Due to having her bother and the number 1 hero in tow, Tastumaki wanted to take it relatively slow. A bit hard since she couldn’t wait to tell her the good news.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAQz3mFZnmw8
But things got complicated and weird when All Might, someone even Tatsumaki had to respect, exploded in puff a smoke…and turned into a human skeleton.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA4vAP3oCrEs
Tatsumaki: “What the heck! Who are you?!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAovZW2dSigc
She says, almost losing her grip on him.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAr5iubCemCR
All Might: “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAXOjakFPu8j
Izuku: “All Might…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAr8BzVLElXb
Tatsumaki: “Is this you quirk?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAr7fMU0y2VY
All Might: “No, I’ll explain to you when we’re not flying in the air. And when your sister comes, I’d like to only explain this one more time.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAdwFEtjTXEi
Tatsumaki: “One more…Izuku you knew?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAvY30jytffb
Izuku nods and explains the parts of the story All Might concealed before.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA6bmVNbqPc6
Tatsumaki: “Fine, hold your breath. I want to hear everything.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAPEVL6w1qNf
Tatsumaki: ‘There’s always some complication. Why couldn’t the rest of the day be a simple celebration with my family. We haven’t had one…in a long time.’
152Please respect copyright.PENANAG34li5W99Z
152Please respect copyright.PENANAh08qmpJ2nk
Inko Midoriya was fretting as she wondered where her son was. She was pacing back and forth, trying to avoid hyperventilating. Her son was almost never this late, and every single time he was, he'd come home with one bruise or another.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAefwcausxeB
It was enough to drive even a mother with a stronger constitution crazy. A rapid knock on the door almost had her jumping out of her skin. She raced to the door, and opened it to see a strange and happy sight.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAKy7RSuBSqz
Her eldest Tatsumaki and her son Izuku. She would have pulled them into a hug if it wasn’t for the skeleton human standing behind them.
152Please respect copyright.PENANALiEV2sPIaB
Inko: “Tatsumaki, who is that behind you?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAjQZIXvggYA
Tatsumaki: “All Might.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA25wWPB88LF
Inko: “…Huh….?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA7KqK36qsr0
Tatsumaki: “No time mom, good news first.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAdZ2YECB2P4
Tatsumaki gently took her mother hand and led her into the house, all the while regaining her grin from before. All Might and Izuku followed after but Izuku was bit slower. He still couldn’t believe All Might was in his home. This along with getting a quirk was almost enough to make him faint.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAVQ0Jk0enGn
It was a like he was dreaming again, but this one he prayed was real.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA7MdKBZ1df6
Inko: “….All Might?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAXn5vDQvaMr
Tatsumaki: “Yes, but that’s not what’s important. Mom, I need you sit down. Don’t want you fainting on us.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAAQaXblYRSo
Inko would have been worried if it wasn’t for Tatsumaki uncharacteristic smile.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAKKaTMwflT6
Inko: “What happened Tatsumaki?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAeWKb9C9W1T
Tatsumaki: “Mom…Izuku has a quirk.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAje07qJkcet
Silence and shock.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAVxVqfPF16I
But that quickly turned into tears of joy and happiness. Faster than some speedsters, Inko hugged her son.
152Please respect copyright.PENANALnbhNqaTQE
Inko: “Izzzzuuuukuuu!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAifhQKpJ9dF
Izuku: “Mom…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAVj1ku2Jqyk
She balled her eyes out while her son held her and while crying himself.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAE2BzvLFt1t
All Might: “Its this normal?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAce6oW8f1gF
Tatsumaki: “Yep, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAC4mz43aZMN
Inko: “I-I need to call Fubuki! She needs to know.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAtQPwVN15FX
Inko reluctantly let her son go and rushed to the house phone.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAkPH7Ezzo0y
Izuku: “This…still feels like a dream. I… I was diagnosed! I have an extra joint on my toe! I'm Quirkless!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAelOmf72zcN
Tatsumaki: “Not anymore you’re not.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAnpr5MkerzY
All Might: “Indeed, besides, I have extra joint on my toe as well.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAetY0MzyHvI
That got them to turn to him in surprise.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAoTRIWIHVIT
All Might: “Our circumstances are different, shonen, but the results are the same. I don't know why your Quirk lay dormant for so long. But it appeared! As for the toe…? Not a clue. I'm not a doctor."
152Please respect copyright.PENANA0fUn8DEyNU
Tatsumaki: “I think I’ll have some words for that doctor after this.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA3vhwUyfbA7
All Might sent a small prayer for that poor man.
152Please respect copyright.PENANALZU4zrbfI1
Izuku: “You don’t have to do that Tatsu, I’m…just so…I still can’t believe this is real…I can be a hero…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAPbqOIyEsow
Before Izuku could start crying again, All Might put his hand on his shoulder.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA2lMZS2T3v6
All Might: "This is very real young man. You developed quite a splendid Quirk during that battle. In fact, if it weren't for the look of shock, joy, and wonder on your face as it happened, I would have assumed you had been lying to me about being Quirkless!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA55LTzFfavM
Izuku: “I would never!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAMUUTuHjZFR
Toshinori let out a chuckle.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9O0QwfrLs
All Might: "Relax. You could never have faked that look on your face. I had… much the same look on mine the first time I used my Quirk."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAhwFthcr7WH
At that moment, the door flung open and a beautiful woman burst into the living room. Fubuki was breathing heavily, like she flew here with all her strength and then some.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAgB0xrN2ljw
Izuku & All Might: ‘Fast…’
152Please respect copyright.PENANA03rqnMVzGB
She rushed to Izuku and grabbed his shoulder while her own were shaking.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAj4THBZwAmn
Fubuki: “Is it true Izuku? Do you…really have a quirk now?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAuyqwefcUNP
Izuku held back his tears and looked at his sister with a smile.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAaSAlGwagoO
Izuku: “Yes, I can…be a hero. Just like you and Tastu.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAGUcTGpYDU6
Fubuki hugged her precious brother and cried tears of joy. Her brother can finally live out his dream. While that was happening, Inko came back and smiled at the scene.
152Please respect copyright.PENANALwNDipo2F4
After a moment, Fubuki let go of Izuku and asked the most question.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAwQyUdSvjDz
Fubuki: “What’s your quirk Izu?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAPPK3b8naj4
Everyone but All Might stiffened at that question.
152Please respect copyright.PENANANSKCZEWQKQ
Tatsumaki: “I guess we forgot to ask.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA6oxUfm06ob
Inko: “Hahaha.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAjUY3QcsnHP
Fubuki: “You all were to caught up in your emotions.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAihFG5QMooR
Tatsumaki: “You can’t blame us.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAYf0IZh2Pv2
Fubuki: “I’m not, I get it. But there’s something I need to know.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA6KBzLoZWEo
She turns to All Might.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAn5eFMUus4Y
Fubuki: “Who are you?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAOa3xENoNq8
Inko: “All Might.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAMnwmMXuhiI
Fubuki: “….Huh?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAIialQuIn7V
All Might: “Haha, now that the whole family is here I can explain my situation.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAO4m0GKnO8b
Everyone, except Inko who made some tea for everyone, found a sit and listened to All Might’s story. He first recapped what happened with Izuku for Fubuki and Inko.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA8RnEHqPuef
Izuku recklessness did get Inko to almost burst in tears again and for Fubuki to scold him. But knowing that his actions managed to inspire All Might of all people, calmed them down.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAOV50M2m6Yh
No words can describe how proud they were of him. Then All Might filled them in on his condition.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAGX93Wab0HU
Fubuki: “Whoa…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAgveZf5PHds
Tatsumaki: “Hmph, I expect nothing less from the number 1 hero.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAaKsbeKgTUJ
Izuku: “Tatsu…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAVNgE1o69vR
Tatsumaki: “But now, I’m wondering why you’re telling us all of this. Why?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAbxwfmHabUd
All Might: “That’s related to something I didn’t tell young Midoriya. But the short it is that I think he is worthy enough to inherit my strength."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAkoHD1i5ue7
Everyone: “….Huh?!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAukDCvSBrKD
Yeah, that got Inko to finally faint.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA4sCWR2Xz8b
Fubuki: “Mom?!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA4EdH9DGte7
Tatsumaki: “Explain, what do you mean?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAdrgJf5C1iq
All Might: “Your brother impressed me far more than I let on. To see a kid with no Quirk racing to certain doom to save someone from their doom…It made me feel like an utter hypocrite. Even after I scolded him and told him to pursue a more realistic dream…he was far more heroic than even me! Meddling where you're not needed… not able… or maybe even not wanted… is the essence of heroism!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAePDVnjiDR5
He then turned to Izuku and looked into his tear filled eyes.
All Might: “You bought that child enough time to breathe and gave me the kick in the pants I've needed for the past five years! A hero must always be ready to risk their life to save others! You can not only be a hero… you may one day even surpass me!"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAMK7iYkgvSt
Izuku: "All Might…"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAXPHWHsLxpW
Izuku was all teary eyed and nearly sobbing in joy.
152Please respect copyright.PENANArixYJ9FuKn
All Might: "That is why… I wish to make you my successor! Izuku, Will you accept my power and become the next Symbol of Peace?"
152Please respect copyright.PENANA9b2pDM3NO8
Before Tatsumaki could catch up with the conversation and while Fubuki was fanning Inko unconscious body, Izuku shot up from his seat.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAzdT027ti9J
Izuku: "Of course! Given a mission by All Might himself… how could I say anything but yes?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAGLA47eVK8w
Tatsumaki: “Hold up!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAaqPrPJ24V0
Izuku: “Tatsu?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAVtRZ1uirVH
Tatsumaki: “Too fast, way too much way too soon. Izu just got his quirk and you want to…what do you mean by take your power?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAQbL5eC5D2S
Izuku: “Of yeah, what do you mean All Might?
152Please respect copyright.PENANAfGg5VVlHOk
All Might: “Well, it’s related to my quirk. What about to say must not leave this family. Understood?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAKoW2wkLVZp
Despite his diminished appearance, they understood the seriousness of the situation. So they nodded and focused on the words he would speak next.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAFdmSMzGiOy
All Might: “You may have noticed, but every time someone asks me what my Quirk is, I always play it off or deflect by telling a joke. The tabloids heavily suspect its 'super strength' or a boosting Quirk. But it's neither of those things. My Quirk… is One For All."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAx8X3IjP1sl
He held his hand out and a rainbow of colors seemed to envelop his palm. The two gasped at the sight.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAQISKXgTstn
All Might: "I always deflect the question because All Might must be a natural born hero… but One For All… is a Sacred Torch! My master passed it on to me! I was Quirkless…just like you, shonen!"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAs1tztdaFKt
Izuku simply could not breathe. All Might… Quirkless? That… that was impossible,
152Please respect copyright.PENANAvfwzQ04TXt
All Might: "One For All is the ability to store and transfer power. The first person built it up and then passed it on, giving the second one greatly enhanced abilities and strength. They then cultivated it, grew it, and passed it on again. Each time, it grows to make the next wielder stronger than the last! And you, shonen! You are next! What say you?"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAayZLVYRUVj
Izuku: "I…is… is that even… fair?"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAIKpR4Hylla
Toshinori started in surprise, having expected his fanboy to immediately agree.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAClp3Sjih9K
Izuku: "Or right? If I… If I had still been Quirkless, I would have agreed immediately of course… but now…Would that be fair to others? And… how am I supposed to learn my own Quirk? It's completely different from One For All."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAbiKhNxo47Z
Tatsumaki: “Ha, that’s my brother!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA6cXX0sIJ2x
All Might: “Hahaha, You're not exactly dissuading me, kid. That kind of selfless attitude… you're a perfect successor. Worry not, shonen! Your own Quirk awakening makes things easier on us. You see… even if you're a perfect successor in terms of your sense of justice… your limp-noodle body leaves much to be desired. One For All would rip you apart at the seams if you accepted it now."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAkMmdVJ9uFa
Izuku had a slightly terrified look on his face while Tatsumaki narrowed her eyes All Might for even suggesting such a thing.
152Please respect copyright.PENANALowFy86K7L
All Might: "If you’re family would allow it, you would do hardcore physical training with me over the next ten months. That way, you’ll be ready in time to enroll at U.A. With your quirk awakening, we're not in as much of a hurry on that front. We can dedicate the first few months more towards your own Quirk and then start in on the physical training. So…what do you say, kid?"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAPsWgcxLLNx
Izuku thought for a moment. First, he looked to Tatsumaki who gave him a smile of approval. Then he looked behind him to where his recovered mother and sister are. They gave a nod, knowing this is the first step to him achieving his dream.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA0IyDsvuKr7
Izuku: "I'll do it! All Might… I'll be your successor!"
All Might: "EXCELLENT! Let's begin first by determining… just what the hell your Quirk actually is!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA2bgO3srFau
Tatsumaki: “Oh yeah, we got sidetracked again.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAzv0zkorkap
Everyone chuckled and took a moment to really let the situation sink in.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAwqoSwu5uv5
Fubuki: “So, what is Izu’s quirk?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAri4fTE4UIk
All Might: "To be honest, I'm not sure. The only thing I can say for certain is that it is likely an Emitter type. Young Midoriya displayed three abilities… though really two of them may just be connected."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAWzum7tF135
He raised his hand, one finger pointing up.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAYnI5qnTdAS
All Might: "You enveloped Katsuki Bakugo with a green aura like the one over your own body and easily pulled him out of the slime."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAfENJriHQWB
Inko: "Ah!"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAxdcku2ToEF
Tatsumaki: “Yes! You have a quirk just like us! You even have my color.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANACsC523nclh
Toshinori let another grin out, and continued with a second finger raised.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAeyEgcrVROK
All Might: "Two, you were able to project a force blast… similar to one of my punches. Weaker…much weaker…but similar."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAsOJkCsHmpT
Fubuki: “Not to surprising, both us can something similar.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAshPYQcGwmk
Tatsumaki: “Don’t worry Izu, I’m sure your blasts will be able to change the weather too one day.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAY2bfpbp0ZF
152Please respect copyright.PENANALSM3vdFaZa
Izuku was too blown away by the fact All Might do that. Toshinori meanwhile grinned and raised the last finger
152Please respect copyright.PENANAvinfWRvByj
All Might: "And three…when you were injured, your wound was enveloped in a green flame and completely healed!"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAmxt98GJA6z
Inko: "Injured!?"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAs6sovq2mFY
Inko shrieked, and started needling her son over protectively.
152Please respect copyright.PENANACQWmW46gfK
Inko: "Where were you hurt Izuku? Does it hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?"
152Please respect copyright.PENANAZfqL3XoHxp
Tatsumaki and Fubuki sighed over their worry prone mother.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAnE48Z8s24J
Tatsumaki: “His healing must be incredible, I didn’t see any wounds when I checked.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAVUe0kw9DWg
Fubuki: “It’s also so different from what any of us can do. You don’t think…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAZff72QvG0M
Before Tatsumaki could start shaking the house from thinking about their very dead father, a whistle went off,
152Please respect copyright.PENANAPrqlW1u576
Inko: “Ahh, the tea!"
152Please respect copyright.PENANANEtGLqlm6G
Inko hurried back into the kitchen and came back with a kettle and some cups. She poured them all some.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAl2kgxAGIrE
Inko: "I hope you enjoy, All Might."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAqvn2W1pCXL
All Might: “Please, while I’m like this, call me Toshinori.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAvP9migHjrw
Inko: “Oh, alright. Then please call me Inko.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAHCCbDC2twK
Everyone took a sip before continuing.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAXwPmI7VlFg
All Might: "This looks like one of my favorites. Excellent taste, Inko. Now…I have an idea I would like to test."
152Please respect copyright.PENANACld4W86jDc
He looked around for something small, and placed a simple salt shaker on the table in front of Izuku.
152Please respect copyright.PENANALX0jQioWfq
All Might: "Lift this."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAS6A3CyQTq4
Izuku: "W-with my quirk? But this is too sudden? How do I even do that? I never had a quirk before."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAhA16icdOKd
Tatsumaki: “It’s a salt shaker Izu, we could lift something that small when were children. Even mom can do that.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA6bjgSydi7i
Fubuki: “You can do it Izuku. Don’t brute force it, focus and remember the sensation you felt when you first did it.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA9nMnQShI2j
All Might: “They are right, remember what would have happened to your friend had you not intervened. Pull that feeling out and embrace your future! Prove you deserve a place at U.A.!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAZlvHv5J9n5
With his sisters and hero cheering him on, how could he do anything but?
His eyes and body began glowing green, which mirrored on the salt shaker. And then it shot up like a rocket, straight through the roof, the floor above them, that roof, and into the stratosphere.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAkkRVbGg6mM
They all looked up at the hole in the ceiling. One deadpanned, one shaking, one sweating bullets, one smiling and one…shocked.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA10Hbjp5DxS
Tatsumaki: “Awesome Izu!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAsBa6hBHuTE
Inko: "That's going to be… expensive."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAWj98hMyuJq
Izuku started sweating actual bullets while All Might looked down, staring at the boy with his face expressionless.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAp8QJeAr8mp
All Might: "Shonen… I said pick it up… not send it into low orbit." Despite his face, he was struggling to contain both his glee and his amusement.
152Please respect copyright.PENANAJULcyxSAvc
All Might: "My apologies Inko-san. I'll pay for that."
152Please respect copyright.PENANAUdyzyaFM2f
He just barely held back a chuckle as Izuku started stammering out apologies and repeatedly bowing to him.
152Please respect copyright.PENANA8Y2yT74a31
As for Fubuki…
152Please respect copyright.PENANAPvmiuEfdUi
Fubuki: ‘That much power…and he just got his quirk. Even now I couldn’t…’
152Please respect copyright.PENANAyV26I1XqPI
Her thoughts drift to what she did Psykos. What she did to catch up to Tatsumaki. To meet expectations and stay ahead. But despite it all, she hasn’t even breached the top 15. Forever 16…
152Please respect copyright.PENANAD92POrOvDN
Fubuki: ‘And now Izuku will…surpass me…leave me behind…’
152Please respect copyright.PENANAya90to5jsC
Before she can go any further into the dark, a finger snap brought her out of it. For now…
152Please respect copyright.PENANAy6ydphVtIP
Tatsumaki: “Were you listening?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAIxIFFFUCTG
Fubuki: “Um, what? Sorry, I was still in shock.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAzqHzbGWuKn
Tatsumaki: “Ha, I get it. Our brother is going to be great.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAN7BUxfdvoS
Fubuki: “He sure is…”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAZKCHF7Wmbz
Tatsumaki: “Anyway, it’s been decided that me, you and All-Might will take turns training Izu. We rotate every 3 days so we can train him well without neglecting hero work. Got it?”
152Please respect copyright.PENANArpRRUGQJSE
Fubuki: “Yes. Who’s first.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANA7ZLJChnCil
Tatsumaki: “All Might, me and then you.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAP6bPBfGzk0
Fubuki: ‘Last…why am I not surprised.’
152Please respect copyright.PENANASyc8r46t1I
Fubuki: “Okay.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANArY29333EMK
Tatsumaki: “Good, now we all had a very long day. I think we should get some rest. It’s been awhile since we all slept in the same house. But first, we celebrate!”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAv1zzxaxUOt
Fubuki: “Right.”
152Please respect copyright.PENANAFgs4SyXwvo
With that, the day slowed down. All Might left while the Midoriya family had a long overdue celebration. Everyone was full of smiles, for Izuku finally had a shot at becoming a hero. A great shot, considering his power.
152Please respect copyright.PENANANZ83KtAA9E
But that road will be long and full of terrors. That’s the future however, for now, Izuku can rest easy and go to bed with smile.