Hello All, I’m back and with a new story. Yeah, the other fanfic is not done and I don’t plan on leaving it to rot. This idea is just easier to set up and continue. Less to juggle basically. I’ll try to update both around the same time but life allows no promises.
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Like last one, this fanfic is a combo crossover of some of my favorite Boku no Hero fanfics. Ones that are seemingly dead and deserve to be revived in some form.
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I’ll credit them as they come up, so there’s some mystery as to what’s been added to this world.
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Disclaimer: I don’t own Boku no Hero or the fanfics adapted into this amalgam story.
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That being said, for the first few chapters I did copy and paste a great deal. I did this so you don’t have to go back and forth between different fanfics. The other reason is because there are some things that are good as is.
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If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. Despite that, still read it through. I did change somethings(aside from grammar and format) that are important for later on.
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Finally, there won’t be a harem for Izuku. I can never buy him being in one. Some fanfics, ones I will use for this, are still good despite that. As for who he’ll end up with…read and find out. But my mind can be changed depending on comments. Who do you think Izuku should be with and why? Except Uraraka, go read the official manga for that.
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With that out of the way, let’s begin.
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People aren’t born equal. Now more than ever. And it’s because of one thing.
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Some call it a blessing and others a curse. One born in China with the child of light. After that, “Exceptional” individuals began popping up all over the world.
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Didn’t take long for the “paranormal” to become “normal.” A world of superheroes was born but not everyone can grasp such heights. Many, far too many, sink into the void of insignificance.
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How long can a world with such vast inequality of ability last? What consequences will arise from such a world? One screeching towards an inevitable singularity. One all are ignorant of.
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Is there any hope?
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Well, one of those that will answer that question is about to born.
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In a Musutafu Japan, the common people looked up and gasped as a green blur flew by above all of them. A few blinked at the sight but most people decided to pay it no mind. It sounded like the voice of a teenager so they thought that it was either some kid messing around or, based on the speed they were going at, was in a hurry to get somewhere.
Those who guessed the latter would be correct. The one using her quirk to speed through the air to get to their destination was a 14-year-old girl with a petite frame and being rather short at only four foot four. She had emerald green eyes and hair of the same color that natural curled up at the end.
"I knew this would happen! I just knew it!"
The girl yelled as she glared forward and continued flying through the city. They couldn't miss what was going to happen.
"Tatsumaki! Slow down!"
Another female voice spoke up next to 14-year-old. Caught in Tatsumaki's psychokinetic grip was another girl at 9-year-old. Despite the age difference, this girl was only one inch shorter then Tatsumaki and had the same eyes as her with her hair a much darker green color with black highlights.
"We can't use our quirks like this! Plus I can fly on my own anyway so let me go!"
Tatsumaki: "First of all, who cares about those damn laws, this is an emergency, Fubuki!"
She yelled stubbornly as she only sped up, not loosening her grip. Tatsumaki wasn't gonna let some stupid quirk law keep them from missing such an important moment.
Tatsumaki: "Secondly, we both know I'm much faster than you so no, I'm not gonna let you go until we get to the hospital!"
Fubuki pouted and crossed her arms at Tatsumaki's refusal to let her go and fly on her own. Yeah Tatsumaki was…much stronger than her by a large margin but she was still more then capable of doing it on her own.
Fubuki: "Could you just calm down, Mom's not gonna wanna see us acting all tense like this."
Tatsumaki: "Better than not seeing us at all! I told mom she should have given us some time off school this time!"
Tatsumaki kept her eyes focused forward as she yelled at her sister. She needed to see where she was going so she could get them there as fast as possible.
Tatsumaki: "She was ready to pop any day now and our schools aren't anywhere near the hospital!"
Fubuki: "Look, we're gonna make it, just try and calm down!"
She tried to reason with and calm down her sister. She was looking forward to their mother giving birth as well and maybe it would have been smart for them all to be together when their Mother's water eventually broke.
But there was nothing they could do about it now. Tatsumaki's school principal got a call about it and gave her permission to leave. Tatsumaki quickly flew to Fubuki's school and picked up her little sister, literally with her quirk, and sped them off in the direction of the hospital.
Fubuki: "Come on Tatsumaki, just let me fly on my-"
"Hey! You kids! Get down here right now!"
Suddenly a voice yelled out to the two girls making Tatsumaki stop. Growling in irritation over having to stop, Tatsumaki and Fubuki looked down with the latter flinching a bit as they saw a police officer looking at them and making a 'get over here' gesture with his finger.
Tatsumaki glared and was about to fly forward again and ignore this guy, but a look from Fubuki stopped her from doing so. Reluctantly, the older sister groaned and floated them down toward the cop.
"What do you think you two are doing out of school? You kids should be in class now."
Tatsumaki: "Kid?! Who are you calling a kid!?"
She yelled as this cop did one of the things that pissed her off the most. Thinking she was younger than she actually was due to her height. Many thought she was around the same age as her little sister.
Tatsumaki: "I'll have you know I'm 14!"
"O-Oh, uh, sorry about that…"
The cop awkwardly said as Fubuki simply sighed at seeing this kind of situation again…for the fifth time this week.
"But still, school aside, you two should be aware that using your quirks like that is illegal."
Fubuki: "We're really sorry officer, but we had a good reason. Our Mother is in the hospital and her water broke. She's gonna be giving birth to our little brother any minute now. We didn't want to miss it so Tatsumaki was using her quirk to get us to the hospital."
The cop's eyes widened at the girl's story as he started nodding and headed over to his car.
"I see, well I can't exactly give you permission to use your quirks, but I can help you out."
Opening the driver's seat to his car, the cop gestured for the girls to come in.
"Come on, I'll take ya there myself."
Fubuki smiled widely and headed over to the police car and got in the back. Tatsumaki crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, confident she could get herself and Fubuki to the hospital faster than the car. But she went along with it for the sake of not having to deal with any more cops complaining about the law. With Tatsumaki in the passenger seat and Fubuki in the back, the former quickly ordered the cop.
Tatsumaki: "She's at Shizuoka Prefectural General Hospital. Step on it."
The cop chuckled a bit at the 14-year-old's attitude as he started the car.
"Yes ma'am."
The cop said as he started driving forward in the direction of the hospital.
"You girls hold onto your butts!"
With the officer's help, the girls managed to get to the hospital in just under eight minutes.
"Alright we're here."
The cop told them as he parked with Tatsumaki getting out as soon as possible and opening the door to the back.
"You girls stay out of trouble and congrats on the new family-"
Fubuki: "WOAH!"
Fubuki yelled out as Tatsumaki yanked her out of the car with her psychic powers.
Fubuki: "Thank you Mr. Officer!"
She managed to yell to the officer as her sister didn't stop for a second, her eyes dead set on the front doors.
The cop finished as he chuckled and shook his head.
"Well at least they're excited."
Tastumaki: "Come on, come on, come on…"
Tatsumaki repeated as she made her way to the hospital doors. She was right, she could have gotten her and Fubuki here faster if they flew with her power. If they missed their mother giving birth, she was gonna send that cop 6 feet under.
Wasting no time once they got inside, Tatsumaki grabbed Fubuki's hand and released her younger sister from her psychic grip and just decided to drag Fubuki around the old-fashioned way. Once they made their way to the front desk, Tatsumaki lifted herself and Fubuki up into the air so she could look down at the receptionist.
Tastumaki: "Inko Midoriya! Where is she?! We're her daughters Tatsumaki and Fubuki Midoriya!"
The receptionist flinched a bit at Tatsumaki's tone, but quickly went to work and typed the name Inko Midoriya into the computer and quickly found the woman the girls were looking for.
"Ah! She's in delivery room four!"
She smiled at the girls as she pointed to a hallway on the right side of the hospital.
"It's that way, if you want we can have someone-"
Tastumaki: "Let's go!"
Before the receptionist could finish, Tatsumaki flew with Fubuki in tow in the direction of the hallway.
"…Escort you there…"
The receptionist blinked a few times.
Tatsumaki: "Room four! Room four! Room four!"
Tatsumaki rapidly looked at every door they passed to see which once was delivery room four. After half a minute of flying down the halls, the two sisters eventually found the room they were looking for.
Landing back down on the ground, Tatsumaki dragged Fubuki to the door and was about to go through it to see their mother, only to be cut off by a nurse that blocked their way in.
Tatsumaki: "Hey! What are you doing?! Our mom's in there let us in!"
"We know but right now your mom is in a very delicate position."
As if on cue, they heard a loud and painful scream coming from inside the room. Undoubtedly coming from their mother who was trying to squeeze out her third child.
Tatsumaki: "Hmph, you think after squeezing out two the third would be easy."
Tatsumaki muttered at a volume Fubuki, who was currently rubbing her sore wrist, couldn't hear. While Fubuki was aware of what went on during pregnancy, the nine-year-old had no idea how it happened or where her little brother was coming out of.
Tatsumaki: "So we seriously can't come in?"
"Sorry, you'll have to wait out here."
The nurse told the girls gently with Tatsumaki clicking her tongue and crossing her arms angrily and Fubuki simply nodded.
"Only the father is allowed in the delivery room at this time. Do you know if he's showing up soon?"
Suddenly, the temperature lowered as Tatsumaki growled and Fubuki frowned while lowering her head.
Tatsumaki: "We have no father."
The nurse’s eyes widen from the sheer hostility emitting from the young girl.
“I-I’m sorry if I offended you.”
Before Tastumaki could sink further into unpleasant memories, she felt Fubuki grasping her hand. While still looking at the ground, Fubuki rubbed the back of Tastumaki’s hand in an effort to calm her down.
Tastumaki took a deep breath before speaking.
Tatsumaki: “No, I’m sorry. He’s not worth even thinking about. Today is all about mom and our little brother. So, we really can’t go in?”
"Yes, I'm afraid so. You can wait over there and I'll have the doctor bring you in when it's all done."
Tatsumaki grumbled a bit but ultimately complied. To pass the time and to relax, Tatsumaki took out her phone and headphones. All the while never letting go of Fubuki’s hand.
Tatsumaki had her eyes closed as she leaned back in the chair she was still waiting in. Music came directly into her ears through her headphones as she tapped her toe on the floor. At this point Tatsumaki was starting to get a bit impatient. Although she was only five at the time, Tatsumaki was pretty sure that Fubuki didn't take this long to come out.
Just then Tatsumaki felt someone tugging at her sleeve. Removing an earbud, she looked next to her and saw Fubuki rapidly tugging her arm and using her other hand to point towards the door leading into the delivery room.
Fubuki: "Tatsumaki…he’s here."
She told her older sister with an excited tone.
Tatsumaki's eyes widened as she quickly turned off her phone and placed it and her earphones into her pocket. Looking to the delivery room, she saw the doctor smiling at her and her sister, inviting them to come into the room.
"You two ready to meet your little brother?"
The girls didn't need to be told twice as they got up from their chairs and sped walked over to the delivery room, the doctor chucked while letting the two through.
Once inside, they both gasped and smiled as they saw their mother, a woman in her late 30's with a slim figure and dark green hair though not as dark as Fubuki's.
Inko: "Hey girls, glad you could make it."
She said in a tired tone with a look to match. Giving birth really took a lot out of the woman, and it wasn't any easier the third time around. But she was still very happy to see her daughters here in time to meet the newest member of their family.
Inko: "Sorry for the wait, he was a little stubborn hehe…"
Fubuki: "Mom…"
Fubuki whispered eagerly as she saw their mother holding something wrapped up in a blue blanket.
Fubuki: "Is that him?"
Inko simply smiled more and slowly nodded her head before turning to Tatsumaki.
Inko: "Tatsumaki, would you like to hold him?"
Tatsumaki's eyes widened before an uncharacteristically eager smile came to the young psychic's face as she nodded rapidly. Chuckling at her oldest child's enthusiasm, Inko gestured for her to come up, to which Tatsumaki did so without wasting any time.
Inko: "Here, be careful."
Following her mother's instructions to heart, Tatsumaki was as gentle as she could be as she took her new baby brother into her arms. With Fubuki peaking over her shoulder, they both saw their new little brother's face.
He had cute little freckles on his cheeks, a small tuft of green and black hair on his head, and when he opened his eyes, they saw he had the same eyes as herself, Fubuki, and their mother. That fact put to rest a small fear the two had. They didn’t know how they’d feel if he looked like their father…
Tatsumaki: "H…Hey there little brother…"
Tatsumaki quietly said to the baby boy in her arms. After fully opening his eyes, the baby got a full look at his oldest sister's face and proceeded to smile and giggle, warming the girls' hearts.
Tatsumaki: "Hehe, I'm…I'm happy to meet you too."
Fubuki: "What his name mom?"
She quietly asked their mother as she poked the baby's cheek, making him giggle more.
Inko: "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."
Tatsumaki smiled gently at Izuku, quite liking the name as she brought him closer to her face.
Tatsumaki: "Hey there Izuku, I'm your big sister Tatsumaki. And don't worry…"
"I'll always be here for you."
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Fanfic adapted: The Tornado Siblings by Ninjamon1228 [2020 – 2021]