I'd like to think of my mind as having stone/brick walls, floors, ceilings... like the interior of a castle.
The many doors lead to rooms with many different things inside the chambers; Dreams, memories, fantasies, and some contain... creatures; Manifestations of certain people or ideas.
Beware! Some doors contain huge chains; As though sized for the giant from Jack & the Beanstalk, heated until yellow hot, and with giant padlocks with keyholes shaped as though only one impossible to find key can unlock them. Behind those doors are monsters and/or scenarios that could cause nightmares to even those who lack... Basically, whatever the opposite of Asperger Syndrome Autism, or any condition that makes you prone to nightmares. What I'm trying to say is: Avoid the doors with the giant chains, or suffer nightmares the likes of which even the most closed hearted, most uncaring, most callous, of individuals at the very least wake sweating and panting in the night from nightmares. And those with weaker minds are driven insane.
As for my mind's "Outer" defenses? Castle turrets, with the domes up top like astrological observatories, cannons with triple barrels, that fire energy blasts like balls of radioactive energy, opposed to cannonballs or any ammunition made of steel.