“Everyone get to the dragon room!” OH-HO said. “What’s th-SHHHHHH!!!” Beauty interrupted, which was just as loud. OH-HO quickly lead Lydia and her friends to the dragon room. When they got to the door they saw (Ofcourse!) two dragons guarding it. “Password?” One of the dragons said. “Icicle.” Beauty said. The dragons opened the door, the room was gigantic! And in the centre of it was a giant tree. OH-HO un clipped the stone from her necklace and put it in what seemed to me a tiny hole in the tree as if it was home to a squirrel. The tiny hole then disappeared and went back to looking like a normal tree as if no squirrels had made homes in it yet. “What is this place?” Ainsley said. “This, is the dragon room, it is where we hide from intruders that find their way into the portal.” Beauty said. “It is also where we hide the moon stone.” OH-HO added. “And what’s that tree?” Patrick asked. “That is the together tree. Its roots connect to all the trees in the world. The moon stone was born in the together tree it was gifted to OH-HO from our mother. She has been a great leader ever since.” Beauty said. “Thank you Beauty.” OH-HO said. Beauty smiled then went back to what she was writing. “I know your here Lydia!” Rowan shouted, he was at the doors of the dragon room. For a second there was silence then silence turned to screams and shouts. “We have to get Flame and Red!” “OH-HO I’m sure Red will be fine-NO SHE WONT!!!” OH-HO interrupted Ocean. “OH-HO I think you might want to see this.” Daisy pointed to a security camera. Rowan wasn’t alone. Beside him was Vivaan, and they were both riding griffons! Then suddenly, thousands and thousands more griffons flew into the fantasy house! It was an army! OH-HO pulled out her sword. Beauty stood up. “How are we supposed to deal with this?!” Beauty said. “I’ll get them! Ocean take care of the kids, I have some griffons to fight! Starla my dragon!” OH-HO then got on top of a beautiful white dragon then rode off to fight Rowan. Lydia breathed for dear life! What would happen to OH-HO? What would happen to her friends? What would happen to her? And in all this stress, Lydia fell to the ground unconscious.