To Kamis Lookout
We now see everyone is where they were last time, but now we see as Chi-Chi and her father, the Ox King, are now standing on Kame Island.
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Roshi, Bulma, & Krillin: "CHI-CHI!!!"
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Everyone is in fear of the wife of Goku, well everyone except for a certain boy.
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Y/n: "oh, hi aunty Chi-Chi!"
Chi-Chi: her angry expression turns soft, "huh, oh Y/n. Good you're her-what happened to you!"
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She rushes over to him with amazing speeds and picks up him. Once she does, she gives him a look over and notices he has some scratches and a somewhat bruised face.
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Chi-Chi: in a panic, "what happened to you? Why are you hurt?" she hugs him and looks at the house angrily, "GOKU!! What were you thinking letting this poor sweet boy get hurt! GOKU!! DO YOU HERE ME!?!?" she then looks at the others, "where the hel-" looks at y/n then back at the others, "wheres my husband and daughter? You better not be hiding them."
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They all look at each other with sad but worried expression, until Roshi finally decides to speak up.
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Roshi: "w-well." he clears his throat, "y-you seeeee, man why is it so hard to talk. Ahem. see the funny thing is...."
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*SpongeBob announcer voice* one explanation later.
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Chi-Chi: in pure shock and on the verge of passing out but still holding the boy, "GOHANI HAS BEEN TAKEN BY THAT DEMON PICCOLO?!?!"
Ox King: "w-wheres Goku during all this?! Why isnt he helping her?!"
Roshi: "weeeeeell dying mostly."
Chi-Chi: "eh....uhhhhhh."
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Just as shes beginning to fall over, Y/n jumps out of her arms and catches her. He gently puts her down and looks at her with a saddened expression.
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Y/n: "I'm so sorry aunty. I tried but..... I wasn't strong enough. Maybe.... if I was, then I could've helped master and kept Gohani safe."
Ox King: places his hand on the boys back, "it wasnt your fault. You're just a kid."
Y/n: looks down at an unconscious Chi-Chi before looking at his hand, then clenches it, "alright, I'm ready. I'm going with you to Kami's lookout."
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[Timeskip | Brought to you by a chibi Y/n fanning down an unconscious Chi-Chi]
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We now see as the current z-fighters were on top of Kamis lookout. Tien, Chiaotzu, and the living mem-I mean Yamcha were being led into the palace style building my a short man named Mr. Popo. Krillin was beginning to follow them but then stopped when he remembered something.
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Krillin: "oh, right. The note master Roshi wrote." he runs over to Kami, "here Kami. It's from master Roshi. It's something about Y/n."
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Kami: "oh. Let's see it then."
Krillin: "sure, here." hands it to him, "oh. By the way, if you dont mind me asking, why dont you want him to train with us."
Kami: takes the note, "well to answer your question. It's because I was already aware of him." gives the note a once over, "mmm, I see. This confirms my suspicious. You may go with the others now."
Krillin: "that doesnt answer my question tho./and what about Y/n?"
Kami: "I'll be training him personally."
Krillin: "woah. Things must be serious if you're training him yourself."
Kami: "indeed they are, and I'm sure youve seen this boys potential as well."
Krillin: "true, well take care Y/n! And dont worry kid. You can trust him."
Y/n: "ummm, o-okaaay?"
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Krillin then smiles at the boy and waves at him, before running towards the others and catching up to them. The boy then looks up at the very tall elderly green man. The man looks down at the boy and sees how nervous he is, so he gives the by a warm smile that seems to put the boy at ease a little.
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Kami: "dont worry young one. I'll make sure you get stronger. After all, I was your masters master at one point in time."
Y/n: perks up, "wait, really?! But I thought master Roshi was his master."
Kami: "he was one of many. Do not limit yourself to a single master my child. You can always learn from others. Now come, I'll take you to where you need to be to train. Somewhere that will be the best training spot for you."
Y/n: raises an eyebrow, "ok."
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Y/n's Training begins
The elderly man then took Y/n into the build but in a different direction from the others. As they continued to walk up some stairs, they are eventually joined by Mr Popo. He told them that the other's training has now begun, earning a nod from Kami. They continued to walk until they reached a strange looking room. This room appears to be dome shaped but what was really odd was just how dark it was. There was nothing else in this room but a single door.
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Y/n: "what.... what is this room?"
Kami: "It's called the Chamber of Resolution. It's where those who wish to face their inner demons come in the hopes of over coming them."
Y/n: "what do you mean by tha-huh?" the boy looks and notices a figure beginning to form. This figure then becomes more visible until, "RADITZ!!"
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The boy was then overcome with pure fear and anger. Everything that has happened in such a short time began to flood his mind, from the man beating his master and all the way to his masters' death. All of it came rushing in like a floodgate has finally been opened after a heavy ran storm. Suddenly, fear and sadness began to overwhelm him, his failure to help his master, his failure to protect Gohani and his failure to protect his master. All over it began to become too much for the boy, to the point of nearly having a panic attack. That is, until he felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder. When he looked up, he saw Kami was standing there with a soft warm smile.
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Kami: "It's alright my child. He isn't real. As I said before, this chamber brings out your inner demons, so you can face them. In order for you to become stronger, you need to face him."
Y/n: "h-how?"
Kami: "I can't tell you that, only you have the answer. You just need the courage to find it."
Y/n: "a-are you sure?"
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The boy then looked towards the fake Raditz with a hint of fear. The fake notices this and forms a cocky but evil smile.
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Raditz (fake): "whats wrong brat, you scared? Of little old me? Hahaha, awww. Where did all that rage go, huh? Where, where was it? Maybe you could've stopped it.... hehehee, STOPPED ME FROM KILLING YOUR MASTER!!!"
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This sudden out burst caused the boy to jump in pure fear, all the while the fake laughs at the boys torment.
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Kami: looks at Mr Popo, "Mr Popo. I'll entrust you with the others training from this point on. I want to give this boy my full attention."
Mr Popo: "of course Kami....." he begins to walk away with a creepy smile beginning to form on his face.
Kami: "oh, and dont let your drill sergeant days overcome you again. dont want a repeat of what happened last time......... that poor soul. Hes still in the insane asylum after all these years."
Mr Popo: jumps a little as sweat drops begin to form, "r-right, Kami." he then walks away and leaves the room.
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Many days have past sense everyone's training has begun. The others were starting to make progress, but the boy has yet to make any at all. He was unable to gain the courage to stand up to the fake Raditz as every time he starts to get up. The fake reminds him of his failures, his fears, his insecurities. These drain his will to fight back. Every day Kami watches over him and knows full well that he can rile the boy up, to fill him with anger but he doesnt want to do that. He wants the boy to challenge the fake on his own. Not filled with rage. He needs to do it himself. After weeks has now past, Kami began to think that this may be too much for a boy with his level of trauma, especially with how young he is. maybe he shouldve built up his courage first before doing this.
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Raditz (fake): "you stupid brat! When will you learn? You're nothing more than a pathetic, cared little boy. You can't protect yourself, let alone anyone else. hehe, because of your weakness, you couldnt protect the girl and you let your master die. Oops, thats right. I KILLED HIM! HYAHAHAHAHAAA!!"
Kami: "all right thats eno-"
Kami: "uh?"
Y/n: slowly stands up, "just shut up you fucking rock star wannabe! I'm so sick and tired of hearing your stupid voice! I'm tired of your boasting! I'm so tired of you saying what I already know! So how about this!" sticks up his middle finger, "screw you bitch!" he then goes into his fighting stance, "I'm tired of being scared of you, so you know what. I'm not anymore. I dont care how long it takes...... I WILL BEAT YOU!!!"
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Y/n: "huh?"
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*Clap, clap, clap*
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The boy then looks towards the fake and noticed the fake faded away, which confuses him. So he looks behind him to see Kami with a soft smile, clapping his hands together.
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Kami: "good job my boy. You finally stud your ground."
Y/n: "wait.... what?"
Kami: "that challenge was to face him, to stand up to him. It wasnt to fight or beat him but to conquer your fear. To overcome it. Now tell me. How do you feel?"
Y/n: "huh, how I feel?" he then looks at his hands, opening and closing them, "lighter."
Kami: "fear is like ankle weights on a prisoner. It weights you down, making you feel as if you can't do anything, that what wasnt your fault is your fault. When you do overcome it, it frees you of its burden. theres nothing wrong with fear, but you need the strength to overcome it. As a warrior, you will fear something again, it's an aspect of life. We need it to survive, even as warriors. No, especially as warriors. We must learn to overcome those fears whenever they do arise as thats what it means to be a warrior that protects others. So dont avoid them, face them and overcome them. Got it?"
Y/n: smiles before readying his fists to his sides, "got it!"
Kami: "good." gets into his fighting stance, "now this is when your training really begins."
Y/n: gets into his own Goku like stance, "are you sure? hehe, I dont want to hurt your frail body old man."
Kami: "haha. You can try it young one but this 'old man' can be very spry when he wants to."
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The 2 remain in their respective fighting stances, staring at each other with a smile on their faces. Each waiting until the other makes the first move until the sound of a coin hitting the floor can be heard. In that instant, the pair rush at each other and just before they clash. It ends in a freeze-frame with them being mere inches from each other.
And just like that, 6 months have passed. In that time, Goku was still trying to reach King Kais place, while Gohani has fully adjusted to her new life in the wild. Despite being thrusted into it, shes doing well for herself and is even having fun while doing so. As for Y/n, hes getting stronger and stronger each day. During this time Kami has kept the others away from Y/n. why you may ask? Well, as a surprise for them, to show just how far he has come. Plus, the boy needs to focus solely on his training, so he can fully overcome his fear and build his confidence in himself.
With 6 months now come and gone, Kami decides it's time to kick things up a notch. We now see the pair are in the same dark room as before, with Kami looking normal while Y/n seems to have a few new bandages on his face and arms. whats noticeable is that the boy is now wearing the same weighted clothing as everyone else.
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Kami: "alright Y/n. youve improved greatly within these last 6 months, but now it's time to start where Master Roshi has left off."
Y/n: "right......... which was what again?"
Kami: "to help you tap into your latent power."
Y/n: "oh....... my what now?"
Kami: chuckles, "it seems you're like Gohani, only able to access your true strength through anger. I'll teach you how to become angry at anytime but also to calm yourself. This will allow you to access this power in short bursts, as to not tire yourself out too quickly."
Y/n: "wait, really? If my anger is what allows me to access this latent power I have, why get rid of it?"
Kami: "you're not getting rid of it, it's more like a light switch. Turning on and off your anger at will. As it said, it's so you can access this power in bursts. So you dont tire yourself out too quickly. Anger can become a powerful tool for any warrior, it may even be what turns the tide of a fight, despite what others may say. However, it can also be why you are defeated. Uncontrolled anger can be a double-edged sword. So I will teach you how to become angered quickly but also how to calm yourself down just as fast."
Y/n: "oh..... I think I get it, but I do have a question."
Kami: "and what would that be?"
Y/n: "well, I'm fully human, while Gohani is half Saiyan. Her latent power comes from her heritage, her Saiyan half. So my question is..... where does mine come from?"
Kami: puts his index finger and thumb on his chin, "hmmm, good question my boy. It's true you are human and that you have more potential power within you, more than anyone I have ever met. But truthfully, I have no idea where it comes from. It's entirely possible you're just someone with an unnaturally high amount of Ki within you, more than what your body can currently output, but your anger helps you bypass these limits. Sorry if this doesnt satisfy your question."
Y/n: "It's alright. I guess it's something I have to figure out on my own one day."
Kami: "however, I do have a warning for you. This trick may help you last longer in battle, it will put a strain on your body. So be careful to use it sparingly. Got it?"
Y/n: "yes sir!"
Kami: "now freshen up. theres more training ahead for you."
Y/n: "right!"
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The boy then turns around and walks into the direction of the bathroom. However, as he does this Kami stares at his back. As he does the world around the boy begins to fade. Then his aura becomes visible, but something was odd about it. It looked like it was made out of fire. As Kami continued to look, this fiery aura begins to enlarge and tries to take shape but seems like it cants. However, what does become visible is a pair of large wing like constructs.
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Kami: "hmmm, I can feel even greater power within him, power that has yet to be tapped into. Is that the source of his latent powers or....... is it something else entirely?"
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[Somewhere in Space]
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As we can see somewhere deep in space, 2 space pods come rushing in at unimaginable speeds
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Nappa: "are we there yet?"
Vegeta: "no."
Nappa: "how about now."
Vegeta: "nooo."
Nappa: "oh........ and now."
Vegeta: "no!"
Nappa: "are we there yet Vegeta, are we, are we?"
Vegeta: lets out an annoyed sigh, "yes Nappa, we're there."
Nappa: perks up, "really?!"
Vegeta: "NO!!"
Nappa: "awww."
Vegeta: "urghh. I must've done something incredibly horrible to deserve this moron as my partner........ ok, worse than a typical Saiyan." hears Nappa humming baby shark in pure joy, "urghhh, just fucking end me right now. Just pull the damn trigger."
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And with that...... conversation now over, they continue on to their destination to an unexpecting planet.
More time has past sense this and during this time many have made improvements since then. Gohani has progressed well with Piccolo. shes gotten much stronger now, as shes now able to train with Piccolo directly, but she still has much to learn. Even her martial arts has improved greatly. Goku on the other hand has finally met King Kai after much.... delay and to say hes quite the character would be putting it mildly. Originally the small man thought Goku was here to train as a comedian for..... reasons but Goku got through to him by telling him hes here for martial arts training. To start off his training, King Kai had him chase a monkey named Bubbles. Easy right? Wrong. The gravity on this planet is 10x earths normal gravity and Bubbles is incredibly fast.
On Kamis lookout, the other Z Fighters are now outside training with Mr Popo and each other, while Kami comes to help out from time to time. As for Y/n, hes training in the same room as before, fighting the fake Raditz. The boy has made much headway in these short months as now hes able to fight this fake on equal footing, granted this fake isnt as strong as the original, but It's still impressive nonetheless. His improvement even goes beyond what Kami thought was possible for the boy and, at the same time, pleased with the results. He would even go as far to say hes naturally gifted in fighting. However, the boy still has a long way to go to fight the real threats out there and much of his fears and insecurity still remain.
The day is drawing ever closer to the Saiyans arrival. Everyone decided to leave and go about their training in their own way, do to the fact Kami and Mr Popo has nothing more to teach them. As everyone went their separate ways and said their goodbyes, Y/n has decided to stay behind and continue to train with the fake Raditz. He does miss everyone, but he figured this was the best place for him to train right now. He could always go back to master Roshi but he doesnt want to bother the old man as hes done enough already. While his own home is in the middle of the city, thus not the best place to train. Kami continues to watch over the boy and give him advice whenever he needs it. During this time Y/n has learned of Mr Popos...... interesting habit of calling people maggots and having a strange sadistic pleasure in pushing people past their limits during training. Kami informs the boy that it was habits he developed back in his drill sergeant days, as he would push his men past their breaking points, but they will always come out the better for it. During this time as gruesome war happened many years ago, possibly giving the man PTSD and trauma but Mr Popo never speaks on the matter. Despite this being so long ago, these habits never went away, so he controls them the best he can.
As time continues on, Goku has managed to talk to Roshi, who was in the bathroom at the time, thanks to King Kai to tell him to revive him and one other, raising some eyebrows. With him now revived, he and his mysterious person rush over to King Yemmas palace at full speed. With only 2 days reaming, however fate has other plans in mind for them as the Saiyans-
Have arrived early.
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* A/n: whaaat, wanted to try something new. probablhy wont do this to often.
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The Saiyans Arrive Early
2 sphere looking space pods has crash-landed into the middle of an unexpecting city, destroying much in the process. Many people ran for their lives while those stupid enough to stay and watch were greeted by 2 individuals who proceed to float out of their pods. One man was tall, bulk like a mountain and bald while the other one was short and had her that spiked upwards. Both wore strange armor and devices over one of their eyes.
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Nappa: "ohhh, Vegeta look. its poeeeeple."
Vegeta: "yes Nappa I have eyes too. mmm if I remember correctly this dirt ball of a planet is called earth, this would make these weaklings earthlings."
Nappa: "hellooo earthings! Meet oblivion!"
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The oaf of a man raised 2 of his fingers up into the air, resulting in a huge explosion that destroyed the entire city in mere seconds, the force of such a blast was strong enough to be felt by other Z Fighters that happened to be nearby while the explosion itself can be seen from space.
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Nappa: "hahaha, I knew they would get along so well with each other."
Vegeta: tries to remain calm, "Nappa..."
Nappa: "yes Vegeta."
Vegeta: "what would you have done if one of those Dragon Balls just so happened to be in that city you just so recklessly blew up?"
Nappa: starts to sweat a little, "aa.......... i dont know, i didnt think about that. Sorry Vegeta."
Vegeta: "dolt but no matter. Lucky for you, it appears one was here." he then clicks his scouter as symbols begin to appear, "let's see, wheres the highest power level on this dirt ball. thats where we need to head, unless it ends up being Kakarots daughter or that boy."
Nappa: clicks his, "huh, thats odd. theres multiple power levels reaching over 1000. whats that mean Vegeta?"
Vegeta: "surprised this idiot can count that high, or even said that so well./doesnt mater, just locate the strongest one, but you're right. Must mean they were getting ready for our arrival." he then looks in front of him with a smile, "there you are. Looks like the highest has another smaller one with them. Hehe, let's go have some fun with them."
Nappa: "yeah...... you know one is possibly that brat, whos a girl..... and a child. So that sounded-"
Vegeta: "oh shut it Nappa! Even I have standards. Come on you dolt."
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With their destination set, the pair shot off at amazing speeds, something everyone sensed. Their destination, Piccolo and Gohani. Piccolo, sensing this, tells her to get ready as the real fight is about to begin. While the others shoot off into their direction to hopefully provide backup.
We now see on top of Kamis lookout. We can see as Kami is heading into that same room as before. In it was a figured covered in shadow.
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Kami: "y/n. The Saiyans have arrived early. It's time to put your training to the test."
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As the light begins to illuminate the room, we can now see Y/n but now hes wearing a new attire. His new outfit was inspired by his master Gokus gi, while still wearing the weighted clothing.
A/n: yeah, sorry. i forgot to mention you werent wareing this yet. i'll update it by the time you see this.
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Y/n: "thanks for letting me know Kami. It's pretty hard to sense things in here. Even with how much you helped me improve."
Kami: "that gi really suits you. It brings be back to how Goku used to look when he first arrived. I can't help but feel so nostalgic right now."
Y/n: "thanks for that, it means a lot, but I'll be going now. Oh, can I keep the weighted clothing? I feel it can still help me get stronger."
Kami: "by all means, theyre yours after all."
Y/n: "thanks...... and thanks for everything Kami. I'll make you proud."
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With that the boy runs out of the room and flies off at top speed, heading to where Gohani is right now. Kami just stares at the boy as he begins to fade from view, while Mr Popo comes in from behind Kami.
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Mr Popo: "will the maggot-I mean boy be alright? He still needs training."
Kami: "it's true i rather him stay here and continue his training, as theres still much he needs to learn. I fear that his true fear still has a hold on him, and it worries me that it might cost him one day. However, I've done all I can now. Let's just pray it will be enough for him to overcome this ordeal."
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However, hiding behind the palace is a figure cloaked in shadow. The only things that are visible is that this figure is a grown woman with long hair.
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???: "hmhmhm, yes. Let's see if he can."
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This figure then grows...... wings? And then she flew off without anyone noticing her.
We now see a deserted wasteland, the land was littered with mountains and very little foliage. As the camera zooms in, we can see Piccolo and Gohani readying themselves for the up-and-coming fight.
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Piccolo: he then removes his weighted clothing, "now Gohani, theres nothing to be afraid of. We both have become significantly stronger in these past few months. So be brave."
Gohani: "r-right."
Piccolo: looks behind him, "wait, something's coming towards us from behind! Wait, no. theres more all around us!"
Gohani: "but I thought it was only going to be 2 Saiyans?"
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Piccolo quickly looks towards the closest power level and sees not a Saiyan but rather Krillin, who lands in front of them with a smile.
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Krillin: "hey Piccolo. It's been awhile."
Piccolo: "oh, it's just you little man. I actually thought it was someone thats a threat coming towards us." making Krillin form a tick mark on his head, "what are you doing here anyways? Come to get in our way?"
Krillin: "come on, give me a break! I've been training for this day too you know!"
Piccolo: "hah, ill admit. youve gotten stronger but not by much." pissing Krillin off, "so are the other idiots coming as well?"
Krillin: "it seems so."
Gohani: "wait.... I remember you. You were at master Roshis place."
Krillin: "hey kiddo. I guess I never told you my name, it's Krillin and man. youve gotten stronger. You remind me of Goku when he was younger..... if he was a girl that is."
Gohani: "you're short but strong right? thats what my dad used to say about you."
Krillin: a little annoyed, "course he would say 'short' with how fast he grew up."
Gohani: gets a little exited, "you're going to fight with us right?"
Krillin: slides in, "so how bad was it to train with Piccolo?"
Gohani: "oh, it was the toughest thing I've done in my whole life but it actually wasnt that bad. Oh wait, hows Y/n? Is he ok? He got hurt pretty bad. Mr Piccolo kept telling me to now worry about him but-"
Krillin: "easy kiddo. hes fine. Hes actually better than fine."
Gohani: sighs in relief, "thats good. I was so worried about him."
Krillin: forms a cheeky grin, "you dont saaaay?"
Piccolo: "enough of the same talk...... they're here!"
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Gohani and Krillin look up to see 2 figures floating above them. Their shadows casting over them like ever apposing giants.
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Nappa: "hey look Vegeta, another ant arrived. Now we can get a triple kill!"
Vegeta: "so I was right. They already know who we are."
Krillin: gulps, "so..... so those are the guys, the ones crazy hair talked about? By Kami their ki is incredible."
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The pair of Saiyans then lowly float down, before landing with a lite tap on the ground. Vegeta then looks at them and smiles while also crossing his arms. He looks them over before his eyes lands on Piccolo.
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Vegeta: "have you been waiting for us by any chance?"
Piccolo: "thats right short stack. But to clear things up. What is it you 2 are doing here?"
Vegeta: "mmm, that voice..... heh. I see now. You're the one who killed that useless Saiyan Raditz."
Piccolo: "voice?"
Vegeta: "what, did he not tell you?" he then taps onto his scouter, "these little devices double as communication devices."
Nappa: "her Vegeta look. That green one. hes a Namekian."
Vegeta: "for once you're right. It makes sense now, how he managed to beat the fool Raditz."
Piccolo: raises an eyebrow, "Namekian?"
Krillin: looks up at Piccolo, "you're an alien Piccolo?"
Gohani: "r-really Mr Piccolo?"
Vegeta: "in addition to having an above average power level. Namekians are said to have strange and mysterious abilities. I'm even told they can preform magic like abilities. If I had to take a guess, you're the one who made the Dragon Balls."
Krillin: "wait. You know about them?!"
Nappa: "oooh, can I say it Vegeta? can i can i?"
Vegeta: "hmph, go ahead./dolt."
Nappa: with childish glee, "yaaaay." this causes the others to form a sweat drop on their heads, "ahem. The Dragon Balls are the reason why we're here. You weaklings are nothing more than ants to us."
Piccolo: "heh, thanks to you idiots, I'm starting to understand my true ancestry, but you're wrong about one thing.
Vegeta: "ohh and whats that?"
Piccolo: "I'm not the one who created them. I'm a warrior, not some simple magician." he gets into his fighting stance, "as you will soon see! Now let's see whos the REAL weaklings here!"
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[Kamis lookout]
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Mr Popo: "Kami?"
Kami: "I..... I never dreamed that I could possibly be an alien. That explains why I always felt so different from anyone else, other than the obvious. It's true I created the dragon balls many years ago but even tho it was the first time I've ever done so. It felt so...... nostalgic. So natural. Perhaps one of my ancestors has done something similar in the past.
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[Back with Gohani]
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Now back onto the soon-to-be battlefield, we can see that Gohani and Krillin has now taken their own fighting stances.
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Vegeta: "if you won't tell us where the Dragon Balls are. Then well have to force you to tell us. very very painfully. hehehehe."
Nappa: taps on his scouter, "hah! 981, 1220, 1083. Idiots!-"
Vegeta: "whats that saying? Pot calling the kettle black."
Nappa: "-do you honestly think such weak power levels can beat us?"
Piccolo (background): "power levels are bullshit!"
Vegeta: "take off your scouter moron."
Nappa: looks at Vegeta with a confused look, "whys that Vegeta?"
Vegeta: takes off scouter, "did you forget already? These weaklings can hide their true power level by manipulating their energy output. These devices are worthless now." drops his scouter.
Nappa: takes his off too, "oh yeah. Forgot about that. That weakling Raditz drops his guard because of the stupid trick."
Piccolo: "that.......weakling?"
Krillin: "Raditz is the name of the guy who and Goku teamed up against right? didnt you guys barely manage to beat him? A-and these 2 are calling him weak!" starts to shake in fear.
Vegeta: "let's see what these fools can do, shall we? We can get the information about the Dragon Balls later. We still have 8 Saibamen right?"
Nappa: "hehehehe, ohhh. You wanna play like that huh Vegeta? 8 Raditzs coming up!"
Gohani: "8 Raditzs?"
Krillin: "Saibamen?"
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We then see Nappa reach into his...... Pocket? Where..... nevermind. He then takes out a small glass bottle with 8 small pills inside. He then shakes it a little and smiles.
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Nappa: "your right Vegeta. We have 8 left." he then crouches down and pokes holes into the soil, "this soil is nice and fertile. They'll grow nicely."
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We then see as Nappa begins to drop the pills into the dirt, one for each hole he made. He then covers the hole with some dirt and pours some kind of liquid on top of them. After he was done, he threw the bottle away.
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Nappa: "there we go."
Krillin: remaining in his stance but raises an eyebrow, "what.... what are they doing?"
Gohani: "gardening?"
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suddenly the ground where the seeds were planted began to bulge. Then multiple short green humanoid like creatures began to form out of the ground. Once theyve fully formed, they each opened their eyes and began staring at the 3 warrior, all the while having creepy grins on their faces.
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Saibamen: "kekekekeee."
Krillin: "yeesh. I dont like the look of those things."
Piccolo: "hehe, hey baldy look. You have allies."
Krillin: "huh, allies?....." he then looks at them for a few seconds, then at their heads. Then he forms a deadpan expression, "really? A short and bald joke?"
Vegeta: "now, little ones. You see those 3? theyre your targets."
Nappa: "hehe, this little guys are as strong as Raditz. That one there is Raditz, oh and that one is Raditz. And let me introduce you to Raditz and his brother Raditz and their deformed cousin Raditz, and their cousin second remove Raditz, then theres their cousin they dont talk about Raditz, and finally we have Vegeta Jr."
Vegeta: opens his palm and points it at Vegeta Jr, "nope". He then blasts it to pieces.
Nappa: "VEGETA JR, NOOOOOOO!!!" he crouches down and picks him his ashy remains, "you had a good but short life, taken in your prime. You were happy. Now rest in peace in that great green cloud in the sky."
Vegeta: "oh shut up Nappa."
Nappa: quickly gets up, "over it now!"
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Suddenly all those on this soon to be battlefield sensed something coming their way, well not counting Nappa and Vegeta do to them not being able to sense ki. tho the pair did hear something approaching, so reacted all the same. When everyone looked, they saw a buff bald man with 3 eyes and a short floating guy coming towards them.
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Krillin: "Tien, Chiaotzu! You made it-huh?"
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Then a well fit man with long messy hair arrived with a cocky smile.
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Yamcha: "sorry I'm late guys! Traffic was a bitch."
Krillin: "haha, Yamcha! You too."
Gohani: "but..... you were flying tho?"
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However, before anything else could happen, they all sensed another power level coming their way. Whoever this is, theyre are strong, as strong as Raditz, no.... even stronger than that. All of them got on guard as they dont recognize this ki signature but then.... it vanished.
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Krillin: "what.... what was that?"
Yamcha: "I.... I dont know."
Tien: "another Saiyan?"
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During their confusion, Vegeta and Napa were looking around until Vegeta stared at something in their direction.
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Krillin: notices Piccolo looking at something with a smile, "Piccolo?"
Piccolo: "so...... you had the guts to arrive after all."
Krillin: raises an eyebrow, "who?"
???: slowly sneaks up behind Gohani and whispers, "hi."
Gohani: practically jumps out of her skin, "EEEEEEEE!!"
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They all look in shock and worry as Gohanis scream, who grips her chest. She quickly looks behind her. Who she sees causes her face to light up, as tears begins to form in her eyes.
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Gohani: "y-y/n."
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As the camera pans up from behind her view, we can see that Y/n was standing behind her, donned in his new gi. he had a cheeky smile on his face and his hands behind his back.
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Y/n: "hey, it's been awhile Gohani."
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The girl practically jumps up at him and hugs him deeply, all the while crying in joy. A hug he returns with a smile on his face.
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Gohani: "I... I was so worried about you! I thought.... I thought....."
Y/n: chuckles softly before petting her head, "sorry to make you worry, but I'm ok."
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She then realizes their situation, causing her face to turn bright red. She then quickly gets off him with steam coming out of her ears, all the while fidgeting her fingers.
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Krillin: "looking good little man. I can tell just by looking at you that you got much stronger. Hell, you actually look like Goku now"
Y/n: "like it? I had Kami make it for me. I wanted something to honor him by but also have my own flare to it."
Yamcha: "man I feel like him looking at Goku right now."
Vegeta: "tch. They just keep coming."
Nappa: "haha, yeah they do....huh?" gets a closer look at Chiaotzu, "hey look Vegeta..... a Pokémon."
Y/n: quickly looks at the big bald dimwit, "Pokémon? How do you know what a Pokémon is?"
Nappa: "Space-tube. You get all the intergalactic channels."
Tien: "and here I thought there was supposed to be only 2 Saiyans?"
Krillin: "yeah a lot has happened before you guys arrived. Now theres more of them."
Vegeta: "interesting. Now theres 7 of them and we have the same amount of Saibamen. How about we turn this into a little game? Each of you will take on one of our soldiers in 1 on 1 combat. What do you say? Sound fun?"
Piccolo: "a game? A game! dont be absurd asshole! Quit beating around the damn bush and lets setting this right here and now!"
Krillin: "easy there Piccolo. This could work in our favor. It could buy time for Goku to arrive."
Tien: slams his fists together, "fine by me. I'll go fir-"
Y/n: "no!"
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Everyone quickly looks at the boy, who had the look of pure determination in his eyes.
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Tien: "are you sure?"
Yamcha: "yeah little guy. You dont need to do this."
Krillin: "you have nothing to prove."
Y/n: "I do need to do this and yes I do have plenty to prove. I was completely useless against mister light socket head. I want to show all of you that I can do this, that you can rely on me.... please."
Krillin: "but-"
Piccolo: cross his arms, "just let him go. hes a warrior now, so you should treat him like one. Just look at his eyes."
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Krillin looks into the boys eyes and reluctantly nods his head. Now with everyones approval, said boy steps forward. Gohani looks on with a look of concern on her face, but then Piccolo puts his hand on her head. She looks up to see him with a small smile on his face. With his head, he gestures for her to look forward. She nods and looks at Y/n to see him look calm and ready but strangely not in a fighting stance yet.
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Vegeta: "seems pretty cruel to have a child fight a grownups fight. Hehe not that we can talk."
Nappa: "haha, little man is sure in for a surprise."
Vegeta: points at one of the Saibamen, "you there. Take him on and dont hold back."
Saibaman: forms an evil smile, "kekekeeee." it then walks forward.
Gohani: "g-good luck Y/n!" causing him to give her the thumbs up.
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The boy then stares right at the creature in front of him, who just laughs at the boy. Before it then suddenly launches itself at him with a loud battle cry.
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Saibaman: "KIYAAAAHHH!!!!"
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In that single moment, Y/n gains are more clam and stoic expression before disappearing from everyones sight, shocking them with his speed. The creature, still mid-attack, looks on in confusion. Suddenly, things seem to slow down for the creature before looking to its side and saw Y/n. The boy had his hands cuffed to his side as ki begins to form between them. The boy stared at the creature with pure anger in his eyes. To the point that the shine from his eyes trailed off, living a light trail behind. The creature barely had any time to react before-
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With an all mighty roar filled with nothing but anger in his voice, shots his arms forward and fired his mighty Kamehameha blast. The sheer size of it caught them off guard and forces them to cover their faces, all but Vegeta and Nappa that is, but even they react a little. The Saibaman, however, was completely engulfed in the blast, reduced to atoms in the process. The blast being so large and strong that it left behind a blast sized scar in the ground.
The boy lands on the ground and stand up straight, returning to his calm but serious expression that he had on before.
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Krillin: "w-whoa/that... that blast.... it was bigger than the one he used against me."
Yamcha: "w-where did that come from?"
Tien: "that... that blast... it was huge!"
Gohani: forms a bright smile, "he did it!"
Piccolo: forms a smile on his face, "hmph. Looks like a may have misjudged him."
Y/n: looks at Vegeta with the same serious exertion and points at him, "I hope thats not all you got. Otherwise, this will be over in a flash."
Vegeta: "heh heh, hehehehe, ahahahahahaaaa! YAHAHAHAHAAA!! Looks like we'll have some entertainment after all."
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A/n: welp thats it for this chapter, sorry for the wait. also whats with my chapters getting longest and longer. Like, I try to aim for 3-4k words but lately theyve been 5-7k. I dont know how it happens as I'm not doing it on purpose, it's just...... happens. Anyways, I'm hoping that once I get a habit going, it'll be easier for me to start getting these chapters out. Also, I'll probably be switching back to transcripts as I did find some, so I can include anime content, but we'll see. As you can see I'm building you up but still leaving room for your fears and insecurities. Kinda how theres a theory that Gohan does the superhero thing because of his trauma with fighting the Ginyu Force. It will be something youll slowly overcome as much of that just doesnt disappear overnight. It'll be a key point to your character for quite some time. And if anyone caught that, the Chamber of Resolution is based on that one room Goku went in during the original run, that time room, with the anime original room that Krillin and the others went in mixed into it. Welp, thats all I can think of right now. So I'll see you..... in the next chapter.87Please respect copyright.PENANAeTtZVIEodz