He's super nice. Couldn't really describe him in words. It just feels wrong to me that, right now, I might write an inadequate description of my grandfather and, since he's nearing death, I'm afraid that the few sentences I'm about to write are going to be the way he's immortalized in my mind forever once he's gone. I'll try my very best to capture him in his prime...
The people who have the most impact on me and my sisters characters are my 3 aunts and my two uncles, all maternal. We were raised by out maternal grandparents in a small house in the Philippines. We weren't rich but we weren't hungry. As a kid, I was fussy about everything; the cold, the heat, the mosquitoes, the noise, the silence, etc. Summer was hot in the Philippines, even during nighttime. My grandfather would stay awake fanning us with a piece of cardboard. Some nights were too quiet and I got a bunch of borderline mental disorders from my dad's side of the family. So,our grandfather would tell us stories every night until we fell asleep.
I heard from my mom that, when they were children, they lived in a very VERY dilapidated house, too small for 2 adults and 6 children (my grandparents and my mom and her siblings.). But, when my grandpa found a family living in the streets, he picked them up and let them stay in our house. His siblings were all very reliant on him, too, and his siblings-in-law. They would borrow his tricyle and return it and it would be broken, or the gas would be empty, but he never did mind.
Now, he's turned into someone else. When we went back to the country and stayed with them, I didn't know him anymore. He started to say things like, "don't be too kind to someone or they will rob you of your riches." It's all about money now. Money, money. idk what happened
the end no more goodbye