A/n: Believe it or not, this story was somewhat inspired by Jinchuriki in Kuoh made by @Mega003. I was already working on a DxD story before that, but when I read that story, it inspired me to make it into a crossover story. With DxD being the base. Obviously, there's no real influence from that story, but it was giving me the initial idea to make a crossover DxD story. Basically, I was writing a normal DxD story but after I read that one, it inspired me to change it to be what it is now.
* Also, I deiced to remove an aspect of your personality for this story. The believing in second chances and redemption thing. Why? Well, I believe I can tell a more interesting story that way, by giving you a pretty big character flaw. One that will slowly take time to fix. Something to grow out of. I know I should've thought about this sooner, but it didn't cross my mind at the time until I had the idea to add another series and how it will help you grow as a character. Then the idea of getting rid of this aspect popped it. What series? Sorry, not telling.
* Now on to different matters, kinda surprised this wasn't brought up before but the reason Rias and the gang can see Soul Reapers, and similar beings, is due to their energy, being supernatural species and I think its canon in the DxD universe but not 100% sure. Basically having certain energy types allows the user to see spiritual beings. I would also like to add that im not 100% sure that if I mentioned it or not but Ichika keeps her height as her male counterpart. Meaning she's tall, slightly taller than you and who doesn't like tall girls? I mention this because I've seen a lot of fanart have her being the average height for a girl her age or shorter.
* Now with that brought up, should I start adding height to the bio or no, unless its actually important to the plot? Persoanly I've been picture average height for pretty much all the Mcs.
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Rude Awkening
[The Next Day]
[Kurosaki Residence]
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It was a nice peaceful morning, the sky was clear, the birds were chirping, people going to work, kids getting ready for school. Not much is going on, it was almost as if yesterday never happened. However, like everything in the Kurosaki household, peace doesn't last long. Because of a certain someone.
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???: "goooooood morninggggggg, Ichikaaaaaaaaa!"
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As Ichika was sleeping peacefully in her bed, out of nowhere, her father rushed in and tries to dropkick her in the face. However, almost as if her reaction speed and her awareness of her surrounding, she quickly opens her eyes and grabs him by the face. She then slams his face down to the floor and squeezes her grip tightly.
Isshin: "owowowowow!"
Ichika: "are you fucking nuts, old man?! Oh wait, look at whom I'm talking about, but this is even a new low even for you dad. Attacking your own daughter while she's trying to sleep!" she then tightens her grip.
Isshin: "gahhh! Y-your getting better. L-looks like I have noting else to teach you."
Ichika: "how about i...... wait a minute." she then lets go of his face and picks him up by his collar, "what about Karins and Yuzus injuries from last night?"
Isshin: "huh? Injuries? What are you talking about Ichika?"
Ichika: "What?"
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Now we see the outside of Kurosaki Residence, with Ichika, her sisters, and Isshin standing outside of it. We can see the wall was still completely destroyed from last night but, strangely, her sisters don't have any injuries at all nor have any memory of the incident at all. She also noticed that there's no sign of that monster or Rukia at all.
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Isshin: places his hands on his hips with a smile, "It's really a miracle! Somehow that truck ends up blowing right through our house and none of use got even so much as a scratch. What's even more miraculous, not one of us was even woken up by it. Hahahahahaaa!"
Ichika: "I don't get it." she then looks at her sisters, "their wounds are completely gone. What's even stranger is that they think it was because of some truck, not that monster, but I'm sure the both of them were awake when it all happened........ wait, did that Soul Reaper do this?"
Yuzu: "Ichika! You should hurry up and eat breakfast! You're going to be late for school."
Karin: "actually, if she doesn't. Wouldn't that make us all later?"
Yuzu: "ah..... your right."
Ichika: looks at Yuzu, "I-I'll be there in a second!" she then looks back at the hole, "I wonder if she went back to that place she mentioned last night. The Soul Society, I think that's what she called it."
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Izumis Sacred Gear
[Mini Timeskip]
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Now see into the Cult Research club again. In it, they decided to finish were they left off yesterday, just before Rukia walked in. so wanting to try again, Rias begins to speak.
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Izumi: "okay, now can you explain to me what Sacred Gears are again?"
Kiba: "a Sacred Gear is an irregular power that is bestowed upon to certain humans. Many notable people all throughout history, those who had there names forever etched into stone, were said to possess them. They used their powerful gears to have their names record in history."
Akeno: "currently, there are people who posses a Sacred Gear within their bodies but don't even know it. Most of the people who have them actually play an important role worldwide, actually have one within them."
Rias: "the makers of the gears made certain functions that can only be used in human society, but certain gears are a direct threat to us."
Izumi: "okay, then who created them, where do they come from and how they get put into people? Actually, why only humans?"
Akeno: "hehe such good question, your mind must be racing a mile a minute."
Izumi: "yeah, and It's starting to hurt." this causes Akeno to giggle.
Rias: "well, to explain it in order. It was God who created them."
Izumi: "God? As in God God? As in THE God?"
Rias: "the one and the same. Now, as to where they come from, they come from heaven or a bearer of a gear."
Izumi: "huh?"
Rias: "see, when a bearer dies, the gears typically go to heaven, then God puts them into a new human when they are born. However, there is a small time lag before then and in that time It's possible to steal it from them. It's rare but it does happen. Then there are those gear that somehow stay in our world upon their bearers death. Some are, for a lack of a better word, alive. These can actually choose their host rather than have God do it. In even rarer cases, gears can actually be passed down in certain bloodlines after the current one dies. Its even possible for the current host to pass it down to the next, in the case of bloodlines. Now as to why humans, that was to help keep the balances within the realms. Humans are sorely outmatched when compared to the other races. So this was originally meant to give them a fighting chance."
Izumi: "originally?"
Rias: "there's much you don't know yet about this world you've been brought into. There doesn't just exist Supernaturals and Yokai, but there's also gods, monsters, dragons, hollows and so much more. However, not long after the Sacred Gears were made, special humans began to be born, humans who have special gifts. Gifts that could let them stand up to us. Some even have their own type of energy we call Spirit Energy. There's just so much to tell you but im afraid it might fry your brain.......... as its doing now."
Izumi: literally some is coming out of her ears, "huh, what? No im totally keeping up with you."
Rias: raises an eyebrow, "riiiiight, anyways. You'll learn....... in time but what's important is to help you our right here and now. Now let's try something different from yesterday. Now I want you to raise up your dominate hand."
Izumi: "my hand? Why?"
Rias: "just do it."
Izumi: "huuuuh, okaaaaay." she then raises her left arm
Rias: "good, now close your eyes and imagine the strongest thing that comes to your mind. It can be anything you want. It just needs to be something powerful in your mind."
Izumi: "boobies? No I can't say that./ s-strongest?........ huh, Goku?"
Rias: "interesting choice...... now imagine him. Imagine him in a certain pose where he looks and feels the strongest."
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Izumi then slowly closes her eyes and begins to imagine Goku. Her eyes remain closed as she begins to focus on him. She then imagines him charging up his signature attack and firing it, his famous Kamehameha.
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Rias: "now, lower your arm slowly and stand up." Izumi does just that while still having her eyes closed, "now mimic that pose. It has to be strong, so you can't hold back."
Izumi: her eyebrows begin to twitch, "fuuuuuuuuuuuck! I actually have to copy that pose....... at my age....... in front of everyone?! Fuck me dude!"
Rias: "just hurry up and do it already."
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Beginning to feel the pressure, Izumi finally decides to do what Rias asked her to do. So she then crouches down slightly, cuffs her hands together and moves them to her side. Her cheeks then turn red from embarrassment but decides to just get it over with already.
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Izumi: she then hoots her hands forward, "Kamehameha!"
Rias: "good, now opens your eyes. We filled this place with what's called demonic energy, It's something we possess. This is so the Sacred Gear should appear more easily now."
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Izumi then slowly opens her eyes, like Rias said to, and in that instant, her left arm begins to glow a bright red color.
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Izumi: "whaaaaaaat?!/ wait can I pull off the Kamehameha now!?"
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Then the light begins to take shape and covers her entire forearm. After a few more moments, the light disappears and what was left behind, was a red gauntlet with a green gem on it.
* Yes, I'm aware that, in the light novels, the initial form doesn't exist but im doing this just cause.
Izumi: "what in the hell is thiiiiiiis!"
Rias: "that is your Sacred Gear, and it belongs to you. Once it first appears, you can use it anytime and anywhere. You just need to focus on it....... and no, you don't need to do that pose every time."
Akeno: "awww, should've left that part out. Would've been funny to see her do it every time."
Izumi: "okay, rude but thank god I don't have to." suddenly a stinging pain formed in her head, "owowowow! What in the hell was that?!"
Akeno: "as Devils, we can't say things like that."
Izumi: "but..... she just did."
Rias: "we can talk about them but don't say stuff like thank..... you know what."
Izumi: "oh." she then looks at her gauntlet, "so this is...... my Sacred Gear. This gauntlet? Doesn't look like much."
Rias: "the Fallen Angel, Yuuma, she saw your Sacred Gear as a threat to her. So she tried to kill you in order to remove that threat."
Izumi: she then makes a fist in anger, "so..... this is what she killed me for."
Rias: "now onto other matters." she then pulls out a leaflet, "do you remember this little thing Izumi?"
Izumi: "huh? oh-yeah. I got one of those before my date."
Rias: "as I told you yesterday. We give out these leaflets to people because the modern person doesn't know how to draw these symbols anymore. So they can summon us, we give these out. We typically give them out to people who look like they need to summon a Devil soon. There's really no cost to using them, and It's pretty simple and safe to use."
Izumi: "yeah, I remember....... most of that. You said a familiar of yours happened to be there that day and gave it to me. So when I nearly died, I summoned you because I wished for it really hard....... or something like that."
Rias: "very good. So you do pay attention. When I saw you, I knew you had a Sacred Gear. Humans and Devils can die from being implanted with a spear of light. It took time to save you, but I did, and now you're my servant."
Izumi: "man, I know It's only been a day but still pretty hard to take in. that we're Devils and...... actually. Now that I think about it. What was his name again? Uhhhhhh, oh yeah, Y/n, is he?-"
Akeno: "no sweetie, he isn't."
Rias: "he's human, people just give him that nickname because of how scary he is and how unstoppable he feels."
Izumi: "oh........ wait, then why do you have Akeno keeping an eye on him?"
Rias: "huh?"
Izumi: "I remember something about it when I arrived."
Rias: "oh, that. Well, to answer your question, It's because he somehow got into this building."
Izumi: she then tilts her head, ". . . . . . . . . pardon?"
Rias: "this building is protected by a special barrier, to help keep use hidden. One of its different functions is to keep humans away."
Akeno: "think of it as a type of repellent. When one of them gets close, the urge to go somewhere else becomes so overwhelming, that they do it without thinking about it. All thought of coming here is replaced with the thought of going somewhere else. Even if they can somehow resist this urge, they physically can't enter this place without it being lowered, or they are given a special seal."
Kiba: "im sure you felt a strange singling sensation when you entered here."
Izumi: "ooooooh, so that's what that was. I just thought it was my nerves or something."
Rias: "don't worry, you'll get used to it."
Izumi: "so, can it be used on everyone?"
Rias: "regretfully no. if we put too much coding into it, then the barriers effects become weaker. It's one thing if it's just a few second barrier, but we need it on all the time. Then the issue of letting use get in, even with the special seals."
Izumi: "so if it's meant to keep humans out...... then how did he get in? And what does that mean?"
Rias: she shakes her head, "I just don't know. When he napped, I let his head rest on my lap, so I can get a better sense of his being, but there wasn't a single trace of energy within him. No Spirit Energy, no Spiritual power, No Magical power, nothing. Nor anything that would indicate he's anything other than human. So...... I just don't know how it is he got in here."
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During the same time, we can see the schools courtyard. It was nice and peaceful...... a little to peaceful. As the camera pans, we can see Y/n standing in the middle of the field. We then looks left and right, noticing that no one was around him. This causes him to tilt his head with a raised eyebrow.
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Y/n: "strange....... it's quiet. Too quiet. By now some loser is doing something perverted or wants to fight me, but there's........ no one here. How very........ odd. Did they finally learn their lesson?......... hahahahah! Fat chance. People like them don't change. Must be a-/ owowowowow!"
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Suddenly someone can be seen pulling on the boys ear, hard. When this person finally let's go, he started to rub his ear and looks at whoever did it with an annoyed look on his face.
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Y/n: "hey! what's the big idea Asa-gah!"
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Suddenly, this person punched him right on the top of his head with a bare knuckle punch. He rubs his head and looks at whoever this was. He sees that they were a mature looking woman with dark blue hair, tied up in an upwards facing ponytail that has 2 strands semi floating to the sides of her head. She was also wearing a white, long sleeved shirt, a tight skirt, and semi see through brown tights. She was also wearing high heels, but this attire did very little to hide her very curvy figure and large breasts, that would often bounce as she walks.
Asagi: "that's Ms. Igawa to you Mr L/n. Care to explain why your not in class right now....... again?"
Y/n: "don't feel like it-gah!" suddenly, she then hits him again, "will you stop doing that!"
Asagi: "then stop doing things worthy of hitting you for! Besides, you should be in class right now."
Y/n: "tch, why don't you just give up on me like the others and just leave me alone already?"
Asagi: she then lets out a sigh and softens her expression, "because, they are failures as teachers. You may have everyone else fooled but not me. I can tell your more-"
Y/n: "I swear if you say 'more than meets the eye' im going to throw up-gah!" she hits him again.
Asagi: with her eyebrow twitching, "-more intelligent than what you're letting on."
Y/n: "honestly, I don't know where you get this strange idea about me teach. I'm just your average delinquent that loves kicking some ass-"
Asagi: "by that you mean keeping the same group of boys in line?" he then stops and looks at her, "I know what you're doing and about them. Those boys try to harass the girls, so you put them in line. They give the normal boys that come here and bad name. Truthfully, we fail as instructors for allowing this to happen so often, to force a student to do what we should be doing. I know your doing it for the right reasons, but I just wish you would stop and focus on your studies. You have so much potential to be something great, something more than you are, but you waste it all with all this fighting you do."
Y/n: "Ms. Igawa. Honestly, I think your looking too much into this. I just like fighting, that's all."
Asagi: "so you keep saying. I have no doubt that you do love fighting, but I know it's not that shallow. Honestly, why are you so keen on having everyone believe your just this cold-hearted delinquent?" she then sighs, "but that's a matter for another time. Right now, you need to get to class..... now!"
Y/n: "you know what. I don't-owowowowow!" she then begins to pull on his ear again, "okay okay, fine. I'll go!" she then lets go, "geez, your such a nag."
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He begins to walk away annoyed, almost with a stomp. While Asagi just stands there and sighs but then smiles.
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Asagi: "honestly, what am I going to do with that boy? He keeps wasting his-huh?"
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Asagi then ever so slightly turns her head. As she does, she notices something hiding in the bushes. As the camera zooms in, we can see a small but strange looking creature. This creature was humanoid in shape but small. It had green skin, razor sharp fangs and claws. It also had long pointed ears and yellow sclera.
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Goblin: "is this the secret Taimanin academy that I heard about? It just looks like a normal school to me. None of these girls looks like warriors at all. Maybe it's the wrong place. Tho, it does have plenty of victim-" he then begins to drool a little, "very sexy and vulnerable wom-"
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Suddenly, Asagi vanished right before his very eyes. This confuses the creature but then felt cold steel against his neck. Recognizing what this is, he begins to sweat profusely.
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Asagi: in a cold and emotionless voice that puts the fear of the devil into the creature, "I don't know how a weak little creature like you found this place, but I won't let you live long enough to tell anyone about it."
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Right when then creature was about to make a sound, she covers its mouth and slits its throat, causing blood to spray out of it and gets everywhere. As an extra measure, or some kind of payback for something, she then takes her blade and stabs the creature in the back of its neck. She went all the way through its neck, to the point that the blade came out the front of its neck. With so much blood leaking out of it, the light fades from its eyes and its body goes limp. She then lets go of it, allows its body to fall onto the ground and in a pool of its own blood. She then stud up and slashes her blade to her side, to get the blood off of her blade, before putting it back in its sheath.
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Asagi: she then looks down at the creature, "how did this thing find this place? Wait do others know too?..... nom perhaps I jumped the gun a little to soon. No matter, better play it safe. Don't want this one to end up like the last academy did. I'll have the others clean this mess up and erase any trace it may have left behind. I'll also have them look into anything that may lead back to us." she then looks back at the school, "I refuse to let what happened last time ever happen again. If it wasn't for that woman, then who knows what would've happened to the others, including my sister. If the woman didn't stop those military thugs that was sent by our own government that day then I shutter at the thought at what would've happened to the girls." she then looks at Y/n, who's just barely in view, "I won't let anything happen to any of these students, no matter who they are affiliated with. I'll protect them all with my life if I have to. Its........ it's all I can do to atone for my sins." she then looks down with a hint of sadness, "Kyousuke..."
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Grocery Date With Orihime
[Mini Timeskip]
[Lunch Time]
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Not long before lunchtime, Rukia transferred into Ichikas class. Everyone was pretty much excited to have a new girl in class but Ichika was more shocked than anything. Rukia walked up to her and kindly introduced herself, as if they never met before, but on her hand was 'make a scene or say anything to anyone and your dead'. So Ichika had no choice but to be friendly to her. Later, the pair met behind the school, there Rukia explained everything to her, that she is now what's known as a substitute Soul Reaper until she can get her powers back. Ichika didn't want the job as she's not going to stick her neck out for some random strangers. Without saying anything, Rukia suddenly hit her with some kind of strange looking glove. When Ichika looked at herself, she noticed she had that same outfit as the other day and her body was laying on the ground, this causes her to panic. Rukia told her to calm down so she can explain everything about the glove she just used. That it's made to separate her Soul Reaper from her physical one.
Rukia then took Ichika to a park and showed her a kid, who was being attacked by a hollow. Ichika was just about to rush in but Rukia get in her way. Rukia throws Ichikas word right back at her by saying that kid is a complete stranger, so why should she stick her neck out for him? Ichika counters by saying that she can't just sit back and do nothing, while that kid gets eaten. Rukia counters back by saying that in the eyes of a Soul Reaper, all souls are equal. That getting involved just because they just so happened to be near or need to help isn't how it works. So if she helps this boy, then she must commit to helping them all, equally. Even if that means she must sacrifice her life to do so. Ichika then says she hasn't decided on squat, that she'll save the kid because It's what she wants to do. She continues to say that when you save a life, the last thing on your mind is your duty. Like how Rukia tried everything she could to save Ichika and her family that day. She says she'll be different, that she'll do things her way and no one elses. She then easily kills the hollow and lets the boy move onto the afterlife. Rukia then comments on how Ichika did that quite beautifully.
Back to the present, we can see the typical trio of Ichika, Orihime and Y/n sitting on the school rooftop, eating lunch.
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Orihime: "oh hey Ichika. Is everything alright?"
Ichika: "huh, what are you talking about?"
Y/n: "yeah?"
Orihime: "oh, its just that I heard a truck ran into your house the other night. It must've been scary."
Y/n: "hmmm, I think I heard about that too."
Ichika: "oh, that. Yeah, everything is fine. Luckily no one got hurt. So nothing to worry about."
Y/n: "how did that happen anyways?"
Orihime: "what do you mean?"
Y/n: "I've seen her house before."
Orihime: "you've been to her house before?" she then pouts and instantly looks at Ichika.
Ichika: she then raises her hands up and waves them, "nononono, nothing happened, and it wasn't like that. My dad just wanted to meet him, that's all I swear."
Orihime: she then breathes a sigh of relief, "oh, that's good." she then starts to sweat and panic, "what I meant to say was..... I...... oh, what did your dad want with him anyways? heheheheeee." this causes Y/n to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
Ichika: "he wanted to check him out or some shit. Something about a fathers duty to his daughter."
Y/n: "yeah, that dude tried to test if I was man enough for his daughter, or something like that........ i kicked his ass pretty easily."
Ichika: "hahahahaha, it was so funny too. You took him out in 5 seconds flat. When you smashed his face into the pavement, his face was so red for nearly the whole day. I just wish I took a picture of it. You beat him so bad that he actually has amnesia about the whole thing."
Orihime: "oh but what did you mean about her house and the truck?"
Y/n: "huh, oh. with how the house is positioned and how narrow the streets are, it would be pretty hard to get the momentum it needed to cause that much damage, and to turn the curve so sharply too. With how it is, It's not really something that happens by accident but rather something that happens deliberately."
Orihime: "wait, you think someone purposely hit her house? How scary."
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Unbeknownst to the trio, we can see that someone was watching them and listening in on their conversation. As the camera zooms in, we can see that this person was actually Rukia but in her Kuoh uniform. She was spying on the trio from behind the roof staircase enclosure.
* But in Kuoh Academy Uniform
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Rukia: narrows her eyes at the boy, "he's smarter than he looks. From what I heard, he was your average delinquent, like Ichika. So I figured he was like any other muscle head. Granted, that wasn't one of my better cover stories. I might need to keep an eye on him. He might become a problem in the future." she then looks at Ichika, "should I ask her about him? It's clear to anyone but him that those 2 have feelings for him."
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Rukia then looks at Orihime and notices her impressive bust and figure, she then looks back at Ichika and notices her big bust and more athletic figure. She then looks down at her petite and short figure. This causes her eyebrow to twitch just for a second.
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Y/n: "alright, im heading on out."
Orihime: "awwww, already?"
Ichika: "another fight?"
Y/n: "surprisingly not today. It's pretty odd, but I haven't seen or heard anything from the usual suspects today."
Orihime: "then why?"
Y/n: "no real reason really. Besides, I just need to stock back up on groceries. I'm getting low."
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Orihimes face practically lit up. She then rushed towards him and grabbed onto his arm. This causes his arm to rest between her large breasts, which causes him to blush. He's able to feel just how soft they are despite her bra.
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Orihime: "this is my chance./ why don't I come with you? I've been learning more about this kind of stuff. So I could help you out." she then looked at Ichika and cursed her kind heart, "why don't you come along with us Ichika? We don't get to hang out that often."
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Ichika looked tempted to accept her offer, she even got up and stood beside Y/n. She tried to grab a hold of his hand but hesitated, her hand was even shaking. She then pulls back her hand and just sighs.
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Ichika: "no, you 2 go on ahead. I got some stuff to do at home."
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She then turns around and walks away, leaving the pair behind with confused look on their faces. Rukia then saw the whole thing and also looked puzzled. This was her chance to get close to the boy, so why didn't she take it?101Please respect copyright.PENANAXOS6r8vSBX
Within the staircase enclosure, we can see Ichika leaning against the wall while looking at her hand.
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Ichika: "why...... why couldn't I grab his hand? Why can't I be bold like Orihime? I've done so much already. I've helped shad out of a pretty bad situation before and im even a Soul Reaper now. So why can't I do something so simple as hold his hand? Or even grab onto his arm? Why..... do I hesitate?"
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She then lets out an annoyed sigh and continues to walk down the stairs. However, Rukia can be seen poking her head out from the little window on the side of the enclosure.
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[Mini Timeskip]
[After School]
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We now see Orihime and Y/n in their more casual looking outfits. As they continued to walk to the store, the boy couldn't help but look at Orihime, noticing just how sight her cloths look. Just how much it perfectly highlights her figure and breasts. He begins to blush and tries to think about anything else before a certain part of him decides to wake up. As they pass by a TV, it can be seen that it was tuned into the news station.
* where i got it =https://twitter.com/zhulust/status/1699286033261629949
101Please respect copyright.PENANAgyq0mJbN5P
Reporter: "coming in from green land, there's been some troubling rumors circling near these waters lately but giant monster rising from the ocean, but there hasn't been a key witness who will step forward to corroborate these tales. To coincide with this, there has been strange occurrences in the ocean all over the world. There's been reports of strange dead zones were no signal can enter and cameras can take pictures in that area. They always come out heavily blurry, as if dirt is blocking the lens. Some has said they noticed these 2 occurrences happening at the same time but, for now, they are nothing more than rumors, until evidence can service to collaborate these rumors. Some even begin to wonder if these instances are linked to similar ones that happen in different places in the world, such as these odd dead spots that seem to appear and disappear but this time, on land. Like the ones that appear in the ocean, no signal can reach the inside of them nor can pictures be taken in that area. Some even noted this odd feeling to leave these areas but for now, they are just rumors. In other news, strange large base like structures have been appearing all over the world, and they all happen to be near an ocean front. It's unknown what these bases are for, but it seems they have the same effect as those dead spots as no one can take a picture of them. However, someone did mange to find out what these bases are called. According to them, these bases are called Shatterdomes-"
Orihime: "large monsters? How scary."
Y/n: "nah, It's nothing more than rumors. Like the Loch Ness or Big Foot"
Orihime: in a dramatic and hurt gasp, "you don't believe in Nessy or Big Foot? Are you even human?"
Y/n: "huh? Of course not........ believe in them, I mean."
Orihime: points at him with her finger. "Then what about all the proof smart guy?"
Y/n: "easy, there all fake."
Orihime: dramatic gasp, "there's too much of them for that."
Y/n: "then tell me....... why do they always come out blurry?"
Orihime: "ah........hmmm..." she then scratches her head then puts her finger on her chin, "weeeeelll........ oh, because they weren't expecting it. So they had to take a photo in a rush, so they didn't give it time to focus or because it was too far away." she then puts her fists on her hips and puffs up her chest as if she was proud of herself.
Y/n: "okay fair point but out of all of them, you would expect at least some to come our clear. Ignoring the obvious fake ones."
Orihime: "I guess you got me there but still. Don't you believe there are creature and things out there that we have no idea about or even explain?"
Y/n: "no."
Orihime: almost sounding like a child, "awwww but why?"
Y/n: "because, with all of our advancements in tech and with how much we've researched and spread a crossed our world. Then there should be more evidence of such things. It should be impossible for monsters and mythical creatures to exist in our world without being discovered by someone. Its not like someone is somehow covering it all up or anything. i mean, they would have to be some kind of organization on a massive scale to do that, plus they would need a way to shield the public from them, but that's just impossible./....... right?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANADq0Qks6FyS
As the pair continued their walk to the store, Orihime notices Y/ns free hand. She then looks up at him and notices him not looking at her. She then focuses back on his hand and slowly moves her hand towards his. When she gets close to his, she hesitates. This causes her cheeks to slowly turn red, but then she steels her resolve and goes to grab his hand but-
101Please respect copyright.PENANASgrQjfPlYY
Thug 1: "looky at what we got here boys. A lovely young couple out for a walk."
Thug 2: "hehe, yeahhhh, must be nice."
Thug 3: "man, look at those knockers. Bet they would feel reaaaaal nice."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAxDvDAeQkgj
Orihime, in fear, hides behind Y/n, who just stares at them with an unbothered look on his face.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAzVFDg3ZsHf
Thug 1: "awww, don't be like that girly. I can promise yah. We'll show you a real good time."
Thug 2: yeah, so why don't you dump this wimpy loser and come with us?
Thug 3: "we'll introduce you to a world of pleasure, non-like you have ever experienced. You'll never want to go back to a normal boring life again."
101Please respect copyright.PENANA8pXOdwdRz6
Thug 3 began to out stretched his hand in an effort to grab Orihimes wrist but then Y/n grabbed his wrist.
101Please respect copyright.PENANA8UkFHUwfdd
Thug 3: "if you know what's best for-"
Y/n: "if YOU know what's best for YOU, it would be best for you to leave....... NOW. Otherwise, I can't promise your ability to walk will remain intact."
Thug 1: "haha, oOoOoh. Look at what we got here, a tough guy."
Thug 2: "yeah but fake tough guys like that are easy for guys like us to cuck like the little bitches they are. Just trying to act tough in front of his girl. Only for us real men to steal her from him." he then licks his lips, "and fuck her so good that she won't care about him anymore."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAkEiuUea2Bp
Y/n then lets out a sigh, before-
* Stop at 0:03
Punching the mans elbow so hard but, at the same time, with so little effort, caused the audible sound of the bones in his elbow braking can be heard. Everyone then cringes at the sound, but then some fear begins to settle in with how easy it was for him. It almost took a few second for the man to process what happened. When it finally did hit, he let out a pain filled scream. Y/n then tightens his grip and grabs him by the throat with his free hand. Making sure to rotate his wrist slightly to cause the man even more pain.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAPZv01yXK4E
Thug 3: "ARGHHHHH!!!"
Y/n: in a cold tone, "i say again, if you don't leave now. Then your ability to breath can't be guaranteed. Or should i break more of your bones like i just did to your fap hand to further my point? Besides-" looks at the camera, "this isn't that type of story." then back at the man.
Thug 1: looks around, "who's he talking to?"
Thug 2: "fuck that, he's just one kid!"
Y/n: "..... you've been warned weakling."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAPxsuBqBgzx
The boy then let go of the thugs throat before, instantly, putting his hand in to the hand blade position and hitting him hard in his throat. This causes the man to gasp for air as if he's being choked. When the man bent over, Y/n grabbed his face and kneed him on the nose so hard that be bled, causing him to scream in agony. Right before the others could join in on the fight, the boy breaks the mans other wrist with ease, causing him to scream in pain even more. Before he then tosses him at his friends like he's some kind of mace. Before they could fall all the way, Y/n blitz them and punches thug 3 so hard in his face that the sound of his bones cracking can be heard. When the 3 thugs finally do fall, the boy shows no mercy, as he raises his leg and stomps on thug 3s chest hard. It was so hard, in fact, that the sounds of ribs breaking can be heard. Again, showing no mercy at all, the by grabs the other 2 thugs by there face and lifts them up slightly. Before he then slams them onto the concrete ground, knocking them out. Thug 3 looks at the boy as he can barely hang onto his consciousness. Y/n sees him still awake and slowly crouches down, with both of his arms resting on his own knees.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAElrLTYeWN3
Y/n: in a calm but mocking tone, "congrats on remaining awake. I'm sure your in pure pain right now."
Thug 3: coughs up some blood, "b-bastard......"
Y/n: "what wrong 'tough guy'? i thought you were going to cuck me. Like this was some trashy ntr fic or doujinshi with no plot at all but this is reality. Weaklings like you can only cuck yourself. Besides i doubt you and your beta cuck friends have even slept with a woman." he then lowers down at him with such a dead and threatening look that sent shivers down the mans spine, "if you ever try this shit again then-" he leans even closer, "i'll show you even more pain than before. A pain that would even make the CIA blush with envy so i make myself clear?"
Thug 3: gulps "you-you-you don't scare me."
Y/n: "I don't? Well, tell me this, and I'm sure even a low life like you has heard of them. Have you ever heard of the Akuma."
* A/n: Can't remember what language but it means Devil or something like that.
Thug 3: "o-o-o-of course i have. Everyone has heard of him."
Y/n: grabs him by his collar and pulls him close, "well, you're looking at him."
Thug 3: his entire body, hair and clothes turn white in fear, "y-y-y-y-you mean the one who single-handedly defeated the Yamaguchi. The very one who became an associate of there's?"
Y/n: "the one and the same. It's safe to say i can make you hurt in any way i want and no one will ever know. Now, do you feel like testing me?"
Thug 3: "sir, no sir! i'll never dream of it sir!"
Y/n: "good, now get out of my sight."
Thug 3: "r-right away!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAwWFOj7Bfx5
The man does his best to grab his still unconscious friends and gets the hell out of there, leaving a smoke trail behind him. As it fades, Orihime walks up to the behind with a confused look on her face.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAuMR1AHxhm1
Orihime: "what did you say to him?"
Y/n: "nothing much, now come on. We got some shopping to do."
Orihime: she then forms a bright smile on her face, "right."
101Please respect copyright.PENANA2FOo0qO1II
As they continued to walk towards the store, Orihime grabs his arm and walks beside him with her smile still bright, but then she looks up at him when he wasn't looking.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAG3vNQKZtlT
Orihime: "so that's why they call him The H/c Haired Devil. He was terrifying back there, and he had such little issue with hurting those guys and even breaking their bones. It was like second nature to him. It really worries me with how easy he finds it." she then smiles some more and rests her head on his shoulder, causing him to blush a little, "despite that, why is it that when im with him, I don't feel that fear at all but instead, all i feel is warmth?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAGLIzPQL4aD
Mysterious Mark
[Mini Timeskip]
101Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3aHmATtb5
The pair then leave the convenience store with groceries in hand. As they continued to walk, Orihime gets distracted by something. She didn't notice she was walking into traffic. Y/n looks at her and sees a truck heading towards them, going way over the speed limit.
101Please respect copyright.PENANArqJzJowaIF
Y/n: "ORIHIME!!!" he then reaches out his hand.
Orihime: "huh?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAYeiTl1oPqb
She then turns around and sees the truck barreling towards her at extreme speeds. She then freezes in place and screams in fear but Y/n was just fast enough to reach her. He manages to grab her hand and pulls her towards him, but he didn't notice that there was a slight tug on her leg. As he pulled her close towards him, he put too much strength into it as it caused her to fall to the ground. In the background, Ichika and Rukia could be seen walking towards them but when they saw Orihime almost get hit by the truck, so they rush towards them. Y/n looks at the still speeding truck with anger in his eyes, but then his eyes widen, like he was shocked by something. Almost on instinct, he gets more serious and tries to punch something, like he sensed some kind of threat nearby but nothing was there. While running Rukia noticed this strange movement and raises an eyebrow.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAh5YGr9qvw5
Rukia: "why did he suddenly punch the air like that?" in the counter of her eye, she saw something darting off but was too fast for her to full see it, "wait, was that?-"
101Please respect copyright.PENANArwnIjOHAeU
Back at the boy, we can see him looking at his fist in confusion, even tilting his head a little.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAjxYM4YFhDS
Y/n: "wait? What was I trying to hit again?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAJOnGKlTlqt
When he heard a groan below him, he was knocked out of his confused state, before looking down at Orihime and helping her up.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAjJZUZeHKGH
Ichika: "hey, are you 2 okay?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAXcvfq0VikG
The pair turned to see Ichika and Rukia running towards them as fast as they can before they finally reached them.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAysLiqrf3Ab
Orihime: "yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to Y/n."
Y/n: "don't mention it." turns to look in the direction of the truck, "when i find that fucker, oOoOohhh, the pain I'll but them through will be legendary."
Orihime: grabs his hand with both of hers, "don't worry about it, I'm fine, see. So don't go off hurting any more people."
Y/n: "but-" he then looks at her as she gives him pleading puppy dog eyes-
-he then lets out a sigh, "fine"
Orihime: "yay!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAbvH7MAaPJI
As they continued to talk, Rukia happens to look down and notices a rather large mark on Orihime legs, almost as if it's in the shape of a hand.
When she notices it, she decides to get a closer look at it by crouches down, basically ignoring everything going on around her.
101Please respect copyright.PENANArhzdh2KncN
Ichika: "uhhhh, Rukia?"
Rukia: she then gets snapped out of her thoughts, "huh? Oh!" instantly stands up straights, "just who are you 2 again?"
Ichika: "um, hello! Orihime is in the same class as you, so get your head out of your butt! And........ well actually, you're too new to know who Y/n is and that he's in a different class than the rest of us."
Rukia: "so that's what his name is." she then stares at Y/n intensely, "just looking at him now, he doesn't feel like anything special. I'm not sensing anything special or any traces of any energy type that I'm aware of, but I know what I saw. He somehow sensed it nearby." then the image of Y/n punching the air crosses her mind, "just what are you?"
Ichika: "Rukia?"
Rukia: "oh, right. How are you Orihime?"
Orihime: "oh, I'm great, actually. Thank you!"
Rukia: "and what about you, uhhhh, Y/n right?"
Y/n: "yeah, pissed off but fine."
Ichika: "yeah, that moron was going way too fast."
Rukia: "oh, it looks like you 2 have been doing some shopping."
Orihime & Y/n: "huh?" then looks at their bags that were sitting on the ground.
Y/n: "oh, yeah. I'm restocking up and Orihime wanted to help me."
Orihime: "yup, no other reason than that. I totally didn't have any other ulterior motive at all. Heheheee."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7monTGsYJ
Y/n just looks at her in confusion with how she said that but then Rukia forms a cheeky smile on her face knowing full well what she's implying.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAoNXoMNT46y
Rukia: fake gasps, "oh my gosh, how did you get that bruise on your leg Orihime?"
Orihime: "what bruise?" she then looks down at her leg, same does the other 2 do, "uh, must've happened just now. I guess I got it when i fell down."
Y/n: he then looks at his bruise and narrows his eyes, "is it me or does that look like a hand print?....... nah, that's just way too big to be a hand......... right?"
Rukia: she then looks at him and notices his glare, "shit, he's more observant than I thought. I need to distract him before he starts asking questions."
Ichika: "geez, does it hurt?"
Orihime: "huh? Maybe a little bit but not that much."
Ichika: "are you sure?"
Rukia: "maybe we should get a closer loo-eep!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAkWEUC6AkGJ
Rukia takes a step forward but then trips over something. This causes her to fall forward and land on the ground face first, but the force of her fall causes her skirt to flip upwards, completely revealing her stripped panties. With her ass being in the air, it gives perfect view of her rear. Y/n notices her and her panties, causing his face to turn red. She then gets up slightly, in all fours position but with her butt still a little higher than the rest of her, highlighting her ass even more.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAkgDw1fsi1J
Rukia: "oh my, I'm such a klutz. i cant believe i fell like that." she then sees the boy looking and fakes screams, "eeeee!" she then quickly sits on her butt and pulls the edge of her skirt down, "you saw didn't you.... you perv!"
Y/n: "what? N-no I didn't"
Ichika: her eyebrow twitches, "she did that on purposes didn't she but why do I feel more annoyed by the fact he saw her panties?"
Orihime: "oh my, you took quite the nasty fall there Rukia. Are you alright?"
Ichika: she then looks at her while a sweat drop forms on her head, "innocent as ever I see."
Y/n: "h-here, let me help you up."
Rukia: forms a bright smile, "why, thank you...... huh?" she just so happens to look down and notices a tent slightly forms in the boys pants, "wait..... was that because of me? There's no way that's true. Boys aren't attracted to my body, unless they belong on certain lists."
Y/n: "is everything alight?"
Rukia: "h-huh, Y-yeah. Thank you./ did I just stutter?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAafIxr463Rk
Rukia then takes his hand, while blushing a little. Then boy then lightly grips her hand and helps her up with ease, which she wasn't expecting. Realizing she's now standing up, she quickly dusts herself off.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAdFtUBv0cW8
Rukia: "thank you"
Y/n: "It's nothing."
Rukia: noticing she has been staring a little to long, she clears her throat, "well, anyways. You 2 should take care."
Orihime: "thanks! You too."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAqdEhRSz08s
Orihime then grabs Y/ns arm and walks away, all the while giggling like a school girl. With them now far enough away, Rukia gains a more serious expression on her face.
101Please respect copyright.PENANA4aSSPPgKOC
Rukia: "how close are you to her?"
Ichika: "huh? You mean Orihime? Well, we're pretty close, actually. Not really childhood friends level but still pretty close. Why?"
Rukia: "just thinking."
Ichika: "actually....."
Rukia: "mmm?"
Ichika: "I think it was about 3 years ago no, but she did have an older brother Sora. He was in a terrible accident and died in our clinic."
Rukia: looks at her, "what?"
Ichika: "yeah, he was in this car wreck, and he was all she had." she then has a mini flashback of that day, "to be honest, I didn't realize she was that girl that was crying that day. I only found that out recently."
Rukia: "how in tune with the spirit realm were you back then?"
Ichika: "not as much as I am now. Actually, it was only recently that I was able to fully see and communicate with them."
Rukia: "It's just as I thought."
Ichika: "what? What are you thinking about Rukia?"
Rukia: "nothing, what about the boy? Is he as spiritually aware as you are?"
Ichika: "Y/n? Not that I'm aware of...... actually, now that you mention it. There was this one time were a bunch of spirits was around him, and he was reacting to them but didn't know what he was reacting to."
Rukia: "mmmm, why were there so many around him?"
Ichika: "not really sure. It was like they were gravitating to him. It was like they felt protected around him or like he was some kind of king or something. It was weird, I've never seen that happen before." Rukia eyes widen for a second before going back into a thinking pose, "why do you asking?"
Rukia: "......... no reason." she then looks in the direction of where the boy in question was walking, "first there's the incident with the barrier that Rias mentioned, spirits seem to gravitate towards him for protection or view him as some kind of king, and now he's reacting to the presence of a hollow. Just what are you Y/n? Is it possible he's like those special humans that have awakened unique powers? Like..... oh what was her name? She invented something called the Spirit Wave or whatever. Damn, I can't remember. Well, whatever. It looks like i need to keep a closer eye on him from now on."
Ichika: "Rukia?"
Rukia: "huh? Oh..... It's nothing. I'll see you later." she then begins to run off.
Ichika: "huh, hey!" Rukia then stops and looks at her, "where are you going?"
Rukia: "back home, where else?"
Ichika: "huh? And where's that?"
Rukia: "oh, do you really want to know that?"
Ichika: she then scratches the back of her head, "i guess not."
Rukia: "then don't ask." she then continues to run off.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAgtxbJIsdLa
Something's Coming For Orihime
[Timeskip | brought to you by a chibi Ichika confused as a chibi Rukia runs away.]
[Location: Y/ns House]
101Please respect copyright.PENANAetGMcluVwx
We now see into Y/ns normal look home. We can see as he has just finished putting his groceries away. He did walk Orihime home, and she did look tempted to ask him something but decided not to. She then wished him a good night, which he did return. Now with him back at home and finishing his task up, he looks at his hand.
101Please respect copyright.PENANADoHW249TLl
Y/n: "what was i striking at back then?" he then has a flashback to him punching the air. "I was sure something was there. Something........ not right. Its strange, I've been getting these strange sensations for quite a while now. Then there's that bruise on Orihimes leg. Something....... didn't feel right about it but what? Am I just over thinking things?" he then gets into the typical thinking pose, "well, it didn't look like the typical bruise and I know all about those, but it looked more like a..... hand print." he then has a flashback to Rukia, "now that I think about it. Something seems off with that Rukia girl. She was acting odd, almost like she knew something about it." he then has a flashback to her falling and revealing her panties, so he shakes his head in response, "nononononon! Don't think back to that!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANA52G6P4Z4I3
As the boy was thinking about everything that's been going on lately, he heard a strange noise that was utterly hunting.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAlJCocuEBe5
Y/n: his eyes then widen, "what....... what was that just now?.......... ack!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAo3YBdn4hxc
Suddenly, the boys right arm begins to sting in pain, as if someone is jamming needles into it. This pain causes him to grip his right arm and close one eye from the pain but soon, the pain subsides.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAvaHEVXOfqL
Y/n: he then opens his eye and looks at his right arm, "the hell...... just happened?"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAF5xk4e7UqD
[Location: Orihimes House]
101Please respect copyright.PENANAUl5I5AH0q7
We now see inside Orihimes house, inside we can see as she's doing something in the kitchen. She was just humming to herself with a bright smile on her face as she washes her dishes. As she does so, she stops what she was doing and places her hand over her heart. A small blush then forms on her face as she remembers what she was about to ask Y/n to do. When he dropped her off, she was tempted to invite him into her home. She was building up the courage to ask him and even hope that something........ more intimate might happen but as soon as her mind went dirty, her face turned bright red and all the courage she managed to build up, slipped away. With all her courage gone, all she could do was to wish him good night. However, she was kicked from her thoughts when she heard the doorbell go off.
101Please respect copyright.PENANACS2g4TUEjy
Orihime: "coming!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANARnnzwXrGK8
Orihime then puts down her cleaning supplies and walks to the front door. When she opened it, she saw her best friend standing there.
101Please respect copyright.PENANADJtv4S0hv9
Orihime: "oh, hi Tatsuki!"
Tatsuki: "hey." she then holds up a dish, "my mom thought i should bring this over to you. It's stewed beef with potatoes."
Orihime: "wow, that's great! Homemade beef and potatoes!"
101Please respect copyright.PENANAJVRhGNjU8i
We now see as the pair were sitting at Orihimes dinning room table, with the dinner sitting at the middle of it. We can also see as other stuff were scattered throughout it. Then Orihime begins to eat more of her dinner while Tatsuki just sits there and smiles at her.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAeDscnfONh0
Orihime: "oh, boy! This is absolutely delicious! Nothing beats a home cooked meal."
Tatsuki: "heh, I swear. If I don't bring meals over to you. Then you end up making some of the weirdest stuff I've ever seen."
Orihime: "huh, oh, I don't do that anymore." she then takes another bite.
Tatsuki: "wait, really?..... oh yeah, I did hear you saying something about taking cooking lessons." she then forms a cheeky smile on her face, "so how's it going with mister handsome? I mean, he DID walk you home after all."
Orihime: her face turns red while she spits out her food in comedic fashion, before roughly coughing, "I-I-I-I-I-I-I don't know what your talking about. Heheheheeeee"
Tatsuki: "riiiiiiiiight. You know who im talking about. That guy you just can't stop talking about. Oh, what was his name again?....... oh, right. Y/n"
Orihime: her whole face turns red again while she pokes her index fingers together, "I...... I don't......." she then gives up with a sigh, "not good."
Tatsuki: "wait, don't tell me he-"
Orihime: "nononononono! It's not like that." she then looks down, "whenever I try to gain the courage to confess to him or even try to be more intimate, more than just holding his arm. I always chicken out." sh then grips her skirt, "then there's Ichika. I worry........ I could ruin our friendship if i try."
Tatsuki: she then lets out a small sigh, "yeah, love triangles can get pretty messy and complicated."
Orihime: "it would be easier if i didn't feel this way, but-" she then places her hand over her heart, "whenever i think about him, my heart races. Whenever im with him, i feel safe and warm. Whenever i see him, my face becomes hot. I...... I love him but........ I can't tell him. I don't have the courage too and...... and i don't want to hurt Ichika either, cause I know she feels the same as me. But what if he doesn't return my feelings? What will I do then?"
Tatsuki: she then gets up and sits beside her friend, then starts rubbing her back, "i wish i had an answer for you Orihime, i really do but i just don't. Truthful, I don't have much experience in this field either." Orihime then rests her head on her friends shoulder, "i think you should stop thinking about others and the 'what ifs' that run through your head and just think about yourself for once."
Orihime: "but....... but i cant do that. I care about Ichika, almost as if she was my sister. I don't want to lose her." a few tears then form on the corner of her eyes, "this would be easier if we could just share him but i doubt she would agree to do that, plus I don't know how Y/n would feel about it."
Tatsuki: "yeah, your right about that but fantasy events like that don't happen in real life. Eventually you'll have to do what's best for you. You can't continue on like that."
Orihime: "yeah...... I..... I know........ but...."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAuqQIhG2Hut
Tatsuki continues to rub Orihimes back as she begins to let out lite sniffles. As she wipes away one of her tears, suddenly a banging or stomping like sound can be heard. This sudden noise then catches their attention.
101Please respect copyright.PENANAr632MkT9zD
Tatsuki: she then starts to look around, "hey, what was that noise?"
Orihime: she then looks around too, "I......I don't know."
101Please respect copyright.PENANAbaGIjHX5Qy
Suddenly, this banging like noise gets louder and louder. It's almost as if something big is getting closer and closer towards them. Tatsuki then hugs Orihime tightly, as if to protect her from something. Then the pair look around in order to find the source of that sound but then a soul piercing wailing like noise can be heard.
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A/n: welp, that's it for this chapter. Did you like it? And sorry about the long read, legit didn't mean for that to happen, but I couldn't find a good stopping point. I know I know, chapter 3 and your still not involved in the plot yet. Don't worry, it will be very soon. I'm just building up other stuff first and laying out the foundation. Establishing something differences from their respective canons. i know i seems im making every male student in school perverted assholes but im not. It's just the same group that keeps doing it over and over again. They just keep getting highlighted for plot purposes. Don't worry, this sub-plot will slowly stop being the focus over time. I'm just doing this to showcase your strength and how you're not the average delinquent. And something to do before the real plot kicks in. oh and the reason i had Orihime mention that sharing thing, other than the harem plot, is actually, fun fact, she did actually suggest it to Rukia when she thought she had feelings for Ichigo, in canon. I can't remember when this happened nor if this was a manga thing, or it also showed up in the anime, but it did happen pretty early on. Also yes, the Taimanin are in this. I don't know much about it nor have I ever played it. I only got the basic idea of it from other fics and summaries, plus the wiki page. And yes, I'm going to portray them how they're supposed to be, strong and badass, not losing to some weaklings that should have no shot in even touching them, let alone beating them. And definitely not by some normal, no power having humans. I'm not saying they won't ever lose or have lost, it just won't be against some weak, normal, no power or fighting ability people/humans. Bruh, I don't even play it and even him heated about it, feel sorry about the fans on this series. Anyways, that's all I can think of for this chapter, so I'll see you.......... in the next one.
* Also, I'm surprised this never got brought up, okay maybe sorta, but my outro was inspired by Markipleir. Anyways, peace.
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