Rows of white marble headstones were lined up in perfect lines. Most of the headstones bared the image of a cross in one form or another. Many others had the Star of David, Crescent Moons, and various other symbols of faith. Father Suarez walked up to one of them. Above the name was the symbol for the Dove of Peace.37Please respect copyright.PENANAgldYQ9H9ja
SARAH MOHR37Please respect copyright.PENANAaBOclW4Jux
SERGEANT37Please respect copyright.PENANAEqug7hi8SH
US MARINE CORPS37Please respect copyright.PENANAFUzN7ck76k
JUN 18 1982
NOV 2 2008
The crow landed on the headstone, holding a ring in its beak. It stared at the priest. Father Suarez held out his hand and the crow dropped the ring in his palm and then flew away. Father Suarez laughed lightly. Jonah walked up from behind, with his arm in a sling, and pushing a stroller.
“Hello father,” said Jonah.
The priest turned around.
“Jonah. What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I just wanted to give Sarah my thanks for all she did,” he said.
“She will appreciate that. How have you been?” asked the priest.
“Getting better,” said Jonah. “The important thing is I’ll be mobile enough to keep up with this one when she gets to moving on her own.”
Father Suarez leaned down to get a better look at the baby.
“And how are you, little one? What is her name?” he asked.
“I named her Sarah,” Said Jonah, with a smile.
Father Suarez stood.
“Not that I mind but how did you come about that?” he asked.
“Funny thing. When I was still in a coma I had a dream of Ximena coming to me. When I came to, they showed me a note that was pinned to the blanket. It was in Ximena’s handwriting and it suggested Sarah as a name.” said Jonah.
“I think Sister Sarah would have liked that,” said Father Suarez.
“I don’t suppose you know how a note from Ximena got to me in the hospital?” he asked.
“God works in mysterious ways,” said the Priest.
Jonah shook his head and decided to drop the subject.
“I think I have something for you,” said Father Suarez.
He handed Sarah’s ring to Jonah.
“Give this to your little one when she is old enough,” he said.
“A ring?” asked Jonah.
“It belonged to Sister Sarah. It was her most prized possession. A good friend of hers gave it to her a long time ago,” he said.
“I'm not sure I should take this,” said Jonah.
“You’re not taking it. You’re holding it for your daughter. When she is old enough to understand, tell her it's a symbol that love never dies,” said the Priest.
Jonah looked at the ring.
“Thanks,” he said.
Jonah reached in his pocket and pulled out a penny. He placed it on top of Sarah’s grave.
“Thank you, Sarah,” he said.
Baby Sarah began to make noise and get fussy.
“Okay, I better get her back to the hotel. We got lost and she’s probably been out a lot longer then she likes,” said Jonah. “It was good seeing, Father.”
Jonah and Father Suarez shook hands and then hugged.
“Take care, my son,” said the priest.
Jonah turned and walked away with Sarah. Father Suarez turned to his friend’s grave and stood at attention. He made sure his salute was as crisp as he’s ever given.
“Semper Fi, my friend,” said Father Suarez.
He dropped his salute and relaxed. The priest fished a quarter out of his pocket and placed it on the headstone, next to the penny. Then he turned and walked away through the rows of headstones. There were other long lost friends he wanted to visit.
Jonah drove to the hotel as baby Sarah sat in a car seat in the back. She stared out the window as a crow flew beside the car for a few seconds. It looked at little Sarah and then turned away to disappear into the sky. Sarah laughed. Jonah looked at her in the rear view mirror and smiled. His rental car traveled down the street on a bright sunny day. Green grass and bright colors were all around as the crow flew above.
Back in Texas, another crow landed on Ximena’s new headstone.
Ximena Mendes
Best Friend, Loving Mother
On the rear of the headstone was an inscription suggested by Father Suarez. It was something written in the journal of his friend.
“If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.”37Please respect copyright.PENANASnevCiyGtL