Chapter three: the water daughter
“okay, okay, this is a dream. Someone please slap me-OW!!!” Ainsley slapped Patrick across the face. “See,” she said. “Definitely not a dream.” “That hurt you know!” Patrick said. Suddenly, some pink dust went straight for the place Patrick had been slapped, and in an instant, Patrick was healed. “You’re welcome.” Said a soft voice, another girl was sitting beside sister wind, she had long curly pink hair, a pink dress and pink high heels. “Hi there, I’m- Beauty! We all know! But Beauty and wind don’t matter! Water is the real awesome hero!” Another girl was standing beside Beauty. She had long blue hair in a pony tail, she was wearing blue pants and a sky blue t-shirt and she was wearing blue boots. “Angel, Tiger! Get me some water! And I’ll feed you some fish!” A shark and turtle jumped out of a puddle of water landing on the couch the girl had lied down on. The turtle dumped a bucket of water on the girl. “Ah that’s the stuff. Now go catch your fish!” The girl then tossed a clown fish and jelly fish in the puddle of water as the shark and turtle swam to catch their snack. “Now let me introduce myself. I’m Ocean, aka the water daughter. That’s OH-HO aka sister wind, and that is Beauty.” Ainsley looked at the necklace OH-HO was wearing. “What’s that necklace your wearing?” She asked. “Oh, we’ll this is- THE MOONSTONE!!! OH-HO keeps it safe because she is the leader, but I should be leader because WATER RULES!!! AM I RIGHT??!! Ocean said. Everyone just continued what they were doing without even a clap for Ocean. “Ocean, no one can trust you with the moon stone.” OH-HO said. “Why did mom make her the leader?” Lydia heard Ocean mutter under her breath. “Anyway you must be hungry.” OH-HO lead the group to the kitchen where they saw a boy and a girl cooking. “What are you making today Flame?” OH-HO asked the boy. He had red hot hair, red pants and a red t-shirt and there was a red fire lizard on his shoulder. “Tomato soup!” He said. Beside Flame there was a girl with long green hair, she was wearing a green dress and green sneakers. “This is Flame and Daisy.” OH-HO said. Daisy pushed Flame aside to finish making the soup. Flame sat beside Ocean who, to Lydia’s amazement blushed. “Flame! Make up your mind! If Red- Shhh, we don’t need to talk about Red right now.” Flame interrupted Beauty. “Why can’t we talk about me Flame?” Flame jumped up, he looked horrified. “Give me three good reasons why we can’t talk about me Flame!” Said Red.122Please respect copyright.PENANAamcLnfPihh