JETSTREAM (voice narration ): "Today is an average day at most. I can't and won't complain. I'm gonna enjoy this lovely day."
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As Marshal Jetstream and Deputy Dan McKay sit inside the Marshal's office, a young woman rides into town.
JETSTREAM : "I could really use some nice coffee. You wanna come with me, Dan?"
DAN McKAY : "Sure."
Marshal Jetstream and Dan McKay prepare to go to Dixie's for some coffee, but run into the young woman.
YOUNG WOMAN : "Excuse me, do you know where I could find a good restaurant?"
JETSTREAM : "Well, Dan and I were headed to Dixie's if you wanna come along. Of course it's the closest restaurant we have in this town.
YOUNG WOMAN : "Thank you. Much obliged."
JETSTREAM : "There's something mighty familiar about you. I'm just not sure."
YOUNG WOMAN : "Oh really? Well..... I'll fill you in, Miss. Some people call me a girl of calamity, but my name is Jane Canary. I'm a relative of the legendary frontierswoman, Calamity Jane."
JETSTREAM : "WHAT????!!!!!"
DAN McKAY : "That's pretty cool."
JETSTREAM : "Well I'm glad to know you. I've studied Calamity Jane's history since I was a young'un. My name's Jetstream, this is Dan McKay."
JANE CANARY : "Obliged to meet you both. Um, you said you were going to Dixie's, right?"
JETSTREAM : "Sure. Everything's on me!! Come on."
At Dixie's, Marshal Jetstream, Dan McKay, and Jane Canary talk about each of their adventures.
JANE CANARY : "While we were outside talking, I noticed that we were standing near the Marshal's office. Which one of you are the Marshal?"
DAN McKAY : "Jetstream is. I'm her Deputy. I hope you plan on staying here in Millennium City, Miss Canary. You seem like a nice person."
JETSTREAM : "Yeah, you're more than welcome. I hope you'll like our town. It can be a bit dangerous, that's why Dan and I work here."
JANE CANARY : "Hmmm. I'll think on it for a spell. In the meantime, let's eat."
During their meal, Marshal Jetstream and Dan McKay learn some things about Jane Canary.
JANE CANARY : "I first held a rifle when I was about twelve years old. The home I grew up in had a special rifle, one that I practiced with until I became as good as my relative Calamity Jane. Since I started practicing with said rifle, I had a love for 'em ever since."
JETSTREAM : "That's amazing, Jane. You must be a might skilled using a rifle. Practice IS an important element."
JANE CANARY : "Jetstream, I'm curious. Just how did you become the Marshal of this town?"
JETSTREAM : "Well it was about three years after my service in the second World War. When I first came to this town, shortly after my 29th birthday, I was walking through town and saw an abandoned building with a sign that said "MARSHAL NEEDED". So from there I decided to prove my skills to the town so that they would support me."
JANE CANARY : "I see. (slight giggle)"
After their meal, the three go back to Marshal Jetstream's office.
JANE CANARY : "So, Dan McKay, what's your story?"
DAN McKAY : "Well, it was about 1948 when I first came here to Millennium City. I had plans to become a saddle maker. Then I ran into Jetstream. Shortly after, I became her Deputy. We've been best friends since that."
JANE CANARY : "Ha ha. Seems like we all had interesting lives so far, eh?"
JANE CANARY : "So, you're a Marshal and Deputy, huh? That must mean you both use guns a lot. How about a shooting contest?"
In a deserted location, the trio prepare to have a friendly shooting contest.
JANE CANARY : "We'll start here. Each of us will have a target. The winner is the person who can fire multiple rounds into the target area."
Jane fires six rounds, making a perfect six shots.
DAN McKAY : "Man, that's some mighty fine shootin'."
JANE CANARY : "(giggle) Thank you. Miss Jetstream, you're up."
Marshal Jetstream fires six rounds, making an impressive five out of six shots.
JETSTREAM : "Ha ha ha ha ha, looks like I need just a little bit more practice."
JETSTREAM : "Alright, Dan. Your turn."
Dan McKay fires, also making five out of six shots.
JETSTREAM : "Dan and I are tied. Looks like we have a winner. Congratulations, Jane!!!!"
DAN McKAY : "Nice shooting. You definitely showed us something about rifles."
JETSTREAM : "That's for sure."
JANE CANARY : (giggle) "Thank you both. It was fun, wasn't it? Well, we should probably be getting back to town, right?"
JETSTREAM : "Right. Let's go."
Back in Millennium City, Marshal Jetstream and Dan McKay prepare to say goodbye to Jane.
JANE CANARY : "Well I had a great time with you both, but I think I should be going, for now at least."
DAN McKAY : "Y-you won't stay, Jane?"
JANE CANARY : "I'm afraid not. I'm sorry but I'd be a little more comfortable on the move. I'm confident we'll see each other again when I'm in the area."
JETSTREAM : "Very well, Jane. You make sure to take care, alright?"
JANE CANARY : (slight giggle) "I will. Both of you, too. Goodbye, Jetstream. Goodbye, Dan."
JETSTREAM & DAN McKAY : "Goodbye, Jane."
DAN McKAY : "She was a special young lady, wasn't she, Jetstream?"
JETSTREAM : "Yes she was, Dan. I learned from her quite a bit. May the Lord be with her in every step of her journey."
The Marshal and Deputy forever remember the day they made a friend : A girl of Calamity.
NOTE : The character of Jane Canary is made up entirely by me out of inspiration from the real Calamity Jane.