“The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
The sound of a portal opening directly into his quarters causes Steve to slink toward the corner of the room for his shield. The figure that steps through is tall, a gilded arm of aurum and muted black draws his attention first. It’s the scents of cool and freshly driven snow, lavender, and holy basil that weave their way into his nose that encourage him to lay the shield back against the wall. He knows that scent. Immediately, he glides over on light feet to stand in front of the omega, his omega, the one he has been promised to since the tender age of five. Lifting the black veil, his eyes widen in wonder. It falls to the floor to reveal Bucky with cropped hair, that barely touches his neck, almost hiding the diamonds dripping from his pointed ears. He is adorned with black and gold fabrics that seem as if they were woven directly onto his shapely figure. Steve trails his gaze down and is surprised to see a brilliant collar, ceremonial in nature, blessed with golden chains. They race toward a corset that blossoms into a skirt with cut outs at the thighs, it pools around Bucky’s feet. The sight of that supple skin makes Steve’s mouth water. He has never seen Bucky dressed up quite like this before.
Tracing his gaze back toward that metal arm, he gently graces Bucky’s palm with the smallest of touches using the tips of his fingers. He smirks at the way the hitch in Bucky’s breath caresses warmly against his own skin given how close they are standing. Finally he reaches where metal meets flesh and melancholy spreads through him when he sees the scarring muted by scarlet, silver, and pitch black ink. That gilded hand cups his own cheek then, pulling his gaze to Bucky’s grey-blue irises.
I’m okay, Steve. The softness of Bucky’s voice echoes in his head, deeply penetrating his psyche, but the omega’s lips do not move. I know we are meant to meet again officially on the night of our pre-bonding ceremony but I— I wanted to see you. I didn’t want the first time we’ve laid eyes on each other to be so formal after so many years apart. I didn’t want to shock you in front of others when you saw—
When I saw your arm. Steve finishes for him. Did you fear what I would think of you?
The red tint rising on the omega’s cheeks is all the answer Steve needed to press even closer and settle his left hand just above the collar adorning Bucky’s neck. Bucky’s long lashes flutter prettily on his cheeks as Steve sees him look down. Lifting his head back up with the tips of his fingers, Steve gazes boldly into his beloved’s eyes.
“There is nothing about you that I wouldn’t love wholeheartedly, Bucky.” He speaks into the space between them, his voice full of fervor. He catches Bucky’s eyes flit between his own sky blue irises and his lips before capturing Bucky’s in his own.
Steve pours every ounce of his feelings into that kiss as he slides his right hand into Bucky’s hair. He smiles against those pouty lips when he feels a cool hand and a flesh hand settle onto his waist. This is the first kiss they have shared in many many moons, that among other things. Pressing his tongue against the seam of Bucky’s lips, Steve deepens the kiss and tastes wisps of that lavender and holy basil. The air around them seems to feel colder as the scent of that snow grows stronger. Pulling back a moment, he rests his forehead against Bucky’s.
“Join me in the springs?” He asks. He sees Bucky bite his lip and wonders if it is too soon for what he is truly asking of the omega.
The smile that finally graces Bucky’s lips lights up his entire face before his eyes widen, playing at innocence. “It’s been so long since I’ve visited those springs, I don’t even know if I remember the way.”
The heat that races through Steve’s blood promises of so much pleasure at the way Bucky has pitched his voice. He knows his own scent is permeating the room, especially with the way Bucky’s nose flares in reflex. Bucky always knew how to play him like a fiddle, ever since they were kids bumbling along their budding friendship.
“Stick with me, Buck.” Steve steps away from Bucky and holds out his hand. “I’ll show you the way.”
As they lounge in the gentle embrace of the crystalline springs a ways from Steve’s quarters, still wrapped up in each other with blissed out expressions on their faces, Bucky plays with the hairs at the back of his alpha’s neck. The way Steve shudders at the sensation makes that large knot tying them together pulse. He moans as a rush of fluid seeps into him yet again. He knows he will have to terminate anything that might catch today, maybe one day he will be able to bless Steve with the family they both desire. Alas, today is not that day. They are not ready to be where their parents are.
“Red gold for your thoughts?”
Bucky turns his attention back to Steve and is pleased to see the flush to his alpha’s cheeks. I’ve still got it.
“I said, I’ve been wondering about your dreams. Are they clearer now?” Bucky can tell Steve does not for a second believe him but that can’t be helped. He is quite surprised when Steve doesn’t push him to explain, which means he was right to inquire about his beloved’s dreams. “Stevie, what troubles you?”
“Something is coming,” Steve says then. “The images are still somewhat muddled, and I cannot make sense of them even now after all that time spent with the witch of the primeval forest. All I know is that there’s a path bathed in blood and smoke, there is another blocked with twin blades and a creature with many heads. I do not want to take either path, but I know I must take both. Deals within deals, plans within plans. There is so much that I still don’t understand.”
Steve’s words grip Bucky’s heart, it pounds wildly in his chest. He fought with twin blades, as taught by his father, against the House of Hydra. He battled through blood and smoke to become a soldier for the sisterhood that manipulates so much of the Known Universe. To think that Steve has those paths laid out before him as well makes everything abundantly clear. This must be the Kwisatz Haderach.
The blinding light seeping into the ship as the doors begin their ascent into the hatch causes Steve’s heart to stutter in his chest. Through his narrowed gaze, he can see the glittering sands of Arrakis. The squeezing of Bucky’s metaled hand, his new wife’s metaled hand, in his gives him the assurance he needs to brave this new world.