Got the grace for that feeling, Got a new space cause I broke57Please respect copyright.PENANAxXwmf1MTdq
the ceiling, The Sovereign Maker, The offering of the baker, Stay peaceful57Please respect copyright.PENANAeAEQeaIGEj
cause the beast ain't full, My currency went from lint to mint, Masons run the57Please respect copyright.PENANAilU81fVto6
game, I'm facing the One who I claim.
I need a godly woman, They oddly assuming, True peace is57Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7ZoKbMQkl
love, The new beast blitz the dove, Woke up with prayer, They can't quote up my57Please respect copyright.PENANALK2krLajvA
favor, My demeanor is cleaner, The war is seasoned, The door is ceasing, Can't57Please respect copyright.PENANAOPEuUx7W6t
score if you leasing.
Got the grace for that feeling, Got a new space cause I broke57Please respect copyright.PENANAN7mgD048OE
the ceiling, The Sovereign Maker, The offering of the baker, Stay peaceful57Please respect copyright.PENANAyLMCYuUYpv
cause the beast ain't full, My currency went from lint to mint, Masons run the57Please respect copyright.PENANA9EOy7GKrpM
game, I'm facing the One who I claim.
The crown of blessings, Can't drown in my confessions, You57Please respect copyright.PENANAwDCLOp3YmN
can keep the ground possessions, I have the right to remain silent, I got the57Please respect copyright.PENANAijIQqRxXKH
light not to get violent, My past stained my spirit, Had to fast to maintain my57Please respect copyright.PENANAEMsdkcLFfH
spirit, The last days abstain my spirit.
If God is tugging at your heart to do something then that's57Please respect copyright.PENANAXYXV035qD3
what you should be doing, If she hugging at your heart to do something then57Please respect copyright.PENANA4fT8lwpfjK
that's what you should be doing, If they bugging at your heart then that's57Please respect copyright.PENANAkmAx4bmrLZ
something you should not be doing.
It's a system of governance, Got wisdom to know the57Please respect copyright.PENANA416pdPY6yb
covenants, Not talking witches, I ain't walking in glitches, Keep your peace,57Please respect copyright.PENANA13oirNLDU7
Peep the beast, Let salvation work through you, They don't get the revelation57Please respect copyright.PENANAxLsOF5k9uY
in the new you, Now they acting like they knew you.
On this spiritual quest I know it's a biblical test, The57Please respect copyright.PENANA3WoICULphU
fountain bonafide, I ain't fronting I don't hide, They counting on luck that I57Please respect copyright.PENANAp63ancTVzz
died, If you think I'm joking, That's why they are broken, Thought I was going57Please respect copyright.PENANAHgRVmWQyPk
down to the pit, My energy you can't forget.
Relaxing by the heart springs, They taxing the heart strings,57Please respect copyright.PENANANKUbkB0QdF
You made a deal with the beast, The truth paid me to heal in peace, Why you57Please respect copyright.PENANA9Rg8HyPv1Q
want the meek to fail, A new count to seek the mail, My soul in love with57Please respect copyright.PENANAEjoHrjVLGU
wisdom, My glow is like a dove in this system.
I got a spear for the reaper, I got the sphere for the57Please respect copyright.PENANAmNRkt6bzpO
beeper, Beautiful woman she a keeper, I know the truth it gets deeper, Not57Please respect copyright.PENANA8eEHkiCsDN
flexing, Not texting, Not vexing, Prayers for the suffering, Mayor of offering,57Please respect copyright.PENANAVV4nZdd9wp
They aim for the mind, The game is blind.
Give God the flowers that is due, Live when it's hard in57Please respect copyright.PENANA6HIC9V3H3N
these hours that's when you true, What the game claims is false, What the flame57Please respect copyright.PENANAgcILSdLn8c
tames is the pulse, See through the gimmick, Be you no need for the mimic,57Please respect copyright.PENANAiqAdf8bfz8
Propaganda, Act proper in the land of.
You can't glorify evil, The story ain't fly in your ego, I'm57Please respect copyright.PENANAWDXib3MXgU
fortified even if they lethal, They mortified cause the prey is the beetle,57Please respect copyright.PENANA9UBg3XiGqm
Been certified cause I say what's on the needle, Been verified cause I don't57Please respect copyright.PENANA6pBrTBNwcM
fear people, Seen the air cry in diesel.
I don't pray to gel my glow to a genie, I don't play with57Please respect copyright.PENANA6C15p2DQkP
those who want me to sell my soul for a Lamborghini, I'm content with what I've57Please respect copyright.PENANAZUrjWu4Zsm
been given, I don't consent to how they been living, Walking in salvation,57Please respect copyright.PENANArvQuOpDCuU
Talking in revelation, Rocking the elevation.
I feel like I could run for mayor, I'm real to the One who57Please respect copyright.PENANA3McXvrXV4b
gave me favor, The source is God. I know it's hard, The glow came from the57Please respect copyright.PENANAdiIoRD227w
heart, Old Testament, Gold excellence, New Testament, True resident. Citizen of57Please respect copyright.PENANAVOXM2S5EQl
heaven, The realest sin is leavened.
The peace within is why the beast is trying to get me to sin57Please respect copyright.PENANAuTL60nFzQW
within, But I refuse, They told me I blew a fuse, That's why before I was57Please respect copyright.PENANA1413LzCAn1
confused, I cry cause the war is infused, I was lost they were amused, Paid the57Please respect copyright.PENANAIjDBiUW0fJ
cost now they try to abuse.
Need rhythm and soul, I plead I felt the venom of the cold,57Please respect copyright.PENANAGLcez8bVKo
Be bold as a lion and gentle as a dove, Free gold in the iron as the mental57Please respect copyright.PENANAkOkWcoxFLA
love, Keep believing cause the wicked is leaving, Biblical protocol, No57Please respect copyright.PENANA8LRcQgyf7V
spiritual alcohol, Stay sober, Game over.
Sing hymns. Wings on my limbs, Was lukewarm not even knowing,57Please respect copyright.PENANAluIx1c5Yy8
Keep the laws cause of the nuke storm in the snowing. Late bloomer, My fate is57Please respect copyright.PENANA2gwja2P4lt
not a rumor, Keep God first, Cause they want you in the hearse, Nothing you can57Please respect copyright.PENANAEbkjcex6DT
rehearse, The devil is who we verse.
I got light that's golden, Lot of might I ain't folding, The57Please respect copyright.PENANAnsCMgqfkKp
bite was loaded, Merging out the terms, Obliterate those germs, There's a new57Please respect copyright.PENANAWvgG0h4CJH
version of worms, I know what I'm saying, I glow when I'm praying, Hate will57Please respect copyright.PENANANXm8DB8BI1
always falter, Fate can be altered.
Folks tried to bind me, Cults tried to sign me, I ain't take57Please respect copyright.PENANA4gbSm2Uhui
no deal, I ain't fake I'm real, Actions speak louder, They crashing cause they57Please respect copyright.PENANAwdO0pocoV2
tweaked the router, Kept my faith I wasn't a doubter, Dear God our Heavenly57Please respect copyright.PENANAd1AZ6U6aMl
Father, First round draft pick starter.
Prepared to fight the enemy, I ain't scared of their energy,57Please respect copyright.PENANAk5ayMAJwp2
People acting so tough, They attracting evil but still ain't had enough, I57Please respect copyright.PENANAfu4OxDM2in
don't play cause some don't bluff, I pray cause where I'm from the tone is57Please respect copyright.PENANA8nXpnLJArK
rough, Speak truth cause they seek to execute.
God will always provide, Your heart won't glow when you have57Please respect copyright.PENANAs2gZHDOVt9
pride, Oh no I won't let it slide, During this life you got to pick a side,57Please respect copyright.PENANAvjnY1MRNIs
It's pouring light ain't no trick or hide, It's sick what they confide, Secrets57Please respect copyright.PENANAfnNtCFKN8W
of masons, They regret who they facing.
Only the real gon relate, Only when you heal can you relate,57Please respect copyright.PENANAG9GVwWzghy
To the invitation they say we late, No imitation cause I don't play with fate,57Please respect copyright.PENANAaCAn4b1QEC
Can't wait to enter those gates, Got to endure until the end, My heart is pure57Please respect copyright.PENANA2lED3fqmzy
until the end.
Only the meek will support, The fake gon report, They break57Please respect copyright.PENANAJjl64K5Q3J
rules and call it sport, From the womb I was destined for doom but I'm the one57Please respect copyright.PENANAxQWnAV9HZQ
who bloomed, When I couldn't see my light I was sipping tea in the night, Now I57Please respect copyright.PENANAgdwi85X9ns
can see. So they mad cause I'm free.
As long as I can plant the seed of love, The song I grant is57Please respect copyright.PENANAuGmQ9m58u2
to plead for the dove, Free the burden, The tree is burning, Keep them verses57Please respect copyright.PENANA97xK6n31Kq
close, It's deep cause through the curses I still rose, Give people the space57Please respect copyright.PENANAGH2t9vZiMf
to feel the peace of grace.
Cold nights and gold nights, Through it all kept my soul57Please respect copyright.PENANAIervDK5qfl
rights, Love God with all your heart and thy neighbor as yourself, The dove is57Please respect copyright.PENANAVOmy69lD9s
a star in the part cause the favor is in your breath, What did you expect, The57Please respect copyright.PENANAKxZtIU9Lgs
truth is what I respect.
They know light and dark to fight your heart, The truth57Please respect copyright.PENANAhhTgBPDDN5
warned don't be lukewarm, What do you expect when you do evil, The truth is57Please respect copyright.PENANAfRuOnKmsf6
respect so why is salvation illegal, What I mean is the world don't tolerate57Please respect copyright.PENANA8zr8eO9Okd
love, Behind the scenes they sacrifice the dove.
I'm telling you I don't play, Why you yelling cause I pray,57Please respect copyright.PENANAriIw62wcVT
Lukewarm believers, The truth warned of deceivers, You can keep that goofy57Please respect copyright.PENANAFwRvi22fVP
energy, Peep the movie energy, Can't relate to the flesh, My plan is to keep my57Please respect copyright.PENANAIW1awpLPq0
faith fresh.
Glimpse of the past, Clips of the blast, Drips of the fast,57Please respect copyright.PENANAQIEO4PCOzb
The pain of loving totally, The rain of loving globally, Who gave humans the57Please respect copyright.PENANAXDvHVcfPew
ability to create, Who saved humans from the agility of free hate, God is my57Please respect copyright.PENANAbZAcRp9Uio
source, My heart is my force.
Only God reign supreme, It's lonely and hard when there's57Please respect copyright.PENANA422wRgcOIM
pain in the new dream, But I don't grow faint, I won't sell my soul to be a57Please respect copyright.PENANA1gyUm68L8T
saint, Can't laugh it up, The angels gon wrath it up, Final copy can't draft it57Please respect copyright.PENANA2gfw6qGf3S
up, Be strong cause the world be wrong.
Revelation is clearly being felt, Elevation is dearly being57Please respect copyright.PENANAIBeuLdSEjj
dealt, Microchip been here. They psycho with the drip cause they seen fear, How57Please respect copyright.PENANASrcwwizTjF
did coughing turn to coffins, We need the joy of love, We see the decoy for the57Please respect copyright.PENANAyK1l0xw17b
dove, To be free destroy the bluff.
Keep your eyes on what's in front of you, Peep the lies in57Please respect copyright.PENANAYpSIusisq5
the songs when they taunt the truth, Mockers and scoffers, I ain't taking no57Please respect copyright.PENANAcBC3VheEyt
offers, Stop partnering and making deals, They won't stop laundering the meals,57Please respect copyright.PENANAwQWl1cjKij
Don't stop gardening and raking peels.
When you indulge in folly, The sin will crush you with the57Please respect copyright.PENANA6E2edTlyB1
holly, Told her I was born to win call me, They try to unlock my pin to wall57Please respect copyright.PENANA1u8bYCtB69
me, Stay silent in most moments, Pray balanced in most moments, They think they57Please respect copyright.PENANA9GxImSXHzc
know you, Don't claim I owe you.
Love conscience, Tired of the nonsense, Keep my peace, It's57Please respect copyright.PENANAC1VKwOVH1B
deep in the streets, I'm in the church, Soul merch, Major alignment, I'm57Please respect copyright.PENANACFVQOHt0AF
favored in assignment, My eyes on the end times, The rise of blend crimes, Be57Please respect copyright.PENANACJepzqQFXk
blameless, God's love I claim this.
Turned my life around, They wanted to burn my life to the57Please respect copyright.PENANAr2LSGMDPo6
ground, Prayer knees, Favor is to please, Not people but God, Can't rot in evil57Please respect copyright.PENANA8lYKS3wdqh
it ain't hard, Live right always, Give light always, Second coming, Can't be57Please respect copyright.PENANAaUObzgxdMv
reckoned or summoned.
My energy can't be remoted, My enemy been demoted, There's no57Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZePEtJcbY
rehearsal, There's no reversal, Pray with a staff, They play with the craft, In57Please respect copyright.PENANA9WO8bWrAuH
the sermon with a shawl, Sin make the vermin crawl, Why can't you say Jesus,57Please respect copyright.PENANAAeKdZB5Rdv
Cash a check with them visas.
Salvation in my blood, Elevation from the mud, Freeing myself57Please respect copyright.PENANAiND11tQfBs
from the curses, Being myself in the verses, Of course I don't bluff, Love's57Please respect copyright.PENANAtpb4SJ3m1r
source is the dove, The force ain't made up, Ain't talking the squad.
Unlocking the cloud, Storage, Had to eat porridge.
You didn't make your life so how can you fake your life, Be57Please respect copyright.PENANAr84abH4wQh
real and honest, She's healed and modest, I been sealed with a promise, They57Please respect copyright.PENANA0pXASWlzBh
prey on my come up, I don't play if you run up, Not saying I got the tool, I'm57Please respect copyright.PENANAw8Yxsk89xR
just saying I'm not the fool.
They get a kick if you can't hit your goal, I ain't got to57Please respect copyright.PENANA25241QkjyV
hit a lick to get the gold, Still prosper, Still made the roster, I ain't clout57Please respect copyright.PENANAI1GGfZZnpw
capping, Try to shout while I'm napping, They doubt what I'm mapping, Been knew57Please respect copyright.PENANABWniDTGoWU
my purpose, Been knew my worship.
God is correcting me for following my heart, God is57Please respect copyright.PENANA0a2ZwRbDpA
protecting me from them swallowing my heart, Listen to the voice of reason,57Please respect copyright.PENANA8TrX8mCief
They missing the choice this season, Only God I'm pleasing, Not to be in Christ57Please respect copyright.PENANAdcnpoy2lyC
is treason, They paid a price for leasing.
Biblical thoughts, Spiritual hearts, Rose from the pit, Every57Please respect copyright.PENANAKsdq06eYg6
dose is a new hit, Deception in the hands of the enemy, Perception in the hands57Please respect copyright.PENANArZHSOkpYKU
of your energy, Joy is here, They get destroyed by fear, The warfare is deep,57Please respect copyright.PENANAbCb8PqGKQC
The more air then you will leap.
My heart beat for every heart that I meet, They try to delete57Please respect copyright.PENANA2UjPQyC5Zv
me but can't defeat me, You ain't right in your ways, I'mma saint with light57Please respect copyright.PENANAas1IvZMvkH
for days, Accept the gift of salvation, There's no except if it's a myth of all57Please respect copyright.PENANAxfR0W5SHr0
nations, Same laws, The game lost.
This is true dedication, This is new education, They trying57Please respect copyright.PENANAbHMQv0cFrk
to make deals with the game changers, They trying to make you feel the flames'57Please respect copyright.PENANA4czhcnYBqg
anger, You can keep your contract, Got to peep and see who's on track, It's57Please respect copyright.PENANAfc1PvtXZk3
deep cause the sun got the world cracked.
Focused on God, Them locusts is odd, I see stars in her eyes,57Please respect copyright.PENANAWPiUVCyJNU
I see Mars in their lies, Earth has an expiration date, My worth is an57Please respect copyright.PENANA4kluvAB20z
exclamation fate, Destined for the heavenly abode, This is a test of sin in the57Please respect copyright.PENANAhCpVyY5sFV
heavenly code.
Seek the face of God, The meek got to face the odds, Got to57Please respect copyright.PENANAYdraqozXri
speak when you see frauds, They tweak the game with the joker card, By the creek watching the flame of the stars, Not literal, The bitter scroll, The57Please respect copyright.PENANAxPwd4DKCn8
votes don't verify, The goats ain't very fly.
We was tipping we knew the cost, They were ripping what was57Please respect copyright.PENANAlYqC0Whfz3
the cause, They dripping in hot sauce, They was tripping and got lost, The game57Please respect copyright.PENANAA5wnZ7lCmJ
is gripping but they can't pause, We ain't slipping on the laws, They be57Please respect copyright.PENANAcgrJX0xf4j
clipping the lost.
There's no faking the funk, We ain't taking no junk, The game57Please respect copyright.PENANA4ehOFqOWMv
is baking looking for a dunk, They caking cause your glow is like a monk, You57Please respect copyright.PENANAECXtMAxiUd
don't want to be laking where the pit is sunk, They making bacteria to spread57Please respect copyright.PENANAWQey5EezES
the gunk, They waking up to no bunk.
What's free speech, They got the tree leech, People saying57Please respect copyright.PENANAe39SgwXb5T
anything for shock value, God say it's illegal for them to foul you, On the57Please respect copyright.PENANAzS879Xa2MA
list, Her heart is sun kissed, In the dark the gun missed, God gave you a57Please respect copyright.PENANAToe9nHNALQ
second chance, The second coming in God's plans.
My status ain't fear that's why they can't tap into my57Please respect copyright.PENANAoXxkzEsuHr
stratosphere, I heal in the peace when doubt is near, I feel the beast in the57Please respect copyright.PENANAiJManWyFVe
atmosphere, Can't be in the streets when clout is here, The saint is true57Please respect copyright.PENANAAGFTTrcfI5
divinity, They ain't no new infinity.
Level up cause the devil is always up, Salvation in my cup,57Please respect copyright.PENANAGeEuV5Lz94
Ain't nothing made up, Got to know what's up, Been a lion you a pup, They hate57Please respect copyright.PENANAoRdD76lZFX
the come up, The gate is still up, My faith is still up, Repent cause time's57Please respect copyright.PENANAMWyUcWyEnv
up, Foes out when you meek up.
The meek can't kick their feet up, I seek what they leak up,57Please respect copyright.PENANACIEGJVG9Zr
By the creek getting my peak up, When they speak they tweak up, Can't meet up57Please respect copyright.PENANAsQjtSj6LNH
cause they geek up, Said I was weak until I got my tea up, Life ain't bleak57Please respect copyright.PENANATQu05j1dnS
just got to see up.
Making power moves, They faking the hour views, Taking57Please respect copyright.PENANAszZWu9UtoH
flowers to the news, Waking to sour blues, God made me disciplined, Its hard57Please respect copyright.PENANAvdbUIGxOPx
when the truth is innocent, Level of discernment, The devil ain't gon miss the57Please respect copyright.PENANAkrGPJeMg2Z
burning, They ball on wood, God is always good.
Birds up, Words up, See the progression, See the confession,57Please respect copyright.PENANAwPqbghhsYM
Vital for repentance, Idols store dimensions, We fighting space beings, The57Please respect copyright.PENANAAJR1rbHP5e
lightning is the grace feeling, The tightening is the blaze sealing, See the57Please respect copyright.PENANAbKttVnWHFv
treasure even through the pressure.
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It's better to be alive, Any weather I will survive, Light as57Please respect copyright.PENANAvquQbOut0i
a feather is the vibe, Trying to catch me off guard, Crying to match me when57Please respect copyright.PENANADe5AXqSp31
it's hard, Both foot in the Kingdom, No oath in the truth of what they bring57Please respect copyright.PENANAafStHtcDGX
them, The deception is inception.