Chapter 2: My Happiness And My Function Are One96Please respect copyright.PENANA2gWft2fTx1
Today is filled with so many goodies. I'm focusing on one in particular, for it points to where all the goodies are found. We are One with God, end of story, end of search, and end of searching. One recognizes that what is Real can only be experienced, shared, strengthened, and extended. My happiness is my function. And, My function is my happiness. They are one and the same.
We need not go searching in time/space for something that is not there. Yet, the something we seem to always be searching for, thatsomething that cannot be found outside ourselves, does exist. But it exists within our own holy mind, here and now, not in a there. We are the Oneness that Is. Then, we recognize this statement can be reduced to merely Oneness Is. For to even say we, me, God and me or God with me all point to a gap that does not exist. If I believe there is a gap between where I am and where God is, it will cause me to miss the actual experience of Oneness. Right here, right now, is the portal to eternal peace. In this Holy Instant does the Son experience His Oneness with the Father. In this Holy Instant, forgiveness is offered and received. In this Holy Instant is the Voice for God recognized and embraced. In this Holy Instant are both my function and my happiness found.
I often use the analogy of the puppy dog chasing after its own tail, believing there is a gap between itself and its tail. It believes his tail is separate from itself. Eventually, the puppy dog catches his tail and truth bites him in the ass, surprise. Jesus tells us that the awakening process need not be painful, but it usually is. It is also the most liberating experience we ever have. Jesus knew this and told us “I and the Father are One.” All of us on some level instinctively realize it, but on a conscious level we just don't believe it. To not believe it is to not see it and to not see it is to not believe it. That is just the nature of perception. I don't speak of our physical sight but our inner awareness of truth. Most think of stillness as the absence of motion of the body or anything that shows up as objective reality. But true stillness is a stillness of mind. It is when all thinking stops. The thinking mind becomes quiet and still naturally as I bring all of my focus and attention to the present moment. I leave the desert of the ego thought system and come home to God, here and now. This is not a doing process, but rather, it is a state of being. At the level of mind, to be is all we ever need to do. But we must be it deliberately and consciously. It must be our choice.
Like birds and flowers, their existence happens, and unfolds before them and us. They demonstrate and share their wholeness and completeness with the world. We notice they are performing their function by the songs of the birds and by the beauty and fragrance of the flowers. And we bear witness to their truth as God created them to be, they are beingexactly who and what they are. The sun warms us and the trees give shade and bear fruit. Everything in nature knows its function is giving and sharing its bounty. They are here for us, extending the Love of God to us in their unique expression of His Love. They know they are whole and complete and sustained by the Love of God. They know their function and their happiness are one and the same. They know their function is accomplished in being who they are.
Within this sacred stillness and quiet does my Father greet me with His messages of hope, peace, and truth. As I accept God's Will for my perfect happiness, I am also accepting my function. As I cease to be the architect of my life experience and join my will with God's Will, my happiness and function are realized as one. I am making the choice for God, for truth, and for peace and happiness. For I have made ready a space to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is a Divine meet and greet of the Creator with His Creation. In my acceptance of my One relationship In God, all relationships become holy and happy. I recognize and remember my true function as a Child of God. All becomes clear, for my function and my happiness are one in a Holy Instant of acceptance and remembrance of my Father.
Our function and our happiness show up naturally as we come to recognize they are born of the same Source and reside in the same place. Our function is Love. Our happiness is of Love, We are Love. Everything that lives, and is True, is contained within this singular Reality. It is all summed up in that beautiful line from Jesus in A Course In Miracles (ACIM), “Teach only love, for that is what you are.” In this one sentence, both function and happiness are seen as One. Like the birds and flowers of the earth, we teach by demonstrating and being who we truly are, Love.
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