Live according to Christ, These myths ain't the93Please respect copyright.PENANAfspJzYJSHn
perfect sacrifice, If people care they gon pay attention, If evil is in the air93Please respect copyright.PENANA4jz4msDZ95
they gon pray for ascension, Not talking about everybody, Not walking with93Please respect copyright.PENANAC8ph9xSGDu
everybody, Now you the enemy cause I got the energy.
Spiritually disciplined cause I'm biblically93Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5vft79LCA
heaven sent, Repent with a pure intent, Don't be bent in the impure ascent, You93Please respect copyright.PENANAZrr5c71ZCp
free to invent but I don't consent, New tea to blot the sin rent I'm content,93Please respect copyright.PENANACDjnUl69Lv
The prophecies must happen, No time for capping.
Old folks turned foes coming out the woodworks. Gold yokes burned by the blows of good works, They want to see if you still93Please respect copyright.PENANANzm40npkwt
have the light of Christ, They hunt you in the night of sacrifice, Loved ones93Please respect copyright.PENANAz5na0jDSe8
and close ones tuned goats, The doves sing heart notes.
Being real means walking in love with no fear,93Please respect copyright.PENANAarqbsUrjvC
Being healed means walking with the dove in any year, Biblical discipline is93Please respect copyright.PENANAjgWzenryiM
your spiritual insulin, The walk in Christ is everlasting, The talk in Christ93Please respect copyright.PENANA2gGAxToF03
is ever fasting, Repent cause the enemy won't relent.
Crop the cake, Stop being fake, I'm appalled by93Please respect copyright.PENANAwPaeyPqLuy
people's actions, The fly on the wall is the evil attraction, If need be everyone is required to repent, If the seed is free everyone is wired to93Please respect copyright.PENANAcGfWfwwx2G
intent, Think right, Think light, Don't blink in the night.
Training ground, Graining ground, The crops will93Please respect copyright.PENANA9nTYO97S8U
yield with practice, The drops will heal with brackets, You watching the game,93Please respect copyright.PENANAu6f0KPrFKF
Who's watching the name, Society keep acting like they sleep but faking like93Please respect copyright.PENANAe8m7b96GJU
they woke, Try to lie to me but the truth I soaked.
We all need Christ for everything, The seed of93Please respect copyright.PENANAAsgHrZRswA
Christ is not a play thing, Baptized in that holy water, Better act right if you a starter, Used to play bench, Now they confused cause I broke the wrench,93Please respect copyright.PENANARYvRrp0MgB
Power of the lion, The hour where the world is dying.
Make sure your thoughts are obedient to Christ,93Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6fYLYCIwh
Don't take the cure of the cults cause the ingredient is a sacrifice, They93Please respect copyright.PENANAbBdBLbupcW
quake in the drought cause you're defeating them with the price, God's love is93Please respect copyright.PENANAaVSepcE7zH
free, God's dove is free, No more chains, No more stains.
Destined to walk in my spiritual service,93Please respect copyright.PENANAoGFxwuNm7S
Investing in my walk by biblical worship, Lean not on your own understanding,93Please respect copyright.PENANAoKcKfKesJY
Behind the scene the thunder is landing, Love is not in bondage, The dove is93Please respect copyright.PENANAjpridWXgR2
not in carnage, See first then you can heal the thirst.
Times of refreshment and perfect peace, The crimes of enmeshment and worship of the beast, I know history is rough, But the93Please respect copyright.PENANASaC4uyJgpO
victory ain't bluff, Jesus really paid the price, Deceivers thought they really93Please respect copyright.PENANA5VQjFpslw7
played the Christ, He still rose. God is who I chose.
Speak your voice, Speak your choice, All in93Please respect copyright.PENANA5aRBkuGoqi
righteousness, All in Christ is blessed, Stop rejecting God, Stop injecting93Please respect copyright.PENANAJgMYDdPaZP
your bod, Don't fall victim to the deception, Don't fall for the rhythm of the93Please respect copyright.PENANA8cfeYEWTkS
inception, Can't play games, Thank and pray for the names.
Determined to free the captive, The sermon is the key to be active, Better wake up, Can't wife her if she caked up, Love ain't93Please respect copyright.PENANAoCCQukNPuK
lost, The dove ain't lost, You ain't looking within, You cooking with sin, Now93Please respect copyright.PENANAnTpZJeSmeF
they glitching and switching, Stay out the kitchen.
God made a way, God paid the way, Perfect93Please respect copyright.PENANALym5WUTsEI
atonement, Worship no opponent, Eternal life is real, The journal of a wife93Please respect copyright.PENANAztOG6MYbwq
will heal, Then came Jesus to deliver the world from deceivers, Simulation like93Please respect copyright.PENANAxs9em3yur6
a museum, Any situation you can't fuse them.
They reminiscence on the past, They lost heaven's kiss when they were cast, God don't play with sin, God won't play with sin,93Please respect copyright.PENANA9CNjm6Ygyc
This simulation is temporary, This situation is in the sanctuary, The temple is93Please respect copyright.PENANAODlMyyTvPV
within, The sample is opinion, I bless not guess.
You can try to fulfill biblical prophecy but only93Please respect copyright.PENANASn5dFKqcDx
God can do that, You plan to try to pull the will of spiritual privacy only the93Please respect copyright.PENANASODnMThj1k
fraud would do that, The meek is available to help by love, The meek is93Please respect copyright.PENANAkmJHY3STEb
unfailable to melt the bluff, Toxic not exotic.
God's precious grace is written on my face, Had to learn to give people their space, Had to learn evil can be erased, Must give93Please respect copyright.PENANAMdjiH3ZRBw
credit to God, Trust the medic of God, You are healed, You are sealed, Indebted93Please respect copyright.PENANALxA6tazMED
to Jesus, They inverted lukewarm believers.
Had to learn the hardest lessons to recognize they can't burn my harvest blessings, Focus on the now, That hocus is not a vow, Be93Please respect copyright.PENANAq5S2P3otYI
careful what you say in your mind and mouth, Be thankful of how God is kind93Please respect copyright.PENANAiyZbSNISws
with no doubt, The law of truth, It's raw in truth.
God don't deal with stupidity, God don't deal with93Please respect copyright.PENANAOUKAN3dxhn
cupidity, We weren't given a spirit of timidity, We're living in a spirit of infinity, I know93Please respect copyright.PENANAGqYwQDhDz0
eternal rules, Don't enroll in the inferno schools, My journal is the views,93Please respect copyright.PENANAgGevghrUh5
The lab of the infernal is news.
Can't steep the rust, Can't sleep with lust, Wake93Please respect copyright.PENANAcJrrfxC4Po
up to what's coming. Can't fake up what they summon, I know they messing with93Please respect copyright.PENANAC8YodwtxXq
me, But they ain't the one who blessing me, Only God, You know your heart holy93Please respect copyright.PENANAbCRmRtCLYH
when they act odd, We don't play no joker card.
My attitude is integrity, My gratitude is93Please respect copyright.PENANAQs3sAAZ60d
eternity, Roll with the punches, Bowls of fruit in my lunches, They know what93Please respect copyright.PENANA6kLWLfQPC0
they do, The day is soul what they do, See through their features they only93Please respect copyright.PENANABY3AqM9oRD
worship creatures, Lip service, Can't clip my purpose.
People can't handle the lion, The evil in the93Please respect copyright.PENANAC2UjzxsK3p
candle is dying, You think it's a joke, You think you woke, Holy spirit got93Please respect copyright.PENANAM0QmVuPOvT
them shook, They only fear it cause you know the Book, I don't do the autograph93Please respect copyright.PENANAwjjV4oOSdB
pertaining to the art of craft, Justice or wrath.
Just admit you signed a deal to reject Jesus, I93Please respect copyright.PENANAwW0yc7XXM6
don't trust no habit to blind the real believers of Jesus, We see with clarity,93Please respect copyright.PENANA1hUVGc11UQ
We see with charity, They want you to be part of the system, They don't want93Please respect copyright.PENANAm1wQ7X0Zfn
you to be set apart with wisdom.
Feel like I'm in the lion's den, They steal time93Please respect copyright.PENANAChq072uuLR
in the Cern to destroy your lens, For the elect's sake the days will be93Please respect copyright.PENANAELo71M98WU
shortened, For disrespect sake they pray for abortion, Solar eclipse is it a93Please respect copyright.PENANAJIZyGIjG8g
hoax or do you regard the notes, Dunk talking, Monk walking.
Make the most of your life in righteousness, They take the ghost to give to the scientist, Keep seeking God's face, Keep meeking93Please respect copyright.PENANAtDI44igNQr
God's grace, We're universal expressions of love, There's no reversal93Please respect copyright.PENANAiUg4Pa0w3k
impression of the dove, Live fully. Don't live unruly.
Live for the glory to God, Give more for the story93Please respect copyright.PENANASLo1gPSP7P
of God, Alpha and Omega, No laughter in the soul breaker, Seek mercy and93Please respect copyright.PENANAfjCxJuLZ4X
justice, The meek they will try to curse thee with substance, Be sober minded,93Please respect copyright.PENANAgLznlMe6Fe
Game over don't be blinded, Transcend, They can't stand.
The reflection in the mirror, The dimension is93Please respect copyright.PENANAJD0BdGcv5G
clearer, Transcension is nearer, Matrix ain't set in stone or in code, The93Please respect copyright.PENANAIWCsZtXVnx
ancients didn't bet on the bone in gold, Some cast lots on the innocent, That's93Please respect copyright.PENANAhR8TnURkRf
why they didn't last when they did the realest sin.
You can only control how you feel, You can only93Please respect copyright.PENANAtd5SgvvBcH
control how you heal, Give people their space, If you live evil you will be93Please respect copyright.PENANAdJZxempxND
erased, It ain't what if I have grace, You can't trust the devil, You can dust93Please respect copyright.PENANA8k4pRjUDNI
the devil, Bone collector, Throne protector.
Your birth name details your life, The earth game is like retail for life, Get out of the rat race, Get out of the cat pace, Be93Please respect copyright.PENANAzLX7mCbXoP
set apart from society, Be set in your heart as priority, Be a winner not a93Please respect copyright.PENANAYQWHiiaUps
sinner, Pay them no mind, Pray for your mind.
Grace covers my every heartbeat, Space covers my every star treat, Crucify your flesh, Who's fly in the test, No crash landing,93Please respect copyright.PENANAx8JI5zu6Ku
No trash banding, The sun is rinsing to erase what they claim is convincing,93Please respect copyright.PENANAgv7GPlHNIk
The Almighty rules, In light they think you a fool.
If they idol looking, I'm Bible booking, Keeping93Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5hbNrV929
my heart on the verses, Deepen my heart on the verses, You realize all this is93Please respect copyright.PENANAKZ7220LUYX
due to transgressions, We will rise when they fall due to confessions, This93Please respect copyright.PENANA9qdN3X3lvh
ain't race laced, This is grace based.
So many errors, So many terrors, Still got to walk right, Still got to talk right, Can't fear if it ain't God, Can't hear if it93Please respect copyright.PENANAcTxCy7181D
ain't God, I know the dread they have, I know Jesus bled to save from the93Please respect copyright.PENANA4zxrAKABiw
wrath, We don't sin at jokes, We win at cracked yokes.
How did it go from eating potato chips to now93Please respect copyright.PENANAumy0BS3FnU
brain chips, If you go past your limit, Then you will be the last to mimic,93Please respect copyright.PENANAPg9a9KgU4B
Microchips and hydro clips, The world scared to return to nature, But they93Please respect copyright.PENANAYsa9uUxChr
prepared to relearn the danger.
I ain't take no oath, Thank God for the quote,93Please respect copyright.PENANAvSSyYoeK7C
There's a message in every line, There's a presence in every mind. There's a93Please respect copyright.PENANAVLfzaHp2u9
blessing in every sign. Final four horsemen, Don't be idle in the core of the93Please respect copyright.PENANA8xbGM8AAu2
endorsement, Christ stamped me, They price is to vamp me.
What's headed to this earth got them dreaded by93Please respect copyright.PENANAHU9y2bDlzz
the birth, The flesh withers, The blessed rivers, A lot of people talking the93Please respect copyright.PENANAlHTbIPWAmH
equation, But how many people walking in the ancient, God is King. Scars on my93Please respect copyright.PENANAE2DeJ9ZTre
wings, World turned to a mess, To Jesus I confess.
Class lootings, Mass shootings, Third temple, Word ammo, Earthquakes and disasters, Birth rates and the pastors, No need to read93Please respect copyright.PENANAF0vgggKySR
faster, No need to speed faster, I lasted through the doubt, Don't be without93Please respect copyright.PENANAGxUfA5jB3e
the juice casted out,
Live in grace. Given space, Righteous standing,93Please respect copyright.PENANA2fnL7zclmu
Crisis landing. Always be ready, Always be steady, You must be born again,93Please respect copyright.PENANAQTwwXbLMqs
Trust the world won't be sworn again, This the last go around, The past is93Please respect copyright.PENANAQuJahyEeSh
going to the ground, Loud and clear, The crowd I don't fear.
Book of Amos, Look for the angels, Shook cause93Please respect copyright.PENANACOFgiQKUzc
they see the bengals, They took to spend gold, There will be a great revival of93Please respect copyright.PENANAxbHkIKBGzP
hearts, There will be a great arrival of hearts, Jesus is Lord, Visas for the93Please respect copyright.PENANA4izvYIqGNL
cord, Christ is Sovereign, The price was the offering.
Don't bash the covenant, Don't trash the93Please respect copyright.PENANAFpHei9OJDO
government, That don't mean to bow down, That won't be the sound now, You93Please respect copyright.PENANAxwKGZcyPAW
acting unruly, I'm attracting truly, Return to your heart, They want to burn93Please respect copyright.PENANAoUcPyNmlbs
you in the dark, Be concerned to play your part.
Improve the faith of your heart, Remove the hate93Please respect copyright.PENANAbV75mcwhFP
from your heart, Keep your love in God, Peep the dove in the squad, Obedience93Please respect copyright.PENANAieHb9hGnY2
is better than sacrifice, The ingredients is the letter of the act of Christ,93Please respect copyright.PENANAtYwjKRXzTs
No this ain't fake, Jesus thought of you on the stake.
Wait expectantly for God, They hate heaven's tea93Please respect copyright.PENANAUOGiPmOq5G
for the heart, I'm encouraged in faith, Their sin is nourished by the grave,93Please respect copyright.PENANAZGxasLHWqH
Close mouths don't get fed, Rose doubts don't get bread, Why deny love if it's93Please respect copyright.PENANAdUcwBSVu1Y
truly real, Why deny the dove if you truly healed.
I say no to idolatry, They see the glow they93Please respect copyright.PENANAURR1MJih9n
doubting me, Can't take the soul out of me, I know the deception, Folks mad93Please respect copyright.PENANASQ45cFFdRm
cause I declined their reception, Diabolical schemes, Psychological dreams, The93Please respect copyright.PENANA3aSbY8cZBN
game is froggy, Jesus name is the reason they mock me.
Through thick and thin, Truth is they only click93Please respect copyright.PENANA8rM56KAdfq
when the land sin, The world is sick if you tapped in, Pray for the lost, Don't93Please respect copyright.PENANAF5aKygy3zc
play for the cost, We don't gamble. We don't ramble, Spiritual warfare,93Please respect copyright.PENANAXyKxRsXdiW
Biblical hardware, Paid up. This ain't made up.
Open your spiritual lens, Hoping the world gets a93Please respect copyright.PENANAjfYDGl3sGC
biblical cleanse, What happened to society, They capping salvation is not the93Please respect copyright.PENANAQrxhPGi2YF
priority, The vibe is low, The hype is glow, Who shine with Christ, Who grind93Please respect copyright.PENANAviU7vO9vB1
with Christ, Who mind on Christ.
Love and peace and faith is key, The doves ban the beast and save the free, They keep lying, Pray we keep flying, Where's the93Please respect copyright.PENANAjH1VCWkNoy
reciprocation of kindness, There's anticipation of sinus, Spread the name93Please respect copyright.PENANA8dV0mGGjSt
Jesus, Daily bread in the name of Jesus.
Subconscious threat, Obnoxious bet, They know you know, They want to slow your flow, The glow real. The crow steal, Conqueror and93Please respect copyright.PENANAW90SzWRyXj
a champion, Not a wanderer in the mammon, They hate God not you, My fate in God93Please respect copyright.PENANAinU8CXuZ52
not you, Try to cripple me, Christ delivered me.
We lift your name, No myth for the game, Walking with Jesus, Talking the gift of Jesus, Healed by love. Sealed by love, Fully in93Please respect copyright.PENANAYT2deLPkPh
peace, They unruly in the beast, Kindness is a plus, The finest is a must, They93Please respect copyright.PENANAF4jpDi4Yv1
try to slay the meek cause we pray at God's feet.
Prayed the name hard, Played the game hard, Money don't define me, Honey don't rewind me, Lord, change my heart finance, Don't93Please respect copyright.PENANAMdatigzQ3a
break the cord of the heart's silence, We're like a mere vapor, I don't fear93Please respect copyright.PENANAa3utNXIO9H
labor. Love thy neighbor.
Still amazed by God, They still in a haze cause of the flawed, Thinking I would fall short, I don't want the ball in my court,93Please respect copyright.PENANAXnY0L8f6kD
Stand tall cause life is short, Pray she don't call to abort, Christ paid the93Please respect copyright.PENANARvsghZThTj
penalty, The sacrifice wasn't for vanity.
Point blank I'm been dealing with pride period,93Please respect copyright.PENANA6QPOtNIlu2
Anointed thankful I cried in healing had to bury it, Humble my mind cause they93Please respect copyright.PENANAb7iJNMfr5c
want to crumble my mind, Once in a while my eyes see women with lust, I know93Please respect copyright.PENANAnowYtEBQEj
it's my flesh cause God said to be free of that bust.
Pray for the world, Don't play with the Word, Lost and I was found, The cost is the sound, Do you hear God, Do you fear the odd, It's clear life is hard, Ain't got peers cause they fraud, You can't trust no one on earth, You can't plus no one of birth.
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