(Opening Sequence)
An aquamarine background fades in. A black silhouette of a female firing a gun fades in. The title "Lawwoman" appears over the silhouette. The title fades to black and shows Marshal Jetstream and Deputy Dan McKay riding on their horses. Then, it shows an up-close profile of Marshal Jetstream and Dan McKay with the words : "Starring Marshal Jetstream and Deputy Dan McKay."
Out of town, Marshal Jetstream and Deputy Dan McKay are tasked with bringing in two prisoners back to Millennium City for trial.
The Marshal and Deputy saddle the prisoner's horses and prepare to ride back to Millennium City.
PRISONER 1 : "You really believe you're gonna get us back for a trial, Marshal? You won't get as far as 3 miles."
DAN McKAY : "Want me to shut him up, Marshal?"
JETSTREAM : "No, Dan. Let 'em talk for now. He's as dangerous as any guilty prisoner, but the most he'll do for now is talk."
DAN McKAY : "Yes, ma'am."
The four then go for a long ride through the rough terrain.
As they pass through, they spot an old shack up ahead.
The prisoner's look at each other with confidence.
As the four approach the shack, a man meets them at the door.
SHACK OWNER : "What brings you here?"
JETSTREAM : "We just need a place to rest, give our horses a breather. Do you mind if we stop here for a bit?"
SHACK OWNER : "Why, no. Come on inside."
As the four enter, Marshal and Dan see a worn down woman.
SHACK OWNER : "Have a seat, all of 'ya. Hina will have supper on soon.
Marshal Jetstream goes to unshackle the prisoners.
DAN McKAY : (whispering) "Do you really think we should unshackle these guys?"
JETSTREAM : (whispering )"Don't worry, Dan. They won't try anything. Besides, they gotta eat. They, just like us, have been in the saddle a while."
DAN McKAY : (whispering)"(slight giggle) You're too nice, Marshal."
JETSTREAM : "Maybe so. You gonna eat?"
DAN McKAY : "No, I don't think so."
JETSTREAM : "Yeah, me either. Let's keep a close eye on them for the time being."
DAN McKAY : "Yes, ma'am."
SHACK OWNER : "HINA!! Hurry it up with that supper!!!!!
As Hina serves supper, Marshal Jetstream and Dan McKay watch the prisoners and the shack owner.
SHACK OWNER : "What's wrong with you two? Ain't gonna eat?"
DAN McKAY : "Oh, we're not hungry."
SHACK OWNER : "Hm. Suit yourselves."
DAN McKAY : "I'm gonna help Hina -
SHACK OWNER : "No. She'll be fine, now just have a seat."
After the prisoners finish, Dan goes to shackle them when the shack owner grabs Dan and holds a gun to him. Marshal Jetstream goes for her gun, but is covered by one of the prisoners.
PRISONER 2 : "Nice going, Harry (shack owner).
SHACK OWNER (Harry): (laughs) "Nice going, indeed. Here, shackle them up."
PRISONER : " Yes, boss."
After shackling The Marshal and Deputy, the three plot their escape.
SHACK OWNER (Harry): "You were pretty stupid to unshackle my two pals, Marshal. It's gonna go like this : In 10 minutes, my friend here (prisoner 2) is going to unshackle you. You're gonna dig your own graves. Then, we're gonna leave.......but not before killing you."
JETSTREAM : "You're (prisoners) bigger fools than I thought after all. If you really trust this man with your escape? Who's to say you won't be next after we're killed? He's a cutthroat, who, once he realizes his plot is completed, will throw anybody or everybody away."
PRISONER 1 : "Shut up. Y-you wouldn't do a thing like that would you, Harry?"
SHACK OWNER (Harry) : "Sure I wouldn't. You got me all wrong."
SHACK OWNER (Harry) : "You shut up!! That's enough outta you."
(Ten minutes pass)
SHACK OWNER (Harry) : "Well now, your ten minutes are up. You (prisoner 2), unshackle them."
PRISONER 2 : "Yes, sir"
One of the prisoners unshackle the Marshal and Deputy.
SHACK OWNER (Harry) : "Now, Outside!!"
Marshal Jetstream and Deputy Dan McKay proceed to start digging.
SHACK OWNER (Harry) : "Make sure to dig deep.....oh, and try not to fall in, 'kay?"
After minutes of digging, Harry pulls a gun on the two prisoners.
PRISONER 1 : "What are you doing, Harry? We're partners, aren't we?"
SHACK OWNER : "Partners? You really think I'd trust anyone but myself. You're fools, like the Marshal said."
Hina shoots Harry from behind.
As he is dying, he looks at Hina.
SHACK OWNER : "Hina.......you.....had.....a mind of...your own after all....."
As the prisoners are distracted, Marshal Jetstream and Deputy Dan McKay rush them. Marshal Jetstream then covers one of the prisoners with her gun. Dan McKay fights with the other prisoner and beats him up.
Marshal Jetstream tries to calm Dan McKay down.
JETSTREAM : "DAN!! Don't kill him."
Dan lets the prisoner go and they prepare to head back to Millennium City.
Before they leave, Marshal Jetstream speaks with Hina.
JETSTREAM : "You saved our lives, young lady. We owe you a lot. Say, how would you like to come back with us to Millennium City, get away from this place? You could start over and meet some good people for a change."
HINA : "I appreciate it, Marshal, but I couldn't leave here. This is the only place I know."
JETSTREAM : "But you could live in a better town, where there's people. Nice people who care about you. You wouldn't be anyone's slave. Me and Dan can look out for you, and if you're worried about us transporting two prisoners, you don't have to."
HINA : "I appreciate it, Marshal, really I do, but I'd rather stay here. More importantly, you two should get going or you'll never make it. Go on, I'll be fine."
JETSTREAM : "Alright, Hina. I won't talk anymore. You take care, alright?"
HINA : "I will, Marshal. You and your Deputy, too."
JETSTREAM : "Thank you, Hina."
DAN McKAY : "Goodbye, Hina."
The Marshal and Deputy then leave Hina and go on the road to Millennium City.