer to Vaggie and whispers, "We talked about this Vaggie. Not all men are like........ them."
Vaggie: her eyes then wide just for second before looking away and grips her locket, "i know, sorry. It's just....... old memories."
Charlies: she continues to whisper, "just give him a shot, i know he can help you."
Vaggie: she also whispers, "im not there yet Charlie but ill try to be...... nicer."
Charlie: she then smiles and whispers, "thanks, you'll get there. Trust me. Just take baby steps."
Y/n: he then leans over so they can see him, "uhhh, am i missing something?"
Charlie: she then quickly turns around and waves her hands frantically, "nothingnothingnothingnothingnothing, nothing at all. Just girl talk, that's all. Aheheheheee."
Y/n: he then raises an eyebrow, "okaaaaaay. Anyways. We still need to find a way for me to somehow help you guys." he then looks at Angel Dust, "but it's like you said Angel Dust, sinners are going crazy out there and crazy breeds desperation."
Vaggie: "maybe they could be just desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?"
Charlie: "your right! And that would be the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!"
Y/n: he then stands up and places one of his hands in his pocket, "on that note, im heading off."
Vaggie: "and where are you going?"
Y/n: he then turns and looks at her with a cheeky smile, "what, curious if i could get lucky?" she looks at him barely even flinching, "man your not fun. I'm just heading off to the local bar."
Charlie: "what for?"
Y/n: "well, im not getting shit from these books. So im going for a more hands-on approach. A bar would be the best place to go to get a read on people." he then turns around and heads towards the front door.
Charlie: "hey wait, I'll join up with you later!"
Y/n: he then looks at her with a cheeky grin, "oh, it's a date then. See yah!" he then walks towards the front door.
Charlie: "a date?........." her face then turned red, "n-n-n-not what i meant..... you..... you dork!" she said with a stomp, her fists balled and down by her waist like a child.
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This cutesy insult causes the young man to stop and chuckle before leaving, Angel Dust to laugh at her with a hand over his eyes, and Vaggie doing her best to hold it all in. This causes Charlie to then pout with her arms crossed, and her cheeks puffed up.
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Finding the Role
[Mini Timeskip]
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We now see into the Bull-Head, we can see its more packed than usual with a multitude of different demons and sinners within it. As the camera pans around, we can see Y/n sitting at the bar looking as if he was thinking about something while the other bar goers behind him were enjoying their drinks, talking to each other or playing typical bar games. In front of the young man was the same unnamed null like demon, doing his usual thing of cleaning the glasses.
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Y/n: "you know i don't think i ever got your name the last time i was here."
Kai: "oh, guess i forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kai, im a sinner demon. Oh, by the way. Are you meeting with your lady friends again?"
Y/n: "hehe, yup. i want to help Charlie with achieving her dream..... but-" he then lets out a sigh, "im not sure how i'll do that. I'm new down here, so there's not much i know about hell, Demons and sinners. Let alone how to redeem someone." he then looks down at his glass, "Say, do you believe someone can be redeemed?"
Kai: he then places his cup down before leaning on the bar with one arm, "that's a tricky and heavy question to answer kid. Hell has existed since the dawn of man and yet not a single sinner has ever been redeemed. But just because it hasn't happened before, doesn't mean it can't happen. i mean, look at me" he then points at himself with his thumb.
Y/n: "what does that mean?"
Kai: "you came from the 21st century right?"
Y/n: "yeaaaaaah but how did you know that?"
Kai: "when you've been down here for as long as i have, you pick up on a few things. Now tell me, have you ever heard of anyone from China nicknamed Master of Pain, Beast of Vengeance, Maker of Widows?"
Y/n: "hmmmmm. Maybe?"
Kai: "okay, how about The Jade Slayer?"
Y/n: he then rubs his chin, "wait, i think i have heard that one. There was this sacred Kung Fu temple in China called the Jade Palace. i heard it was destroyed a few 100 years ago....... wait."
Kai: "that's right. That was me." he then looks down before turning his back and continues to clean more glasses, "not one of my proudest moments." he then looks down at the glass he was cleaning and sees his own reflection, "I've done........ a lot of horrible things back then. Things im not proud of now. I've hurt so many friends, comrades and a brother in arms." he then puts his glass down with a sigh, "all because i was jealous of someone i viewed as my brother. That he was changing and i was not."
Y/n: "what do you mean?"
Kai: he then turns around, "i won't bore you with the details but have you ever heard of Chi?"
Y/n: "i think so?"
Kai: "well, my brother in arms was someone i viewed as a brother, even tho we weren't. His name was Oogway. We fought a great many battles together but one day he got badly hurt. In desperation, i want to the ends of earth to find anything that would help him while carrying him on my back. Then i came a crossed this little village deep within one of the many snowy mountains in China. There we met many monks but non I've seen before. They didn't even ask questions, they just helped us. Once they healed him, they began to teach him the ways of Chi. After watching them, i taught myself how to wield it then-" he then tightens his grip, "i had to go and get power mad. i took what they taught him and turned it into a weapon. Oogway chose there side and stopped me from doing something horrible, but he couldn't bring himself to finish the job. i was so angry. How dare my brother betray me, for some damn monks. ME, his own brother in arms, the one who has been by his side for most of our lives! He chose total strangers over me!" he then slumps over the bar with a sigh, "i was such a fool back then. i was blinded by my anger that i couldn't see the truth. So i grew stronger, vowing to get my revenge. So i destroyed the temple Oogway spent so many years to build. I've defeated many of his students, and I've even killed some of them." he looks at his open hand before balling it up, "i took there lives, snuffed them out like they were nothing but obstacles in my way. In anger, he stopped and killed me for what I've done. Its ironic really. Coming down to hell helped me realize just how much of a fool i was. If i could see him again, i would tell him how sorry i was. How much of a fool i was. But..... i'll never get that chance."
Y/n: "hey man, don't say that. You never know. If-when Charlies plan works out. You'll be able to see him again."
Kai: "hmhm, maybe but sorry i went on about myself. You must be bored."
Y/n: "naaah, i don't mind. It sounded like you needed to get that off your chest. Plus you just gave me more motivation to help her out. Besides, this Chi stuff-"
Kai: "its to late. Once your down here, you can't learn it. It requires a human body. Sinners and Demons have their own energy they use but if you did learn it before coming down here then you still have it." he then flicks his wrist as green energy forms around it for a second.
Y/n: "awww, man that sucks./ wait........ but i am human........ maybe-"
Charlie: "Y/n! We're here! Sorry we kept you waiting!"
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When Y/n turned around, he saw not only Charlie was there but Vaggie too, tho that's not all that surprising.
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Y/n: "sup you 2."
Charlie: she then sits beside him while Vaggie sits beside her, "did we miss anything?"
Y/n: he then looks at Kai for a moment before looking back at her, "nothing much. Just getting to know Kai more."
Charlie: "Kai?" she then looks at the large bull-like demon, "wait, that's your name?"
Kai: "huh, i must be getting rusty."
Charlie: "oh by Satan! I'm so sorry. I didn't even bother asking your name."
Kai: "it's no trouble at all princess."
Charlie: "just call me Charlie." she then lets out a small smile.
Kai: "sure thing..... princess Charlie." he then forms a cheeky smile.
Charlie: she then cutely puffs up her cheeks, "just Charlie thank you."
Kai: "sure thing." he then leans in close to Y/n, "I've also gained a sense of humor since coming down here." causing Y/n to chuckle before Kai straightens back up, "what can i get you 2?"
Charlie: "mmmmm, i think i'll have-"
???: he then slams his hand on to bar, getting between Y/n and Charlie, "look at what we got here boys, 2 bombshells."
97Please respect copyright.PENANArYXSlrUkgU
When they looked, they saw a tall and well-built Hellhound. He was wearing typical bicker leather jacket and jeans. He also had thick boots and dark sunglasses over his eyes. He then raises up his glasses before winking at them with a smile, which causes a sparkle to form do how clean his teeth are. This causes Charlie to roll her eyes and groan.
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Biker Hellhound Leader: "what do you say baby, ditch this loser and come have fun with us?" he then waves as his friends, who all raise their beer mugs.
Charlie: "not.... interested." behind her, we can see as Vaggie begins to reach for her dagger.
Biker Hellhound Leader: "don't be like that sweetie. i can guarantee I'm much better than this shrimp over here."
Charlie: her eyebrow then twitches, "says the guy who looks like he's close to the same height of Y/n. Tho this guy does have bigger muscles./ i said im not interested."
Biker Hellhound Leader: "awww, don't be like that."
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The hellhound leader then goes to grab Charlie by her wrist before Vaggie could react, someone grabbed his arm. When they all looked, they saw Y/n
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Y/n: "why don't you leave her alone dude. She said she wasn't interested."
Biker Hellhound Leader: "why don't you stay out of this loser? I'm about to take your girl so buzz the fuck OFF!!!"
97Please respect copyright.PENANATRrANMpO6X
The hellhound quickly turned around and goes for a punch to Y/ns face but, almost on pure instinct, the young man just swatted his hand away. Making the hellhound let out a 'the fuck'. He then goes for another punch but this time, Y/n slightly swatted his arm away, but then he maneuvered his own arm around the hounds arm. This resulted in the demons fist being underneath Y/ns armpit as he uses his arm to hold it in place. Then with his free hand, he punches the demon in the center of his chest. This causes the hound to gasp for air before Y/n opens his hand and uses his palm to strike the demons chin incredibly hard. The force of which caused his head to look of so fast that if he wasn't a demon, then his neck might have snapped. In a daze, the hellhound slowly slid to the floor. Everyone looked at him in surprise, while some bare goers left feeling a fight was about to break out, while Kai looked at him with a more curious look. Y/n stopped moving before he looked at his hands in confusion. It was almost like....... he didn't even mean to do that.
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Biker Hellhound Grunt 1: "boss!"
Biker Hellhound Leader: "don't just stand there morons! Get him!"
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Seeing the 4 hellhounds come at him with evil chuckles, Y/n wasn't sure what came over him, but he just stud up and took on a strange stance. He then raised his arms up to about the same level as his head, he then rotates his hands to face his palms away from him. He then lowers his head down slightly and folds his chest ever so slightly as if to bend over. Then he raises his right leg up slightly by standing on his toes.
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Kai: his eyes then widen, "that's..."
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The first hellhound got close to Y/n, causing him to let out a deep exhale. Once this hellhound got close enough, he went for a powerful punch but Y/n simply redirects the demons fist ever so slightly with his right arm. He then punches him directly in the face with his left fist. Not giving him a moment to react, Y/n gets close, folds his left arm and uses his elbow to strike him hard on the bottom of his chin. The speed and strength of this strike was so great that it sent the demons head to look straight up, almost breaking his neck. As the hellhound fell, a second one came rushing in from behind Y/n. Seeing this the young man opened his palms and allows his body to relax.
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Kai: he then folds his arms, "that one too?"
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When the second hellhound went for a strike, Y/n redirects his strike but this time he grabs the hellhounds sleeve. Y/n then bend his arm downwards, rotates his body and tosses the demon over his shoulder. He was able to toss the demon a good distance away until he crashes into some nearby tables.
* kind like this, but you tossed him.
The third one got angry and rushed towards Y/n form behind. However, before the strike could make contact with him, Y/n simple ducks down quickly. In one smooth motion, he leg sweeps the demons feet, causing the hellhound to trip over him and fall. However, before he could make contact with the floor, Y/n balls up his fists and draws him arms close to his center mass before thrusting them forward. These fists made such a devastating strike on the demons gut, that it not only made him caught up saliva but also sent him skidding a crossed the ground and into a nearby wall. The fourth and final hellhound just watches as Y/n gets up without a single scratch on him. This causes him to instant raise his hands up in a surrender like position, letting out small dong like whimpers.
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Biker Hellhound Leader: "enough!"
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When Y/n and the 4th hellhound looked at the leader they saw him holding onto Charlie by her neck, but strangely she looked unbothered by the whole thing. She looks more annoyed than anything.
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Biker Hellhound Leader: "now, no one move otherwise i'll snap her little neck."
Vaggie: "i wouldn't do that if i was you bastard."
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When the leader looks down we saw something that would make any man sweat. As the camera pans down, we can see that Vaggie was holding a very sharp dagger right against his junk. When he looked at Vaggies face, it said 'i will do it'.
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Vaggie: "unless you want to use this thing again. i suggest you let her go...... now!"
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In pure fear for his prized tool, he lets Charlie got, but before he could run, Kai, with an unbothered look, simply hits him on the top of his head with so much force that it sent him straight to the floor. The force was strong enough that it almost made him go through the floor. His face shows just how easy that was for him.
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Charlie: simply dusts herself off and straightens up her suit before looking at the large bull-like demon, "wow Kai, your strong."
Kai: he flexes his large muscles that are easily bigger than her head, "these aren't for show you know."
Charlie: "i guess you have a point." she then looks at Y/n and rushes towards him, "you were amazing Y/n. I didn't know you could fight."
Y/n: "me....... me nether."
Charlie: she then cutely tilts her head, "huh? How can you not know that?"
Y/n: "i'm..... not really sure. i just felt natural but nevermind that, are you alright Charlie?"
Charlie: she waves her hand in a dismissive manner, "pffft. That was nothing. I could've freed myself."
Kai: walks up towards them, "then you must've had a great teacher there kid." they then look at him as he folds his arms, "that was not only Muay Thai but also your style had a mix of Judo and Karate in it."
Charlie: "wait, you can tell that?"
Kai: "when i was alive, i was a martial arts master."
Charlie: then almost like a lightbulb went off in her head, she smiles and looks up at Y/n, "i know what you can do!"
Y/n: "like what-hey!" she then grabs onto his arm and runs with him in tow.
Charlie: "come on! i know just the thing!"
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Charlie then ran out of the bar with Y/n in tow, leaving Vaggie and Kai to just stare in their direction.
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Vaggie: tho keep her distance, she looks up at Kai, "sorry about the mess."
Kai: "nah, it was nothing. It was a slow day anyways. Oh, and don't worry about paying. It was a treat to see actual martial arts again."
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Our New Security Guard!
[Mini Timeskip]
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We then see as the pair were in Charlies room, with Vaggie watching from the corner. We can see as Charlie was digging through some stuff in her room. We can also see that Y/n was sitting on a chair with his arms folded. He couldn't help but sneak glances as Charlies butt as she bends over to dig through her clothes.
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Charlie: "come on, come on, where is it. i know i saw it here somewhere."
Y/n: "hey Charlie. I've been meaning to ask something."
Charlie: while still digging, "like what?"
Y/n: "i mean to ask this the last time you gave me cloths but why do you have so many outfits that can fit a guy?"
Charlie: she then froze in place, "i....... i rather not talk about it." she then looks over her shoulder and appears visibly upset. "So can you drop it...... please."
Y/n: he looks at her and sees how upset she is, "sure."
Charlie: "thank you." she then continues to dig through her clothes.
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After some more digging, she finally shots up from a pile of clothes with a bright o smile on her face.
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Charlie: "found it!"
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[Mini Timeskip]
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We then see into the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. We can see as Angel Dust is sitting on a sofa while Husk, with his usual scowl, his behind the bar. Then we see as Charlie walks in.
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Charlie: "guys, let me introduce you to Hazbin Hotels-" she then moves to the side with a smile on her face and gives them jazz hands, "new security guard!"
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Angel Dust: "hot damn! I didn't think he could look any hotter!/ that's cool and all but how's that going to help us toots?"
Charlie: "errr, huuuuh. Aheheheee, well. I haven't though that far ahead yet but at least he can deal with the noisy guests."
Angel Dust: he then raises an eyebrow, "really? What, can he fight or something?"
Vaggie: she then folds her arms, "that is what the position would suggest."
Charlie: "yeah, you should've seen him. He took on 5 hellhounds. They were big guys too-" Angel dust then smugly smiles with a raised eyebrow.
Charlie: "-shush. Anyways, with him" she then raises her arms into the air with a smile, "we have nothing to worry about!"
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Literally that second, a massive explosion goes off, causing Charlie to stand their with her eyes wide while Vaggie just covers her ears. They all then looked behind Charlie, who lowers her arms to look behind her, to see a freshly made hole in the wall. When they went outside, they saw a strange looking zeppelin like vertical floating in the sky. It appears to be heavily armed and ready to fight. Upon seeing the inside of it, we can see a strange snake looking creature and multiple egg like creatures scattered around.
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Sir Pentious: "show yourself alasssstor! Come face my-"
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The snake like demon pauses for a moment before noticing Alastor isn't even near the hole he just made. He then quickly looks around until he finally sees him sipping some coffee on the second floor balcony.
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Sir Pentious: "there you are." he then slams his hands on the pedestal with a crazed look on his face, "now face my wrath!"
Alastor: he then takes another sip, "now....... who are you again?"
Sir Pentious: "who am i? Who am i?! You dare! I'm the great and all mighty sssssssir Pentioussssss!"
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Not really caring about this guy, Alastor dissolves into a fog before descending onto the ground. He then rematerializes beside Angel Dust, Vaggie, Charlie, and Y/n, all of whom are just watching as everything unfolds.
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Sir Pentious: "inventor, architect of desssssstruction, villain extraordinaire! And-"
Egg Bois: "ooo! You tell'em boss!"
Y/n: "...... he's the whole ass comedy centers isn't he?" this causes the others to nod.
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Then a strange looking short woman pops out from behind Alastors shoulder, clearly starstruck by the snake demon.
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Niffty: "oooOOOOOooooh, he's a bad boy."
Alastor: he then takes her off his shoulder and puts her down, "ah-ha! Well, if that was true. Then i would've heard about you. Strange that i haven't."
Sir Pentious: "........ i literally attacked you last week." this caused Alastor to tilt his head with his usual smile, "we've done this battle......... like........ 20 times."
Alastor: "Well....... you must be bad at this if i can't remember you."
Sir Pentious: "sssssssilence! Now cower in fear! For when I've ssssslain you, the mighty Veesssss will finally acknowledge me as their equal!"
Niffty: "ooooh!....... who are the Vees?"
Y/n: "beat me to it strange short woman." he then looks at Charlie and points at the short demon, "who's she again?"
Charlie: "that's Niffty, she's basically the maid of the hotel."
Y/n: "got it."
Alastor: "to answer your question....... nobody of importance."
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The Vees Entrance
[location: Vee Headquarters]
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The scene then shifts to the headquarters of the Vees. On the outside we can see a large storefront that has multiple people looking at some TV showing some kind of ad. they stared at them as if they were zombies. Then the door to the store finally does open, the people walked in.
We then see a slide show of other people looking at their phones, tablets, home TVs or computers as they were zombies as well. Their eyes swirling like they were being hypnotized by the ads themselves. We then see into a large room full of multiple monitors that watch the people around the tower. Then we see a thin man with a flat screen for a head sitting on his chair as electricity travels into him. This causes him to stand up with a crazed smile on his face.
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Vox: "muhahahahaha! Now that's what i call good television!"
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Then his screen face shifts to show Velvette is calling him. This causes him to put his hand near his head. He then uses his electric powers to transfer the call to one of his monitors and answers the call. We then see a woman with red hair fashioned into a ponytail, her sclera was red, and her irises were white. She looks at the screen clearly not happy about something as Vox sits back down on his chair.
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Vox: "well hello there Velvette. How are you doing this fine hellish morning?"
Velvette: "oh cut the shit Vox! i need you up here now!"
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Vox then looks at one of his many screens before grabbing his coffee mug and drinks from it.
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Vox: "inviting as that might be but i think i'll pass my dear."
Velvette: her eyebrow then twitches, "come get your little boy toy, he's wrecking my department. Besides, your not my type dumbass."
Vox: "dear, I'm everyone's type."
Velvette: she then looks at him for a few moments before scoffing, "just come get him already. I'm trying to put together a show and-"
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Behind her, we can then see several workers screaming and running from something as multiple objects get tosses around.
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Valentino (off-screen): "THAT FUCKING BITCH!!"
Velvette: "just get your ass over here, NOW!...... Satan, damn it, Valentino! Put that down!"
Valentino (off-screen): "NO! FUCK YOU!"
Velvette: "don't make me come over there you fucking pimp!"
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When the call ends, Voxs smile then fades away before he then lets out a sigh. He then stands up and fixes his bow tie.
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Vox: "oh Satan, here i go Valentino. Just another fucking day with Val. Hey-hey-hey. Fuck my life!"
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He then walks onto a platform before it then rises up. The scene then shifts to the inside of Velvettes studio. The staff can be seen running around and cleaning up the mess left behind from Valentinos rampage. We then see as Velvette walks up to 4 of her designers, each holding up a dress for her to look at.
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Velvette: "ugh, no. this is unacceptable. Your fucking fired! Now what's this? WRIST RUFFLES?! What is this, 1750?! BURN IT NOW, like the witches who wore it!"
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As she sent away her designers, Vox appears from behind her in a burst of electricity. We can see as he had his arms behind his back and a smile on his face...... uh, screen.
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Vox: "Velvette! i can see your quite busy. Now tell me, where's our hot-headed friend now?"
Velvette: she then turns to look up at him, "up in his tower. Waiting for his flat-faced prince to come calm him down!"
Vox: he then lets out a sigh, "and what got him so riled up today?"
Velvette: "who the fuck knows? But he tore up my best model! And you know, the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself together! Melissa! Get over here, now!"
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We then see a woman with a strange looking ponytail nervously running towards the platform and stands firm when she gets on it. Velvette then sues her overlord powers to change Melissas outfit by swiping her hand, like she was scrolling through her phone. She keeps doing this until she finds one she likes.
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Velvette: "no....... no.... ugh, hideous!..... i want to die....... eww." she then lets out a gasp, "yes! That's the one!"
Vox: "ah, looks like you have everything under control now."
Velvette: "of course i do moron! Now fuck off!" she then flips him off, "now shoo! Take care of that little piss baby!"
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Vox then walks upstairs until he comes a crossed a pretty large double door. In front was 2 female moth demons, who then open the door for him when he gets close enough. Once he enters the room, the 2 demons shut the doors. He looks around to find Valentino sitting on his couch, surrounded by a fog of red smoke. When the moth demon finally notices Vox, he sits up with pure fury in his eyes.
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Valentino: "fucking FINALLY!" he then throws his drink towards the wall, "kitty! Get me another drink!"
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Then a tiny demon stands beside him nods her head before quickly running off-screen, before reappearing with a new drink in her hand.
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Valentino: "ugh! Can you believe what that piece of shit just did?! THE UNGRATEFUL LITTLE WHORE!!!!"
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He then tosses his new drink towards Vox, who merely moves out of the way. This causes the coffee to hit the floor and shatter everywhere.
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Vox: "uhhh, which whore are we talking about this time?"
Valentino: "fucking, Angel Dust!" he then walks up to Vox, "who the fuck else would i be talking about?!" he then walks past him, "that fucking SLUT walked out on me!" he then looks at Vox, "ME! i fucking made him!" Vox then walks back a bit, "without me, he's nothing more than a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes!"
Vox: "oh? Did Angel quite on you?"
Valentino: "NO! He didn't fucking quit! He did something fucking worse!" he then takes Vox's phone, "he MOVED!!!" he then tosses it towards the wall, causing it to shatter in half, "he thinks he can just walk in here, work, and go home somewhere else? Can you FUCKING believe that?!" he then walks towards his closet, "he thinks he can just run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo of a daughter!"
Vox: "Angel is..... living with Lucifer's daughter?"
Valentino: "YEAH! That BITCH! Chuckie or chandler or some bullshit like that. Something mannish or whatever. She's got this fucking hotel and-" he then opens the closet doors to reveals guns, drugs, and pictures of himself. He then brings out 2 long pistols. Despite his anger, he says in a more calm tone, "which one of these makes me look sexier?" he then closes his closet.
Vox: "uh, what are you doing Val? You're not going to go over there are you?"
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Then Vox's left eye changes a little to show his shimmering anger, but Valentino was to busy leading up his guns.
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Valentino: "that slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone in that rancid shithole, i swear to Satan!"
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Before he could do anything more, Vox grabs him by his collar and forces him to look at him closer.
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Vox: his voice becomes distorted, "VAL! Calm down. Hehe, think about it."
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Vox then walks Valentino towards the large window at the front of his room and takes away one of his guns. He then puts said gun into his own pocket.
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Vox: "our brand is pure perfection. And what do you think chasing some whores around town will do to our image?"
Valentino: "um...... fuck it up?"
Vox: his monitor head makes a winning ding like noise, "right! Do you want to people think you can control your who-I mean employees?"
Valentino: "of course not!"
Vox: "exactly! And hey, you still have him under your contract. He isn't going anywhere! Sooooo. You should?......"
Valentino: "do...... nothing?"
Vox: his monitor face then makes a casino winning like sound, "great idea! Now that's why they pay you-" he then pinches Val's cheek, "the big bucks."
Valentino: "but...... i really wanted to shoot someone!"
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Valentino then gets his cigarette holder that already has on loaded into it. Vox then lights it using his electricity powers.
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Vox: "well, lemme cal up the lowest earners this month." he then walks up to one of the TVs with a console under it.
Valentino: "ohhh, you know me too well." he then chuckles before blowing out some smoke, "yah know...... Angel isn't the only one who's spending time in that ratty hotel with the Devils princesa"
Vox: "oh, who else is in there? Someone who owes you money or something?"
Valentino: he then lets out a soft chuckle, "someone who owes us much more than money..... the Radio Demon has returned. He's in that Hotel right now."
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Upon hearing that name, electricity courses through Vox's head and he scratches the desk so hard that it leaves claw marks. He then lets out a small but ominous chuckle before turning to look at Valentino. Then 2 red lines begin to appear on the left side of his lower lip.
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Vox: his voices begins to distort, "what....... did you just say?"
Valentino: "hmhmhmh, you heard me."
Vox: "Alastor...." he then walks up to him, "came back...... and he's with Lucifer's-" his face then begins to glitch, "daughter! And that wasn't the-" he then grabs onto Valentino's collar, "FIRST FUCKING THING YOU TOLD ME?!?!?!"
Valentino: he then frees himself from Vox's grip, "hey now, killing Alastor is your kink."
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Valentino then walks to the desk and turns on the television. Vox then teleports to the center of the screen, which shows a recording from one of his drones that flies high in the sky.
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[Location: Hazbin Hotel]
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As the scene then shifts from the drones point of view, we can see as Alastor using his power to attack Sir Pentious zeppelin, all the while laughing maniacally. Pentious screams can be heard from all the way down to the ground were the others watch on.
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Sir Pentious: "arghhh! Please..... please stop! i think im about to get sick!"
Charlie: "uhhhh.... Alastor? i think he's had enough."
Angel Dust: "nah, he's got a few more hits in him."
Y/n: "true, snakes are tougher than they look." he then eats some popcorn before offering some to Angel Dust, "want some?"
Angel Dust: "sure." he then grabs some and begins to eat it.
Charlie: she then looks at the pair with a deadpan expression, "where di you get that popcorn?"
Y/n: "from the kitchen."
Charlie: "and when did you have the time to do that?"
Y/n: "right when freaky deer dude-"
Angel Dust: "Alastor."
Y/n: "yeah, him, formed those cthulhion tentacle looking things and grabbed that air ship."
Charlie: "how in the fu-"
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Suddenly Pentious falls from his zeppelin and lands right in front of Alastor, face first onto the ground. Alastor looks down at him with his usual smile and twirls his staff.
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Alastor: "thanks for another great and forgettable experience...... whatever your name is again."
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Then one of his Egg Bois falls onto the ground and breaks into pieces right in front of Charlie.
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Sir Pentious: "and thank you...... FOR LETTING YOUR GUARD DOWN!!!"
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In that single moment, he uses his tail and grabs onto Alastor's suit.
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Sir Pentious: "ah-ha! Yah! I finally-oh shit."
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Suddenly Alastor's shadow begins to transform right in front of him, causing Pentious to look up in fear. Even his hat looks up in fear. From the front of the Hazbin Hotel, a large green explosion goes off. Then we can see as Sir Pentious was sent flying through the air while screaming as long as he could. That is, until he eventually disappears into the distance.
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Alastor: "well it looks as though i need to visit the tailor! Best of luck chums!"
Vaggie: "wait, you're leaving?! Alastor! We need your help! We need you to do your job."
Angel Dust: he then slouches over and gestures to the hole in the wall with his open hand, "we need a new wall."
Alastor: "oh, of course! Cant let my new little project fall into disrepair already. What would the papers say?!"
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He then snaps his fingers, which causes multiple black ink looking demons to appear from the ground as Alastor walks away. Each one of them had a different set of construction tools in their hands or belts. Angel Dust then takes interest in one of them and walks towards of the larger demons, shoving Vaggie and Y/n out of his way. He then walks up to it and points at him.
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Angel Dust: he then lets out a soft giggle, "hey there sweet cheeks. Watcha doin' later? i love me a man with a great...... tool."
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As the camera zooms out, the scene then transitions to that of a TV screen. As it continues to zoom out, it reveals that Valentino is scowling at the current events unfolding, leaning his face against the screen.
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Valentino: "you see that?! Look how he flirts with that guy, and he's not even paying him! And he seems awfully close to the punk bitch in the black suit! I'm going to kill both their families! Vox?" he then slams his fist onto the table in anger, "VOX!"
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* A/n: yeah I'm not doing what some others do and write the lyrics when the video is right there. Never understood that.
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After Alastor finishes his verse, he looks down from his radio tower and sees Y/n talking to Charlie. As he continued to watch the pair talk, his evil smile grows bigger and bigger. As he does, he could see a strange aura appear around the young man, but it was only for a second, but it seems no one else saw this. Despite them look right at him at the time the aura flickered.
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A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter, did you like it? Yeah, i know this was shorter than normal (unless it isn't after my quality check, lol) (future Juko here, it wasn't. i started off with 5k, now its over 7k.) but there was still more that was going to be shown in the chapter, so i had to cut it short. Yeah, i know i did pretty bad when expressing the different martial arts styles but like i said, this is the first time I've given the reader a specific set of fighting skills. i also know Kai isn't acting how he did in the Kung Fu Panda movie but remember he's a somewhat different character, he was original human just like Oogway, and this is after hundreds of years in hell. So obviously he would change. Don't worry, i got plans for him. Hopefully you will view them as fitting. Also, i don't remember if i ever mentioned that i cranked up Vaggies hatred of men just a bit before but i did. I won't say why but let's just say im going with a theory I've seen a few times about her, but that's as far as ill say. It will be very important to her character arc. That's all i can think of. So i'll see you....... in the next chapter.
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