My heart been unlocked. Ready or not,50Please respect copyright.PENANAnfwXEGiQbi
I got a new walk, I got a new talk, Paying the consequences, Praying for the50Please respect copyright.PENANAGcH3mYYjMB
audiences, Most sickness is due to sin, Holy ghost is the witness of the wind,50Please respect copyright.PENANAZfnAaM34ul
Don't ignore the signs, Endure until the end of times.
Today is the highlight, Not to pray50Please respect copyright.PENANA9Hr6BOCfER
is the twilight, Be in the now. See in the now, You dug a pit, Truth will slug50Please respect copyright.PENANAzZf8VlKegj
the hit, You talking about the past, I'm talking about a fast, My foes50Please respect copyright.PENANAR7jPkgEcAy
witnessing the comeback, My God won't let my woes come back.
I stand with The Gospel, They want to50Please respect copyright.PENANAXlZq5s22V0
brand a lost soul, Talking about Illuminati, Walking in a corruptible body, We50Please respect copyright.PENANAJXxE5uNb02
shall be glorified in the highest estate, The fall will be horrified in the50Please respect copyright.PENANAYyWsQSZ1zS
crisis fate, Time to pray up cause it's time to pay up.
The Gospel is the power, So many lost50Please respect copyright.PENANAwD9xt1oUWR
souls in this hour, Society censors salvation cause they know that's the50Please respect copyright.PENANAkc1WH7PmBO
answer, My faith unlimited, The saved is sun pivoted, The world turned a blind50Please respect copyright.PENANA8sRpBuiDLE
eye to the light and turned a kind eye to the night.
It's legal to have the holy spirit50Please respect copyright.PENANAnA0c8n0Ih6
that's why they violent in the beast, People want to destroy your silence and50Please respect copyright.PENANAXf48BLAlJB
peace, The dregs of residue from the chalice, I don't beg to be heaven's fool50Please respect copyright.PENANAX9WaFLKmi0
with your malice, If you ain't complete the sun will delete.
Class for discernment, Cast your50Please respect copyright.PENANA6XFH59p0FG
burdens, The cash is burning, Folks clash for the earning, Society crash cause50Please respect copyright.PENANAkiU7oKYZek
for evil they yearning, Why you gnash at the sermon, Why flash the learning,50Please respect copyright.PENANAED7kHwkj1G
What's in the trash with these vermin, They can't bash spurring.
Be bold as a lion, Burn the cold with50Please respect copyright.PENANAGGEssZLAHS
the iron, Learn that souls are dying, Don't get discouraged, They can't touch50Please respect copyright.PENANAlXvANPybHT
you cause your nourished, Holy spirit is your protection, They fear it cause of50Please respect copyright.PENANAAZzbASf3Hd
their projection, The light is real, The night is sealed.
I flow thru mercy, I glow when they50Please respect copyright.PENANA6AFnOFhWnK
curse me, I know when it's hurts me, Sin is the cause of the suffering, To win50Please respect copyright.PENANAx0DiiyTxLa
what's the cost of offering, Handle your business, Candle the sickness, No text50Please respect copyright.PENANAyPeF0QDXj4
or call, They try to vex your all, Endure cause it's impure.
You just don't know about it, True50Please respect copyright.PENANAni7jvo9Jzp
trust when you don't doubt it, Spiritual crimes the world allowed it, Biblical50Please respect copyright.PENANA0LNGAjRIc2
times of the Word we're surrounded, Nowhere to go but God, Soul stares got50Please respect copyright.PENANAzLKMYHm1t5
folks acting hard, Seeing thru the flesh, I knew this was a test.
Your only truth is holy spirit, They50Please respect copyright.PENANAGfBawtLeHM
all fear it, Those bracelets and necklaces don't have any power, Better face it50Please respect copyright.PENANA2i6SJMrcdz
and don't get reckless cause we're in the last hour, Time is miniscule in the50Please respect copyright.PENANAmP7afTV2rH
grand scheme, My prime is in the school of the brand dream.
Every inning we're winning, Before in50Please respect copyright.PENANAAovtsY5ghz
the beginning we were sinning, Brought into the marvelous light, The drought is50Please respect copyright.PENANA8dSfwennCs
the obelisk night, Can't hold me back, Can't fold me back, Deal with the50Please respect copyright.PENANA1R8U8f9N9V
discipline, Heal until you're innocent.
They can't match up with the juice, I50Please respect copyright.PENANAxzUypDI6a6
won't catch up with the news, Don't latch up with the views, Don't patch up the50Please respect copyright.PENANArUSzq9p0oT
used, Folks hatch up with dues, Trying to snatch up the blues, Fresh batch of50Please respect copyright.PENANAw7XetBi2E5
cues, Natch up the deuce.
The closer I get to God the more50Please respect copyright.PENANA5RXeWNdfkh
I know my heart, Sin can and will50Please respect copyright.PENANA3JjetbWdKa
destroy your life, The wind's plan will restore your life, I find that highly50Please respect copyright.PENANAkNSmjBO7K6
statical, Don't sign nothing radical, Check the fine print, Respect in the line50Please respect copyright.PENANACY3rxFdUNC
There's an asterisk, She got a mask50Please respect copyright.PENANAp8J7VQb7xK
so I can't kiss, They seen your light, I been thru the night, Don't pray for50Please respect copyright.PENANAmWGg6Wr3VD
their downfall, Can't play anymore when the ground fall, The world is in50Please respect copyright.PENANAkkVInyebar
spiritual sickness, The Word is the biblical witness.
Honest vs heartless, If you in50Please respect copyright.PENANAAqKNw33NO1
hollywood for more than 4 years I don't trust you, If you probably could for50Please respect copyright.PENANAH2oA8VAaae
the wars of fear it would be a must, Know that God will reward you according to50Please respect copyright.PENANAC0SxYASXqp
your deeds, Glow in your heart with the Lord affording your needs.
I'm in a different time bracket, I50Please respect copyright.PENANAltD4GgXq2r
know they try to hack it, My glow they try to sack it, How I flow I can't back50Please respect copyright.PENANAOqGbTugICk
it, What I sow they can't hack it, The holy spirit will edify, They fear it50Please respect copyright.PENANAIVpUtUtLys
cause the devil can't let it fly, Salvation is always verified.
I see thru the mirage, I'm free I50Please respect copyright.PENANA59HJ9RBnYx
ain't parked in the garage, All I need is God's love, All the seeds is for50Please respect copyright.PENANAqpdOAcuO7z
God's dove, Take it to the Lord, Don't fake it with the Lord, I speak encoded,50Please respect copyright.PENANAG2WFbtH4Ob
I ain't weak I'm reloaded, The game is eroded.
Now I finally understand what God was50Please respect copyright.PENANA88hWJZO8Nl
doing, Folks took the underhand to finally break your heart cause you ain't50Please respect copyright.PENANAbD6zCgR9cv
ruined, They try to intimidate and eliminate cause your innocent, That's why50Please respect copyright.PENANAoXntgrIftz
you got to be militant, Love waxing cold, Doves maxing the gold.
I'm gracious to all nations, Prayer50Please respect copyright.PENANA0SclFlFE7I
to God is favor from God, Now they see your heart, They want you to bow ain't50Please respect copyright.PENANAPLbSxcuves
that odd, All I shown was love, I don't ball sun grown like a dove, Hatred in50Please respect copyright.PENANAzIKs7vex65
their spirit, Been sacred I don't fear it, I know I hear it.
I'm concerned with the things of God,50Please respect copyright.PENANA5La8ZaUjIM
I discern the things of God, My demonstration got them in meditation, But they50Please respect copyright.PENANAWz0HSCkM1A
ain't gon even work, In my gut I know they weaving in the dirt, Energy is on50Please respect copyright.PENANAXg2EHsRssP
fire, Enemy gon expire, They inquire cause Jesus is required.
I'm steady evolving, They already50Please respect copyright.PENANAhZhJ8C3Lul
engulfed in, Not pronouncing judgement, Just announcing any enemy we're50Please respect copyright.PENANAw5puejbfZ5
crushing, We ain't playing tic tac toe, We praying in the biblical, When your50Please respect copyright.PENANA7fGZ3XVgWg
light is radiant, You see they worship the alien, Still gon fail again.
What's that got to do with me, Only50Please respect copyright.PENANAa88puPEn0A
real ones with me, You sold out, I got that ether when the cold out, Blown year50Please respect copyright.PENANAhb4ovAi7Mp
of the atomic enemy, Don't fear the demonic energy, The plan is all the same in50Please respect copyright.PENANAZrAPPpjxiD
the protocol, 100 grand is in the game for the art of gold.
Holy spirit is the key to the50Please respect copyright.PENANAtonpCbUdU5
simulation, They fear it cause you free of the initiation, One of a kind, The50Please respect copyright.PENANAHOyiE3I0Q5
sun doesn't blind, I don't run when you hold that nine, Only God I fear, Only50Please respect copyright.PENANARU9oHllsgE
God I hear, I'm elevating while they idly celebrating.
Government officials think the50Please respect copyright.PENANA1Wlp1epcfs
suffering is artificial, God is coming to bring justice in full amount, Folk50Please respect copyright.PENANAj0rQ0LNQXq
summon cause they don't trust us in the account, If you want to be saved come50Please respect copyright.PENANAofccgH0rnz
to Jesus, God is right here and won't leave us.
Build your relationship with God to50Please respect copyright.PENANAJZuLABi7OB
indestructible, In the field the ancient don't slip in the heart cause sin is50Please respect copyright.PENANAketeHLAPfN
corruptible, Get your spirit right, They fear the light, Don't get bothered by50Please respect copyright.PENANAjm77eFlRkP
demon time, I'm covered cause I woke up from dreaming time.
I was told to keep your head high and50Please respect copyright.PENANA81zIhFxrG4
the sky will say hi, If not the dead will try, In this world don't dread the50Please respect copyright.PENANA0fHDPwYBcM
fly, Jesus bled and I cry, Monitoring spirits secretly spy, God said for your50Please respect copyright.PENANAicZwoXgGW1
heart's sake you gon have to die, Heaven is real no lie.
I ain't fake with anybody, I don't50Please respect copyright.PENANACZGZBoiVsb
fear the fake Illuminati, Life is what you make it not a party, There's no50Please respect copyright.PENANA7RjD77qk73
mistake in living godly, I can't break not even hardly, My energy wake society,50Please respect copyright.PENANAne00TIdeRW
My enemy ain't my priority, God comes first, My heart is versed.
The matrix is decoding, The masons50Please respect copyright.PENANAFyzcyPylqU
are exposing, The system runs off secrets and fear and unison and your50Please respect copyright.PENANA2wuI7TxeW3
participation, The wisdom is not a moth of regrets in the year of where it's50Please respect copyright.PENANAOmqxcpPNse
built in sin to incarceration, Stay out the way, Pray out everyday.
You must go thru the great test to be50Please respect copyright.PENANAaV35vjnx7i
the greatest, Jesus ascended sorry tomb raiders, Back then you were the same50Please respect copyright.PENANADuhrtZ8iPe
haters, They seen your light early on, That's why they night your earthly song,50Please respect copyright.PENANA6Zqz2lOYt3
You didn't make it on time, Only now you not in the slime.
Keep striving for success, Keep50Please respect copyright.PENANAjjt9Nbi9eY
driving until you're always blessed, Be grinding until all is the best, Deal50Please respect copyright.PENANAuFGXQv66JF
with sin and spiritual crimes, Heal within cause we're in biblical times, Skin50Please respect copyright.PENANAEAjRagqQx4
color is not special, It's just sin covered in a vessel.
My psalms will reach the right souls,50Please respect copyright.PENANAAlHVreoXDa
Where I'm from they didn't teach me to light souls, If you of the world they50Please respect copyright.PENANAeEL5W9wmj8
will listen to you, In the Word ain't nothing missing in truth, The holy spirit50Please respect copyright.PENANAbHssutPiu8
will activate within, They fear it cause the hate of sin.
Going to the church or mosque or50Please respect copyright.PENANA8Tip3JYNwd
synagogue or temple don't make you more important than those who don't, They50Please respect copyright.PENANAmyWVOSkLbp
knowing the curse of the lost in the log of example, We need to be one with50Please respect copyright.PENANAHcGch1egHk
God, The seed of love can only come from the heart.
Don't deny someone's beliefs if it50Please respect copyright.PENANAGqcIZZEMOR
matches with the holy spirit just a different background, Won't rely on50Please respect copyright.PENANASqggLPnA6B
someone's relief cause they hear it in a shifted cracked sound, Put your trust50Please respect copyright.PENANAn9XbiV1X7C
in God, It's all good if you crush the odds, No slush in my heart.
Lion of Judah coming back, Folks50Please respect copyright.PENANATvWBb3ypez
dying ain't no coming back, Scientists need to read the Bible then go to the50Please respect copyright.PENANAYcmAoFwAqj
lab, The lioness is the seed of deed to not go thru the jab, I don't care what50Please respect copyright.PENANAfmqzypjqRQ
they got planned cause God has the upper hand in any land.
My energy can't be deleted, Things50Please respect copyright.PENANA8a4FRtSqPV
are getting heated cause the enemy is defeated, Life is once in a moment, Hear50Please respect copyright.PENANA5B6CAYjQiO
the sounds of the opponent, You need the power of The Gospel, Last hour will50Please respect copyright.PENANAHLAgVONodn
the flower kiss the eyes soul, No fear of devil on any level.
The light gives vision, The night50Please respect copyright.PENANAPCN2fmWK5q
lives for prison, Don't fear any year, The world is infatuated with the moon,50Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4NqbktEr7
The Word is saturated with coming soon, You don't want to mess around with The50Please respect copyright.PENANAAODf1wDwuU
Almighty God, You want to confess to the Almighty God.
Free the mind of illusion, There's no50Please respect copyright.PENANA9ZjvKf48Pp
more time for confusion, They try to make the ego newer cause they want power50Please respect copyright.PENANA4uJIgeXazW
as an evildoer, The world is sinned to the root, The Word is winned to the50Please respect copyright.PENANAoOB4t0dw2o
truth, We all need salvation, Plant a seed to every nation.
Nobody can live without God so you50Please respect copyright.PENANArJ71emd0dT
need a relationship with The Holy One, Illuminati wants to give without God but50Please respect copyright.PENANAG04HY5swZO
they have no ancient grip on the chosen ones, Stay tapped in the heart, They50Please respect copyright.PENANABHVXExYPU1
labbed in the dark, Don't blink but you must think.
Once you take a day off you miss the50Please respect copyright.PENANA8WC9Pycbez
playoffs, We're fighting for the imperishable wreath, They're nighting for the50Please respect copyright.PENANATm9a0SPRWI
controversial grief, Misery loves company, The mystery is a dove of harmony, I50Please respect copyright.PENANAlNc1uKSEeB
can hear the holy spirit, No fear cause my life I steer it.
The world better get ready for the50Please respect copyright.PENANAFnGPiwZmTn
exodus, The Word says God's coming back for the rest of us, This ain't about50Please respect copyright.PENANACLCl01rrsD
race but who saved by grace, Endure until the end, Cause society won't repent,50Please respect copyright.PENANAFFwObAkRor
After all the prophets sent, They mock it cause it's meant.
I made it out the struggle, Still got50Please respect copyright.PENANALRznLsiNVV
to deal with the jungle, I'm saying I'm healing from the dirt, I'm praying you50Please respect copyright.PENANAJFwOVZFzgu
ain't feeling hurt, Wolves, hyenas and serpent, I ain't a fool in any arena50Please respect copyright.PENANATsfw0lZPIE
where they lurking, Don't fear toxic, We're here folk lost it.
Live in the power of Christ Jesus,50Please respect copyright.PENANA4DMVrgjQAE
Give her a flower of the skies where folk can't grief us, You're not a threat50Please respect copyright.PENANAuqpNDatFKm
to the matrix, There's more in debt to the devil's masons, People willing to do50Please respect copyright.PENANAzyw6GANiWY
anything for the game, Evil is stealing anything for the flame.
I live right so they want to give me50Please respect copyright.PENANARiO4Aix1tz
the night, Your light they fight, The world doesn't care for love but for50Please respect copyright.PENANAeIQSMuypsk
power, The Word always has doves for flowers, Many reckless to vent, The50Please respect copyright.PENANAg8bHlBZuFz
necklace was bent, Folk jealous with intent, Be zealous to repent.
Wake up from the illusion of fear,50Please respect copyright.PENANAmob4fnDMUV
They fake up in gear, Stay away from demon time, Fade away from the dreaming50Please respect copyright.PENANAgdm7nllVmf
time, Sleep is restoration not the blessed equation, Love is like the dove,50Please respect copyright.PENANAl8tjcweUrj
Hate is like the bait, You have to be shocked so you won't be rocked.
The plans of the bans, Babylon is50Please respect copyright.PENANAnheNmd6MQK
cooked, I don't get along with the shook, You wrong if you a crook, Stealing50Please respect copyright.PENANAHfX3nUz0v9
dreams and hope, I ain't feeling the team of the Pope, What is really going on50Please respect copyright.PENANAtKUhSvo07D
in this world, You really growing strong in the Word.
In the Word is righteous living, In50Please respect copyright.PENANAjmHJwESty3
the world Christ is forbidden, Evil will always be wicked, The ego will always50Please respect copyright.PENANAVhc384e3y1
be a cricket, Wake up cause folks want you laked up, Play time didn't even50Please respect copyright.PENANAFqtUlWN5RK
start, Pray time is receiving the heart.
May you abound in peace, Pray you50Please respect copyright.PENANAMnCFaBbADn
don't rebound in the beast, The dove will carry these messages to the hearts50Please respect copyright.PENANACdzWqhWAQT
that need them, Love will marry effortless all the hearts that pleads the gem,50Please respect copyright.PENANARcJxhhnys2
You are the treasure of God, The stars are measured in the pod.
We're under grace not the law,50Please respect copyright.PENANA8rdCusihsj
There's more under space of the raw, The fruits of the spirit, The roots is why50Please respect copyright.PENANATd9kTRsVQ7
they fear it, We're living in a diabolical bizarre world, Earth is giving the50Please respect copyright.PENANAkMNoA5m5Se
biological heart to The Word, Get your faith up. Get your weight up.
Vibration like the ether,50Please respect copyright.PENANA6spTjKnBbY
Conversation in my beeper, Why do I keep seeing people from my past popping up,50Please respect copyright.PENANACEV35sZJlL
Why do I keep seeing evil from the blast dropping up, You ain't stopping my50Please respect copyright.PENANAgqbQhbwRZD
destiny, I'm gon tell you stop messing with me.
Restored cause I'm back for the50Please respect copyright.PENANA6PkW2DXQ41
mileage, Destroyed for lack of knowledge, Perseverance and endurance, What's50Please respect copyright.PENANAxdJFDOshfi
the clearance in the appearance, Be influential in The Gospel, Free essential50Please respect copyright.PENANAbATEJPirwD
in the eyes soul, Perfect peace is against worship of the beast.
Why not talk about Agenda 2030 rather50Please respect copyright.PENANA4hyeaNYlne
than Project 2025, Folk bout to walk in a blender in the dirty cause they won't50Please respect copyright.PENANAukTp6IaXk4
lather in the logic of the arrived, Don't fall for the hype, They ball for the50Please respect copyright.PENANAZCEYkKE9Yf
type, Jesus should be the topic, The world out of pocket.
Your salvation is the most important50Please respect copyright.PENANATjiQehz2iX
aspect of this simulation, Every nation is not holy ghost supporting of this50Please respect copyright.PENANAXFRlIl6wdT
invitation, You may be wise but will you be in the skies, My eyes x rays the50Please respect copyright.PENANAGn1jSvfNXd
lies, My two cents makes too much sense.
I been on the roster, I'm clean in my50Please respect copyright.PENANArQeiBxZ4PX
posture, Can't brag or boast, Can't swag or toast, Society wants to do evil,50Please respect copyright.PENANAgWaUx3dODz
The priority is immortalizing the ego, They hate doing right, My faith is50Please respect copyright.PENANALyVCH9KYph
moving the night, Shots being fired, Them slots being wired.
The greatest high is to be sober in50Please respect copyright.PENANAb1ddQRx6Zj
peace, The latest sky is over when it's all beast, Solar eclipse and blood50Please respect copyright.PENANAfxsdMWVGV8
moons, Polar sea grips and monsoons, Don't get vexed, Don't bet on the flex,50Please respect copyright.PENANAvPtwFPVwU9
Think on the next level, Don't blink due to the next devil.
No one can tell what a day holds,50Please respect copyright.PENANAJgE837nLYu
Only Jesus can save from hell when they spray the mold, They won't pamper your50Please respect copyright.PENANAhKAUR8sMpu
spirit but will try to damper your spirit, Focus on your salvation, That hocus50Please respect copyright.PENANARH5fVDiD89
is in every nation, Deal with the real, Heal how you feel.
On this level I can't throw in the50Please respect copyright.PENANASbtcRrvjVY
towel, The devil is on the prowl, We wrestle against the cosmic wickedness,50Please respect copyright.PENANA3Db8ppcneB
Vessel of defense for the faucet of limitless, God can't fail, My heart out on50Please respect copyright.PENANAMRiysIDerB
bail, Reality is crystal clear for all, I ain't got fear at all.
God has the Books, MVP to the rooks,50Please respect copyright.PENANApUbzW9eoy5
What's up with all these looks, To defeat the devil you need faith and the holy50Please respect copyright.PENANAG3tjY70t4V
spirit, Jesus is the level of being saved and they fear it, High alert, The50Please respect copyright.PENANAZTuDUYGXej
fire dirt, They can take you out but they can't lake you out.
Is your spirit right with God, I know50Please respect copyright.PENANAoQCrwxXZEA
they fear it cause it's the light of the heart, This a test of faith, I'm50Please respect copyright.PENANAc6nyEAQSpM
blessed to be saved, Yes I understand I must endure until the end, In chess the50Please respect copyright.PENANAWxrYla07ED
upper hand is to win the pure with the ten, Way beyond the neon.