A/n: Alright everyone because of a suggestion of a fellow writer I'm doing something new. I will be posting the bio, info, harem list (if any), any other bits of information and the first chapter of various stories I'm working on. I have no schedule, so until I do, updates will be sporadic. For some it could be a week, for others a couple of weeks, but also sometimes a few a week. I would also like to add some stories might receive more updates than others, depending on my mood, if I'm getting into it, or ideas for that series. So these first few bits of information and chapters are to give you a taste of what's to come. This message will be only on the first chapter of each new story. Hope you enjoy this testing phase I'm doing and the stories I write. Don't worry, no story will be abandoned, regardless of how many I make. If anything, maybe temporary hiatus.
* Now onto the story, shall we.
* also, nevermind. I'm going by the light novel with the anime as extra.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAB62vyWjBKO
Enter the Delinquent (.....pause)
As the camera pans down, we see Kuoh Academy, a formally all-girls school that has recently been turned co-ed. As the camera continues to pan around, we see a group of students in the back of the school. By the looks of it, it appears to be a stand-off of some kind.
Suddenly, almost as if the camera was a drone, something hits it but as the blackness of that hit moves downwards. We see that it was actually the point of view of one of the students who just got punched in the face by a boy with H/c colored hair and E/c colored eyes wearing the same school uniform as them but with the button-up shirt left open. His first still out stretched, but then he rests it by his side and looks down at them with a slightly annoyed look on his face.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAY5zMslG5Fu
???: "you losers really need to learn this lesson already. I'm getting bored one-shoting you assholes all the time."
Bully Leader: "fuck you. Why must you always get in our way."
Bully 1: "so what if we pick on some nerds and losers. It helps build character."
Bully 2: "yeaaaah, we're doing it for their future. It makes them stronger."
???: lets out an annoyed sigh, "I'm really getting tired of your pathetic excuses. The only losers who believe that shit are the same ones who want to justify their own weakness. You only hurt others because it makes you feel strong and gives you the illusion of control over others. You're just too weak to do anything else and nothing more, reminds me of a certain bird app. You idiots are 1 layer deeps and easier to read than a single page of a kid's coloring book. So cut the crap already and have the balls to own up to your weakness."
Bully Leader: clenches his fists in anger, "tchgrrrrrrr. Just shut...UP-TARGHHHH!"
???: with his hand still punching his gut, "the one who needs to shut up here, is you. Your bitching is getting annoying, weakling."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAkohccf3BFk
The boy then retracts his fists and stands up straight. His fist was the only thing holding up the shit stain as he fell to the ground as soon as the boy moved his fist. This so called 'leader' weakly coughs while struggling to breathe from the devastating punch. The others rush to their would-be leader and curse out the boy, who just smiles at their futile attempt to act tough. They get up and all attack him at once, however, this was a mistake as he began to symptomatically take them all out with a single hit. He stands up straight and looks at his latest victims. He dusts himself off with a bored and uninterested sigh, not noticing someone walking up behind him.
87Please respect copyright.PENANA1eL7NxXt0h
???girl: "you know. You really should learn to hold back against these guys Y/n. You might end up putting one in the hospital one day and I should know." she then looks at the guys, specifically the guy who got gut punched, "nevermind. He looks like he might need to go."
Y/n: "huh?-" he then looks behind him to see who was talking to him, "oh it's you Ichika."
* https://www.pinterest.com/pin/308989224437187807/
* also wearing the girls school uniform
Ichika: looks around, "come on, let's get out of here before the teachers arrive."
Y/n: "right behind you."
87Please respect copyright.PENANArjPRyiyfzb
[Mini Timeskip]
87Please respect copyright.PENANAQIyDgOii7X
We now see as the pair are on the roof of the school building, a part of the roof that was remodeled to be used as an extra lunch space for the students. The pair look on as the other students do their own thing while the bullies y/n dealt with were being carried to the nurses' office. As they watched on, the boy notices something on Ichikas cheek.
87Please respect copyright.PENANA7Fg8s08dnE
Y/n: "hey Ichika-" causing the girl to look at him, "is that a cut on your cheek?"
Ichika: "mm? Oh, you mean this? Some jackass tried to grab my ass earlier today. So I taught him a little lesson about personal space."
Y/n: chuckles softly, "so you have an excuse this time?"
Ichika: "unlike you, i dont just go around and fight random guys........ dont give me that look."
Y/n: looking at her with the 'really' face, "riiiiiiight, and I'm Santa Claus. Face it, you're just as much of a delinquent as I am. Granted it's typically sexual harassment, defending someone, or some ghost stuff, but you forget about all of the other times."
Ichika: "I....... ok, you got me but i dont fight nearly as much as you do. At least I have an excuse..... most of the time. I mean, come on Y/n. You fight so much that even some of the local gangs call you boss."
Y/n: "don't remind me, but I just can't help it. Fighting is fun, plus someone has to keep these idiots in line. Course, when dealing with said morons, it's always disappointing. They hardly provide me any challenge at all."
Ichika: lets out a small sigh, "sometimes I worry about you. anyways, what was today's beat down about?"
Y/n: "they were picking on some first years. They used the tired old excuse of 'it builds character'. So I put some 'character' on their faces."
Ichika: "well, I guess that will do......... this time............. huh, what?" notices him looking at someone, "oh, The Perverted Trio, at it again."
87Please respect copyright.PENANANqrswNZgge
As they looked down, they can see a group of 3 students, dubbed 'The Perverted Trio' spying on some girls.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAcufdF7hnFG
Y/n: "again, really? They never learn. What is it with perverted and not getting a hint already? Oh well, I would be bored to tears if i couldnt fight anyone. Still weird tho, how one of them is a girl and does this shit too. What was her name again?"
Ichika: "I believe it's, Izumi and I heard rumors she swings both ways. So their........ interests align. They must get along pretty well."
* A/n: I'm apologizing ahead of time for those of you who are bi, who might find it insulting on how I write Izumi. It's just how I see Issei acting if he was a girl.
Y/n: leans his back against the fence and crosses his arms, "wonder if 'interests' involve sex? shes pretty hot and even more perverted than they are. So it wouldnt be all that surprising."
Ichika: her eyebrow twitches, "why did it annoy me that he called another girl hot?/i doubt it. I heard she isn't attracted to them at all but I have no idea if the other 2 have tried anything, they do seem the type."
Y/n: chuckles softly, "bonds between degenerates..... I guess or whats that other saying? Honor among thieves, well perverts in this case. Oh well, not my problem. The Kendo club does my work for me."
Ichika: chuckles softly, "I guess you're right about that. So anyways, um-" starts to scratch the side of her cheek with a small blush, "-do you have any plans this weekend?"
Y/n: "huh? uhhhhh. No, I don't think so."
Ichika: "great! Ahem, I mean, cool."
Y/n: "oh, but I do have another act of...... disciplining to do today."
Ichika: "another one? Do you ever stop?"
Y/n: "........no." making the girl sigh, "anyways, I heard a rumor that someone has been taking dirty photos of girls in the locker room and stealing underwear. I have a pretty good idea who tho."
Ichika: raises an eyebrow, "The Perverted Trio? didnt think they had the balls."
Y/n: "surprisingly no. it's someone else, but I got it handled. I need a good stretch, cause they defiantly won't provide much of a warm-up."
???: "oh wow, you really like to get into fights Y/n-kun. You really should take better care of yourself."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAGnw9XCPsAz
Surprised that someone else is up here at this hour, the pair looked behind them. Only to be met with the bright, warm smile of a girl with long orange hair, with a flower shaped hair pin in her hair. She was holding her suitcase/backpack in front of her with both of her hands.
* but in the school uniform
87Please respect copyright.PENANAm6NCzvKbE8
Y/n: "oh, hey Orihime and of course I do. It's fun, but someone has to keep these morons in check cause staff sure as hell won't."
Orihime: chuckles softly and cutely puts her fist to the side of her mouth, "well, be careful out there. I-we wouldnt want you to get hurt."
Y/n: "heh, thanks for the concern but these losers couldnt hurt me even if they tried. I'm not Ichika over here, who gets sloppy." looks at said girl with a cheeky smile.
Ichika: a blood vain bulges on her head, "hey! That was one time, ok. and besides, they got the jump on me."
Y/n: "yeah sure. Whatever you say."
Ichika: "why you-"
Orihime: gets between them, holding out her hands, "now now, we're all friends here. You know hes just teasing, besides, you should be careful too"
Ichika: "tech, yeah whatever. I'll be fine."
Orihime: "great!" interlocks her arm with theirs, "now come on, it's lunchtime. Let's eat together." begins to drag them to a different part of the roof, laughing softly like a goofball.
Y/n & Ichika: "h-hey!"
87Please respect copyright.PENANACe3eZK3qV1
Well Earned Punishment
[Mini Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Y/n, Ichika, & Orihime eating lunch together]
87Please respect copyright.PENANAOWXMM1fyI5
After eating lunch together, Y/n said his goodbyes to the girls, and thanks Orihime for the lunch, telling her that shes getting better, which made her happy and blushes a little. As he leaves, the 2 girls wishes he could stay a little longer and not fight so much but knew they couldnt stop him once he sets his mind to something. As he continues to walk, he eventually reaches the school's track fields but still continues to walk. Until he eventually reaches the storage shed for the field. As he walks behind it, he sees 4 nerdy looking guys hunched over and giggling to each other. Knowing exactly what they are so giggity about, he walks over to them and grabs one of them on the shoulder.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAsNfoGyvZZX
Nerd 1: "huh, what do you wan-AAAAAAA!!"
Y/n: stares down at them almost as if they were ants, "The H/c Haired Devil? Now thats a new one but I assume you know why I'm here?"
Nerd 2: "l-l-l-look. We're not harming anyone."
Nerd 3: "y-y-yeah. It's just some photos. So what if it was taken in secret."
Nerd 4: "w-w-we can give you some."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAzev9RSad3E
The boy slowly raises his hand up, with his palm open and begins to crack his finger knuckles one by one. Tuned with each statement he said.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAHY5FxrOdBd
Nerds: jumps, "eee."
Y/n: calmly, "you invaded their privacy-"
87Please respect copyright.PENANAiBoTvDrudG
87Please respect copyright.PENANA5dhT76hSvN
Nerds: "eeee!"
Y/n: calmly, "you took pictures of them without their consent-"
87Please respect copyright.PENANAOSBNjzCpB2
87Please respect copyright.PENANABECS5nVuRc
Nerds: "EEEE!"
Y/n: calmly,"and last I checked, that was against the fucking law-"
87Please respect copyright.PENANA41l6VFUfqU
87Please respect copyright.PENANABn3Qioa2ni
Nerds: turns pale, "EEEEEEEE!!!!!"
Y/n: calmly, "so think of this as justified punishment come early-"
87Please respect copyright.PENANA0QuaVGJnfR
87Please respect copyright.PENANA9C6BEmoUG0
Nerds: hugs each other, "EEEEEEEE!!!!!"
Y/n: calmly, "so sit there and take your punishment like men you sad excuses of human filth."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAJuvhQscXsb
The 4 nerds hold onto each other even tighter and scream in pure fear, in union of the camera panning up into the sky. however their screams of utter fear were replaced with screams of pain, the sounds of something breaking, something hitting the ground and impact sounds. With his lasted punishment now dealt with, we see as the boy walking around with his hands in his pockets.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAyNatdZ6X5v
A Fateful Meeting
Y/n: lets out a small yawn, "man, 5 fights in a single day sure is tiring. I think I'm going to take a nap. Oh wait, class is in section. I should get to class, otherwise miss Igawa would be angry with me............. naaaaah. Naps are more important than class but where do I find a good place to sleep..........huh?"
Y/n: "huh? The abandoned building? Last I heard, this place was closed down because of some haunting or whatever........ sounds like a perfect place to take a nap."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAt1qEHXA30c
The boy then begins to walk in the directions of the building and as he gets into the front door, he feels a strange sensation, almost like electricity but it was so minor that he just shrugs it off. As he continues to walk around, he eventually comes acrossed a strange room, filled with candles, a desk, and new furniture.
* minus the characters and the candles aren't lit.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAHxEdQGxJVH
Y/n: "hu? Spooky." walks around and touches the sofas, "odd, this stuff looks and feels new but isnt this building supposed to be abandoned or something? Oh, well. At least this will be a good place for a nap."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAexLPNkLxGl
The boy then lays down on 1 of the 2 sofas. As he rests his head on one of the arm rests, he surprisingly feels relaxed. Almost like hes safe here. slowly sleep begins to take hold of him, something he doesn't fight. Now with his eyes fully closed, he falls fast asleep-
However, as he begins to stir awake, he feels something......... odd.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAuaH5Blv1NM
Y/n: eyes still closed, "woah. Is it me or is this sofa softer than before, and why does it smell nice? Wait....... why does it kinda smell like perfume?"
87Please respect copyright.PENANA3sOCXCCJQ0
As the boy slowly opens his eyes, he sees a girl with long crimson hair, piercing blue eyes and a bust big enough to partially block his view of her face. His eyelids shoot open in shock. Now fully realizing his current situation, that his head is resting on this girls' lap, he begins to blush.
* yes they miss colored her eyes in the anime and was later corrected.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAGDTvtBrj2V
Y/n: blushes, "uuhhhhh, hi?"
???: looks down with a soft smile, "oh, well hello. Did you sleep well?"
Y/n: "um. Y-yes I did, thank you. Tell me, why is my head on your lap?"
???: "oh. Well, this is building is used for my club. So when I came here to handle my usual duties as its president, I saw a cute boy resting on one of my sofas. He looked so peaceful that I couldnt bear the idea of waking him. So I decided to let him continue his rest but on my lap. Why, did you hate it?"
Y/n: blush gets bigger, "n-no, I didn't. It was quite nice.... actually./the fuck? Why is this happening to me? Why is such a beautiful girl like her even talking to me. Most just run...... wait, that was the first time anyone has ever called me cute?/I-I think I should go. I dont want to get in your way or bother you."
???: "it's no trouble at all. It's actually quite comforting, so you can actually stay longer, if you want."
Y/n: quickly gets up, "I-I just remember, I have something to do...... so huh, bye." quickly gets out of there.
???: "awwww, I wanted him to stay a little longer."
???2: chuckles, "who knew the famed H/c Haired Devil would be so easily embarrassed. His reaction was pretty cute. It contrasts his mean look people fear so much."
???: chuckles, "true, makes you wonder just how much of the rumors surrounding him are actually true. Don't you think, Akeno?"
Akeno: "True. I'm a little jealous but that aside. How did he get in here Rias?"
Rias: places her finger and thumb on her chin, "thats a good question, but I'm not sure. As you know, theres a special barrier surrounding this building that was put into place to not only protect it but us as well. It allows us to operate freely without worrying about outsiders, especially normal people. Its secondary function is to keep them away. When they get close, they are overcome with an urge to go somewhere else and can't fight it. So that begs the question, how did he?"
Akeno: "knowing you that pillow lap wasnt just because he was cute. so did you sense anything?"
Rias: resting her hand on her lap while shaking her head, "no. It's true I did it because he was cute, but my primary motive was to see if I could get a read on his energy but i couldnt find anything odd with it. I sensed nothing, no energy within him at all. He felt just like any other normal human."
Akeno: "how strange. Should I keep an eye on him?"
Rias: "please do" she crosses her legs and rests her elbow on her upper leg, resting her head on the top of her hand and with a smile, "it would appear that The H/c Haired Devil, is more interesting than he seems."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAbayBCqLcfr
Then the crimson haired beauty stands up and begins to strip, laying her cloths on the sofa she was just sitting on. When she was done, she walked into the shower that was placed near the back of the room. As she does, she turns on the water, letting it wash over her body.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAiLLi2Ihfbs
Rias: "any news on our little side project?"
Akeno: "oh, you mean the pervert? Nothing to report yet, but I sent Koneko to keep an eye on her."
Rias: "good." she begins rubbing her body with the soap covering her hands, "a perverted girl with a mysterious power sleeping within her and a boy who could enter a barrier that was specifically meant to keep humans out. Seems things are getting interesting around here."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAX5ccaTVA5T
The Pervert Gets a Date?!
[Kuoh Bridge]
87Please respect copyright.PENANApUyqq60f0d
We see that it's now sunset. We see as Izumi is leaning on the railing of the Kuoh Bridge. She rests her head on her open palm and sighs.
87Please respect copyright.PENANARFGNlt8PK9
Izumi: "man, I want a boyfriend so bad right now. A girlfriend would be nice too but who am I kidding, neither would come near me." she lets out a sad little sigh.
???: "u-um, Izumi. P-please go out with me!"
Izumi: "huh-" she looks behind her to see a girl with long black hair and a slender frame, she quickly looks around, "wait...... you mean me?"
???: "yes. I heard rumors that you swing both ways, and I've recently discovered that I might too. So I wanted to test the waters, so to speak but i didnt know how. That is until I heard about you and saw you standing here. I could keep you out of my mind. I just know you're the one. So..... will you please go out with me?"
Izumi: "no way. Is this a prank or something? This cant be really happening, not after I was just thinking about a girlfriend. Not just that be shes a hoty too, a nice body, slender frame, and nice fun bags too. This is seriously a score!/sure, but I don't even know your name."
Yuuma: she places her open hand over her mouth is shock, "oh, how silly me. My name is Yuuma. It's nice to meet you Izumi." she says with a bright smile.
Izumi: blushes, "yeah, same to you./even her name is super cute. OoOoOh, those guys are going to be so jealous."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAlrjWc0uppS
[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Izumi eyeing up a chibi Y/n]
87Please respect copyright.PENANAgW1G6B10R0
We now see as the Perverted Trio are standing outside of the school building, near its entrance. We can see as Izumis 2 friends, Matsuda and Motohama, are standing there confused, almost as if they could process what she was saying.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7bCTcazi8
Matsuda: "you manna come again yo?"
Motohama: "yeah, I think we didnt hear you right."
Izumi: points with her hand, "this is Yuuma and shes my girlfriend." said girls smiles and waves
Matsuda and Motohama: "WHAAAAAAAAT!!!!"
Matsuda: "watcha mean yo?"
Izumi: places her hands on their shoulders, "don't worry, maybe one day you 2 will get lucky. Just like me but, who knows if that will ever happen. Anyways, we're off!"
87Please respect copyright.PENANAG7QnJHdtC9
Izumi interlocked her arms with Yuumas and walked away with her in tow, leaving the other to both utterly shocked and devastated at the same time.
87Please respect copyright.PENANA5Qjw8eiPLc
Matsuda and Motohama: "wait, can we watch?! Girl and girl action is hot!"
Izumi: "true but no! Bye!"
87Please respect copyright.PENANAC8vAfzNkpk
Later that day, he can see that the pair is back at the same bridge where they first met. Before separating, the pair set up a time and date for their first date together. Izumi was so excited to not only have a girlfriend but to also go on her first date that she ran down the stairs too fast and almost trips. Yuuma saw this and became worried about her but then chuckled when she saw that Izumi was ok. as the pair went their separate ways, they had no idea that someone was watching them.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAFWcCcPbAKQ
[Mini Timeskip]
87Please respect copyright.PENANAVhhtJGqtSo
We now see into the abandoned building, used to house the Occult Research Club. Inside the same room where Y/n was taking his nap, was Rias, Akeno, and the white haired girl. We see as Rias is the only one sitting on one of the sofas, who appears to be playing chest.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAPq0qOervWe
Rias: "I see. So they already made their move, huh?"
???: "what do you want me to do about it president?"
Rias: "nothing for now, just keep an eye on her but keep your distance. Without knowing what they're after or what theyll do, we can't take any extreme actions yet. I want you to be careful Koneko. We dont know what kind of threat this mysterious girl is."
Koneko: "will do but what about the delinquent?"
Akeno: "oh, dont worry about him sweetie. I got my eyes on him even as we speak."
Koneko: "fine. I'll let you know if anything of note happens to the pervert."
Rias: "thank you...... you may go." Koneko boys and leaves, "and thats checkmate."
Akeno: leans over, "awww, I actually tried to give you a challenge this time."
Rias: rests her back on the back of the sofa with her arms crossed, "dont be so sad, you're getting better, but it was still pretty obvious what strategy you were using. anyways, any news on him?"
Akeno: straightens up, "nothing yet. hes getting into fights, like normal, and I mean a lot. However, I have noticed something."
Rias: raises an eyebrow, "which is?"
Akeno: "that despite how he acts, and the rumors surrounding him, hes single-handedly keeping the misbehaving boys inline. Hehe, and he has a little fan club growing of girls who recognize what hes doing."
Rias: "I see. So despite his tough exterior, hes actually a good guy. How cute."
Akeno: "true, but he still gets into a lot of fights that doesnt involve keeping those boys inline but knowing who he really is. it's no wonder why someone like Orihime gravitates towards him. Tho, it's not much of a shock that Ichika does, with them both being delinquents and all."
Rias: "who would've guessed that Kuoh's Sweat Heart would be around him, you would figure she'd stay away. Course that is what you would think from the outside, it's obvious she knows the real him. I wonder if she wants to try and tone down his fighting?"
Akeno: "i wouldnt be surprised, but she is a good person at the end of the day. So she probably just sees him as a good friend."
Rias: "you have a point. Is that all?"
Akeno: "sadly yes."
Rias: lets out a small sigh, "alright, please keep an eye on him for a bit longer./I hope it wasnt just some fluke that he got in."
87Please respect copyright.PENANAmJh8vNPOgx
The Perverts Date Time
[Next Day]
87Please respect copyright.PENANApcQJgnSt3c
It's now the next day. We can see as Izumi is standing near a park, near the shopping district that rests in the middle of the city. We can see as shes wearing a fancy but cute black dress. Do to the excitement she felt for this day, she arrived early, but now her nerves are getting the best of her.
* Where i got it = https://wallpapersmug.com/w/wallpaper/cute-anime-girl-minimal-fb0707
* something like this
As she started to calm her nerves, she noticed someone approaching her. This girl was wearing a strange almost demon or gothic style outfit that almost feels like cosplay. She this strange girl reached Izumi, she didnt say anything but handed her a strange looking flyer with a bright smile. When Izumi looked at it, it had strange markings on it that almost felt satanic in nature. However, before she could ask the strange girl about it, she was gone. Confused, she looked around but couldnt find her. However, before Izumi could ponder this anymore, her date finally arrived, well arrived on time to be more accurate.
Yuuma: smiles, "so.... are you ready?"
Izumi: tries to keep her internal excitement from showing, "OH HELL YEAH. She looks so fricken hot!/ yeah, let's go."
Yuuma: interlocks her arm around Izumis, "did I make you wait long?"
Izumi: blushes, "I can just barely feel her boobs./n-no, I only get here a few moments before you did./thank you god for making me bi. she smells so good."
87Please respect copyright.PENANA5bBHuZKzqj
Yuuma smiles at her and begins to drag her on to state their day filled date. In a montage like fashion, we can see the pair of love birds doing many different things on their date. They went to the mall to do some clothes shopping, went to a small local restaurant to eat lunch and share some crêpes, going to the movies, while holding hands, and finally, ending it at the park next to a decently sized fountain. As the pair continue to walk towards the fountain, Izumi looks at Yuuma, then her hand. Taking a chance, she grabs a hold of Yuumas hand, causing both to blush. However, it was short-lived as Yuuma suddenly let go of Izumis hand and ran towards the fountain, confusing Izumi. The black haired girl stops just short of the fountains and places her hands behind her back. She then spins to look at her girlfriend with a bright smile on her face.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAIsoZWAG1Yu
Yuuma: "I had a lot of fun today."
Izumi: "y-yeah, same here./wait, is this what I think it is? Oh, yes, yes, yes! I'm finally going to have my first kiss! Granted I wanted to give it to a guy but I aint complaining."
Yuuma: "...... hey Izumi?" it was small, but there was a single moment where she bit her lip for just a second.
Izumi: "huh, what is it Yuuma?"
Yuuma: begins to slowly walk towards Izumi, still with her hands behind her back, "theres something I want to do to celebrate our first date together. It's very selfish of my but could you please listen to it?"
Izumi: "here it fucking comes! My first kiss and it with a hot as girl! Her lips look so soft!/w-what ever it is, ill try my best to make it true./crap, I sounded too desperate there."
Yuuma: finally reaches Izumi and lowers her head, she says in a lower tone, "will you die for me?"
Izumi: "huh? I think I heard her wrong./what was that? I think I misheard you."
Yuuma: leans in close and whispers in her ear, "will you die for me?" she then backs away.
Izumi: "uhhhh, this isnt funny. If this is a prank then it isn't-huh?"
87Please respect copyright.PENANAWHW6uuru1M
Before Izumi could finish her sentence, suddenly Yuumas outfit disappeared, causing Izumi to focus on her breasts. However, she then grew 2 wings and a new outfit formed, it gave the appears of a dominatrix. As she placed her hand on her hip, Izumi became so shocked that she fell on her ass.
* yes I'm aware that her outfit doesn't change in the light novel, I'm using both.
87Please respect copyright.PENANAwdq5GADw8u
Yuuma: in a cold voice, "well, it was fun. Truly it was. Our time together may have been short, but I did enjoy it. Never would've thought that dating another girl would be this much fun, but it all ends here." despite her words and tone, she had somewhat of a saddened look on her face.
Izumi: "w-what? I don't understa-huh?" suddenly, a strange buzzing like noise could be heard, "w-what is that weird......... noise?"
87Please respect copyright.PENANAJsapzS4hCY
However, her question was answers in a horrible way. When she looked down, she saw a bright, glowing spear, made from some kind of energy, was embedded into her gut.
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Yuuma: "sorry but I-you're a threat to us. So it was decided to get rid of you before you became that threat. If you hold a grudge against me, well-" whispers, "then I accept that." speaks normally, "-then blame god for putting that sacred gear inside of you."
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As the spear disappears, Izumi falls to the ground. Because of the large hole in her gut, bleed leaks everywhere. She tries to speak, but is unable too. As she lays there, on her back and holding her guy, she wanted to ask Yuuma why is she doing this to her but she couldnt, she no longer had any strength left to even twitch a finger, let alone speak. Yuuma, sees that her job is done, turns around and was about to fly off but stops. She takes one last look at her now ex-girlfriend with a saddened expression.
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Yuuma: under her breath, "I'm sorry."
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With her final words said, she flies away but a single tear could be seen falling from where she once was. Izumi, wasnt able to hear what Yuuma just said as she can no longer hear anything. She couldnt even see anymore but blur, as if her vision was that of a fogged up lens. All she could do, in her final moments, was let her mind wander.
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Izumi: "am...... am I really going to die here? At this age? I havent even lived my life yet. I.... I was stabbed by my girlfriend in some park, how cliché is that? I...... I wonder what will happen tomorrow? Will those 2 be shocked, will they cry? Nah, I doubt it. We may have been friends, and they were just as perverted as I am........ ok not really, but not once did I ever let them touch me, no matter how much they begged. Even tho I did want to know how it felt to let a guy touch me, i just couldnt. They werent my type at all. hehe, i more into the tough bad boy types but not the typical ones you see in crime flicks. Like, oh whats his name again? I think people call him The H/c Haired Devil? Now a man like that, definitely has a sadistic side to him. Ohhhh the things someone like that could do to a girl, he could make them scream....... wait, AM I SERIOUSLY GETTING HORNY WHILE DYING?!?!? JUST HOW PERVERTED AM I?!?!?!"
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Her internal outburst caused her to move too much, which caused her to cough up some blood. Thanks to this, she noticed she could move a little, so she looked at her hand, which was coated in her own blood. Its crimson color being eliminated by the sunset.
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Izumi: "red........ crimson red. Just like her hair. A beauty with bright crimson hair." her arm becomes limp and falls to her side, "No matter how many times I saw her, I was just so drawn to her hair. I wish I could die in the arms of such a busty beauty like her.......... wait I have a girlfriend-no I don't. shes the one who did this to me. Man, I wish I could've groped Yuumas big breasts just once........ ohhhhh, no, be sandwiched between hers and Rias' big breasts. Having them rubbed against my face......... nononono, better yet. Have the 3 of use rub our breasts against...... Y/n, yeah. That was his name. Have us rub our breasts all over his muscular body, then shoving them in his face as he takes those big firm hands of his to grab our asses and suck on our nipples. Then we move onto a three-way boob job after feeling his rock hard-wow my perverted mind just doesnt stop doesnt it? I'm dying and all I can think of is sex. Man, my life was so boring...... I'm so pathetic."
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As her vision becomes so blurry that she could no longer see, she could barely make out something. What she wasn't able to see was a red sigil appeared in the air and out of it was a girl with long crimson hair. All she could see was some kind of light but not just that, she noticed she still has some of her hearing as she heard someone speak.
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???: "so it was you who summoned me?"
Izumi: "what, is someone there? I..... I can't so who."
???: "oh, looks like you're dying. Thats a pretty nasty wound you got there but looks like something interesting happened here. How interesting it was you who summoned me. Honestly I was hoping it was Y/n." she chuckles softly, "oh, but dont worry. I won't let you die here. From now on....... you will live on for me."
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A/n: welp, thats it for this chapter. A little longer than I meant it to be but once I get going, sometimes I struggle to stop. As you could see, I did make some changes here and there with not just the characters but some lore. There was something I wanted to establish early on but what that is, will be shown later. Now I hope if any of yall are bi didnt find it insulting on how I wrote Izumi. I just see her acting that way, basically like her male counterpart but for both sides. Personally just wanted it to be more casual like 'yeah shes bi, so what'. And as for you, it will be a little awhile before you actually get in the game but won't be that long. Welp, thats all I can think of. So I'll see you, in the next chapter.
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