Only God understood,43Please respect copyright.PENANA0CHQFySqDo
I'm not for that hollywood, They say where you get the energy, I pray to God43Please respect copyright.PENANAcbflxn5XcH
not the enemy, Devil has no power, At this level I just watch for the hour,43Please respect copyright.PENANAF7QPWttdxS
Mind on salvation, Be kind to all nations, The beast is here, My peace has no fear.
When your mind is43Please respect copyright.PENANAvTAB83n219
like the truth of fire then you gon feel the root of the wire, I ain't talking43Please respect copyright.PENANA2EQXM4SMge
witchcraft, How I'm moving I don't switch paths, If you still walking in evil43Please respect copyright.PENANABddwO6v4kH
how can you be truly enlightened, See right thru people cause they unruly hiding.
Look this ain't for43Please respect copyright.PENANARMg9CFGfuz
the show, Read the Book you gon feel the glow, Got them shook cause I know,43Please respect copyright.PENANAHHZuBm5e7H
Seen what they took now they brutal, This ain't no theory I ain't pseudo, Feel43Please respect copyright.PENANAX0G7VubbIJ
like a pitbull you a poodle, Headed to dark times like the feudal.
Birds chirping, Earth43Please respect copyright.PENANAzvaDt1Omnj
is the serpent, The Word is urgent, Society moving with that forked tongue,43Please respect copyright.PENANAnzsAm9tk5M
It's been proven stay away from the porked lung, No one is immune from law, We43Please respect copyright.PENANAjzeWvCpWwC
don't commune with those from the fall, It's coming soon pick up the call.
Still on my feet get43Please respect copyright.PENANAoClTK5vYft
your track up, They steal the sweet get your snack up, It's not all cracked up.43Please respect copyright.PENANA7hyXq1FnLu
The fall got them jacked up. I don't ball but I ain't a backup, Now they trying43Please respect copyright.PENANAFGt8r77xG8
to act up, Qb flow get your sack up, Keep waiting thinking I'm gon lack up.
River walk call it43Please respect copyright.PENANAUn81DEvHWa
ripple kicks, Silver talk call it triple six, This ain't no theory, Gifts of a43Please respect copyright.PENANAKzp6HWicSt
saint is why they fear me, Lift up thanks they can't hear me, With the tanks43Please respect copyright.PENANAowk50prTcS
they can't get near me, Sift out the ranks they can't gear me.
Game seven, Is your43Please respect copyright.PENANAqveNsMvtFJ
name in heaven, They came with the leaven. You got to press start before God43Please respect copyright.PENANAlDcsZBhsiY
can bless your heart, You say something it's a problem, You say nothing it's a43Please respect copyright.PENANAJcHztDzvTD
problem, I do what God confides in me, They been knew the sun shines in me.
Either you believe43Please respect copyright.PENANAHspoaCMvie
Jesus Christ as Lord or not plain and simple, That ether make them leave the43Please respect copyright.PENANAe9Pwx01NFN
score cause through the pain you still see my symbol, I ain't talking no magic,43Please respect copyright.PENANAA0op2CsfNf
I'm walking past the havoc, God is with me, My heart is a gift to free.
Pierce through the43Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZDXiVpYng
veil with salvation, Fierce crew when they can't nail your vibration, I refuse43Please respect copyright.PENANAY3UXP0Fdn6
to bow down to anybody on this earth, They induce the vow sound to everybody on43Please respect copyright.PENANAdwFOAXzEcj
this earth, Hear God within, They fear when your heart doesn't sin.
If you stay present43Please respect copyright.PENANAbAUObqh4BY
then they gon try to slay your blessing, I been washed by the truth, They gon43Please respect copyright.PENANALLlrVkW4tU
be squashed by the truth, The enemy could be any race any face, The energy got43Please respect copyright.PENANAkoqNsJPrHT
many in fear cause of my grace, The Lord's melody got me in a new space.
Early bird gets the43Please respect copyright.PENANAYUpbNH5HDN
early word, Promotion and advocating for evil, Devotion and accurating for43Please respect copyright.PENANAJgMUIyVeiJ
people, Take part of the first resurrection, Fake heart mess with perfection.43Please respect copyright.PENANAKV3N3AePhl
Be fruitful, Be truthful, We yearn for God. We learn from God.
Had to become a43Please respect copyright.PENANAoPSriD9gUp
leader ever since I became a reader, I'm not a bottom feeder, We're in the43Please respect copyright.PENANAGRmgcduZhq
Sodom meter, I'm not trying to be cool, I'm not trying to be a fool, I yearned43Please respect copyright.PENANAw6xwVkGjMK
to see without the ego, I learned you got to see without evil, Love vision43Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2FtzLIof2
Find your own43Please respect copyright.PENANACQPsCZrqe4
business then mind your own business, Stay present within, Pray the blessing to43Please respect copyright.PENANAvNdWogs3gE
lift sin, Ask God to forgive you and repent, They try to mask the heart to43Please respect copyright.PENANAMD7LpAhvZB
score the myth of intent, This ain't a game, Jesus died for all the same, Risen43Please respect copyright.PENANARSihMr7cd5
Life is beautiful in43Please respect copyright.PENANA1tGWFmNNX6
a ugly world, They try to put fear in you cause of the lovely Word, The Maker43Please respect copyright.PENANADQVYkcgP6z
of the universe knows all, The faker of those who sue the curse will fall, No43Please respect copyright.PENANAFzZkPnmheb
matter your status we all going thru something wherever you are on the atlas.
One trust in faith is43Please respect copyright.PENANAXygvduVJpn
the combination, Unjust weights is the abomination, The Gospel saves, New43Please respect copyright.PENANAv8e2GHA5LP
fossils in the graves, Jesus paid the ransom, Watch out for the phantom, It's43Please respect copyright.PENANAPHdd3BpEoT
take strength to walk in love, They fake the blank to talk in what's made up.
Champion in my blood,43Please respect copyright.PENANAfNKQOU5ATO
Ain't no stamping in my love, The glitz and glamour is hollywood, They blitz43Please respect copyright.PENANAJnc6lbGehh
and hammer if they probably could, They playing with the wrong one, They43Please respect copyright.PENANAVeUav56CcC
playing with a strong one, Realize who Christ is, The real lies is the crisis.
I'm in self-instruct43Please respect copyright.PENANAOR99WjUeXS
mode, Timing self-destruct code, They can't construct the node, There's only43Please respect copyright.PENANAaWVHvaQ1hu
two road, They mute the blind with the toad, Life is a heavy load, They try to43Please respect copyright.PENANAPtvXmMnrdK
make me the yode, My soul can't be broken by the goad.
Give praise to His43Please respect copyright.PENANA0cGkRVqdmL
holy Name, They thought I'd be lost in the rain, Still have peace even through43Please respect copyright.PENANAeLNFklqkTy
the pain, The wrath of the beast is tyrant make my life in vain, I will make43Please respect copyright.PENANAHDpRFTH3Zp
your feet to walk in a new lane, God said I made you all the same, Play no43Please respect copyright.PENANApAvsqeZILL
Built to reject what43Please respect copyright.PENANAwaKALdpwsY
they want me to respect, They do what thou wilt, Pray against the slew of43Please respect copyright.PENANAb1Vw8qI5Vj
filth, Obedience to God, Ingredients is in the heart, Love and peace, The dove43Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1d256CwEw
against the beast, It ain't made up the devil is off the leash, Let God preach.
Situations I dealt43Please respect copyright.PENANA27prNmkZYG
with is very miniscule compared to the destiny of salvation, Initiations I43Please respect copyright.PENANAAMKn8U4YIO
ain't dealt with is cause I'm not in their rule cause they guessing me by the43Please respect copyright.PENANAaoPzHiiLqw
ancient, They find no fault, Unlock all the vaults, Stay in form, Pray in the43Please respect copyright.PENANAGOt9zqHzCV
I feel lifted, I feel43Please respect copyright.PENANAeeAp0UEZT1
gifted, I heal different. No deal but I'm still driven, Can't steal what I'm43Please respect copyright.PENANAdbLYHYvm0V
giving, Been sealed the way I'm living, I'm in God's palms like a heart psalm,43Please respect copyright.PENANAcx6PL98SBe
Folks be reprobate, That yoke is the gamble of hate, Been woke in the faith.
Extract the next43Please respect copyright.PENANAvlivqluxfT
track cause they flex the stack, This is not about conspiracy, The way I walk43Please respect copyright.PENANANO6rmzTq8X
ain't no fear in me, The day I talk they ain't hearing me, They pray the lock43Please respect copyright.PENANAjZYtzgelyN
is nearing me, My soul is free, The gold is in the tree, I was told you are the43Please respect copyright.PENANAzLeYW9H7Fm
The moment when you43Please respect copyright.PENANAex46XmB0hK
recognize your light then they reckon with lies to destroy your life, The law43Please respect copyright.PENANAnE32KnYLoZ
is love, Draw water for the dove, Folks faking the way they move. The joke is43Please respect copyright.PENANAsIB8FKPGKS
over cause the secret has been proved, They in fear cause your sin is cleared.
Protect your temple,43Please respect copyright.PENANA2TVBTAfzN5
Correct your sample, The game is limited, The name can't be pivoted, God is our43Please respect copyright.PENANAb8PNvKsl46
Rock, It's hard they want you locked, It's odd what's on the stock, The law is43Please respect copyright.PENANAuLpsxuPIbK
something you can't mock, I don't ball in the knock, In the now not a clock.
Now of balance, No43Please respect copyright.PENANA39UsLNgIh6
vow of silence, They cow in violence, How is your science, I ain't talking43Please respect copyright.PENANAxnlatQI2w3
laboratory, I'm walking in heaven's story, Feed your spirit with love, They43Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4I828XQI4
plead they fear it cause they see the dove, This ain't made up, Don't fade up.43Please respect copyright.PENANA9EgdIEE7fB
Grade up.
I remain in isolation43Please respect copyright.PENANAJNYoreaZHP
cause the world is in violation, Don't lose your dignity, Choose your infinity,43Please respect copyright.PENANAiJqo7KEFQ8
Fuse your serenity with eternity, The light destroys the fear, The night43Please respect copyright.PENANADOGqmEqVEO
destroys the gear, Stay in the royal attire, Pray I'm loyal not to retire.
I'm blessed up but43Please respect copyright.PENANAqxBdKEUOeF
they want me messed up, I know I'm next up that's why they flexed up, I know43Please respect copyright.PENANAEK5QZC5mbT
the world ain't ready for my real form, I glow in the Word cause I'm steady in43Please respect copyright.PENANANg3DstRweA
the healed storm, Can't fake up when the world is covered in make up.
Control your spirit,43Please respect copyright.PENANAR0aFTrydLY
They can't hold your spirit, Saint's gold in my spirit, Thank the soul for my43Please respect copyright.PENANA0P8MeYBmud
spirit, Of course it's God, The only source is God, I mention Jesus. There's43Please respect copyright.PENANALqEaKoPKBT
cruel inventions for believers, Can't fear death, It's a new year of breath.
Trust in the43Please respect copyright.PENANAh4uqSEE5Pw
strategy, Lust is a tragedy Purify your gold, They want to crucify your soul, They43Please respect copyright.PENANAzlrk5w3jJ1
mad cause the wool ain't over my eyes, They mad cause I ain't a fool in front43Please respect copyright.PENANAmfoaMSofJC
of the wise, Take it with a grain of salt, They fake it with the rain of fault,
Influence and impact,43Please respect copyright.PENANAZfEpwiG5f7
We seen the ruins intact, They rebuilding biblical sites, They refilling43Please respect copyright.PENANAZRPeKOy5GO
spiritual nights, I don't care who's at fault, I don't care what's in a vault,43Please respect copyright.PENANAyglL7avbqI
The world in a cult, The Word said you are the salt.
Closed caption. Rosed43Please respect copyright.PENANAbA6wpgwKCE
rations, Eyes of a panther, The wise don't banter, Government shutdown, The43Please respect copyright.PENANAfkzObGBHdW
suffering you can't stunt now, Be on your square, Key to anywhere, They can't43Please respect copyright.PENANAwRY1WiVhPi
gauge you, So they try to page you, Society trying to cage you.
Chosen generation,43Please respect copyright.PENANAcsEsrBNT1c
Closing every station, The airwaves, Where is the saved, Yes I grow. The test43Please respect copyright.PENANAV1xX20xDYm
to know, It's contextual, Endure until the end, Folks impure they won't repent,43Please respect copyright.PENANAm9gZq9MHXu
We testify, We next to fly, Danger can't scare me, Strangers can't square me.
I done see the43Please respect copyright.PENANAZB7ZkCfTBE
streets on fire, They hiding the sun cause the beast about to expire, Love in43Please respect copyright.PENANAK0W5sU9IQg
my lungs my peace is to inspire, We ain't talking what's in blood, We walking43Please respect copyright.PENANAeA07LmCwHO
in what's in the mud, I continue in God, Renewing my heart, Revenue in my43Please respect copyright.PENANARPHXcdWtjO
I'm getting my mind43Please respect copyright.PENANAaGogTCq9Va
back, I'm kind to you if you're white or black, Folks chasing a bag to stack,43Please respect copyright.PENANADT0S3x0r6p
Ain't no joke erasing the lag on the track, You got to take the chains off, The43Please respect copyright.PENANATtFcVFTnbH
truth ain't fake the grain you can't scoff, Be thankful, Free like a angel.
See the fruits of my43Please respect copyright.PENANALFi7IVTLtu
labor, See the roots of my favor, See the truth in my neighbor, We're seeing43Please respect copyright.PENANASpRoFC2WLD
the matrix glitch, They try to blur the gracious who don't switch, They gon43Please respect copyright.PENANANC92NGEkgT
hate you whether you poor or rich. Please receive Christ, They deceive our43Please respect copyright.PENANA2qfbFyy3ex
I stay marching to43Please respect copyright.PENANAdVwBht3fIK
the drumming, They say the martians is coming, I'm slaying what they summon,43Please respect copyright.PENANAV4NP4tyNgb
They praying I would be dumbing, They playing like I would be numbing. I ain't43Please respect copyright.PENANAp9RjPT3JaB
paying for the humming, They treying cause I know something.
Word on the street43Please respect copyright.PENANAtWj3YHZUn1
you got biblical immunity, Birds on the street got a spiritual community, I'm43Please respect copyright.PENANAJIyXIvrrjy
vibing in the light, I ain't hiding in the night, I'm cleansing my temple, I'm43Please respect copyright.PENANAoUX5NqFw2i
sensing the sample, If you against the beast then why don't you advance in peace.
The one thing you43Please respect copyright.PENANAy6ZGYTHsBw
must realize that they always hide the truth in plain sight, The sun bring you43Please respect copyright.PENANAtBhw1Iatsb
trust to recognize they always lied in the booth in the rain light, Not43Please respect copyright.PENANACL3J3fEGLD
particular, Just the heart similar, Don't fear what you hear, The actions is43Please respect copyright.PENANArsi5H6EG8n
The mercy of peace,43Please respect copyright.PENANA34XLYwkE6f
That's why they try to curse me with the beast, They hope we're fools to walk43Please respect copyright.PENANApefKNN35LO
in their rules, Don't be lawless, Don't be heartless, They gon start the test,43Please respect copyright.PENANAbIZ5rUj5De
This is spiritual not racial, This is biblical not facial, The miracle is special,
Keep your thoughts on43Please respect copyright.PENANAhEI4ynTAZp
the things above, It's deep in your heart in what brings the love, Stay43Please respect copyright.PENANAJUOjI3ffvJ
overflowing, Pray the nova glowing, This time it won't dissipate, Don't play43Please respect copyright.PENANAiAqDFiWG0A
with the risk of hate, Known is the mist of weight, Sown is the kiss of fate.
Main attraction, Pain43Please respect copyright.PENANArBpeewYUqf
is detraction, The rain is distraction, In my lane I ain't crashing, Worldwide,43Please respect copyright.PENANAtmhhVNwMdW
The Word is my guide, In the face of fear I won't hide, My grace is the reason43Please respect copyright.PENANAdEnHei3ACS
I ain't died, Still got to leave this earth, I'm sealed for the rebirth.
Bless the soul of43Please respect copyright.PENANA4F5UGaCOih
God. Don't test the soul of God, I'm not competing with anyone, I'm not43Please respect copyright.PENANASIPGWq9xxd
deleting anyone, I'm not repeating anyone, They lied on my name, Thought I died43Please respect copyright.PENANA8C3JELBuUl
in the game, I wasn't playing, I was praying, The matrix is decaying.