Nearly a year earlier, along the U.S. border with Mexico, the morning was somewhat warmer than it had been the last few days. October hadn’t gotten too cold and this day wasn’t even sweater weather. Many hoped it would be a nice Halloween. Not too cold, not too warm. Not rainy like it had been lately. Forecasts said the weather would clear by the 31st. Today it was overcast and looked like the sky might open up.
“Maybe it won’t rain today?” asked Jonah Olivares.
He looked over at his fiancé with a cheesy smile.
“You just jinxed the whole day. Thanks for that,” said Ximena Mendes.
She wanted to be mad at him for ensuring that the day was most definitely going wet. Historically, if he said something, more often than not the opposite just happened. It was a nitpick kind of thing but it would get on Ximena’s nerves. He knew it annoyed her but like to do it anyway. Fortunately for Jonah, she loved the guy and found it very difficult to stay mad at him. Ximena leaned her head back, and rubbed her expanded belly. She was now eight months pregnant. Her back was sore and it was really early in the day to be stuck in traffic. She wondered if maybe she could catch a nap while the line to cross the border was at a near standstill. Sleep was in short supply lately having to deal with the side effects of having a human growing inside her. Ximena thought that maybe dealing with the back pain wouldn't be so hard to deal with if she didn’t have to keep getting up multiple times a night because her spawn was kicking her bladder. She closed her eyes, leaned her seat back, and hoped for a little rest.
Jonah and Ximena were immigration lawyers. The small firm they worked for helped people navigate the long and often maddening process of becoming legal residents and citizens of the United States. This work also included helping undocumented people find a legal path to stay in the country. Both were talented lawyers. Jonah had been working at their firm for a couple of years before Ximena showed up and made an instant impression on him. She was very smart, very headstrong, and very dedicated. He became very smitten. It took her a little longer to warm up to him but she ended up falling pretty hard after she did. Not long after officially becoming a couple they found themselves facing parenthood much earlier than either had planned. Both were shocked by not being scared. This was not the plan but it felt right.
The universe can alter the course of your life with unexpected blessings. It can also alter it with tragedy. The case that brought them here involved a woman who claimed she escaped from a group that was sacrificing women in dark rituals. After some digging Jonah got a tip about someone in Mexico who might know more information. Corroborating the information would help them make a good asylum case for their client. Jonah wanted to go alone but Ximena insisted on coming along. She had never been to Mexico and felt she needed to see life on the other side. This might also be her last chance to travel for a while. The discomfort of her pregnant state was making her wonder if this was not such a good idea. Then car horns ruined her plan for a nap.
“Ugh,” she said aloud.
Ximena decided to reacquaint herself with the case file since sleep was not an option.
“So... is this the guy we are going to see?” asked Ximena.
She held up a photo of an older man. Jonah looked over.
“That's him. He's supposed to have some information on the disappearances,” Jonah replied.
“Does he really?” she asked, looking skeptical.
Before they took on their client, rumors began spreading of people, mostly women, disappearing near the border on the Mexican side. So far, they’d run down many leads that went nowhere.
“Talking to us could get him killed. That’s why I’m inclined to give him a chance. Which is also why I'd rather you stay home,” said Jonah.
“Like that was going to happen,” she said.
“Yeah, well I know better than get in your way when you set your mind to something,” he replied.
“I knew there was reason I keep you around. I mean, that and the obvious,” she said, pointing to the gestating offspring inside of her.
“There are easier ways to keep a guy in your life,” he replied, flashing a big cheesy smile.
She smiled, crumpled a blank piece of notebook paper and threw it at his face.
“Anyway... Is he really a witch doctor?” Ximena asked.
“That is what the locals say. Although the proper term is curandero,” said Jonah, over enunciating the Spanish word.
“I know what a curandero is, jack ass. Just because I don't speak Spanish very well doesn't mean you can mess with me about it,” she said.
He liked messing with her about it. It wasn’t a hugely sore spot for her, but he was the only one that she allowed to get away with this teasing. Growing up, her parents didn’t speak Spanish around the house. This was due to persecution for speaking Spanish when they were growing up. She wasn’t very interested in learning when she was a child and came to regret it as an adult. Jonah, of course, was fluent.
“You know I love you, X,” he said.
“Whatever,” she said, feigning annoyance.
She hated to admit that she kind of liked it when he called her X. He was the only one who ever did that and she found it endearing. She continued to go over the case file with Jonah while there wasn’t much to do. Once they crossed the border, it was an hour of driving to get to the town of Rio Blanca. Ximena looked out to the people and buildings as they passed though. She had seen pictures of the town, but real life seemed more faded and depressed, like the life and color was being drained from everything. Ximena knew in her heart that she would probably try to “illegally” come to America too if the location of her birth had been different and this dire. Jonah yawned and rubbed his eyes. Ximena turned her head just in time to see a dog crossing the street in front of their truck.
“Jonah, look out!” she shouted.
Jonah slammed on the brakes, stopping short of hitting the dog. The dog stopped in front of them to lick itself and then continued walking along as if nothing happened. A car stopped behind them and started honking. Jonah waved his hand drove on.
“I'd yell at you for freaking me out like that over a dog, but you’re just going to tell me it serves you right for not watching the road, right?” he asked.
Her face said it all, but she still said it.
“Pretty much yeah. And you did almost kill it,” said Ximena.
“If was between the dog and the car behind us that could cause a fatal crash?” he asked.
“You could use your awesome driving skills to save everyone,” she replied.
Jonah risked a look at Ximena, more annoyed at himself for asking a question he knew the answer to, than he was for getting an answer he should have expected. He wanted to argue, but instead took a breath and settled on...
“Have I told you how much I love you today?” he asked.
Ximena smiled, enjoying the victory.
“Yeah. But I still like hearing it. Now eyes back on the road,” she said.
He paid more attention to his driving. At a stop sign, Jonah paused for a moment.
“Was it right or left?” he asked.
No cars were behind them so Ximena opened the case file again.
“Uh, left,” she said.
“Got it,” he replied.
As they were pulling away, she noticed a priest and a nun walking on the sidewalk. He was an older man, but looked strong for his age. He appeared to have a kind nature and the look of a hard life. The nun looked equally strong. She was younger, probably in her mid to late twenties. She stuck out with her light skin and blue eyes. Her face was stern and her stance was confident. The priest noticed Ximena looking his way so nodded his head and made the sign of the cross in the air. Ximena waved.
“Who were you waving at?” Jonah asked.
“Local priest I guess. He did the thing,” said Ximena, doing the sign of the cross in the air. “I guess this little trip has God's blessing.”
“That was probably Father Suarez. We should probably stop by his church on the way back,” said Jonah.
“Oh, I get it. This was an elaborate plan to make an honest woman out of me,” she said.
“A bit late for that,” he replied.
“Shut up,” said Ximena.
“Well, we got a blessing so what could possibly go wrong?” Jonah asked,
She slapped him on the arm.
“Why do you say shit like that? Now something bad is going to happen,” said Ximena, actually a little annoyed this time.
“Ow,” he replied.
The house sat isolated in scrubland a little ways out of town. It was mildly rundown but livable. There was no other car or truck in sight. Jonah parked the truck on the patch of dirt that was in front of the house. They were both thankful for no mud and each prayed silently that they could leave before any rain started.
“Is this it?” she asked, looking concerned.
“This is it. Looks like we got here first,” said Jonah.
“First?” asked Ximena.
“Oh, yeah. I forgot. Someone else was coming. A Ranger,” he said.
“A Texas Ranger? Isn’t this a little out of the jurisdiction?” she asked.
“Yeah. The guy gets around. He’s kind of a wild card. You’ll like him,” he replied.
“If you say so,” she said.
“Let’s see if the old man is home,” he said.
They got out of the truck and walked to the home. After deciding that the old wooden porch wasn’t a safety hazard, they both carefully took the step up and Jonah knocked on the front door. Inside the home, various crosses and images of the Virgin Mary were on the walls. The old man stood over an altar, praying. His clothes looked as worn as his face. He stared down at an old plate with chicken bones on it. The praying stopped as a look of fear covered his face. Then he was distracted by someone calling his name.
“Rogelio!” Jonah called out.
There was silence from inside.
“Maybe he’s not home?” asked Ximena.
Jonah shrugged and knocked again.
“Rogelio!” he called out.
“Ya voy,” said the old man, but they didn’t her him.
Jonah knocked again.
“Rogelio!” he called.
Rogelio made his way to the door slowly. He had a slight limp and used a cane to get around.
“Ya voy!” he shouted.
“Pendejo, gringo,” he said under his breath.
Through the dusty window Rogelio could see the couple. He assumed Jonah was white because he kind of did look that way. The old man opened the door to the smiling couple.
“Ugh,” said Rogelio with a frown.
“Hola, como estas?” said Jonah.
The old man rolled his eyes.
“Right. You’re the kind of gringo que habla Español,” said Rogelio.
“I’m not white,” said Jonah, taken aback.
Rogelio turned around and walked back into his house.
“Come in I guess,” he said to the couple.
“Your way with people is astounding,” said Ximena, sarcastically.
Jonah glared at Ximena. She smiled. When they were all inside, Rogelio turned to get a better look at his guests. Once seeing Ximena’s face, he looked startled and took a step back.
“Is he okay?” asked Ximena.
“I don't know. Rogelio, estás bien?” asked Jonah.
Rogelio stepped forward and took Ximena’s hand.
“The blackbird will be with you,” said Rogelio.
Outside, three dirty SUVs skidded to a halt in front of the home.
“Rogelio? What's going on?” Jonah asked.
Rogelio looked into Ximena’s eyes intensely and acted as if Jonah wasn't there.
“Okay. He’s freaking me out,” said Ximena.
“The blackbird will be with you,” he said again.
“Viejo!” shouted someone from outside.
Rogelio looked at the front door.
“They’re here,” he said.
“Jonah, what the hell is going on?” asked Ximena, looking worried.
“Dammed if I know. Stay with him, I'll see who’s outside,” said Jonah.
Jonah walked to the door and opened it. Three men stood under the porch.
“Puedo ayudarte?” Jonah asked.
Without a word the man in the middle pulled a gun and shoot Jonah through the screen door. He continued firing as Jonah fell. All three pushed through the screen door and rushed to Ximena and Rogelio. One of them struck Ximena’s head with the butt of a rifle and she blacked out. Ximena began to slowly wake to the sound of voices that at first sounded far away.
“El viejo was looking at bones,” said a man’s voice.
“Show me,” said a woman’s voice.
The voice, even in only two words, sounded like it had a commanding elegance to it. Ximena's opened her eyes but her vision was blurry. She was able to make out long streaks of blood on the floor leading to the back of the house. A slow surge of adrenaline helped her vision to clear. Rogelio was nowhere to be seen and Jonah was on the floor near the front door. She couldn’t tell if he was alive. She wanted to call out to him but her mouth wouldn’t respond. Her head hurt and she felt dizzy. She blinked her eyes and tried to focus. She saw the woman who belonged to the voice. Her face was turned away, but Ximena could see strands of shiny dark brown hair peeking out of the hood of a deathly black cloak that was somehow spotlessly clean. It was as if dust was afraid to land on it. The woman was staring down at Rogelio's plate of bones.
“Very interesting,” spoke the cloaked woman with a cool aristocratic tone.
There was a very light accent to her voice. It wasn’t Mexican or any kind of Latin. Ximena could not place it but it sounded eastern European. Without taking her eyes off the bones, the woman pointed at Ximena.
“Hold her down,” said the woman.
Ximena was still too disoriented to comprehend the danger she was in. Her mind was still too focused on the voice. Ximena’s head cleared more when she felt rough hands pin her down to the floor. Suddenly aware of the threat, she screamed. Her head still hurt and the dizziness had not yet subsided, but she had to fight. The woman in black stepped over her and sat on Ximena's legs. The hood still obscured the upper half of the woman’s face. Ximena could see the tanned skin on her cheeks and a self-satisfied evil smile. Then she felt a cold hand touch her belly and saw a knife in the woman’s other hand. Ximena felt herself go cold and began screaming when the blade sliced through her skin. She jerked her hands and feet violently and nearly broke free.
“Silence her,” the woman said calmly.
A black gloved hand covered Ximena’s mouth. Someone was kneeling by her head. Before she could look up to see who was there, she saw another gloved hand hover over her with a large knife. Before Ximena could scream again, there was a flash of motion as the knife plunged into her chest. Ximena felt a cold sharp pain shoot through her and heard the thump of the knife hitting the wooden floor. She became strangely aware that her heart was no longer beating. Then her consciousness faded away.39Please respect copyright.PENANAfGICScSCg3