Love is the building block, Love is the shielding rock, They see the new version, Pray I'm59Please respect copyright.PENANA8iQVhrIzSI
free in the truth purging, Society in awe. Their priority is to have you in59Please respect copyright.PENANADQPmcGUatA
their law, But I refuse the night, They want to diffuse your light, Keep it,59Please respect copyright.PENANAb1m5CwFVR6
Deep grit.
Christ is not a myth, The price is a gift, There's a doubt frequency in the air, There's59Please respect copyright.PENANAN4nRzaNHnj
clout that I don't need or care, It's hard to be in this corruptible body, The59Please respect copyright.PENANAIGb4QQwJfb
heart is electrical to illuminati, I speak bold cause the streets is cold.
When you are truly connected to God you will be fully corrected by God, Nothing will59Please respect copyright.PENANAc4QBD5MB8M
slide so you won't be condemned, I ain't fronting my drive on contend, Folks59Please respect copyright.PENANAbNTdtR6cp6
know I ain't playing, Break the yoke cause I be praying, Fasting works, They59Please respect copyright.PENANAPFL5LJ251E
casting hertz.
My energy is protected, My enemy gets corrected, The light I carry is what the night59Please respect copyright.PENANAqX17Vpd2Oe
wants to bury, They stay observant of your level up, They pray to the serpent59Please respect copyright.PENANAiykbHW8qap
to get the devil up, Hold your peace and the battle is in the Lord's hands even59Please respect copyright.PENANA3K38KhioYB
in war plans.
Got to fight the confusion in this illusion, Has the world reach the conclusion, Shine59Please respect copyright.PENANAJLGMf4cte8
your light and heal, They want to shut your light so you can't deal, Duality59Please respect copyright.PENANAt4KfMODTOR
destroying humanity, Return to being life itself, Relearn the oneness of life59Please respect copyright.PENANAuJvmBXrn7f
in breath.
Been thru the fire, Seen thru the wire, Behind the scene I won't retire, They booking59Please respect copyright.PENANAKYewm6AQ1N
anyone this season to do evil, They looking for a reason to do what's in their59Please respect copyright.PENANANF09SnUa7C
ego, They try to block your light cause you shock the night, Can't blame me,59Please respect copyright.PENANAUM6q6USL11
Can't flame me.
Salvation is the highest form of enlightenment, Every nation is the highest form of59Please respect copyright.PENANAiYUF8P8OpV
environment, We need to be saved, We need faith, We're spirit in flesh, I don't59Please respect copyright.PENANAJdjIxJ2KuY
fear it I know it's a test, Devil throwing haymakers, The level is growing for59Please respect copyright.PENANAqyUKWbQbei
the waymakers.
Be zealous to repent, Don't be jealous with intent, They want to shine and take you off59Please respect copyright.PENANASKkJZiMJIg
your grind, Iniquity is their lifeline, The victory is the timeline, The59Please respect copyright.PENANAVi135NOGQu
pollution is the session component, The solution is to be in the present59Please respect copyright.PENANAm7d2LquiIa
I won't brag that my fast is my lesson, I won't drag my past to the present, Only God59Please respect copyright.PENANAbpDjZtfME6
should have power over you, Only in the heart would the flower be sober in you,59Please respect copyright.PENANAI9ajqiWvVk
Don't let the world faze you cause really they can't face you not even erase59Please respect copyright.PENANADOtxnPhkBm
I'mma product of heaven, Keep my conduct like a reverend, Love to my sisters and59Please respect copyright.PENANAfc0E2tUZ8E
brethren, From all over the world, Diamond vision the tv is blurred, This59Please respect copyright.PENANAQZnGGxbuWy
simulation is very intricate, The tribulation is thunder grit, There's a way59Please respect copyright.PENANAAMX0Bd2b4X
out. Can't fade out.
Renew your mind cause we've been programmed, We knew that folks were blind cause they lost the scroll of the Lamb, This is global speech, This is a noble preach, If you59Please respect copyright.PENANAsETyJYZ2V3
truly want to be saved cry out to God, The unruly ain't faith'd they lied about59Please respect copyright.PENANAHP6F2xUjlk
My heart is in accordance with God, From the start was the ordinance of God. Fear God and59Please respect copyright.PENANAqkIBm8ojUv
keep the commandments, Hear God and peep how they apply the blame on the59Please respect copyright.PENANArDvcJa41eX
remnant, But God has made it sanctified, Love God and see the world thru when59Please respect copyright.PENANAz76SWQAer9
Christ cried.
You do the right thing they down play it, You knew the right thing that's why the crown59Please respect copyright.PENANATf32BreXQe
stayed lit, You reap what you sow no matter who you are, Keep your soul no59Please respect copyright.PENANAlLsiKM7Lqa
matter who you are, Don't fear the scourging, Thank God for my portion, My59Please respect copyright.PENANAxFtW2kUmUI
heart is torching.
They want to finish the pyramid, I'm eating spinach and kale for the experiment, They try59Please respect copyright.PENANAA6k9lizWmj
to image the veil with the spearmint, The world intoxicated by Babylon, The59Please respect copyright.PENANAid7YlWyvIs
Word ain't tolerated by those acting wrong, It shall come to pass, We're in the59Please respect copyright.PENANA6KJB2DgcNM
I affirm The Gospel, The worm is how they trap lost souls, Show everybody love, Grow to59Please respect copyright.PENANAsLnyUiJQo6
embody the dove, This ain't a karma free zone, This ain't a trauma free clone,59Please respect copyright.PENANAf52BaKupod
Peace is losing the ego cause of the hour, Please stop using evil for power.
God said acknowledge Me to become optimized, Technology has become the poltergeist, I59Please respect copyright.PENANAnbAmPHg1fl
pray for your salvation whoever you are in every nation, To receive the title59Please respect copyright.PENANAnUBCtcY4gy
you can't be deceived by the idol, Keep your composure, It's deep cause the59Please respect copyright.PENANA5ax0eb7j7R
Bible is kosher.
This reality is like a blink of the eyes, The risk of casualty is how they think59Please respect copyright.PENANAR11svlWGUa
with lies, You purge out your ego, You don't merge with your ego, If you free59Please respect copyright.PENANA6R5fHzeloR
of the illusionary mind eat your fruits and berries and be kind. Crucifixion,59Please respect copyright.PENANAQrw4RoNhuj
Ain't no switching.
Thank God for gratitude. What's up with people's attitude, Fix your heart change your59Please respect copyright.PENANAq164Zo37R2
altitude, They play the six to gauge the latitude, Ask folk why they mad at59Please respect copyright.PENANAQZcNYwVY56
you, They wanted that cheese that's why they ratted you, Strike one that's why59Please respect copyright.PENANAJOsrCVX2Vy
they batted you.
Elevation is the Word's here, Revelation is the world's fear, They try to hold me down59Please respect copyright.PENANAzwomIa9VDM
cause my soul been crowned now, This ain't flex talk, This is the best walk,59Please respect copyright.PENANAiQKceYsJRc
Enduring for the imperishable wreath, Ensuring when it's questionable love is59Please respect copyright.PENANA5UBikv2m8m
all I breathe.
Hold your peace cause it's cold in the streets, There's no soul in the beast, There's59Please respect copyright.PENANA0rWobla5zf
gold for the lease, I don't want it, They can't haunt my grit, I know they59Please respect copyright.PENANAXfZmdivTWr
front, the game ain't legit, God woke me up I can't quit, Apply the Word, Deny59Please respect copyright.PENANA3T7rR5aH1T
the World.
You can keep the peace sign, Pray you don't keep the beast mind, Don't play the streets59Please respect copyright.PENANAFIOFgrtrrv
ain't kind, The world is going to be a warzone everywhere, The Word is growing59Please respect copyright.PENANANXDPehRuig
in the heart zone everywhere, Last days, Get out your past ways, Always fast59Please respect copyright.PENANATJsyw5hbVW
and pray.
We're in the last days of this simulation, Observe the past ways of the illustration,59Please respect copyright.PENANAoDvA4IyGpA
Stay tapped into the holy spirit, This ain't cap you really need it, As the59Please respect copyright.PENANApiLdbA4EvP
world gets unruly, The Word you can't forget truly, The Gospel is God's muscle.
They say I switched up, I say no the matrix glitched up, Keep your vibration on a59Please respect copyright.PENANA86HcAaHVV4
different realm, Peep the cure in salvation cause God is at the helm, Make sure59Please respect copyright.PENANAHfwh5s4IqH
your faith is bulletproof, They can't fake the saved got that real proof,59Please respect copyright.PENANAP69Bjl0w3w
Christ is our rights.
My journey keeps going til I walk into heaven's gates, They trying to burn me to keep flowing in the talk of the leaven hate, Workout your own salvation through fear and trembling by The Gospel, They lurk out to own your salvation cause they fear your soul.
I'm kind with no fear, My mind is top tier, The grind is the sphere, The blind can't see59Please respect copyright.PENANAP4C2fUfFE3
God is here, We got to bind the fraud cause what's near, Can't sign no deal my59Please respect copyright.PENANAOvBhy2Zqpy
heart is clear, Got to find out they won't cheer, Unlock the timeout to free59Please respect copyright.PENANAt9s1bG1bop
the year.
The final agenda, We gon find the pretender, God is in charge of this reality, The heart59Please respect copyright.PENANATpYw4oxwKi
is focused on breaking duality, Are you living for God or giving into the59Please respect copyright.PENANA8VeMBNBgUO
fraud, The devil who I mean, Every level got a behind the scene, The real59Please respect copyright.PENANAQXvogl3NeZ
prosper no imposter.
I give my life to God, I live my life for God, I'm saying you don't owe me, I'm saying59Please respect copyright.PENANA5OgABOKM2T
you don't know me, I ain't initiated. I know they really hate it, Jesus is the59Please respect copyright.PENANA1anSQdEZPj
atonement, Believers is the proponent, It start with a decision, I'mma start59Please respect copyright.PENANAMkTu7oA9Zo
any division.
Diss tracks is a distraction, Babylon is fatal attraction, Pay attention to what the news59Please respect copyright.PENANAcKb0jqER2S
isn't talking about, Pray for the dimension that you got the juice to walk with59Please respect copyright.PENANAX681F1dkk4
no doubt, This is plain and direct, The pain will correct, The rain will59Please respect copyright.PENANAuAmeK5MMfi
My genesis was heaven sent, My nemesis is leaven bent, I ain't start from the bottom, My59Please respect copyright.PENANAU4foqrjeR8
heart ain't on that Sodom, I got that fire. I spot that liar, I'm in training59Please respect copyright.PENANARjlO0SJiu3
mode, It's raining the code, Been at the crossroads, Won't switch in the frost59Please respect copyright.PENANAbhrfVQUdAs
The Gospel will be known to every nation, God's soul will be sown thru salvation, Nothing59Please respect copyright.PENANASoevnibUbz
ain't gon slide, Ain't no fronting you got to decide, Got folk mocking Christ,59Please respect copyright.PENANA3jhZJMth4D
The yoke is blocking your rights, The world is temporary, The Word is heaven's59Please respect copyright.PENANA8CnSYzo6yD
Your energy is stronger than hollywood, That's why they act with hunger like they could, I59Please respect copyright.PENANAb8BsYsvA2H
ain't playing with the scoffed, Since you not in the game they want you offed,59Please respect copyright.PENANAQgJHNBLHT1
Christ transformed my heart, Now the world seeing a star, Ain't no flex. I got59Please respect copyright.PENANASmkW52NStZ
I'm praying for you not judging, I ain't playing with you not budging, Just cause I'm in59Please respect copyright.PENANAWimvWp0mEJ
silence doesn't mean I lust for violence, The Vatican holds the world's59Please respect copyright.PENANAojTT3JYG4G
secrets, The static in holds the Word's deepest. Christ saves, What's the price59Please respect copyright.PENANABGU3TyGhuw
of the grave.
My energy is not cooperating with the new penny of evil in liberty. The enemy is59Please respect copyright.PENANAVzvY0AZmDZ
operating thru many people in iniquity, Turn in your cash or they coming after59Please respect copyright.PENANAbF3LKmB9b9
it, Burn up the trash or they summon to capture it, Folks looking for evidence59Please respect copyright.PENANAsbkalAjo1d
of settlements.
Graduation to a higher vibration, Every nation gon feel the fire of salvation, Love is59Please respect copyright.PENANAy86SDChQRn
requesting you, The dove is investing in you, Can't catch me at a game six,59Please respect copyright.PENANAIGOei4vt0P
Can't match me with the flame of rix, Only God in charge, Ain't no heart that I59Please respect copyright.PENANAVj4Kx5Ss1o
We are fearfully and wonderfully made each in our unique way, We are cheerfully and59Please respect copyright.PENANA4O6A74seq1
thunderfully made in the core of a week's day, They don't want everybody to be59Please respect copyright.PENANAoT845lshN2
equally different, They want everybody equally same, Like mannequins, Plans of59Please respect copyright.PENANA5iJG76q1HZ
the Vatican.
Know you a star not the black sheep of the town, Glow the truth in dark cause folks track59Please respect copyright.PENANA3BIjzHo5KG
the beep of the crown, Pray for your soul vision, Stay on your soul mission,59Please respect copyright.PENANAXxcaRr7wmh
They been knew just hope you didn't find out, In a new view must hope for God's59Please respect copyright.PENANA846asQMEaK
time now,
Aspire for dreams that folks can't fathom in righteousness, They expire for schemes cause59Please respect copyright.PENANA4PvrcsyKp5
the yoke can't Adam your silenceness, Lion's roar, So many trying to get in the59Please respect copyright.PENANAnWx3Ujf5nd
door, Don't let sin get in the core, Abstain from the world, Heaven's rain in59Please respect copyright.PENANAlRfXmKTzNB
the Word.
No excuses, What I know is exclusive, To glow got to heal from the bruises, Grow in love59Please respect copyright.PENANAZkzqIj6svF
don't feel useless, The world gon blow the fuses, I was confused to be addicted59Please respect copyright.PENANA5Vz8SggsBU
of what they predicted, Torn between two worlds I was conflicted, The game is59Please respect copyright.PENANAS9uki9ViA5
I got the elixir, I don't got no Alexa, Stop acting extra, Jesus saved me when no one59Please respect copyright.PENANAkUsRzrpxML
else could, You need faith to change the world not hollywood. The moment of59Please respect copyright.PENANADA9c6a2YUC
truth is so near, In every situation you can't have no fear, Nature looks out59Please respect copyright.PENANAy9lrUS6NSD
for her dear,
Whether poor or rich I can still have a bowl of that porridge, Folks looking to blame59Please respect copyright.PENANAwp0RIWudiv
you up so they can flame you up, They try to gaslight you cause they can't pass59Please respect copyright.PENANAG1xJuNxrBg
right thru you, Love is foreign to the world, The dove is pouring into the59Please respect copyright.PENANAtgUM1FLcwU
Change the conscience of the planet, Range the Pontius of what's granted, We're in the59Please respect copyright.PENANAM2AtwNDdA0
metaverse cause the data works, I ain't chipping it. I ain't clipping the grit,59Please respect copyright.PENANATTh1jQhgEC
Redeemed by Christ, The scheme for rights, Folks grind to sin. I shine within.
The Word granted got commandments for the planet attendants, The world got ammunition59Please respect copyright.PENANAGtr9fdM1xO
for demolition, This ain't the league, This feel like the siege, They study you59Please respect copyright.PENANAdLIyFdYKBS
to muddy you, The glory and credit belong to God, My story they try to edit is59Please respect copyright.PENANAeKYKnVXGNq
in my heart.
Always stay present in your heart, Always pray the lesson in your heart, Love is made to59Please respect copyright.PENANA8U2zv8jDDA
seem like it's secondary, The dove can't be played like it's begging for dairy,59Please respect copyright.PENANA9JlFMnyBEK
God is not a fool, God made earth a school where the devil rule, My energy is59Please respect copyright.PENANASJBhFFleZo
Folks get on the defensive in the expensive, But on the cheap will cheat, The perfection59Please respect copyright.PENANA4U4cb3KyEt
of salvation is a miracle, The direction of salvation is biblical, Endure until59Please respect copyright.PENANACwxQUpeWKg
the end to be saved, Ensure you still repent by faith, The truth can't die in59Please respect copyright.PENANA0kQ1KZKUWl
the grave,
The soul is made of gold, The flesh is not blessed, But be thankful for your body, Free the59Please respect copyright.PENANA4nU8f3Klwo
angels in Illuminati, Meaning those who are truly trapped, Higher ups scheming59Please respect copyright.PENANAVyyr61WeLf
cause they strapped, The plans of evil by society got the earth clapped.
Make sure you don't juggle when you enter the jungle, Tell Babylon I don't want to59Please respect copyright.PENANA2ePdDxncnE
snuggle, Free yourself from the mindset of this simulation, You need stealth to59Please respect copyright.PENANAAoMFgmxvNb
find the net of the tribulation, Find your way out, Don't be blind on the way59Please respect copyright.PENANA9NqrobE8UO
out, The layout.
Store up your treasures in heaven, For the cup of measure in leaven, Take away the hate59Please respect copyright.PENANAWmc1mlyhX6
and jealousy out of your heart, Can't fake away your fate cause of the seven59Please respect copyright.PENANAbtEUOdnPSS
seas of your heart, Wash away the evil intentions, Watch and pray due to the59Please respect copyright.PENANAGl1xbEpH5Q
evil dimension.
I was saved from the pit. The grave was for my grit, It wasn't my time. I have to master my59Please respect copyright.PENANAi1XgX8epZ5
prime, I'm not into crime, The game is grime. God knows it all, The heart grows59Please respect copyright.PENANAFn5chcBnE3
in it all, If you allow it, They vow to destroy my kit, I won't bow so I can59Please respect copyright.PENANAvOMq1i1jcF
59Please respect copyright.PENANADG3r11PzuK
When your energy is on ether then your enemy is on feature, When your vibration is low then the viper nation know, Do what's right in God's love, True light is in the heart's dove, Raise your frequency, Praise the eternal currency. Molten fool, Golden rule.
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