and they said idiocracy could not run a country.
Ignorant people could be told the world is flat, and they would believe. Your whole life might be built on lies, but you still believe.
“It is not built on lies,” yet you still believe. Only one human makes one brain. Do not let them control what you think.
You are you, or are you too dependent on believing the excuses and bluffs?
Christopher Trepitor lives in L’Etoile with his wife and two children. He is a mouse, which pressures him to defend his family against the horrible wolves who control the regime.
The canids are brute beasts who will tear the skin apart and suck organ after organ till you are a pile of extra hair and fingernails.
He takes up a job at the local meat slaughter house, and his secure life is broke through. He no longer depends on the lies.