If a stranger told you to jump off a cliff would you? What if that stranger wasn't a stranger... but someone who says he knows you... How can you tell if a cat is lying... does the lie have no evidence or are you just scared of what will happen if its the truth?
After he accidentally murders a man in battle, Zorro must overcome his guilt to keep his good name so that California does not lose its beloved hero under the new comandante's ruthless rule.
Diego de la Vega has been Zorro for a year, which has proven to be a fantastic experience for him, but when a new comandante moves to Los Ángeles and proves to be even more heinous than the others, Diego ups his game to show the people of California that no matter how evil a man may be, Zorro will always be there to protect them. His plan backfires when a bystander jumps into the fray during a confrontation with the comandante, leaving Zorro to kill his very first man.
Overwhelmed with guilt and fear, Diego vows never to don the mask again, but with the comandante's ruthless rule and no Zorro, Los Ángeles is vulnerable and needs Zorro more than ever.
Will Bernardo and Diego's father help Diego regain his confidence, or will California lose the hero they've looked up to for a year now: their very own El Zorro?
Check your credentials, Check your essentials, Love will always win, Doves will always sing, Plant the word on good soil, Grant the word on the wood coil, We need more anchors than bankers, The game is expired, Holy flame inspired.
Ain't no second guessing, Saints get the second blessing, First was Jesus, All the verse is for believers, They trying to break the meek. They drying the stake for the bleak, Scriptures determine the real, Getting richer in mind to heal.
Put in a good word for me, Don't loot the bird's wood for me, Meaning the hay nest is their harvest, What's the meaning of the clay test in the chargers, Y'all still dreaming cause you heartless, Keep it real cause I know the truth regardless.
Biblical conversation, Miracle observation, Keep your success on hush mode, Peep the finesse on clutch mode, The test of life isn't when you have the best of life, When you get hit by a comet will you return to your vomit, That's the real, What's the deal.
Seize the moment cause they try to freeze the moment, Mercy and faithfulness, Can't curse me the angels are blessed, That's what I said, Can't just live off the bread, The Word is nourishment, The world is on punishment, Slap on the wrist, Clap for the blitz.
They want you lethargic so you don't see the law is logic, Glitch the matrix and watch your heart shift, Stitch the basics and watch their part drift, Leave me alone, Believe me they will clone, Protected by grace, Connected to a new space.
Gold in the vault, My soul is the salt, They stole what the world bought, Read the scroll in the diamonds and pearl of the heart, They know the Word is the holy thought, Biblical love. Spiritual dove, Government ain't a terror they just caught in error.
Been a target no bull’s-eye, Soon chip for the market no fool's eye, When you have options, They want your goals in the auctions, Renew your thoughts, Be you in your heart, Free truth in the start, The key to the last part God's will cause I know God will.
Tell the Lord don't let me lose control, I'm in a spiritual war where they want my soul, Won't bow down to the world power, They ask me how the Word has power, I show by my fruit, They move slow in the truth, 24 seven. Plenty more in heaven.
I'm fed up with the evil. Keep your head up in the evil, Why wouldn't you want to walk in love, Why shouldn't you want to talk to the dove, Don't take it personal though it hurt, They mistake the curse of the fall to flirt, Wake up, Don't fake up.
If it ain't scriptured, Then you know ain't no water in the pitcher, In the Father I'm getting richer, Cup of that grace. What up with your heartspace, You gon see the inner workings, I'm done with the sinner workings, The sun is healing the winter workings.
Living hard, Giving heart, Breathing smart. Reading the chart, Time running out, Crimes is summoned now, Protect your soul, Connect your gold, To the wire of love, They can't put no fire on the dove, Enemies lurking, My energy is working.
No fabrication of my imagination, Know my heart is a masterpiece, I glow in the dark like a pastor's peace, No hallucination, I'm seeing they losing hating, So many I left behind, No theft of my mind, They couldn't make the journey, Haters don't concern me.
I go by morals and principles, I glow cause the soil got me invincible, No faith in imposter gold, Soul saved by the impossible, Spirit of these folks is fugazi, They fear it cause the yoke in their truth don't faze me, Stay prayed up. Made the grade up.
My heart blazing, I ain't star gazing, Ephesians and Galatians, Peace within is ancient, They hate the light of truth. They hate that you fight for the truth, The war is full throttle, Even more tears in the bottle, Joy in my soul, You can't toy with my soul.
Mention God first, Suspension of the hearse, Invention of the curse, Dimension of the verse, I'm llama'd up cause they karma'd up, Keep my distant, Peep the instant, I'm speaking parabolically, They tweaking diabolically, They bleaking ironically.
The crazy part, I had a hazy start, Now I'm in first place, They in the worst place, Not talking about inferno, Tears bottled in God's journal. Lamb's Book, They scam to cook. Correct your soul. Protect your soul, Christ found me, Their price can't ground me.
There's a remainder, I don't need no trainer, Love in Christ what a no brainer, Doves eat the rice no strainer, If it's made up it's a no gainer, Lighting them weights casting them burdens, Shifting the plates blasting them sermons, No folding in the loading.
I'm in a different spiritual bracket, This am not me biblically bragging, Meaning my heart posture is tapped in, They scheming with the dark monster capped in, Built for the battle. We don't drink milk from the cattle, Them satellite can't see the afterlife.
Your mind should be rooted in Christ, The blind is booted in price, My grind can't be looted by the heist, The sun shine it am not muted no matter how you roll the dice, I am not fatigued in the Lord, I'm in a different league I don't need the award.
Calculated the game plan, Activated the game plan, Immaculated the game plan, But it ain't a game, I do it for His name, Jesus Christ, He received us with the price, We walk in truth miracles, We talk in biblicals, Unlock the visuals, Can't block the residuals.
Invest in rest, Every moment is a test, To God I bless, It's hard in the nest, The heart is the harvest, Dark times the world is godless, Bark limes the Word is honest. Taste the fruit of wisdom. They can't paste the truth in the system.
They trying to find fault with me but God put the salt on me, Her mind is beautiful, The sunshine is a miracle, We all need to be saved, We all a seed in the grave, Will you be the tree that gives rest, I know it's free to bless, Got the key to the next.
Lambs in the barn, Yams and the yarn, Cut the cam you been warn, This is ain't hollywood, I got love for good, Christ is controversial, But the price is universal, The sacrifice wasn't a rehearsal, You could play nice but they ain't no reversal.
I'm trying to perfect my soul, I am not lying the earth's blessed with gold, The world am not fighting for resources. They're lighting the sea courses, Fret not. Don't get got, Stop playing like you know what it is, Start praying like you know what it is.
We're living in a time of digital currency, We're living in a time of biblical urgency, Behind the scenes the beast is waiting, Divide the beans the peace is ancient, Portion for all of us, They tried abortion for all of us, Don't drop when they won't stop.
They tried to throw me in the holy flame, I had to cry out to the only name, If you didn't know it's Jesus Christ, If it didn't glow they didn't receive the price, Heart talking got the world stalking, My enemy recognizing, My energy heavenizing.
Used to be a knuckle head, Fused the free with the buckle dread, Can't only eat bread and water in the cup, Make sure you get from the Father your bread up, Pray for brother and sisters, Don't play with others who whisper, Stay present. The day is pleasant.
See the trickling effect, See the wrinkling effect, Keep the flow starched, Keep the glow washed, They know they watch, The day is to grow the hay of the marged, Secrets of the lodge, Ain't nobody I dodged, No masonic ties, They astonished by the wise.
Keep my mind on my business, It's deep cause God is my witness, Peep the grind cause it's my fitness, The favor is absurd, My prayers being heard, Every layer is in the Word, See the serpent soul come at you, Don't take it personal when they combat you.
Say a prayer for the world, I'm favored like a diamond in a pearl, Ain't no criteria in race, Ain't no hysteria in grace, Ain't nobody inferior in this space, We all need help. We all need health, Crucify the flesh, They using lies to destroy the harvest.
Let's talk about generational health before we talk about generational wealth, So many illnesses can prevented, No penny can truly cure the illnesses that's cemented, Eat the right foods with thanksgiving, Coconut and beets by the river banks just living.
God is the greatest, You can't debate this, Love it or hate it, The doves still gon make it, There's a spark in her eyes, They are destroying the bark to hide the lies, I'm talking about the higher ups, I'm walking in no doubt getting flyer up.
Army troops coming to your door, They want to harm me in groups in this war, Only God I fear. I know it's hard when they here, Inflation in the nation, New World Order speeding the process, Each quarter is pleading the success, Jump shot, The pump gon rot.
The calling, The falling. The balling, Pray for the nations to repent, Don't play with the ancient to descend, The truth is salvation not race, The proof is elevation of grace, Folks reading energy codes, The yoke is yielding cause the enemy's heart is sold.
Who gave you imagination. Are you saved in the nation, Let your mind be in Christ, The blind don't believe in the price, They rather tax the money, I rather wax the honey, There's sheep in other fold, Those who sleep won't receive the Father's gold.
Numbers do lie, Jumpers do fly, We am not playing with love, We the saints praying with love, I know by the holy spirit, The glow is why they fear it, The aura like a vapor, Laura is beautiful and favored, Stay motivated, Slay the doubt I know Christ made it.
Statistics am not accurate, Ballistics ain't immaculate, The spirit of Christ, They fear cause the sun burning the ice, They tried to clear it cause of the price, Grow your faith and strength, Glow when your saved by the rank, The Almighty, Holy and piety.
Be truly faith'd to God in every situation, The unruly ain't saved by the God they claim has limitations, The impossible can be done, I'm not an imposter in my soul under the sun, It will cost the blur if you under the gun, This world am not rainbows and fun.
Please pray and don't make a wish, Peace I pray and don't fake when the world glitch, Inspirational, Invitational, Keep watching, Peep the caution, Prophecy has to be fulfilled, The currency has to be all will, Of God's grace, You're covered in any space.
Be on the lookout, Don't be at the cookout, Get the book out, Get the light codes, They forget the night modes, The Bible is the matrix glitcher, These idols is how masons getting richer, Salvation is more than a billion, Every nation in the war of dealing.
Why is the world in turmoil, Take your turmeric and anointing oil, To The Almighty I am loyal, So much fighting to validate who's royal, While they scam up, Get your lamb up, Since you don't want God it's saran’s turn, The Prince of Peace is waiting for Cen.
I'm covered in any vicinity for infinity, They hover cause of my divinity, Society seen your energy before you did, Now they priority is to be an enemy in the war of the bid, You recognize your calling, They reckon with lies cause they falling.
Love and peace. Dove and the beast, My cup is increase, What's up with the freeze, It's a dub when God you only please, If it's made up it won't last in the breeze, Don't stay up in the past with grease, Prayed for favor not anything leased.
Faith over failure, Saved by the sailor, Christ walked on water, The price is the heart of the Father, No six on the level, Resist the devil, I don't need an introduction, The seed of enrolled connection, You fake with that hatred, Truth makes you sacred.
Train in your own atmosphere, They try to drain you in the stratosphere, Love in my veins this is the last of fear, The doves in the rain saying this may be the last year, Meaning get your soul right, They scheming for your soul light.
If you on God's roster then society doesn't want to see you prosper, They would rather you get devoured by the monster, Gather your power through your heart posture, Behind the scenes my garden is beans, Free in my mind they want me destroyed by any means.
Continue to walk in justice, The Son is in you I love this, Ask God to cleanse me from all evil thoughts, They ask when it's hard to sense all illegal hearts, That's a crime, The stats show I'm in my prime, The fire can't be quenched, The wire ain't wrenched.
Was granted life lessons. They underhanded life's blessings, I seen so much like the eyes of the wind, I been through so much like the wise of kin, Believers of Christ, Deliver us from the dice, Got to be grateful, Now they hateful cause my plate full.
Meek with praise not fussing, Speak with grace not cussing, Seek God's face not crusting, Give and deliver thanks, I'm by the river banks, Correct your energy, Protect your energy, Stay present in your heart, They resent your start, No acting, No lacking.
Dedication in applying the verses cause they in education supplying the curses, This is universal, This ain't no rehearsal, Mvp mode every season, They envy me for no reason, I showed compassion, They slowed me with subtraction, Bounced back, No ounce lacked.
I show real love, I flow with the healed dove, My glow is sealed up, My rising is surprising, See the skies in the horizon, Tried to hold me back, Nights I cried I was told go back, They get sour when you walk in your power, Unknown hour for the flower.
They know what they do, I glow what it do, Generational verses, Generational curses, That goes for every nation, What goes in your salvation, Love, faith and peace, The dove's plan is saved to destroy the band of the beast, Jesus paid it all no lease.
Heaven is one for the books, The leaven is a ton for the cooks, Well done my good and faithful servant, Hell ain't done until the rude and hateful taste the serpent, You don't want to hear worker of iniquity, I don't fear the lurker who try to blind eternity.
Awaken the fire within, They fake the wire with sin, We all need salvation, Plant a seed in every nation, Second coming, They begging for the summon, The world will expire, The Word will inspire, Realize your worth, Be advised this is earth.
Fifteen-year-old Kylie Juniper is not excited about attending a week-long canoe trip with her family in the depths of the Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park. After she learns the legend of the Ghost of Ontario, she meets a First Nations boy who is just as mysterious as the ten-year-old ghost.
What is the secret of the Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park?
Ten years ago, a little boy went missing in the Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park. Legend has it that he died and became the Ghost of Ontario. When fifteen-year-old Kylie learns of it, she vows to uncover the mystery, but things become extra interesting when she and her family meet an amnesic hermit, Ihaan, in the park.
Ihaan has no memories of his past. All he remembers is his life with Canada's wild animals. However, it changes when he meets Kylie. Suddenly, he is desperate to find his lost memories, so he joins Kylie and her family on their canoe trip, much to Kylie's mother's displeasure.
As the trip progresses, Kylie and her family learn new secrets about Ihaan and try to help him get home. Ihaan, though, is eager to stay in the provincial park after living alone there for a long time. When mysterious happenings begin, such as "Lucilla" and voices in the forest, Kylie begins to wonder... Is Ihaan the Ghost of Ontario himself?
Note: Ihaan is pronounced, "Ian".(IMPORTANT! Just FYI, this is very poorly written. I wrote it in 10th grade but needed somewhere to store it.)
Moral: Some people are not what some people think they are.
Word Count: 90,000-100,000
⭐ Featured on @TeenFiction || Chills!⭐ Featured on @Paranormal || After School!⭐ Featured on @newlywrittenbooks || Abandon All Hope... | Horror/Paranormal
What's the big deal, The game is rigged to steal, The flame is sealed, The blame is real, Lies on the innocent, Lies on the internet, Know your integrity, They know inherently, Devil on the prowl, New level don't throw in the towel, Game winner no foul.
Clean bill of health, Behind the scene they will for my death, They feel the real, They fear the true energy, Every year it's a new enemy, Thought they were a friend of me so why they want to put an end to me. Mercy on the meek, Mercy when we meet.
Pretending to be authentic, Now they contending the forensic, Lack of repentance can't back you in the sentence, Sickness looming, Minutes is booming, See life brand new, I'm talking to everybody and you, As you rise up in energy, You size up any enemy.
Out the womb, No doubt for room, While you worried about a sunday ticket, They still in a hurry to one day brick it, Meaning they trying to put the final piece to the pyramid, Scheming cause they eyeing the beast for fear of the bid, Clayed up, Sacred love.
Watch how you move, Watch what you prove, The ones closest to you, The words of Moses is true, If you can't accept what Jesus did on the cross, I can't expect you to believe us cause you're lost, Perfect atonement and redemption, Earth it with no exemption.
Won't be posterized, Don't eat the oyster eyes, Deeper than money. Deeper than honey, Leave the world alone, They deceive with the word of a stone, Inscripted do what thou wilt, They encrypted the static guilt, Doomsday clock, Earth broke the rock.
Times of refreshing, Crimes is repression, If you walk in the light then why you tryna unlock the night, Starting to wonder, Departing with thunder, Why you go against salvation, I know the plans in elevation, Are you washed in love, Thoughts of a dove.
Hiding behind the fallacy, Providing the mind of policy, The truth is for all eyes to see, Not every country is down with the beast, Every sun tree is crowned with the peace, Why is the world sweating, What is the world forgetting, Repent, Don't say we can't.
Can't fumble my love, Got to be humble like a dove, Meek and powerful, What do you seek when the hour is full, Faith is required, The wave is rewired, What's the next episode, Salvation is heaven's code, They in beastmode, Be wise the streets is cold.
They playing the glow foul, I'm praying that I don't throw in the towel, The heart of a dolphin, Now they start golfing, This ain't a game or politics, They blitz the saints thinking we probably gon switch, Remaining like the wind, Abstaining from sin.
Don't grow weary, The glow ain't buried, The flow ain't hurried, Listen to the holy spirit, I ain't switching that's why they fear it, The matrix glitching I can hear it, New frequency, Only the true can see, Salvation is the evidence, Revelation ever since.
Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, We rise in this version of listening to love, Underestimated cause they wonder how I made it, Give from the heart, Live from the start, They know the deal, The glow is real, Stay prayed up, This ain't made up.
Measure the feeling, Treasure the healing, This about your service of worship, They get nervous when the earth shift, This ain't flesh and blood, They blitz saints cause you're fresh in love, Life ain't ice cream, Life ain't a nice dream, Christ's team.
I seen lions turned to cobra, I know what it mean when the iron make you sober, So many souls dying you know the game's over, Who's really gon make it, Who's gon really gon take it, I'm not with the fugazi, Unlock the truth cause the beast is crazy.
Reaching those with open hearts, They leeching off those with hoping stars, Beseeching those coping with the dark, Time to unlock a new level, Time to sunwalk on the devil, Live truly, Don't live unruly, Give love really, The dove is freely.
They expect me to be dead and in a casket, I don't respect what they said they didn't ask it, Plenty dirty so it's agenda twenty thirty, The mystery is beautiful, The history is who you know, What you made of, Stay prayed in love.
Deepest moment, Peep the atonement, They sleep I been known it, They weep cause they sown it, My soul they can't own it, That's for whoever, We're in new weather, Higher vibration, The fire been ancient, Wired for salvation, No rental for my mental.
See the artwork, See how the heart work, I'm in a different league, The world under siege, Know where you stand, The glow is what they scan, Finally here, Divinely clear, The feeling ain't mutual, The healing is beautiful, I'm dealing with the ego's funeral
See they don't care, Just by the way they ain't playing fair, What they expecting is disrespecting, Devil is busy, Every level God is with me, Had to sit down. It's sad to see how they get down, Know who you are, The glow is a true star, Flow in a new heart.
I know the dark looming, I know the lock tombing, I know the heart blooming, Don't get frustrated, My song is trust made it, We ain't playing poker, We ain't praying to no joker, We slaying with orange juice and okra, We saying the truth keep you sober.
Keep my system clean, They only listen when it's in a scene, Now you have wisdom they want to intervene, My vision is purified, The mission is truth or die, Meaning taking part of the first resurrection, They scheming hard to put the curse of insurrection.
I'm tryna change the framework, You don't want to see how that flame work, If you lose your salt what's the pain worth, What are you saying we from the same earth, Now the world paying cause we from the same birth, Tsunami flow praying until the name surf.
We're dealing with trials, We're healing the smiles, Got that S on my chest, Unlock my rest in this song test, The pain of love, The rain of dove, The more I live I see my wrongs, Forgive me for my wrongs, Practice the truth, They actors for the proof.
There's a big turn around, The jig is gon burn the ground. Earth can't last, They surf to the past, Tsunami flow. You not me in the soul. Different energy, Different enemy, I'm saying don't test, I'm praying for rest, Be encouraged, Content with my porridge.
The blame is uncalled for, The same theory will the sun fall, In the game hold your ground y'all, Turbulence and catastrophe, Earth's been every since but will be a past to me, New soil and sky, We toil but won't lie, Go deeper in God, The reaper is odd.
We're in a different time energy, The earth shifting the rhyme melody, New tune, Is it 2 soon, Everyday is a new journey, Everyway they try to burn me, What they say don't concern me, Listen to the holy spirit, They whispering evil I can hear it.
In a different frequency, I shifted how free I can see, We're elevating to a new dimension, The revelation of true intention, Why they want to enslave society, They taunt you when they know God is cosigning me, Trying to test you, Crying to bless you.
Stone builders. Zone fielders, Been through tribulation, Seen through the simulation, Don't live a long life in the wrong life, Live right in the light, They got an obnoxious flow, I got a subconscious glow, Heard through the grapevine, Word of fake mind.
Keep your glow fresh, Deep in your best, What's the deal, You not real, Stop faking the holiness. Stop making the holy vexed, Talk that talk. Walk that walk, Revitalize your energy, Don't idolize your enemy, No truth in these spells, I know what no one tells.
Formulated scheming, Some of you faded with no meaning, Talking to the rejection, Unlocking to the direction, Don't take my word for it, Don't fake the funk for more grit, Not doing beastmode, Heart fluent in the peace code, I knew it the streets is told.
The purge been activated, The merge been calculated, Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, The cries are urgent when it's the realest sin of love, They don't comprehend, I won't come pretend, Wake up before you lake up, Endure the lava with the guava.
It's not when your plate full to be grateful, Be thankful for breath, See the angel of death, Grim reaper coming, Been deeper summon, Not talking magic, Not talking savage, Be innocent as doves and tough as nails, They menacing but I'm enough not to fail.
See the savage in magic and the end is always tragic, Mayhem and havoc, Pray then you can have it, Spiritual riches, Dealing with spiritual witches, Dealing with spiritual glitches, Tracking my breath, Stacking my wealth, Sin is the issue, Win to rinse you.
The matrix is spiritual glitches, The masons is spiritual witches, Destroy the rubric, See if the shoe fit, Don't act foolish, Don't act bullish, Stay in the love, Pray in the dove, Feel the ignition, Heal the technician, No superstition, No switching.
Reading biblical truths, Eating miracle fruits, This is divine therapy, This is the mind's memory, Reflect on your journey, Respect don't concern me, I know they don't care, I know they won't dare, Are you in grace aka the heart of sin erased.
Silence is my medicine, Violence got them dead in sin, Keep balance cause they said they'd win, Stick to the basics, Trick of the masons, The matrix is ripping apart, The ancients is ripping the dark, More charity for clarity, More pressure, More treasure.
The notion got them scared, Raw emotion makes you rare, There's no room to sin, You can't be doomed to win, Stay present and do right, Pray and don't resent the true light, Forget what they say and receive new sight, Don't be fake with folk, Break the yoke.
No salvage is the cause of more savage, Pray ain't no fearing. No play in the year we in, Reprogram your mind, We know the Lamb to the core is kind, Grace and mercy, Days where they cursed me, Still rose like the butterfly Sealed dose of the lover's cry.
I been purified, I know they truly tried, Listen to the voice of reason, Hear the hissing in the noise of the season, Any sin is dangerous, Ain't kin but a stranger to us, Body of Christ worldwide, Can't party in the nights where the world died.
Talks of rumors of wars, Walk with pumas that roar, There's no humor when the world is poor, Encryption of subliminals, In the kitchen with the dinner rolls, I don't bargain with the devil, I'mma log in on every level, My energy gon end the dream.
Stay in your lane, Pray in your pain, Heal with intent, Deal with the vent, No resend, No pretend, Society is vain glory, The priority is the rain for me, Speaking angelic, They weakened by the medic, Eat your okra, Defeat the joker, We ain't playing poker.
It's a brighter day, I know how to fight and pray, Meekly talking, Weekly walking, Get your cardio, Get your audio, Who really cares, Who really shares, Work hard, Church heart, What's in the stocks, What's in the clocks, It makes sense when you rinse.
Been a loner now I'm the loaner, Can't borrow for tomorrow, Get it right at the moment, Get light cause they can't own it, Lost in the night they sown it, Not a partaker. Not a heartbreaker, The beast is terrified, The peace is verified.
I done seen levels shift, I done seen devils drift, I don't need a gun, All I need is the sun, No idolatry, No harlotry, God is the source, It's odd when you glitch the course, Higher learning. The fire burning, The sacrifice of sin, No actor's right to win.
Uplift cause we're love's gift, The world's on notice, The Word is what they wrote us, This ain't arcade, The saint's heart don't fade, Forsake sin, The more you wake, you win, Spiritual warfare, Biblical in more year.
I don't flex and boast, I'm blessed by the holy ghost, Y'all doing the most, The wicked love to toast, Bringing The Gospel to any coast, I don't play with folks, I pray to break the yokes, If you ain't woke take notes, What Christ spoke is the realest quotes.
Lion blooded. Iron flooded, Getting my nutrients, They betting I don't see the truth in them, Still learning how to navigate, I ain't burning to have hate, You're precious in God's eyes, Your presence in the heart is wise, Be discerning, Free for this sermon.
God is a way maker, The devil throws haymakers, The chosen ones are playmakers, Believer of Christ, Delivered the price, We bear the fruit. We wear the truth, Win souls no matter the race, The wind blows no matter the space, Keep healing, Peep the villain.
Check the schematics. They respect the dramatic, I stay quiet, I pray cause I ain't cry yet, It's deep when you see what's happening, Peep the game cause they capping it, Don't get caught in the crossfire, Don't get taught to get the cost higher.
I can't play with my soul, I pray there's no myth in my glow, The called, chosen, and faithful, We don't ball in the frozen we still grateful, Giving thanks. Living banks, River flowing, Mirror the sowing, The world getting shook up, The Word is the cook up.
God said pull up, Get your wool up, Make your heart full love, Offer praises, Suffer not for faces, Your faith will take you places, They play with the ace, We pray for the grace, Biblical plans, Miracle hands, Know who made you, Your life will grade you.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, We are a vessel for the saint's test of love, They playing for the part, I'm praying from the heart, Rotten fruit, Ill forgotten truth, Preach salvation to all creatures, Reach revelation to all features.
All I see is bloodshed. Cause the world says love's dead, My portion is the dove's bread, They must've forgot what God said, For our sake Christ bled, Talking to the globe, Walking with the robe, Covered by the glory, Suffered for the story.
Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, Free lies of the merchants cause they menacing in love, Take the hate out your heart, Don't fake your fate out the dark, Pray for the persecuted, Don't play with the executed, Be faithful not hateful.
I know the details, They glow in three spells, My light is authentic, The night is forensic, Stable in my heart, There's a fable in the dark, Salvation ain't a myth, Elevation in the fifth, Higher vibration. Fire in the hibernation.
I see through the sour wages, I'm free through the power of ages, Read through the hour of pages, What's next to happen to bring in the beast, Receive the text they capping when you walk in peace, Feel like I'm in the choir with the fire.
Systematic format, This is static all that, Be humble in your ways, Don't stumble in your days, Won't fumble in my praise, To God surely, It's hard poorly, But better to have little ,Any weather can't play the middle, What's up when it's made up.
O' God inspire me, Light the fire in me, There's a fighter in me, Fruits of my labor, The truth of thy neighbor, Lying tongue, Now people dying young, Illuminati is trending but Illuminati is ending, It gets cold in the iron, Be bold as a lion.
I know the fire ain't for the faint, I glow higher cause I'm in the tank like a saint, Meaning I go hard, They scheming to sow the dark, I'm flowing so I could see the heart, I'm growing the seed of the star, I'm going to free all my scars.
Get your spirit right, Let them fear your light, Don't bet for the night, Deliverance cause we live in a trance, Forgive so you can be given a chance, Accept reproof except if there's no proof, Born again so I have don't have to be torn again.
If they try to violate you don't let it happen, If you die in the fire late you were capping, Speak clean, The meek is seen, Shine bright, Grind right, Just balance, Trust silence, No vow of the owl, Devil on the prowl, Live in the now even in the foul.
You reap what you sow, You can't keep what you owe, It's deep when you glow, You got to peep when you know, Not scared of the threats, Seems like no one cared about the debts, We're facing the wilderness, Embracing the fielder's test.
There was nights I cried for help, There was nights I tried to help, Took years to heal, The book got them in fear cause it's real, Got to live as a living and holy sacrifice, Got to give as forgiven and only back to Christ, True heart, New start.
Workers of iniquity, Serpents of infinity, Stop addressing your blessings, Stop confessing your presence. Focus on God, Them locusts is odd, The threats are real, But the debts got them sealed. Washed clean, Squashed the bean, See the hate, Free the state.
One body in Christ, That gun won't stop Illuminati, Who cares about race, Are you able to hold space, We're all gifted. Don't swear you're lifted, The devil will divide, Every level the real is denied, It's odd the heart of a banker, God is our prayer anchor.
Examine yourself, They scamming your health, They spamming your wealth, We're all suffering, The air is buffering, Got ammo for Goliath, I don't gamble with no diet, Stay clean. Pray in the scene, Support the orphans, The score is morphing.
Higher ups lying for years, Flyer up crying for tears, Switching to a different galaxy, They glitching cause I'm shifting the gravity, Dark night of the soul and shadow work, Heart is light of the toll and battle the dirt, Continue to grind, New way to shine.
Spiritual genius, They doing rituals for Venus, Not a partaker, Not a heartbreaker, Everybody woke, Foul line better not choke, Subliminal warfare, Criminal court there, Study the game, Muddy in the name, I know who with me, The true gift with me.
Turned the studio to a palace, They burned the wood of dough for the atlas, For your own good make sure you practice, Not for the game, Rich or poor what's your name, The devil know who to come after, Every level the glow got to be mastered.
Under the moon the butterfly comes out the cocoon, They say when you see a ladybug give your lady a hug, The world is a warzone, Rich or poor for the throne, Tables turned. Fables burned, Immaculate conception, Calculate the connection.
We're on a stage, Encrypted on the page, I don't play with the wickedness, I pray for the sick of the less, If you want to walk in power, If you want to talk to the flower, Then stay in your heart, Slay the sin where there is more in the dark, Noah's ark.
The cat's out the bag, The hat's out the rag, Don't take it personal, Holy spirit'd up I'm versing them all, You don't represent me, Only God can resurrect me, Your blood ain't pure from the soil, My love is cured by the royal.
Been a threat to the game, I ain't got debt to the fame, My heart like a drum, The stars is where I'm from, They always scheming, They always streaming, My light always beaming, Nothing is luck, Ain't nobody I'm gon duck, How I'm moving, What they proving.
Check out my life story, They disrespect my life glory, I don't expect them to be there for me, You can't rich or poor me, Won't switch only more me, So much peace they can't war me, Crush the beast they can't ignore me, Only the Lord adore me.
That soup and that herb got me feeling superb, The glow is mint leaves, I know they sent thieves, Born again, The world getting torn again, Can't be double minded, Got to be humble kinded, Stay on guard, Pray to God, Sober in peace, It's over for the beast.
Knuckle up, Buckle up, It ain't flesh and blood, I'm blessed I got it from the mud, Came out the womb glowing, The flame got the tomb snowing, Fruits of my labor, My roots ain't on paper, The truth turn evil to vapor, See past the static, It's all havoc.
Lean not on your understanding, Seen the matrix unlocked in the thunder landing, Day of realization, Pray to heal the lies of a nation, The game is diabolical, The flame is biological, Start blessing and stop flexing, Know they're fake, Forgive my mistake.
Steady growing, I'm already glowing, Been working hard, They been lurking hard, The enemy scheming, My energy beaming, Stay loyal to God, Pray in the soil when it's hard, Repent in sackcloth and ashes, We can't act soft when the matrix crashes.
Force to be reckoned with, Of course it's heaven's gift, They don't know who they messing with, Show them love anyways, Glow with doves any days, Refreshing moments, Dimension components, Impression opponents, Confession proponents.
Out of space flow, Devout grace glow, When you don't back down they don't know how to act now, Go beyond the limit, Know we on you can't dim it, Free throw can't rim it, Life is real can't sim it, Behind the scenes I'm gon film it.
Ozone layer, This ain't a cloned prayer, At this velocity all there is atrocity, It cost to be free. Was lost but now I'm free, Fake smiles and handshakes, Fake styles where the brand breaks. Test the theory, At my best so they fear me.
I don't deal with scientists, Whatever deal I ain't signing this, Don't take low blows, They fake with no glow, Not bragging, They unlocked the dragon, I know what they hiding, The gold of love is providing, The soul of the dove is heavenly guiding.
I know where I'm headed, I give God all the credit, Believer of The Way, I won't leave before I pray, Christ of course, Sacrifice of the source, Persecution is for all servants of God, Mercy infusion the angels applaud, The illuminati is the fraud.
I see clearly every yearly, Vision of love, Mission for the dove, Now they switching up, Cooking truth the kitchen's up, See them looking the matrix glitching up, Now you a frenemy trying to put an end to me, Can't speak for others, Meek sisters and brothers.
You can keep your 2 cents I'mma millionaire, You can peep who has sense in the thinest air, I'm speaking metaphorically, The world speaking historically, We all need therapy, They planting seeds daring me, Fight the quest, The light is blessed.
Tried in that gold, Don't get fried in that road, They lied the stat is code, Talking about illuminati, I ain't walking with no new body, Immortal revenue, Be cordial cause heaven in you, Peep Ephesians, It's deep in these religions.
I ain't got time to play, It's a crime not to pray, I don't care what the devil say. Be aware every level you got to slay. The beast is on the loose. My peace is what I choose. Middle East truce. Sipping tea with that juice, Be free of that fake news.
The cassette is ejected, They upset I ain't been rejected, God continues to provide, It's hard to enter the venue when your enemies collide, V.i.p access, R.i.p. can't act less, Been through the struggle, Why fear when the sun glow, Protected, Connected.
Been the underdog, Seen the thunder break the log, The war of Gog and Magog, The end of Babylon's system, They acting wrong for wisdom, But God is love, It's hard when you have the dove, Keep your heart beautiful, Peep the part of the miracle.
Abraham, Moses and David, Raise your hand if the roses ain't faded, For God I ride, Rich or poor I tried, Got to keep going, Got to keep growing, The fight is still raging, The night is still aging, The lies being exposed, The wise is freeing the souls.
Can't ignore the facts, Rich or poor I don't lack, No one is greater than God, No one is later than a fraud, Early bird gets the worm Every word gets the term, Christ Jesus, The price to receive us, Repent with faith, Intent to be saved.
A struggling writer finds comfort in a goldfish after a flight cancellation to New York City, but when an unexpected accident occurs, the fish and man must remain calm until help arrives.
Twenty-four-year-old Bailey hates and loves writing and dreams of becoming an editor and author. During a trip to New York City for an interview with the New York Times, a snowstorm cancels his flight, and he's forced to stay in a Marriot overnight, where he meets Oscar the Goldfish.
Oscar has met many people over the past few months, but none have intrigued him as much as Bailey. He acts as a therapy fish and listens to Bailey's writing and life concerns.
The two begin to bond, but when an unexpected accident occurs during Hour Seven, they must put their differences aside and help one another through the tense situation.
Will Oscar and Bailey's newfound friendship overcome the accident, or will they succumb to their pasts and grow apart as most fish and man do? Hour Eight will determine everything.
*Moral: The past is the past; this is the future.**A novelette inspired by a story I heard at work about Oscar the Goldfish.**Weekly updates**This story is not meant to bash Romance writers (I like Romance but don't write it). It's meant to teach struggling, non-Romance ones that they don't need to write Romance to be good writers.*
Two years after her older brother's tragic death, anxiety-stricken Maisie and her emotional support cat, Milo, attend the Disney College Program, where they must discover a new life meaning in the most magical place on Earth.
The death changed everything. Milo, an orange tabby, has always wanted a little sibling, but after the tragic loss of his owner's older brother, adoption was put on hold, and he became her Emotional Support Animal. Now, two years later, Maisie's determined to grant Milo's long-overdue wish; however, she's still grieving and overthrown with anxiety, leaving Milo to tag along with her for the famed Disney College Program. Nevertheless, when heartbreak catches him, too, Milo must push past his grief to save himself and his wish.
Maisie Claire is ready to move on but not prepared to leave her family after two years for the DCP. She would've never accepted that offer letter if it hadn't been for her parents helping her get an ESA. Now trapped in an unfamiliar world, Maisie must find a new life meaning while still keeping her brother's memory alive. It starts with discovering the courage to befriend her mysterious suitemate and thanking Milo for everything he's done. After all, sometimes moving on just takes a little bit of courage.
*Prompt Used: #24-"A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later.*
*Based on a true story.*
*Contains a subtle, LGBTQ+ subplot because of Disney's Inclusion Key, but it's not the main focus. However, please be respectful.*
When Comet reluctantly accepts an offer to go to Eden Valley, he finds himself in a world of magic, secrecy and danger. He has to master the powers of fortune while protecting the valley and making friends along the way.
Author’s Notes:
+This was my first attempt at long story/serial
A rainy day encourages Teuila's father to take her out on Oceania, but what will happen when their boat flips and they're left stranded in the Atlantic Ocean?
Teuila just wanted a peaceful summer break after her first year at the College of Charleston. However, peace in her family never happens with her father's sailing blood. To grow closer to his little girl, he takes her out on the family's Laser, Oceania, on a rainy day that mimics a special one nineteen years earlier.
When Oceania flips and leaves father and daughter stranded in the Atlantic Ocean, they must work together to return to shore without the buff lifeguard girls running out to rescue them. Teuila has to see past her father's sailing personality and find the one she grew up with before she and her parents ran aground in Charleston Harbor.
With the help of the current, love, and just a little imagination, Teuila and her dad's fight for survival becomes nothing more than a mere Disney Channel movie. Not only that, but Teuila learns a secret-the truth behind why she carries such an unusual name.
*Moral: Tell your loved one you love them every day.*
*Huge thanks to my dad for helping me edit!*
*Word Count: 4,000-5,000*
Quote: "Why does a daughter love her father so much? It's because she knows there's one man who will never hurt her." - Anonymous