Dear younger me,
Hey, I know it has been hard.. But you know what? Look at you now! You survived! You did a lot of things that you think you can't before! Just, stop crying, stop telling yourself it's over.. You will see the light is shining on you in the right time and the right moment! Also, believe me, never stop searching and chase your dreams! Don't give up! Look at me, I'm doing alright! Only a little bit more! Although it is messed up in the middle of our way, but we survived! We are multitalent people, don't stop learning okay?! Also, we should be proud because we can manage multiple languages, from German, Java, hakka, English, Japan, Korean, Chinese, whew.. You should be proud of it, because, you are as talented as your Nico Robin that you love from one piece, and you know, try learn German language sooner, because, maybe if sooner the language will be saved in our brain more longer, and we can have a scholarship in Germany?? Oh actually I have a surprised for you, we become a student president of English Literature, well although it sounds good, it looks worst as hell, but we survive once again. Our emotion are getting played, but, we still exist today. Let me tell you our newest dreams, go to Italy. You need to survived to see the beautiful view in Santorini, alright? Okay.. That's it. Whatsoever, you know I love you, I am exist today, because you are exist yesterday, so, Thankyou to never give up. ❤️
Best regards,
Your future you.