See, high school science does things to you. The minute I was asked to describe the inner workings of my brain I was thinking neurons and synapses and messages. Unfortunately, that is not what you would expect, and I do not intend to write whatever failing memory of my nervous system chapter from last year on this. So instead, I'll actually try to be creative.
And for once, not involve science in my creativity.
I consider my brain to look similar to a MUN conference, which for those of you who do not know, feel free to refer part 2 of my story, 'Not Your Ordinary Future' or just take the oversimplified version- it's a real life RPG version of the United Nations.
And now, I shall write out one committee session from the same, in the form of meeting minutes:
Chairperson Me: "Please read out the minutes from yesterday's 1 AM insomniacal session."
The meeting began at 12:50.
Location, in bed.
Mood, meh.
Food: Pretty good.
Sleepiness status: Max in geography and history, min every other time of day.
Day: Tuesday, ew. Geography and history back to back is worse than a medieval torture device.
School Stuff:
- I woke up, ugh...
- Annoying little kids on the bus on the way there gossiping about roblox. I don't like that game much.
- Boring classes: take a guess.
- Daydreamt a bit, and I realized that the elements I'm assigning to my friends are helium for Lia, magnesium for Anna, lithium for Cherry and calcium for Nat. Still more to go!
- I try coming up with element related names like 'Aurelia Oxide' [see: 'College Chemistry'] based off my friends' and classmates' elements, which would suit them. Only one I came up with was 'Charcoal' as the last name for a guy with a very similar last name irl. First name is awfully hard.
- There are no periodic table elements starting with J, and half my classmates' names start with that!
- Cherry and Amy suddenly became besties, and every morning they hug as if they haven't seen each other in a million years. It's a running joke.
- I did a pretty good job at staying away from a particular person.
- An actual MUN (not brain MUN) is coming out. I'm choosing a crisis committee. Never doing a double delegation again.
- Still dunno why my last double delegate decided to bring that up, and then randomly say someone else asked him. And this involves me... how? I don't care!!
- My grades are bad.
- NO MORE NOTES!!! They are a waste of paper, ink, muscle strength and time
- cursive is useless.
- This one guy, let's call him Bat is all over the school
- I finished reading Good Girl Bad Blood, and want to read book 3!
- probably should find something decent to watch on Netflix
- For once, one of my friends' birthdays is not gonna be celebrated in the morning in the worst way possible. See... J's birthday is right after a government holiday every year... and said holiday is celebrated on the next day... which must be sad for J. But both are in the weekend, Saturday and Sunday! No problems then!
- I should be sleeping
- Brain not braining it all out.
System overload.