A/n: just a heads-up, when you see characters like this ++insert words here++, then that means characters are speaking to each other using some form of telepathy.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAe6osGkcnh1
Death of a Dear Friend
When the scene opens we can see nothing much as changed, the Z-fighters are still locked in conflict with the Saiyan invaders. Yamcha has fallen, Tien has been disarmed, and now Chiaotzu is holding onto Nappas back for dear life, and he's planning on doing something...... drastic. While this is going on, everyone down below, such as Tien, Krillin and Gohani, is watching on in horror, Piccolo watches on with his usual calm expression while Y/n can feel his anger rising. Nappa, on the other hand, is getting increasingly annoyed with the little man holding onto his back but because of his large bulging muscles, he can't reach him. So he has resorted to smashing his back against multiple mountains and cliff faces.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAeR3AepPv4Z
Tien: "Chiaotzu, just stop! That's enough! You don't need to do anymore!"
Chiaotzu: ++"Tien, can you hear me? i hope my ESP is working right. i have to say goodbye now."++
Tien: "what.... what are you talking about?......... no Chiaotzu! Don't do it! You're not going anywhere! We can win this! Don't do it!"
Chiaotzu: ++"I'm sorry Tien. i have to do this. Thank you for everything. You'll always be my best friend and im glad we met."++
Tien: "noooooo! Don't do it Chiaotzu! Please, we can find another way!"
Chiaotzu: ++"it's the only way Tien and you know it. Don't worry about me, I'm not afraid and if i can save you just once, then it was all worth it."++
Tien: "stop it! Get off! Please, don't do this!"
Chiaotzu: ++"Tien! Remember me!"++
Nappa: "the fuck, why is he glowing like a spacemas tree?"
Tien: "Chiaotzu! Nooooooo!" right before everyone's very eyes, Chiaotzu........ explodes, ".......... Chiaotzu." flashes of all his times with Chiaotzu crosses his mind as sadness begins to swell up inside him.
Piccolo: he then forms a cocky smile on his face as the smoke cloud gets bigger, "hah! What an extraordinary feat! You see that kids, size alone isn't enough! You need to have heart and cunning too."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAjApiosYqVB
As everyone morns the lost of one of their friends, Krillin happens to look up and, to his shock, the smoke begins to clear, only to reveal-
61Please respect copyright.PENANAYbNsqojCsa
Nappa: "heh, now you see him, now you don't."
Vegeta: he then looks up with his arms crossed, "Nappa you idiot! He almost got you there! You barely managed to defend yourself!"
Tien: "it can't be! He doesn't even have a scratch! So...... that means...... Chiaotzu sacrificed himself for nothing! Chiaotzu! He's gone forever. He's already been brought back to life before. Now the dragon can't bring him back! You'll pay! i swear it...... you'll pay! Do you hear me you damn freak! i'll kill YOUUUUU!"
Nappa: "haha, go ahead and try you loser! Make your little threats! It doesn't matter how bad your feelings are hurt! Your nothing to us and you never were!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAQaPPkRLiMU
Everyone looks on at Nappa with anger as said man floats into the air far above them. He had a cocky grin on his face.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoyJY5LoGjw
Tien: "you....... monster!"
Nappa: "guess your midget of a friend couldn't save you 3-eyes!"
Krillin: slowly fear begins to sink back in, "aw man! This is crazy! What do we do Piccolo? He's just too strong for us! There's noway we can beat a buy like that!"
Piccolo: "stand your ground, Krillin! We're here for a reason." in the background Gohani can be seen hiding behind Y/n in fear, who was looking up in anger.
Tien: he then gets on his hands and knees with a mixture of sadness and anger, "Chiaotzu!"
Nappa: "haha, awww, what wrong baldy number 3? Miss him already? Don't worry, you'll be joining him in the great marshmallows in the skies."
Vegeta: "Nappa its...... you know what. Nevermind."
Tien: "that's...... IT! This one is for you Chiaotzu!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAz3mYPE6XsW
In blind fury, Tien rushes towards Nappa, who just stands there with a cocky smirk on his face. Tien finally reaches him and goes for a flurry of punches with his single arm and kicks, but Nappa either easily blocks every strike or just dodges them with ease.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAGMDqlToiv1
Piccolo: "not bad."
Krillin: "just look at him go."
Y/n: he then tightens his grip in anger, "but...... he's loosing."
Tien: "hyaghhhhh!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAdGBp2Sdalj
Tien keeps going on the attack but nothing he does seems to be working. He goes for a full power punch, but Nappa dodges it with ease. Right when he does, Tien punches a small pillar like mountain that was behind Nappa, which crumbled away when his punch landed. However, Nappa then kicks him hard in the gut, sending Tien high into the air. When he lands on the ground, he gets right back up and continues to fight the large man. The force at which he was going started to cause powerful winds to form around them, even tornadoes began to form.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAcWf2KKzjhN
Back at the Kame house
61Please respect copyright.PENANAWPLb6LIXbR
Bulma: "oooh, c'mon Tien! You can do it..... wow! He's on fire!"
Oolong: "you're not kidding! Look at him tearing it up out there! He could finally win this thing!"
Master Roshi: "yes, there's no question that Tien is full of spirit....... at the moment. But, I'm afraid he's fighting on heart alone. i just hope he can keep this up."
61Please respect copyright.PENANALqwGp65yR8
Suddenly the TV screen goes fuzzy, causing Bulma to try and flip through the other channels.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAbNHtX69U9w
Bulma: "there it does again! And its on every channel."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAPZyBKPuTls
Back at a different port of the battlefield, we see 3 members of the news staff standing on a mountain.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAaYPj5jP5l1
Technician: "yeah, we're having real problems here chief! Aaaa, we're not picking up on anything! What's going on out there anyways?"
Cameraman: "hey! How are we supposed to work in this storm?"
Reporter: "i hope we're getting over time for this shit!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAh6svoAnQkw
Back on the main battlefield, we can see Tien still trying to hit Nappa but its becoming increasingly clear that he's starting to slow down.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAf4yf1OX6Qh
Nappa: "awww, looks like you wore yourself out there."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxZqn1eIx87
In anger, Tien goes for another rush attack but Nappa easily doges it and elbows Tien directly in the middle of his back, sending him face first onto the ground. However, despite the pain he's in right now, Tien still gets back up, but he's clearly beginning to struggle.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA90ghHwM8Vu
Krillin: "amazing! How can he get up after all that? His body must be wrecked by now." he then gets into his own battle stance, "that's it, I'm going in!"
Piccolo: "wait, Krillin! He's going to start attacking Tien soon and when he does, He'll have a moment when his guard is at its lowest. That's when we strike." despite his fear, Krillin still nods, "good." he then looks behind him and towards the kids, "did you get that Gohani, Y/n?" while Gohani shakes in fear, Y/n nods his head.
Vegeta: "ooooh, that's a great plan!" this causes the 4 warriors to look at him in fear, "Nappa is far too strong for a head-on fight....... careful. You don't want to keep your eyes off of them for to long or....." he then forms a cocky smile on his face, "you miss you precious opportunity to strike."
Piccolo: "confident..... are you? Well, you just wait until Goku makes it back. Then we'll see how cocky you really are."
Vegeta: "oh? That's interesting, who's this Goku? Is he really all that strong?"
Piccolo: "oh, you'll find out soon enough. i promise you that."
Y/n: "yeah, master will kick your butt!"
Vegeta: he then looks at the boy, which causes him to flinch, "master, huh?...... interesting."
Nappa: "hyaah!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAksupmVsEhX
The Counterattack
Back on the battlefield, we can see Nappa rushing towards Tien and gives him a devastating gut punch on Tien, causing his body to fold towards Nappas large arm. Do to the same punch, Tien is then sent flying towards the large mountain behind him and hits it so hard that he practically bounces off of it. He then falls down towards the ground and lands face first. This causes the others to react in shock, but Piccolo, who watches on calmly. Waiting for the moment to strike.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAaCksKOSAG1
Krillin: "uh, let's go guys!" in the background, Gohani can be seen backing away in fear.
Piccolo: "wait, just hold on Krillin. Just a few more seconds. This has to be timed just right for it to work. We only got one shot at this. So let's do it right."
Nappa: he begins to walk towards the downed Tien in a slow pace, "oh, what's wrong? Wait, don't tell me. You miss your little friend, don't you? i understand that." he then looks up as a single tear forms on the corner of his eye. Then images of the Saibamen looking cool with glints on their teeth crosses his mind, "i lost friends too. They all had great futures ahead of them. Let me tell you about-"
Vegeta: he then rolls his eyes, "oh great, here he goes again./ Nappa! Just get on with it already! You're in the middle of battle, remember?!"
Nappa: he then stops and rubs the back of his head, "oh right." goes back to normal and looks down at Tien, "well don't worry super baldy, i'll send you to meet your little friend. Hehe." he then slowly rises into the air, "in the afterlife, one way, of course. Hehe," he then stops rising, "ready?!" he then rushes down towards Tien, "raaaaaaah!"
Piccolo: he then gets ready, "Gohani, Y/n! You 2 wait here! Krillin, let's go!"
Krillin: he then gets into his battle stance, "right!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAAPLE5SFVPJ
The pair then disappear, resulting in Gohani looking around in confusion and fear, while Y/n looks around with his eyes. Back up at Nappa, we can see him still flying towards Tien but then Piccolo appears right beside him.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAwVN8iB3MFc
Tien: "what?!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANABi99K0LrGM
With his palm open, Piccolo smacks Nappa hard in his face. The force of the attack was strong enough to send his flying away from Piccolo. Then Krillin appears right behind Nappa, his hands cuffed together, and hits the large man back towards the ground with all of his might. The strength of his attack was strong enough to send Nappa falling to the ground and towards Gohani and Y/n.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAk5q2KSGxGh
Piccolo: he then looks down, "It's now or never Gohani! Fire!"
Gohani: she then looks up as fear begins to overcome her, flashes of her fallen friends crosses her mind, "i.....i can't....."
Piccolo: "Gohani!"
Krillin: "now, Gohani!"
Gohani: "im..... im scared." fear overcomes her, causing her to run away and towards a nearby mountain.
Y/n: he then looks behind him and at her, "Gohani!" he then turns around and looks up, "crap!" he then cuffs his hand towards his side and begins to charge his attack, "Kaaaaa..... Meeeee..... Haaaa..... Meeee."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxU74Gq7vXq
Just as he begins to charge up his attack, flashes of Raditz crosses his mind. Fear begins to overtake him for just a second, but he then steals his resolve and channels his rage to push past the fear.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAANEoVb7MKj
Y/n: "HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA2nodwaTh4v
With his mighty roar, he fires his strongest blast towards Nappa. The sheer size of the blast, which was many times bigger than the large man, did shock him and everyone else, tho Vegeta looks mildly impressed. However, the small hesitation from Y/n gave Nappa just enough time to recover and Dodge the attack, tho it did cut a little close for comfort. As the blast rushes bast him, it heads towards Krillin. He freaks out and tries to run midair before just barely moving out of the way, but now it's heading towards Piccolo. He just grunts in annoyance before moving to his side, allowing the blast to shoot right bast him. The blast keeps going onto his arches and hits a nearby mountain, completely obliterating it, which actually shocked Piccolo as the explosion illuminates the area before dimming down. He then looks at Nappa with an angry expression as he watches Nappa slowly floating up while laughing at them. He finally stops when he reaches the same height as Krillin and Piccolo.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAOdgaLiEyFS
Krillin: "just great! He dodged the kids attack! There goes our surprise!"
Gohani: she then peaks out from behind the mountain, "I'm..... sorry guys. i just froze."
Nappa: he then rubs his cheek with the back of his fist, "I'll give you credit for that one. That was a good move. You 2 almost got me there..... em....... emph....... emphisise!"
Vegeta: "its emphasis!....... moron."
Nappa: "oh, right. Thanks for that Vegeta. Photosynthesis on almost." this causes the others to raise an eyebrow while Vegeta just groans.
Vegeta: "my partner everyone. One of that few Saiyans left!/ how did you manage to say something harder you oaf? You know what...... nevermind."
Nappa: "to bad your little trick didn't work if only the little short stack...... the other one." this causes Krillin to have a tick mark appear on his head, "if only she followed through. Oh, well. Now it's time to die!" this causes Piccolo and Krillin to get on guard.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA1SHmAZDmxP
[Location: Kamis Lookout]
61Please respect copyright.PENANA86WwJW33B4
Kami: "i sense my time is drawing near Mr Popo. I'm afraid that i have little time left."
Popo: "but Kami. That would mean......"
Kami: "yes, it means Piccolo is going to die soon, and I'll fade away alongside him."
Popo: "what about the mag-I mean Goku? He could save you!"
Kami: he then shakes his head, "I can't sense him approaching yet but your right my old friend. He's the only one who can save us now."
61Please respect copyright.PENANARrnQHpYva8
[Location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAIJmrPwYBRA
Nappa: "ha ha ha. your little band just keeps on getting smaller and smaller. Just like baldy right there." he then points at Krillin.
Krillin: "will you leave me alone?!"
Nappa: "now it's just the 2 of you." he then looks over to his right and down at the ground, "not counting the scare and useless brats."
Krillin: "damn."
Nappa: "all right. Whadda say we get down to business then. So...... who's next?"
Vegeta: "Nappa!" this causes said man to look at him, "remember, we still need to keep the Namekian alive. We need him for those so-called Dragon Balls."
Nappa: "oh yeah, i almost forgot."
Vegeta: "yeah, that's why i reminded you!"
Nappa: "looks like your up next little man."
Krillin: "heh, you hear that Piccolo? Looks like your in luck. Maybe i should tell them that i know about the Dragon Balls too?"
Piccolo: "be my guest but i don't think it'll make much of a difference in the end."
Krillin: "point taken."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAPWgrS4zhjZ
Back down at the ground, we can see a Y/n is looking above him with gritted teeth. He then looks back at Gohani, who's still hiding behind the mountain. He then looks back up at the warriors above him. He then clenches his fists hard enough to nearly bleed from it.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAEplZ12pVXe
Y/n: "crap, i want to help them but...." he then looks back at Gohani, "i made a promise, that i won't fail again." he then looks back up at the others but this time he takes a deep breath, "I'll do both then. If i stay down here, i can protect Gohani. Then i can't wait for my moment to strike. Just like Mr Piccolo said, i only got one shot at this. The dude has already written me off so I'll strike. Until then." he then takes on a charging up pose and closes his eyes. "I'll build up my KI, I'll try and recover what i lost, then strike when i can."
61Please respect copyright.PENANATsjPkWz9XV
Suddenly, wispy looking aura begins to form around him, like smoke coming off of him. Vegeta then looks over at him with a smile.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAVtlqeWfaig
Vegeta: "oh, now what's he up to? Should i warn Nappa? Naaaaaah, let him pay for his mistakes."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAjjUrPsZn7z
Piccolo starts to grit his teeth, but he then looks down at his side and sees Y/n beginning to build up his Ki.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAu3Lv0OnI9w
Piccolo: "good. Looks like the kid is taking advantage of this idiot judging him to soon. Then that means we just need to give him an opening."
61Please respect copyright.PENANANRsTzt00Ut
Piccolo then looks back at Nappa before making a subtle noise that catches Krillins attention, which causes him to look at the green man with a raised eyebrow. Piccolo quickly uses his eyes to point at Y/n then back at Nappa. Krillin looks confused for a moment before he uses his eyes to look at Y/n and sees him building up his Ki. he then looks back at Piccolo and very subtly nods his head.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAsLJPcCi04X
Piccolo: "now lets try a more direct attack! Before he can power up again! Are you familiar with the multi form technique?"
Krillin: "uh, yeah?"
Piccolo: "then let's do this! The both of us!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAyFQgWhOaAf
Piccolo then grits his teeth hard as energy begins to build within him, then he forms 2 clones. As the same time Krillin does the same and creates 2 closes of himself. Then all 6 warriors get into their battle stances.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA41sZ03plOJ
Vegeta: "ha! Amateurs....."
Piccolo: "ready?!"
Krillin: "yeah!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA4tMvTqPDU6
With the 2 warriors ready, they then rush towards Nappa. All 6 warriors began an onslaught of punches kicks towards the large man but, despite them out numbering him, they still couldn't land a single punch or kick on him. It all was nothing more than a game to him. However, even with their greater numbers, he easily defeats the clones one by one before delivering a devastating punch on Krillin. Sending him straight towards the ground. The sudden attack on Krillin shocked Piccolo, but this moment allowed Nappa to get in close and do the same to the green man, sending him crashing into the ground. However, he was hit harder as he even bounced off the ground as his lime green blood sprayed everywhere. Gohani sees this and rushes towards him but right when she gets close, he smacks her away.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA0F089StaPS
Gohani: "Piccolo? B-but....... I'm"
Piccolo: he then gets back up, "i don't have time to babysit Gohani. So if you want to help, then go back to your mother! Krillin!" he then flies up into the air
Krillin: "right!" he then follows right behind Piccolo.
Y/n: his eyelids and eyebrows begins to twitch, "tch, i can sense almost everything. Kinda annoys me with how he would hit Gohani like that but i cant lose focus. If i want to help her, then i must end this fight now."
Gohani: she then sees Tien try and get up, so she rushes towards him, "mister Tien! Please don't die!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAsQEWkdxcOZ
Back into the air with the other warriors.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAOD67DMWA6Z
Krillin: "so, uh. Piccolo. If you have some secret killer move your saving up, now would be a good time to use it."
Piccolo: "sorry Krillin. i wish i did." Krillin then looks back at him, "oh c'mon. It's not entirely hopeless. We still got a chance....... remember." this causes Krillin to nod, "besides, me may be strong, but he's not all that smart. He'll make a mistake and that will be our moment./ well, the brat." he then uses his eyes to look at Y/n, "as long as he can build up enough Ki, then we can do this."
Nappa: "haha, awww. Don't tell me you losers are still going to try and come up with some great master plan? Haha, sorry but your not me. Your mind just isn't on my level." he then buffs up his chest.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoQfrizF99c
There was this almost record screeching like sound as everyone looked at him with a deadpan expression on their faces. Even Gohani, who's still scared, couldn't help but do the same. Hell, even the animals did the same.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJedQXvw6yS
Nappa: "why did it get so quiet all of a sudden?"
Y/n: he starts to sweat as his lips begins to pucker, "must resist, must resist, must resist. Must stop urge to say something witty. Must resist urge to make joke. Focus me focus."
Vegeta: literally his cheeks puff up as he tries to hold in his laughter, "not the animals! Even that scared little girl and the brat. HAHAHAHAHAHA!..... no Vegeta, you must compose yourself."
Nappa: he then looks down at Vegeta with a puzzled look on his face, "hey Vegeta, why did everyone get quiet?"
Vegeta: he stares up at Nappa with his lips puckering as he tries and hold it in, "no stop! You're gonna make me laugh!"
Nappa: "Vegeta, why aren't you saying anything? Oh, i get it. Everyone is frozen because i saw the mighty and absolute truth. Yeah, that's it!" this causes sweat drops to form on Krillin, Gohani and Piccolos heads
Krillin, Piccolo, & Gohani: "he's the guy giving us so much trouble?"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA7ttzoyA76A
[Location: Kamis Lookout]
61Please respect copyright.PENANA0K3vgCoQhb
Kami: a sweat drop forms on his head, "this is our....... invaders?"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAiBxOSF4jBx
Tiens Final Attack
[Location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJglyM7cxHr
Nappa: "well, whatever. It's time to end this! HYAHHHH!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAiFi3FKVttm
With a golden aura surrounding him, Nappa launches himself towards the pair of warriors. They do the best they can to defend themselves, but he's hitting them much harder than before. Every time Piccolo goes for a punch, Nappa would block and counterattack. Every time Nappa goes for a punch, Piccolo would get in the way and just barely block his attack. Piccolo and Krillin basically said 'fuck it' and attack with everything they had. The exchange of powerful blows and solid blocks started to cause winds so powerful that it blew apart the tops of nearby mountains, causing Gohani to shield her eyes from the oncoming debris. Tien then starts to move a little and just barely gets up.
When he looks forward, he grits his teeth as he sees the image of his best friend in front of him. He then outreaches his hand but struggles to do so. In the air above them, Krillin, Piccolo, and Nappa can be seen speeding around as they continue to clash with their fists and kicks.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA3Nzp8PKSzv
Tien: "Chiaotzu...... I'm so sorry. I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't save you. i failed. No...... Chiaotzu! Don't go!" then the image of his friend slowly fades away causing him to slam his fist onto the ground.
Gohani: "mister Tien, are you okay?"
61Please respect copyright.PENANALfsVo9uEgT
Within Tiens mind, he begins to have a montage of memories flood his mind, about his adventures and challenges he has faced with Chiaotzu. They go all the way up until his sacrifice against Nappa, which was all in vain. In anger, Tien wills himself to stand up and step forward.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA4bVcmfKe1T
Tien: "Chiaotzu! I'm sorry but i failed you! I should've protected you but i couldn't. i promise..... i promise that im going to make it up to you, right here..... right now! I'll see you soon........ Chiaotzu"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAHNKrchGSNE
Tien then lowers his hand and forms his fingers as if he was about to grab a hold of a ball. Then yellow energy and sparks of Ki began to emanate from his hand. He grits his teeth as his energy builds up more and more. Right when Nappa hits both Piccolo and Krillin away from him, Tien looks up.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAjZEgOH45XZ
61Please respect copyright.PENANAZjCnihI5Tq
Tien then points his hand towards Nappa and fires a powerful blast of Ki. the blast was so powerful, so bright, that i illuminated the whole area in its yellow glow, shocking everyone, even Vegeta. Even those watching on the TV had their rooms brighten by its glow.
The blast completely enveloped Nappa as it caught him off guard. When the smoke begins to clear on the ground, we can see Tien still standing in the same position as before. However, when the smoke fully clears, we can see Nappa not only okay but he just barely as any scratches on him.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFt9RIsjdMj
Nappa: "phew, that was a close one."
Krillin: "there's..... there's just no way!"
Piccolo: "this is just insane! What will it take to take these guys down?!"
Tien: he can just barely catch his breath, "no....... I failed..... again."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAj220DXPv2N
Unable to hold on anymore, Tien...... falls to the ground. Gohani rushes towards him, but tears began to run down her cheeks. Another z-fighter........ has fallen.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAR3BtEIY8xL
Vegeta: "heh, would've worked if Nappa didn't see it coming at the last second. Too bad. Better luck next time. What's the saying? Another bites the dust."
Krillin: "noooo....... Tien. He gave everything to help us. Everything he had was in that blast." he then clenches his fist and arches his back. He then yells at the top of his lungs, "GOKU! WHY AREN'T YOU HERE YET?! WE NEED YOU! GOKUUUUU!"
Vegeta: "huh, who's this Goku? Interesting. Could he be-" suddenly a gust of wind blows past him, "hmm?"
Nappa: he begins to slowly float towards Krillin and Piccolo, causing them to back away in fear, "to bad old 3-eyes dropped dead. Maybe i should help you rejoin him. Ha ha ha haaa." then a gust of wind blows past him, "the fuck?"
Piccolo: "Krillin. We need to take this to the ground. He seems to be used to aerial combat..." then a gust of wind blows past him, causing his eyes to widen, "what's this Ki? There's so much killing intent behind it."
Krillin: "you might be-" then the same wind blows past him, "woah, what was that?!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAP8istR605f
Y/ns Wrath Bursts Forth
* repeat if needed
61Please respect copyright.PENANAO0P7MTpL5c
When they looked down, they saw Y/n crouched down, his teeth gritted, his fists clenched. His aura was starting to mimic that of an open flame rather than raging Ki.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAZy4hzQySDw
Y/n: "i've had enough.... I've had enough....... grrrrr." he then grits his teeth even more, to the point his mouth begins to bleed, "I've had........ ENOUGH!!!" then an explosion of Ki surrounded the boy. The Ki launching high into the air, "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ANY MORE LIVE!!!! DO YOU HERE ME?!?!?!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAZ3VybFvlal
As the boy screams, his eyes go blank. Not only its power but the wind that's being generated from his Ki shocked everyone, even Vegeta. Piccolo and Krillin even had to shield their eyes while Gohani was doing her best to not get blown away from his power. The auras width just keeps getting wider and wider.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkor1FlvNDt
Piccolo: "when the hell did he get so much power?!"
Krillin: "beat me!" he then has a flashback to their beam clash, "but whenever he gets angry enough, he seems to be able to tap into some kind of power that's deep within him!"
Piccolo: "lets hope it's enough."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAWrExKGN3aQ
The boy continues to scream as blood begins to leak from his ears and nose, as if his body cant handle his own power. As the aura gets bigger, something even more shocking happens. The aura itself begins to take shape, 2 almost skeleton like wings begins to form out of the huge pillar of Ki
61Please respect copyright.PENANA5ST5nkB2TY
Krillin: "what the hell?! Are my eyes messing with me?"
Piccolo: "unless mine are as well!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAwsoticBBSa
Then from the pillar itself, 2 glowing green eyes can be seen from within it. As soon as it did, a distorted roar like noise could be heard. It was so powerful, that it sent shockwaves in all directions. The power was enough to make even Nappa shield himself from the wind. In the background, even mountains got blown away.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkBsQ4GTder
[Location: Kame house]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAFIFEuni4PY
Bulma: "holy cow! Was he always this strong? And are those eyes?"
Oolong: "those sure as hell look like eyes to me Bulma!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANArzL6TnmWkY
[Location: Unknown Forest]
61Please respect copyright.PENANATdoTk4U0gH
We then see into a beautiful looking forest. As the camera begins to pan around, we can see a silver haired boy, who's face is obscured by the shadows of the forest. He was walking around as animals can be seen being scared of him. Then he can hear some kind of distorted roar like noise. This causes him to stop and look behind him in almost shock.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAcnaVE8pvuE
Silver Haired Boy: "so....... your already getting close?" he then smiles, "it won't be long before we meet...... my rival."
61Please respect copyright.PENANACMyNracHKm
[Location: Unknown Mansion]
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9YmDfxE8cb
We then see inside of a large, fancy looking mansion. As the camera pans around, we can see a girl with long crimson hair and a girl with long black hair, fashioned into a ponytail but like the boy, there faces were obscured by the shadows. The black haired girl was pouring some tea into the crimson haired girls cup until they both seem to sense something.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAYqFfn44rMG
Black Haired Girl: "my lady..... this energy."
Crimson Haired Girl: "yes, i sense it too. It's the same one we felt about 11 months ago, but it's much stronger now."
Black Haired Girl: "what should we do?"
Crimson Haired Girl: she then interlocks her fingers and rests her elbows on her desk, "hmmmm...."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAvZSCNzHCJL
[Location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAycjlv5PXwj
We now see back on the battlefield but this time, we see around a large boulder. As the camera pans around, we can see a cloaked figure standing behind it. This figure then backs away in shock, there features and face still being hidden from their cloak.
61Please respect copyright.PENANARqRG3k9NTC
???: "im...... impossible. So he does have it, but it should be impossible for a human to have it. It should be impossible, let alone for him to progress this far. It should be impossible, he's a mere human!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAjTG1iOTElw
Back with Y/n we can see as he continues to power-up in his rage. As he does so a memory crosses his mind.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAyaZHWZNECo
Kami (flashback): "remember Y/n. Rage is how you access this untapped potential you have, but you need to learn to control it."
Y/n (flashback): "control it? By why would i do that?"
Kami (flashback): "because my boy. When enraged, a fighters mind becomes clouded. Its true rage can allow us to access strength we didn't know we had but if you don't have the will to control it, then it will all be for naught. So allow yourself to feel age, allow it to empower you but use your mind to control it. Then calm yourself the moment your at your strongest. However, a word of caution. Do not push yourself to far. Know your limits. If you go to far then it will damage your body."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAfC1JEFke1s
The boy continued to power-up, but then he slowly closed his eyes and mouth. Then the aura disappeared. Everyone looked on in shock. Y/n then takes a deep breath as a thin layer of yellow aura surrounded him. He then opens his eyes to reveal that they are back to normal. He then stands up straight and looks right at Nappa.
* But you instead of Goku
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJTSQvwHe6O
Nappa: "what shrimp? Got somethi-TARGHHH!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAvrxUYJSvVu
To everyone's shock, they looked to see Y/n standing in front of Nappa, with a calm expression on his face and his fist digging into the gut of the large man, even cracking the armor a little.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA58zYg4px2k
Piccolo & Krillin: "what?!"
Vegeta: he then lets out a small smile, "ohh?"
Nappa: "grrr, you little-"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAvsmXbwVnxc
Nappa then cuffs his hands together and goes for a strike on the boy, aiming to hit his back but Y/n then disappears. Before Nappa could react to this, Y/n reappears beside him and punches him right in his face. This powerful punch was strong enough to launch him away from the boy, but Nappa stops himself, blood could be seen coming out of his mouth.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAwNCKGp4RHG
Krillin: "he actually got him!"
Piccolo: "incredible./ so Gohani isn't the only one who gets stronger with rage."
Nappa: he then wipes the blood off of the corner of his mouth with the back of his fist, "not bad shrimp. You got some spunk, but it'll take more than that to beat me!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAODvqyQHATj
Nappa then rushes towards the boy who remains in his calm state. Right when the large man got close enough towards Y/n, the pair began a barrage of punches and kicks. The pure furiosity of their attacks caused electricity to spark off of them. To onlookers, it would appear as if they were evenly matched.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAGN5jmSnFIe
Krillin: "incredible he's keeping up with him. He's amazing."
Gohani: "he's amazing."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAeBBgus3kQ9
[Location: Kame house]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAX6i9RkoXkz
Oolong: "look at the kid go! Who knew he mad it in him."
Bulma: "yeah! Kick his butt kid!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAC2Ijyk9H0x
However, despite the cheers of the others, Master Roshi doesn't seem to share in their enthusiasm.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA9UWiFlcuF7
[Location: Kamis Lookout.]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAaSBLjRjCaK
Kami: "noooo." his grip then tightens, "i warned him."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAV1jDbUFvkX
[Location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAaUvgDhDisu
Piccolo: "no!"
Krillin: "what is it?"
Piccolo: his grip then tightens, "he's losing."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxUKaPxHQRf
When Krillin looks at the fight before him, he gets a closer look at it. In slow motion, we can see that Nappa was landing more blows on Y/n. We can also see the Y/ns strikes were starting to get slower and weaker.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAKLFrRCDNGt
Piccolo: "wherever this power comes from. His body clearly can't handle it. It's too weak." his grip tightens even more, "damn it."
Nappa: while still unleashing on onslaught of punches towards the boy, "what's wrong kid? You're getting slower!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAZt0bRZdH28
Nappa then goes for a powerful right hook but then Y/n stopped his punch, which shocked him. Then the boy goes for a punch of his own but instead of Nappas gut or face, he aims for his elbow.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAPqcIiVjH7c
Krillin: "he's aiming to break his elbow!"
Piccolo: "i have eyes Krillin!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAfT1weWg3XR
[Stop Music]
61Please respect copyright.PENANADVKDKiZh5B
Y/ns Defeat
However, before the punch could land, Nappa smiles. Suddenly, Nappa opens his hand and grips Y/ns tiny hand before delivering a power blow to the boys gut with his knee. In pain the Y/n eyes widen as his spits out saliva and blood.
61Please respect copyright.PENANACv8f4ZeCPE
Gohani & Krillin: "Y/N!"
Nappa: "to bad brat, nice try!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA145pjqql14
With Y/n still on his knee, Nappa raises both of his hands into the air, cuffs them together and slams them hard onto his back. This powerful blow causes the boy to scream in agony before being sent flying to the ground. Thankfully, before he could crash onto the ground, Krillin came rushing in and skids a crossed the ground. This allowed him to catch the boy at the last minute. Krillin holds the boys head in his arms while trying to support his body.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAviXpuKhJAr
Krillin: "Y/n! Speak to me!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAIY8jDwyhng
[Location: Kame house]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAfYmp7ibOFG
Bulma: she then grips her shirt near her heart, "n-nooo...... n-not him too."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAAovJDezGtZ
Tears begins to form before she buries her head into Master Roshis shoulder, who looks on at the screen with a mix of sadness and anger. Oolong then looks down at the floor while Ox King looks at the screen. He was so shocked that he stopped fanning Chichi and even dropped said fan
61Please respect copyright.PENANA5kbyPD8WGe
[Location: Kamis Lookout]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAgKIuylteEk
Kami: he loses his balance for a moment before gripping his cane even harder, "Goku...... what's taking you so long?"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAZYI3VsRYpa
[Location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANA3tAR4P99a2
Gohani: she then rushes towards them but falls to her knees right beside Krillin, "Y/n!" tears began to form on the corner of her eyes, "nooooo." slowly she can feel her rage beginning to build.
Vegeta: "awwww, to bad." they all then looks at him in anger, "but he paid the price for challenging a warrior elite."
Krillin: "tghgrrrrrrr, bastard. He's just a kid you heartless monster!"
Vegeta: "and? You talk as if i care."
Krillin: "bastard!" before he could get up and fight, suddenly Y/n starts to have a coughing fit, "Y/n! Thank Kami." this causes Gohani to smile.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoaiydB3LPF
[Location: Kame House]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAytToPHjDko
Oolong: "guys, look! He's okay!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANArJf3ezF5cI
They quickly looked at the screen to see the boy with his eyes just barely opening and looks at the other 2.
61Please respect copyright.PENANATJHH1AVW07
Bulma: "oh..... thank heavens. I don't think i could handle any more death."
Master Roshi: "he's a tough one alright."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAln0C9LdmDg
[Location: Kamis Lookout]
61Please respect copyright.PENANA1jUhIHMZG8
Kami then relaxes before breathing a sigh of relief.
61Please respect copyright.PENANA2gCVDf8dHw
Popo: "so the maggot survived."
Kami: "you're ruining the moment again."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAJsu9TdnAI9
[Location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAk0jRx6oEyM
Nappa: "oh, so the midget survived."
Vegeta: "Nappa, midgets are........ nevermind."
61Please respect copyright.PENANA71BP4rEytL
Nappa suddenly flies at them at extreme speeds. Causing them all to react in fear. Piccolo reacts to this and flies down as fast as he can, but he can't seem to keep up. However, right before he could get close-
61Please respect copyright.PENANAVVrhHxWnXv
Vegeta: "hold it right there Nappa!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA7D4fth501r
Causing Nappa to literally pulls the break midair with a tire screeching sound. While Piccolo, not expecting the sudden stop, flies right past him and lands on the ground with a skid.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAOIhsW0YJLs
Vegeta: "hold on just for a moment. i want to ask them something."
Nappa: "uhhhh, alright. You're the boss."
Vegeta: looks down at the group, "i'm curious about something. About this 'Goku' they keep screaming about. I'm starting to think that they're actually referring Kakarot."
Krillin: "yeah, whatever you guys like calls him. That's him!" suddenly Vegeta starts to laugh, "what's so funny?!"
Vegeta: "that you weaklings think Kakarot can stand up against us, let alone beat us. He couldn't even beat his brother Raditz, and he might as well be a weak earthling in comparison to Nappa, even more so for myself."
Piccolo: "shows what you know! He's gotten way stronger than before! Just wait, Goku will show you who's the boss!"
Nappa: "hah!" he then somehow finds himself upside down, before correcting himself, "this dirt ball isn't that big. So where is he? i bet he's hiding from us, he's smart!"
Gohani: "hey you big jerk! My dad would never run away! He'll be here, and he'll beat you up! Just you wait!"
Vegeta: "ohh? Now you've caught my interest. How about this. We'll wait for him to arrive. Nappa, take a break! Take this moment to cool off!"
Nappa: "oh but come on Vegeta! This is rid..... ridi-"
Vegeta: "ridiculous."
Nappa: "yeah that! i want to finish them odd. Mommy didn't raise a lazy boy who doesn't finish his plate!"
Vegeta: "Nappa, your moth...... you know what? Forget it. Besides, we're only giving them 2 hours. That's all."
Nappa: "forget that! They die now! Hyaaaaahhh!" he then launches towards them, which puts fear into them.
Vegeta: "Nappa! Do you really plan on defying me?!" this causes Nappa to freeze in place, fear written all over his face.
Nappa: "n-no. I wouldn't dream of it. I-I'm sorry. i guess i just got carried away there. You know how i can get."
Vegeta: he then looks at the others, "the battle will resume in 3 hours. Whether that clown Kakarot gets here...... or not."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAHhHbw6STgf
Taking a Break
We now see as Piccolo, with his arms folded, is looking down at Gohani, who has her head down in shame. We then see as Krillin is helping Y/n stand on his feet by having his arm over Krillins shoulder.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAhrC2wtz39d
Krillin: "come on Piccolo you can't really blame her for this. This is the first time either of them saw any actually combat. Its scary as it is."
Piccolo: "I'm more angry at myself for counting on her. What a waste of time and energy. Just go home. You'll only slow us down. Not that it makes much of a difference. Judging by how the big one took orders from the shorter Saiyan. He must be even stronger than him. If that's the case, im not even sure Goku can beat him."
Y/n: "that's not fair green face."
Piccolo: he then looks down at him, "and how's that kid? She was useless in that fight. She froze."
Y/n: "you can't expect her to just be able to fight out of the blue like that. These guys are monsters. We watched them kill our friends."
Piccolo: "why shouldn't it? You did. You've shown your self more than capable and willing."
Y/n: "i......." he then looks down before balling up his fist, "because i already know what it means to lose and i refuse to let it happen again."
Krillin: "you still blame yourself for that? It wasn't your fault."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4CltMCJ2e
Over towards the Saiyans. We can see Vegeta sitting on a large rock with his arms crossed, while Nappa was standing up, clearly getting impatient.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkMfAPPlQNV
Nappa: "come on, Vegeta! i was just starting to have some fun back there! No im bored!"
Vegeta: "calm down Nappa. Us some will power. A much greater show will begin...... in 3 hours. i can promise you that."
Nappa: "but Vegeta, what are we waiting?"
Vegeta: "because, we need to teach Kakarot....... a little lesson. The clown was given a chance to join us, but he chose to betray us. He's forgotten what it means to be a Saiyan and must be punished. We're going to wait for him to show his cowardly face and make him watch as we kill his daughter, his precious student and all of his little friends right before his very eyes and when he finally comes to understand the prince of his betrayal. You and i will take our time ripping him apart. Piece by piece."
Nappa: "i like the way you think Vegeta! That's an awesome plan!"
Vegeta: "of course it is but that all depends on whether or not he actually shows up."
Nappa: "so if the guy doesn't show up in a few hours, i get to murder the 4 of them right?!"
Vegeta: "no, Nappa. Not all 4 of them. We still need the Namekian alive. He needs to tell use about the Dragon Balls. Got it?"
Nappa: "oh don't worry Vegeta. All i got to do is remember he's the green one. He'll talk when im done with him."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAH3Pn5YhbjX
With the 4 remaining Z-fighters, we can see as Krillin is pacing around while sighing. We can also see that Y/n was leaning against a large rock to support himself, while watching Krillin.
61Please respect copyright.PENANApXZ8DI3ps0
Gohani: "what's the matter Krillin?"
Krillin: "It's just that, Goku should've been here by now. What's the hold up? Was he brought back to live or not?"
Gohani: she then looks up at Piccolo, "um, Piccolo?" but when he didn't respond to her, she looks down with some sadness on her face.
Krillin: he then turns around and looks up at Piccolo, "hey! Why are we sticking around her anyways? We can't beat these guys. So we should just run while we still have the chance!"
Piccolo: "you can try and run, but what's the point? If we don't beat them here, you'll just have to face them later. We might as well stay her and get it over with."
Krillin: "but...... this is crazy! We need Goku! Where is he?" he then crouches down slightly and balls up his fists, "he's the only one who stands a change of stopping these guys! Why isn't he here yet?!" he then looks up at Piccolo, "what do you suggest we do Piccolo? What if Goku doesn't make it?"
Piccolo: "who knows? But we all know that Goku is on his way. Maybe he'll make it in the next 2 hours, or he won't but whether or not he gets here. We're going to need to see our way through this. We can't just give up because things aren't going our way. We need to be strong if we want to get through this........ it's all up to the 4 of use now. Well, 3 sense one of us is out of condition right now." he then looks at Y/n, who's leaning against the rock, his body still shaking from over using his Ki.
Y/n: "wait, no..... i can....... still fight." he tries to stand up at little but then slips.
Piccolo: "keep dreaming kid. You're done for now. Besides, where ever that power of yours comes from, It's not enough. Even if you could control it. Let's say you magically could beat the big one. That still leaves the little one, who barely flinched at your display."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAH8umyy6atK
This causes Y/n to look down slightly but when Piccolo looked at him, he saw that some of his more minor Injuries are all....... gone? This causes Piccolos eyes to narrow slightly until-
61Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5w85XYjgC
Gohani: "guys, im really sorry about earlier. i just froze when i saw him coming towards me. If it wasn't for me, Mr Tien would be alive and-" she then looks over at Y/n, "you wouldn't be so hurt."
Piccolo: "it hurts, doesn't it? Facing your fears would've been far less painful."
Krillin: "hey, go easy on her Piccolo. Y'know, given her age. i think it's a miracle that she's here at all. I mean, if it were me. Then i probably would've been gone long before now."
Gohani: "thanks Krillin....."
Piccolo: "Gohani, you know how to fight, remember your training."
Gohani: "but, im not ready yet. We still have 2 hours left. So maybe you can train me some more while we wait."
Piccolo: "your training is complete! i taught you everything i know. More training will do you no good if you're not willing to use it. So just go home already." he then turns away from her.
Gohani: "but, Piccolo!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA0svVD4kIi0
Gohani looks up at Piccolo, who continues to look away from her. This causes Gohani to slump over before turning around and slowly walking away. Krillin sees this and begins to freak out.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAqrpX6EHOWf
Krillin: "wait, Piccolo..."
Y/n: "wait, Gohani!" she doesn't even so much as look at him, this causes him to look up at Piccolo, "alright green man, now we have a problem! You've been bugging me since day one.......... are you listening jerk?!"
Piccolo: "its true Gohani. I've taught you everything i know. Your more than ready to fight. You just need the will to use it."
Krillin: "come on Gohani. Come back! We need you! He didn't really mean it. Tell her Piccolo! You don't really want her to go right? Gohani!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAGbkf6ibbRG
Gohani continues to walk away, slumped over. Then, suddenly, Piccolo, Krillin, and Y/n react to something. Right at that same moment, a Ki blast zooms right bast her and hits the small mountain beside her, destroying it. This causes her to fall on her butt from the shockwave and look on in fear. When she slowly turned around, she saw Nappa with his hand on his hip and wagging his finger in a mocking way.
61Please respect copyright.PENANABVNYfsXwRf
Nappa: "hey now shrimp. You better run along home to mommy. We wouldn't want a coward like you getting hurt!"
Gohani: she then quickly gets up and looks at him, "shut up you big bully. I'm not running away from you! You don't scare me anymore! i was just going over there to........ well. i cant say. Mom said it's not something a young lady should say." she then said in more of a hushed tone, "and you could use a shower....... jerk."
Nappa: he then puts his hand behind his ear and leans over, "what was that? Yah need to speak up shrimp!....... well?"
Gohani: "I...... I said." she then clenches her fists and yells, "YOU SMELL LIKE A GARBAGE CAN! You smell so bad that i could smell you miles away!" in the background Y/n can be seen laughing his ass off but then stops by saying 'ow' repeatedly. Then she runs back over to the others.
Nappa: gasps in the most hurtful way that leaves him flabbergasted, while Vegeta starts to laugh, "why you little......... RUNT! How dare you! I'll have you know i shower once every month! Thank you. We'll see how brave you are in 2 more hours!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAkUWIRK5p1e
On a different part of the battlefield, we can see a jeep slowly driving around the rocky surface of the nearby mountain. Once it stops, we can see 3 people on it, the driver, the man with a mic and the cameraman.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxxUgYFodgV
Cameraman: he then gets his camera into position, "alright, i got them in sights! Your on!"
News Reporter: "as you can see, the 2 sides have stopped their fighting, and it appears they are waiting for something. The 4 remaining members of the earth special forces have already defeated 6 of the deadly green men! But it seems they've reached some kind of stalemate with the large alien! Now lets move in closer!" the driver then tries to drive the Jeep closer but at a slower pace.
61Please respect copyright.PENANACd5u8If2Hp
[Location: Kame House]
61Please respect copyright.PENANA978XrGXV0W
We now see into the Kame house, with not much having changed sensed the last time. Suddenly the TV turns back on, which catches everyone's attention. Well, except for Chi-chi as he's still laying on the floor.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAT3aVbO1cpO
News Reporter (TV): "thus far, it appears the smaller alien has yet to join in on the fighting. We are currently attempting to approach the battlefield now. This is so we can get a better look at the aliens, now that the action has subsided. We could also get some insight as to why the cease-fire was called but for now. The reasons for this lull in fighting are anybodies guess."
Bulma: she then looks at Master Roshi, "why do you think they're waiting?"
Master Roshi: "im not sure Bulma...... it doesn't make any sense but whatever the reason may be, with any luck. Perhaps they'll wait just long enough for Goku to get back. Let's just hope Goku is strong enough to beat them."
Bulma: "oh, he will be. Goku has never lost a fight before. Not with everything on the line."
Oolong: "but these guys are aliens! What if he isn't good enough? i mean, what's going to happen to us? Come on, tell me the truth. i can take it."
Bulma: "you know what will happen. They aren't here on vacation. They will take over our planet and sell it."
Oolong: "noooooo! I don't want it to end! i can't take it! Why did you have to tell me that Bulma?!" he then starts to freak out and run back and forth.
Bulma: totally ignoring his mental break-down, "come to think about it, there's something that doesn't make sense."
Master Roshi: "what?"
Bulma: "Goku, he made use change the wish."
Master Roshi: "oh that, i guess he didn't want to take the chance that his brother killed anyone."
Bulma: "yeah, 'to wish everyone back who is good that was killed that day.' he could've just asked us to wish everyone back."
Master Roshi: "you're forgetting that would've included his brother."
Bulma: "oh, right. You have a point."
???: "where am !?"
61Please respect copyright.PENANASN1gDQNHwa
Everyone then looked behind them to see that Chichi has finally woken up.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAa9ykIGOH9g
Ox King: "Chichi! Your here at Master Roshis. You'll be alright."
Chichi: "oh dad..... is Gohani alright? And what about Y/n?"
Master Roshi: "they're doing just fine"
Bulma: "yeah, now that the fighting has stopped."
Chichi: "wait, so It's finally over?"
Master Roshi: "no, they're just taking a break for the moment."
Chichi: "what, but why?"
Ox King: "we don't know that yet, hon."
Chichi: "but, where in the world is Goku?"
Ox King: "now now, please stay calm Chichi. You know Goku, dear. Where ever he is, he's trying his absolute best to get there."
61Please respect copyright.PENANARFjyntvfz6
[location: Battlefield]
61Please respect copyright.PENANAKMTfyZC82I
Back on the battlefield, we see as the jeep was driving up next to some rocks, almost to use them as cover. However, we can see that Nappa has noticed them.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAVRRmoWaGeq
Nappa: "hmph, look at those weak earthling. They're so noisy." he then looks at Vegeta, "mind if i have some fun Vegeta? Cause im so bored!"
Vegeta: "oh why not but make sure you save up some energy to deal with Kakarot. Things could get intense."
Nappa: "you really think so?"
Vegeta: "maybe but he is one of us after all."
Nappa: "sounds like fun, i can't wait!" he then starts to float into the air, "i won't break a sweat against them."
News Reporter: "looks like the larger alien has gone airborne. He has done most of the fighting thus far and has attacked several news vehicles as well! He is considered to be highly dangerous. Oh..... look at that. He appears to be heading straight for us.......... HE'S HEADING STRAIGHT FOR US!!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANA74zgYj7XML
Nappa then flies right towards the news crew on the jeep, he begins to laugh like a mad man. Nappa begins his rampage on earth while they wait for Gokus return. What's taking you so long Goku? Hurry before its to late!
61Please respect copyright.PENANAk4XpPJDcfc
[Moments Later]
[Location: Check-in Station]
61Please respect copyright.PENANADoZHAy0IH8
We now see into the large building known as the Check-in Station. We then see a very large desk at the center of the room, with an even larger red skinned man sitting at it. We can see he's wearing a purple suit and had horns on his head. As he counties to do his work, suddenly Goku appears in front of him.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAoUSSYlND2S
King Yemma: "ah, Goku. Finally, you arrived."
61Please respect copyright.PENANAxvpkTmho7B
The camera then pans from behind Goku, giving us another view point of the large red man as he looks down at Goku. However, right as it does this, a foot covered in shadows steps into frame.
61Please respect copyright.PENANAWrygG4gPtp
King Yemma: he's in so much shock that he drops his pencil and book, "wait, you?!"
61Please respect copyright.PENANAX33k31IdiU
-To Be Continued
61Please respect copyright.PENANAERM9xVMV00
A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter. Did you like it? And yeah yeah, i know. Yet another cliffhanger and im aware that it's getting close to the end of the episode, but there was just too much that needed to happen and this has already reached 7k words (not including my quality check.) (future Juko here, it jumped to nearly 9k words). Yeah, that power boost of yours came out of nowhere but i promise it will all make sense later. Yes, despite the power boost, Nappa would've still won. You were able to slightly match him, but he still would've won in the end. This chapter basically was in your face style hint to what im planning but i still won't say anything until its officially revealed. Welp, that's all i can think of. So I'll see you....... in the next chapter.