Original thought, Divisional drought, They said I57Please respect copyright.PENANA8e3g0dy7zd
couldn’t, They said I wouldn’t, They can’t understand me cause they trying to57Please respect copyright.PENANAFsWvsKlRWq
underhand me, Don’t let up cause it's a setup, You will reap if you don’t57Please respect copyright.PENANApcHMcpwVfZ
faint, Dunking on anybody in the paint.
Certain secrets will be kept sealed, Behind the curtain57Please respect copyright.PENANAWfxtrhKd2L
is regrets cause folk ain’t healed, Just come out and tell the truth, I don’t57Please respect copyright.PENANAe0QXduGk7p
run out don’t care who in the booth, Harmless as doves and wise as serpents,57Please respect copyright.PENANAXsGegUK4r1
Don’t be lawless in love the prized servants.
Repent, Time is bent, There’s no play in this realm,57Please respect copyright.PENANAIamWhPJYeG
Better pray for the kiss of the Lamb, The world is cursed, The Word is versed,57Please respect copyright.PENANApDUgZipCUr
Stop faking like you love God, Stop taking the dove’s heart, If you got the57Please respect copyright.PENANAnvkF14HSc4
holy ghost then your foes can’t boast.
My support comes from the Lord, The report comes from the57Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5NDVdpzxt
war, The power of Jesus is in the holy spirit, Tap in this hour and you’ll see57Please respect copyright.PENANA3tdDyGV0wz
why society fear it, If you love God you living right, If the dove knows your57Please respect copyright.PENANAbbTWIVqoBU
heart you are given light.
Love is the beautiful power, The dove is in the miracle57Please respect copyright.PENANAfE4OFQNDlK
hour, Every second higher ups is plotting, I ain’t begging for a flyer cup of57Please respect copyright.PENANADvWL3Trosg
cotton, Stay out of hollywood, Pray out cause they probably would, The fight is57Please respect copyright.PENANA6pJslIwyiw
fixed, The night is mixed.
I rather cry now and laugh later, I rather try now to57Please respect copyright.PENANAQdZbUNkC0z
destroy the craft of hater, Don’t get caught up in your feelings, I wasn’t57Please respect copyright.PENANA3a1HSRayVl
taught in more healings, But I still made it thru, They paid for the truth,57Please respect copyright.PENANArjH4iu4NqC
Holy spirit is free, Folk only fear it the decree.
It takes heart to love God, Where it starts is in the57Please respect copyright.PENANA8Fuq269143
stars of the law, Your time is here, More crime I won’t fear, They mad cause I57Please respect copyright.PENANAWME7ohR3CY
recognize my light, They mad cause heaven eyes is my sight, Thought they had me57Please respect copyright.PENANAPKAeCN9sBf
locked, Now I got society shocked.
There’s going to be a new religion that emerges as the57Please respect copyright.PENANAMZ308bel6z
faith of the New World Order, If you knowing you got to make a decision In the57Please respect copyright.PENANAhpyRCxKfLx
version of being saved due to the Word’s porter, Jesus Christ forever, Believe57Please respect copyright.PENANA8tDdqu5I2g
us the price is our endeavor.
If something doesn’t belong to you why is it in your57Please respect copyright.PENANAyH4ayn6KsC
possession, The pumpkin doesn’t go along to the truth so the world will die in57Please respect copyright.PENANAwtMlsxyMrf
the confession, The seeds and deeds of evil is planted all over the world, Lead57Please respect copyright.PENANAfCbOY7TsxU
with the equal of what’s granted in the Word.
Mercy and obedience is better than sacrifice, You can’t57Please respect copyright.PENANAxT9MM50WJL
curse me I have the ingredients to the weather when they track the price, Use57Please respect copyright.PENANAlj8GzzJgog
all your strength in all you do, They confuse cause your wavelength is not to57Please respect copyright.PENANAsS59V2PTpE
ball in the truth of good.
Credit belongs to God, They said it wrong in the heart,57Please respect copyright.PENANABBels7gJH1
The holy spirit reveals all truth, Society fear it cause they can’t hide in the57Please respect copyright.PENANAP1TFKeAvSV
booth, Get out of sin, Let out the win, Don’t play like a dummy, Don’t pray57Please respect copyright.PENANAepUvAggS17
like a gummy, Third temple. World example.
If what you claim is right, Then how you get caught in57Please respect copyright.PENANA3j06I5mGqu
the flame of the light, There’s a reason why people don’t read the Bible,57Please respect copyright.PENANAulZN8aLxg6
There’s a season where evil is the seed of the idol, Controlled opposition,57Please respect copyright.PENANAOFC0IMVqE0
They sold their soul for composition.
We’re really on earth to receive salvation then to57Please respect copyright.PENANAK2HlqLkck2
experience life, They don’t feel me cause folk out to deceive every nation in57Please respect copyright.PENANAxaLRv80pYC
the realest sense of life, Recognize your light, Them devil eyes in the night,57Please respect copyright.PENANAuzrNFxDuax
I glow with love, I know with the dove.
I got the bag of peace, I’m not mag in the beast, I’m57Please respect copyright.PENANADm4Jw7OyLf
truly featured, The unruly creature, Everything written is for all people,57Please respect copyright.PENANAdWGATNZBjT
Married to the wings I ain’t hidden to score of evil, Folks want to confuse you57Please respect copyright.PENANAHQTVE0JAuR
then use you, Ether the serpent in any sermon.
Focus on your soul purpose, The locust is the whole57Please respect copyright.PENANArWXAqAdosh
surface, Get ready for the diabolical plans, Hold steady cause it will be57Please respect copyright.PENANAFxicVgRbev
tyrannical in every lands, Stay sharp. Pray the harp, Don't play with the tarp,57Please respect copyright.PENANAtmYzbGvhEp
Invested in salvation, Ingested in revelation.
Elevation in the spirit, Revelation is why they fear it,57Please respect copyright.PENANAImDZcOJhgR
I ain’t talking about flesh and blood, I’m walking knowing this is a test of57Please respect copyright.PENANAsjDpF7y57k
love, Folks acting oblivious, The yoke is attacking the innocence, Break free57Please respect copyright.PENANA9aHVLNB5wy
of soul bondage in the gold carnage.
My light shine cause I detoxed from the evil, They boxed57Please respect copyright.PENANA5MVhrvhfm9
in their ego, There’s so many firsts that can happen, The burst of the curse57Please respect copyright.PENANAzBNUNe0WsP
cause God ain’t napping, Prophecy gon take place regardless, Obviously you57Please respect copyright.PENANAM7rTn9cRtN
can’t fake grace no matter who the heart is.
It's about your spirit, If you think it’s flesh they57Please respect copyright.PENANALnZWsC8gJT
don’t fear it, I don’t care how tough a man is or how pretty a woman is, Do you57Please respect copyright.PENANARFr2YBE6rz
have love and peace, The truth is the doves increase, Are you saved from the57Please respect copyright.PENANAYDhDO9ThAv
second death of the grave.
All over the world they’re after holy spirit’d believers57Please respect copyright.PENANAjjX5hJIVBj
of Jesus Christ, Be sober in the Word cause every chapter is pivoted due to57Please respect copyright.PENANAHB9IgqEMR0
deceivers trying to increase the price, The folly ain’t good it's zap, The57Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5XWGGNZSq
hollywood is sap, They probably would ain’t cap.
Doomsday clock, There’s no room to stay cause of the57Please respect copyright.PENANAEXS6B2sJrr
block, I’m talking about stumbling, I’m walking through ain’t fumbling,57Please respect copyright.PENANA6A2vPZxeeN
Predictive programming for centuries, Addictive flow of the Mammon industries.57Please respect copyright.PENANAuzI7RmcJhb
Omega glow, The soul taker is below, I already know.
Know everything you do will be accounted for, This is not57Please respect copyright.PENANAKoU2jqqaLV
a show for the merry wings of what is amounted for, Grid outage, We all rich,57Please respect copyright.PENANA4UFAWf0bef
Tap into salvation, Don’t nap in revelation, Only Jesus Christ is the mediator,57Please respect copyright.PENANAS13bSlpa5u
The holy spirit on me I see you hater.
Seek for God within, The meek of heart is shifting, You57Please respect copyright.PENANAauHlKlXmIR
reap what you sow, It’s deep what I know, They lying to the world that’s why57Please respect copyright.PENANAg3TFDLyJXV
they lying on the Word, In the holy spirit, Won’t sin cause they fear it, Want57Please respect copyright.PENANAhMSVRMoqNi
to get rid of you, What they did to you.
I had the wool over my eyes in my past days. They try to57Please respect copyright.PENANAeWpgto9CwQ
play fool with the wise in the last days. Wake up cause the devil is on the57Please respect copyright.PENANAa4D8C1taDh
prowl, Don't fake up cause on the level is the owl, They try to take up so57Please respect copyright.PENANAK7mUepT5fL
don’t tremble when they growl.
See with your heart. Free gift of God, You looking for57Please respect copyright.PENANAPnJzLUfZo9
trouble you gon catch double, I can’t play with anybody, I can’t pray to a dead57Please respect copyright.PENANAXHdeey8YwR
body, How can you prosper if you not on the roster, Every biblical crime is57Please respect copyright.PENANAHS61mlpmTs
happening on spiritual time.
Keep your 2 cents, Peep the nuisance, I thank God how my57Please respect copyright.PENANA4ICkHcdFsg
life turned out, I thank God my life didn’t burn out, They threw me in the pit,57Please respect copyright.PENANAoWFU35xRKv
Now at the heavenly places I sit Spiritually speaking, They picturing me still57Please respect copyright.PENANA85qap0tcuN
weakened, I’m strong they say I’m wrong.
Is your heart truly for God, In the start they were57Please respect copyright.PENANAQE42Gwz2jw
unruly odd, I don’t coexist, They won’t slow the blitz, The world is expiring,57Please respect copyright.PENANAa7ywQSHEFM
The Word is inspiring, Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that57Please respect copyright.PENANAqRoxmVWn0m
Jesus is Lord, That’s why it’s a war.
Resting in my heart, Testing of my heart, Investing in my heart, Here for57Please respect copyright.PENANAjYnjqISub5
the souls, No fear of any souls, Don’t play with sin, Pray to win, So many57Please respect copyright.PENANAkZ7x90Sclz
perished cause salvation they didn’t cherish, Better walk in love, The weather57Please respect copyright.PENANAXVb6ylpJUk
talks to the dove.
No room for vacancy, The doom is agency, The beast is57Please respect copyright.PENANApshwNUg4k7
coming out a major sea, The streets is coming with danger for peace, That’s all57Please respect copyright.PENANA5adyxhNMIS
over the world, Stats to ball be sober in the Word, This ain’t a game, Society57Please respect copyright.PENANAfzRZ4tZqAH
triggered by the name, Jesus really came.
Change the world by glitching the system, They act57Please respect copyright.PENANAbX6VYeCzHa
strange cause the Word is twitching fake wisdom, No one cares, No one shares,57Please respect copyright.PENANAwIOAzQZBys
Medal count, Let the nettle mount, Wake up from the occultic mist, Take up of57Please respect copyright.PENANAUeVZvdaKCT
the salted kiss, They cake up from malted bliss.
They tremble in love, You think the devil is tough, Any57Please respect copyright.PENANAiLPNS7V7DG
level ain’t no bluff, Know the limits of the Olympics, They mocking the Last Supper,57Please respect copyright.PENANAa0xYYMTtnC
They rocking charms to cast out the suffer, This world is ill on all degrees,57Please respect copyright.PENANA8xHFjmbNic
The Word is the will on all decrees.
Be real within, You can’t heal with sin, Everybody57Please respect copyright.PENANAG0AExqKdCh
claiming God but who really representing, Everybody blaming God but who is57Please respect copyright.PENANArkrcSezd6f
repenting, Read your Bible and leave me alone, You feed the idol your spirit57Please respect copyright.PENANAN1QV7ZnRJh
will turn to stone, The need is vital for the throne.
Open your spiritual eyes thru your heart, Ain’t no57Please respect copyright.PENANA45F2uesm9Y
biblical lies the truth been start, They want me to lose control cause I know57Please respect copyright.PENANANeAJUhzDB0
God is in control, Let them know I’m on cruise control, Since the foundation,57Please respect copyright.PENANA8wmNYPiK2m
Rinse the ground’s nation.
Be unstained from the world, Be sun grained in the Word,57Please respect copyright.PENANAOTgvfBD3My
We’re headed to the third, Watch how society is absurd, The trees dance when57Please respect copyright.PENANAF4oUlcPjHN
they hear the bird, The holy spirit got them disturbed, They only fear it is a57Please respect copyright.PENANAsu5K38Ke3H
proverb, Last days from what I observe.
Are you truly in Christ, They unruly due to the price,57Please respect copyright.PENANA4FJ6aZRZJB
Love is waxing cold, The dove is maxing the bold, Yes I know but are you57Please respect copyright.PENANAfXNfATtUZT
blessed to glow, A lot of people faking the vibe, A lot of evil I ain't taking57Please respect copyright.PENANALZUebRh8iB
no bribe, Is your heart loyal to God who is royal.
Won’t perish for a lack of knowledge, Only cherish God57Please respect copyright.PENANAsN2FcCHSMx
with a knack for homage, Holy is the enriched with the back of the promise,57Please respect copyright.PENANA9L8JQcVOyg
Flee from sin, The tree drum is the wind, No pagan roots. No aging fruits, I’m57Please respect copyright.PENANAsED0UQALOc
not a Judeo Christian or a new age Christian.
Confessed that Jesus is Lord, Progressed that they want57Please respect copyright.PENANAu81KKkNFwt
to freeze us on the board, Trying to make an example out of believers, They57Please respect copyright.PENANAc4sBFBHxq8
dying to make a sample for deceivers, If you speaking truth do so with no bias,57Please respect copyright.PENANAA79dYiUvCz
If you a beacon of truth do so with no minus.
The Olympics is not going to bring world peace, The outer57Please respect copyright.PENANAVEt1zYbtoR
limits is knowing the brink of the beast, While they feed you bread and circus57Please respect copyright.PENANA2cowd2ZgIa
they file the thread for workers, No one cares about the medal count, How many57Please respect copyright.PENANAELMzxA11nt
shares do you have of the petal mount.
Just cause everyone think they know, Trust cause not57Please respect copyright.PENANA4jlqhsevXO
everybody in sync with the glow, Lot of people clueless, Lot of people57Please respect copyright.PENANAubXHM6wp4Q
ruthless, Lot of people fruitless, Lot of people heartless, Lot of people57Please respect copyright.PENANAOU7B2V7jCq
godless, Are you real in love, The star is healed in doves.
Connected to the biblical text, Protected by the57Please respect copyright.PENANA8wKehs8iXL
spiritual test, The scroll taste sweet but is bitter, My soul they can’t copy57Please respect copyright.PENANA5blnPUGhDR
and paste cause I don’t fear no critter, See the assassin, As believers we just57Please respect copyright.PENANA7WqfiP6S3x
passing, Sojourner on earth, Returner of birth.
Rock the world with thunder, They mock the Word I wonder,57Please respect copyright.PENANAF8XuUkiEEV
Remove your soul from sin, Approve the gold for the win, Talking about the57Please respect copyright.PENANAykPvxQNfNS
sunlight, Walking thru a gun fight, Folk playing hardball, The yoke praying for57Please respect copyright.PENANApxWVpEU8fI
the odd call, No joke when the card fall.
In the heart got to be merciful, In the dark they try to57Please respect copyright.PENANApwyCnGDW1k
hurt my soul, Don’t play with folks, They pray for yokes, This is not a57Please respect copyright.PENANAn2K8l249jW
laughing matter, The wiz is crafting the batter, Nightmares and beautiful days,57Please respect copyright.PENANADAYi6rgGIb
They don’t fight fair cause it’s biblical days.
My mind is raising in thought, The grind is raising in57Please respect copyright.PENANATd4DYQhZVW
the drought, I’m healthy as a horse. I’m wealthy of course, So easily57Please respect copyright.PENANAlUmQ1883jc
compromised, They pray the sun don’t rise, The world is Babylon, Yes you acting57Please respect copyright.PENANAoErbvij5HF
wrong, Y’all talking but ain’t walking.
Where you derive you ain’t deprived, Your inner power57Please respect copyright.PENANApqOSBCy8i1
isn’t found in the sinner hour, Don’t cheat God, You can’t defeat God, Fulfill57Please respect copyright.PENANAy8lPRVGwNl
your destiny, More real with the best in me, The pullback is to return like a57Please respect copyright.PENANAz3YWguojlS
wool jack, Where’s the muscle in the struggle.
The heart is being exposed, From the start it was57Please respect copyright.PENANAxT2R8gWENP
composed, You yearning for a deal but are you learning how to heal, If you have57Please respect copyright.PENANAkSqwyf8n75
the ability to sin, Then you have the agility to win, The game has an asterisk,57Please respect copyright.PENANAPhokp7Pw3U
The name is a mastered grizz, Jesus, Plead us.
Cold rage, Gold cage, Sold page, Thank you in God, They57Please respect copyright.PENANAyH5cqa8vht
can’t prank you in God, They can’t crank you in God, Don’t play with lovingkindness,57Please respect copyright.PENANAGoGqKc4IcU
They pray for the bluffing sinus, The Olympics is a gateway to the New World57Please respect copyright.PENANA31tv8eeJqR
Order, The outer limits of the porter.
Rise above the scene, The eyes love the dream, The cries57Please respect copyright.PENANARNysbFuIHq
of a dove cause of the scheme, You can do all that rah rah but the holy spirit57Please respect copyright.PENANAcRTWi4HvhA
is saying blah blah, The world is satanic and it’s being known, The Word says57Please respect copyright.PENANApgJP149Qx7
don’t panic cause God is on the throne.
Be the best in what your labor requires, This is a test57Please respect copyright.PENANAFhNdPOzwch
of the fire, Nobody on this earth is superior or inferior, Everybody on this57Please respect copyright.PENANALHfBF8EJYl
earth needs the cure of the deliverer, Stop faking like you know what is, They57Please respect copyright.PENANAY15kw5CBxv
trying to pike the glow cause of the grizz.
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