The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Meets The Big Bang Theory
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Chapter 1
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“ Well, that’s the last of my stuff. I guess I’ll see you in a few days buddy, bye.”, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter said as he finished zipping up his suitcase before he picked it up as well as his laptop case that had his laptop and cell phone in it with the chargers to go with them as well as his keys, wallet, and earbuds before he began to head to the door of Apartment 4A to leave. He was wearing an outfit that consisted of a light blue t-shirt and brown slacks underneath a dark gray hoodie with his black and white converses on his feet. His glasses were also on his face as usual plus his asthma inhaler was clipped to his belt around his waist too.
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“ Now hold on wait a minute Leonard. Do you really think this is a good idea for you to be going to New York City by yourself? I’m getting a really bad feeling about this and I don’t think I feel comfortable with that.”, Dr. Sheldon Cooper said in concern as he started following Leonard a bit out the door into the hallway. His outfit that he was wearing consisted of his red Flash shirt and khakis underneath his dark blue windbreaker along his shoes on his feet and his wristwatch on his wrist.
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“ Sheldon I already told you that the University of New York invited me there to give a speech to their science major graduates tonight. I’ve given many speeches before including the one I gave to the graduating seniors at my old high school once and there was never a problem with that.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes when he turned around to face him.
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“ True but this is different, you don’t know what’s going to happen. Think about it, you’re going to a very unfamiliar place surrounded by a roomful of complete strangers who you don’t even know and the last thing I want is you getting hurt or ending up sick which in turn will make me sick when you eventually return from whatever ridiculous expedition this is that you’re going on in the first place.”, Sheldon said in concern. His germophobia was very obvious to anybody who knew him which immediately began to annoy Leonard who just stood there rolling his eyes again hissing under his breath, “ Buddy this isn’t an expedition and I don’t have time to be standing here listening to your germophobic antics right now! I got to go or I’m going to miss my flight! Look, if you’re really this worried about me then I promise you I will call you on my cell phone if something happens! I’m not that stupid, we’re roommates for crying out loud!”
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“ Correct we are but what if something happens to where you can’t get to it?! Explain that Leonard Hofstadter!”, Sheldon shot back as he narrowed his eyes at his roommate/best friend.
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“ Sheldon Cooper I’ll be fine, I got to go now! I’ll see you in a few days and don’t trash the place please!”, Leonard hissed as he turned back around to head to the stairs to walk down them due to the fact that the elevator was still broken from the rocket fuel incident that he caused to happen several years ago shortly after he moved in with Sheldon.
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“ Excuse me but why in the name of Einstein would I ever do that my good man?! I hate chaos! Always have and always will!”, Sheldon shot back with clenched fists at his sides.
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“ For god sakes nobody cares right now! Shut up!”, Leonard hissed as he spun around for a brief moment to say that to his face before he continued towards the stairs just as Penny was walking up them wearing her Cheesecake Factory waitress uniform.
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“ Oh hi Leonard what are you…?”, Penny asked when she bumped into her boyfriend while he was carrying his stuff for his trip with him.
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“ Hi Penny, I was just getting ready to leave. How was work?”, Leonard said with a smile as he looked at her.
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“ It was good, busy but good and I can see that you asthmatic dumb a**! I have eyes that are looking right at you!”, Penny said as she was blinking her eyes at him.
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“ Right…”, Leonard said with a sigh.
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“ Yeah. Anyway, good luck with your speech tonight. Call me to let me know how it went when you get the chance. I love you.”, Penny said with a smile.
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“ Thanks I will, love you too. Bye.”, Leonard said as he kissed her before he began walking as fast as he could down the stairs past her, dragging his suitcase and laptop case with him.
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“ No wait, Leonard! Dear Lord how he frustrates me sometimes! What am I ever going to do with him?!”, Sheldon hissed as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Oh hi Sheldon, I didn’t realize you were standing there. Everything ok?”, Penny asked when she noticed her theoretical physicist neighbor and friend standing there in the doorway of 4A looking completely frustrated about the fact that Leonard was not listening to him about staying home.
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“ Penny if you don’t mind I wish to not discuss this at the moment. Just give me a few minutes to myself please.”, Sheldon said with a frustrated sigh as he threw his hands up and stormed back into 4A, slamming the door shut behind him.
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“ Ok, sure. Whatever you say Dr. Whackadoodle. Oh balls.”, Penny said as she rolled her eyes and went inside her own apartment, shutting the door behind her too just as Howard and Raj were coming up the stairs to knock on the door to 4A. They were both wearing their usual clothes too.
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Knock knock!
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“ Oh frickety frack what now?!”, Sheldon hissed under his breath as he turned around to answer the door.
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“ Hi Sheldon.”, Howard and Raj said with a smile when Sheldon opened the door.
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“ Oh… Wolowitz, Koothrappali it’s just you two. Hello. Leonard’s not here at the moment.”, Sheldon said with a sigh as he turned back around to walk over to the couch.
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“ Yeah we know that, Raj and I just ran into him on his way out of here. So he’s really going to New York City to give a speech to a bunch of grad students huh?”, Howard said as the two men walked in while Howard pointed at Raj and himself before they shut the door behind themselves.
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“ Yes apparently so even though I forbid it Howard, although… how is he even going to remotely do that when his speech is sitting right here on his desk?!”, Sheldon said as he did a head rotation before he noticed the piece of paper with Leonard written speech on it sitting on the edge of Leonard’s desk.
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“ Oh Jewish hell, that’s not good.”, Howard said in concern.
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“ Yeah you think dude? Ok this is not a problem, let’s just go up to the airport for a moment and give it to him before he goes through TSA security.”, Raj said as he narrowed his eyes.
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“ What an excellent suggestion Raj, why didn’t I think of that before?! Come along gentlemen, let this ‘give Leonard his speech back’ excuse be my last chance to try to talk him out of going because I really don’t feel comfortable letting him go somewhere unfamiliar by himself!”, Sheldon exclaimed as he picked up the speech and looked at it.
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“ Can’t say we blame you for that you crazy nutbag. Without Leonard we never would have met each other and became friends in the first place.”, Howard said.
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“ That’s correct we wouldn’t have and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”, Sheldon shot back at his aerospace engineer friend.
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“ Oh for cripes sake does it really matter here?! Come on, let’s just go give Leonard his speech back before he makes a complete fool out of himself when he realizes he forgot it in the first place!”, Raj hissed as he rolled his eyes and stormed to the door.
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“ Works for me. You coming or what Sheldon?”, Howard said with a sigh as he followed his astrophysicist best friend.
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“ Aw alright I’m coming Howard but good Lord will you slow down Koothrappali?! What are y’all trying to do, kill me on the stairs?! My god I just hate my life sometimes!”, Sheldon shot back as he did another head rotation and stuffed Leonard’s speech in his windbreaker pocket before he stormed after his two friends, shutting the door behind them after he grabbed his keys and wallet out of the bowl next to the door.
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“ Can it Sheldon!”
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“ Go go go! Move it you a**hats! We need to find Leonard now!”, Raj hissed as he and the other two men raced into the main entrance doors of the airport after Howard parked his car in the parking lot.
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“ Ok firstly we are not dogs Raj like your dog Cinnamon and secondly do y’all think we don’t know that already?! What in the name of Einstein do you think we came here for in the first place?! To see Batman?!”, Sheldon hissed as the three of them were trying to catch their breath from running.
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“ Well it was worth a shot dude!”, Raj shot back as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Oh will you two just stop it already, this is… hey, Leonard Hofstadter! There he is you guys!”, Howard hissed at his two friends before he hollered out to Leonard and started running towards him when he spotted him in the line leading up to the airline desk so he could check in his bag. Leonard already had his airline ticket in his hand too after he got it printed out from a kiosk.
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“ Oh goodie.”, Sheldon said as he followed him.
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“ Hey would you wait up Wolowitz! You’re going too fast!”, Raj hissed as he followed them as well.
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“ Well you’re going too slow Koothrappali!”, Howard hissed back at him.
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“ Oh like it makes a difference!”, Raj hissed.
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“ Not now! Shut up!”, Howard hissed before they finally caught up to Leonard and he said, “ Hey buddy, thank god we caught you in time! We almost thought we were going to miss you!”
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“ Man I can not catch a break today! For God sakes what is it now you idiots?! I’m almost to the front of the line! What are you doing here?!”, Leonard hissed when he spun around to face his three best friends who were now standing behind him.
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“ Oh no reason at all except to give you your speech back. You left it sitting on your desk at home.”, Sheldon said with a straight face as he took Leonard’s written speech out of his windbreaker pocket to show it to him.
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“ Aw really?! Man I am so stupid sometimes, thanks! That would have been really bad if I had gotten all the way there and realized I didn’t have it!”, Leonard exclaimed as he shook his head.
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“ Indeed.”, Sheldon said with a straight face before he exclaimed, “ Bazinga!”
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“ Wait, excuse me?!”, Leonard asked in confusion as he stared at Sheldon who was now smirking from ear to ear at what he just said.
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“ I actually took it out of your bag when you weren’t looking and left it sitting on your desk this whole time!”, Sheldon smirked with a bit of a gaspy laugh.
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“ Are you bitching kidding me right now?! Why would you do that?!”, Leonard hissed in his face.
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“ Simply just to mess with you and piss you off! You don’t ever see my practical jokes coming do you?!”, Sheldon said with a gaspy laugh as he shook his head.
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“ Yeah well that was not funny mister, now give me that! Sometimes I really don’t understand the things you do to me on a daily basis!”, Leonard hissed in annoyance as he swiped his speech back from the theoretical physicist before he stormed up to the airline desk with his suitcase to check it in when he realized it was his turn.
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“ Well at least he didn’t incapacitate you man.”, Raj said under his breath into Sheldon’s ear.
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“ Correct.”, Sheldon said back to him.
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“ Raj! Zip your trap! You’re not helping right now!”, Leonard hissed behind him for a moment before he turned back to the lady behind the counter and said, “ Hi, just checking in a bag.” as he then lifted his suitcase up to put it on the weighing scale.
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“ Alright and may I see some ID please?”, the lady asked as she was typing something into her computer.
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“ Sure, one moment. Here you go.”, Leonard said with a smile as he handed over his state of California driver’s license that he took out of his wallet when he grabbed it out of his laptop case that he was taking as his carry on bag.
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“ Dr. Leonard Hofstadter?”, the lady asked as she scanned his license into her computer.
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“ Yep that’s me.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
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“ Alright and where are you heading to?”, the lady asked as she handed Leonard his driver’s license back.
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“ New York City. I’ve been invited to give a speech at the university there to a group of grad students majoring in science. I’m an experimental physicist at Caltech.”, Leonard said with a smile.
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“ Oh that’s wonderful, I hope everything goes well for you then.”, the lady said with a smile as she printed out the luggage tag and attached it to Leonard’s luggage before she set it on the conveyor belt so that it would begin its journey to the cargo hold of the plane.
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“ Thank you!”, Leonard said with a smile as he moved to the side with his friends following him.
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“ Of course! Next!”, the lady exclaimed as she called out for the next person in line to come forward with their bags.
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“ Well that’s it you idiots, I’m out of here! See you in a few days!”, Leonard said with a smirk as he grabbed his laptop case and started walking away from his friends towards the airport security gate.
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“ Leonard wait, please don’t go by yourself! I really don’t feel comfortable with you doing this!”, Sheldon interjected in concern at his roommate/best friend.
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“ Sheldon I’ll be fine! This isn’t the first time I went somewhere by myself! Remember the North Sea expedition I went on a long time ago working with Professor Stephen Hawking’s research team?! This is just like that except the only difference is I’m giving a speech to grad students! Nothing is going to happen, you have nothing to worry about!”, Leonard hissed as he stopped walking for a moment and turned around rolling his eyes at what Sheldon just said.
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“ Yes but you don’t know that! What if you get hurt or abducted by aliens?! Then what?!”, Sheldon shot back in concern.
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“ Oh puhlease, like that would ever happen in a million years buddy! There’s no such thing as aliens and even if there were which they’re NOT wouldn’t you and the others get abducted too?!”, Leonard hissed in frustration.
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“ He’s got a point with that.”, Howard said into Raj’s ear.
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“ Totally man.”, Raj said as he nodded his head in agreement.
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“ Both of you just shut up and I don’t know, I’m smart and scrappy! I think I could find a way!”, Sheldon shot back in an almighty Know-It-All voice.
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“ Whatever! I really got to go now or I’m going to miss my flight! I’ll see you guys in a few days and please tell Amy, Bernadette, and Stuart I said the same thing to them too when you see them! Adios lunatics, see ya!”, Leonard hissed as he continued on towards security, waving his hand off in a nonchalant way.
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“ No wait, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! Get back here, you can’t just…!”, Sheldon shouted at him but got completely ignored as Leonard kept walking away to get in line for security.
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“ Nah let him go Shelbot, it’s not worth the argument.”, Howard said as he put his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
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“ Would you get your hand off me please and anyway that is true but he has no idea of what kind of danger that could be lurking around out there at the moment Wolowitz! That cockiness he’s displaying at the moment is what’s going to get him killed and that is something I certainly don’t want happening to him!”, Sheldon hissed as he smacked Howard’s hand away off his shoulder.
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“ Well we don’t want that either but it’s still not worth it! Now come on, let’s just go home and let Leonard have his adventure by himself! He said he’ll be fine so we have to respect that!”, Howard hissed as he began storming towards the main entrance doors of the airport leading to the parking lot outside.
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“ Sounds cool to me man, I got to go feed Cinnamon anyway. You coming or what Sheldon?”, Raj asked as he began to follow after Howard.
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“ Aw alright, fine! But what about Leonard?!”, Sheldon said with a reluctant sigh.
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“ No! Enough about Leonard right now Sheldon Cooper! Now come on you crazy nutbag, let’s go! We got things to do!”, Howard hissed as he walked out the door with Raj following.
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“ Oh Lord… I can never win today and I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested!”, Sheldon hissed as he rolled his eyes and reluctantly followed both of them out the door into the parking lot.
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“ Oh will you just shut up and get back in my car you wacky b***ard! No one wants to hear this!”, Howard hissed as the three men got back into his car before he started the engine and backed out of the parking space.
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“ If you say so.”, Sheldon said as Howard switched his car engine gears to Drive.
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“ Sheldon!”, Howard hissed as he then drove away out of the parking lot and back towards home. Meanwhile shortly after Leonard got through security a few moments later and began heading to his gate he exclaimed to himself, “ Yes, finally! A few days to myself without my crazy a** roommate! New York City here I come, get ready for Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! Wooo!” as he then took his phone and earbuds out of his laptop case, plugged the earbuds into his phone, and turned some music on before he started dancing like an idiot towards his gate as a way to get himself pumped up for his trip causing several people to start staring at him as if he lost his mind. The song that was playing was The Potsdam Pitches Pocketful of Sunshine which was a song he recently downloaded due the fact that he thought it sounded good. Then shortly after he got on the plane he took a short break from listening to his music so that he could hear the safety information of what to do in case of emergency as the plane was getting ready to take off before he went right back to listening to it again once the plane was in the air. The flight lasted for about 5 hours and something minutes before it finally landed at about 9:45 in the evening when it completely dark outside. Leonard then picked up his luggage at baggage claim before heading outside the airport to call a taxi cab. Once the taxi driver showed up a few moments later Leonard put his belongings in the trunk of it before he climbed into the backseat.
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“ Good evening sir.”, the driver said with a friendly smile as he looked through his rearview mirror.
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“ Good evening to you too.”, Leonard said with a smile as he strapped himself in with the seatbelt.
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“ Where are you headed?”, the driver asked.
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“ Holiday Inn.”, Leonard said.
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“ Alright. And where are you traveling from?”, the driver asked as he pulled away from the curb to begin the route to the hotel.
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“ Pasadena, California. I’m a Caltech experimental physicist and I’ve been invited here for a few days to give a speech to some grad students at the University of New York which is actually going on tonight in about 20 to 30 minutes here.”, Leonard said as he took his glasses off his face for a moment to wipe them off before he put them back on his face and leaned back into the seat.
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“ Well that’s nice. Good luck to you then.”, the driver said as he pulled up to the hotel a few moments later.
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“ Thank you.”, Leonard said as he then paid the driver for the ride before he got out and grabbed his belongings from the trunk of the cab. Once the driver pulled away Leonard then walked inside the hotel, carrying his laptop case over his shoulder and pulling his suitcase behind him up to the check in desk.
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“ Hello, checking in?”, the lady at the front desk asked with a smile when she looked up and saw him.
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“ Yes I am, hi.”, Leonard said with a smile as he put his arm on the counter.
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“ Ok. Name?”, the lady asked as she put her fingers on her computer keyboard to begin typing into it.
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“ Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, Leonard said as he scratched the back of his ear a bit.
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“ Alright, thank you and ah yes, your name just came right up in a reservation that you just made with us. Your room number is 214. Here’s your room key, enjoy your stay.”, the lady said with a smile as she handed Leonard his room key card.
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“ Thank you very much, have a good night.”, Leonard said with a smile as he took the key card before he started dragging his things with him towards the elevator to take it up to the second floor of the hotel.
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“ Thank you, you too.”, the lady said as she then answered an incoming call on the front desk phone from someone asking if there was any rooms available left for booking to which she said there was. Meanwhile a short time after Leonard stepped out of the elevator and found his room he walked inside after using the key card the front desk lady gave him.
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“ Oh this is really nice.”, Leonard said to himself as he looked around the room, checking the bed and the floor for possible evidence of bedbugs only be relieved when there wasn’t any before he moved into the bathroom to check it out for any issues there too but just like the bed and the floor there was none.
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“ Well, looks like everything seems to be in order here. I guess I should start getting ready for my speech, although I am a bit nervous.”, Leonard said to himself as he began changing into his formal wear and fixing up his hair but as he was doing so he hissed under his breath to himself, “ Oh what the hell am I even saying?! I’m going to do fine, I’m a physicist for god’s sake!”
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Ring ring ring!
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“ Hello?”, Leonard asked when he answered his phone almost immediately after he heard it ringing.
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“ Hi Leonard it’s Penny. Just calling to see if you made it safely and to ask you how everything’s going so far.”, Penny said on the other end of the phone as she was sitting on her couch in her apartment wearing her sleepwear, sipping on a glass of wine while watching tv.
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“ Oh hi Penny, everything’s going fine and yes I did make it safely. In fact, I’m just about to head over the University of New York from my hotel room in a moment just as soon as I get my hair parted in the right spot.
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“ Oh, well good. Anyway as I said before you left, good luck with your speech and let me know how it goes when you get the chance. Maybe sometime tomorrow because it’s kind of late right now and I’m getting a bit tired.”, Penny said as she then let out a slight yawn.
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“ Thanks and no problem, I will. Anyway I got to go or I’m going to be late. Nice talking to you for a minute here.”, Leonard said.
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“ Nice talking to you too sweetie. Love you, bye.”, Penny said.
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“ Love you too, bye.”, Leonard said before he hung up and finished getting ready. He then took a few minute walk down the street after exitted the hotel with his written speech in hand to get to the university nearby where he was staying and walked inside to see several hundred people milling around as they were filing into the auditorium. He then said hello to a few people before he made his way backstage to wait his turn to be called on stage. He sipped on a bottle of water too as a way to calm his nerves about what he was there to do in the first place.
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“ Alright listen up ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats because we have a real special treat for you tonight! Our university has invited a young, very well respected and intelligent scientist from California to give you all an inspiring speech that he agreed to share with you and all of the staff here! He has an IQ of 173 and has been dedicating most of his life to his work and success! So without further adue please welcome Caltech University’s experimental physicist, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!”, the president of the New York university interjected into the podium microphone that he was standing behind on the stage in the auditorium just as the last of the sea of people filed in and took their seats. Everyone then started up with a round of applause just as Leonard stepped out onto the stage, walking up to the podium with his written speech in his hand.
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“ Thank you, it’s great to be here tonight.”, Leonard said into the mic as the applause continued for a few more moments before it died down allowing him to continue with, “ So as you all know my name is Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, experimental physicist from Caltech University in Pasadena, California and I’ve been invited here to give a speech to all these wonderful science major graduates who I see in front of me at this very moment tonight.” but as he continued speaking the words he wrote down which included his spherical chicken joke with everyone focusing their attention on him and laughing at his joke he made, little did he know that some trouble was starting to brew outside in the streets and it was coming in the form of several figures that were making robotic marching movements as well as alien android-like chirping noises as their eyes were scanning the entire area around them along with a medium sized silver crome like sphere with tentacles hovering in the air a few feet in front of these figures shining a bright hot pink ray of light in a 360 degree motion through a pin sized hole on the front of it. Some of the figures had the looks of human like Men in Black features while others had their bodies totally exposed revealing these pink alien brain like creatures sitting in the stomach areas of their purple and blue android bodies. They also appeared to be carrying laser blaster weapons too.
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“ The geovolume metric scan of the place that is known as New York is complete. Kraang will now infiltrate the place that is known as the University of New York to retrieve a very detectable important piece of Kraang’s plan, the one that is known as Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, one of the krangdroids said as the hot pink ray turned off and they began inching their way closer to the university with their weapons raised and pointed at it, ready to fire them at will. Meanwhile below the surface in the sewer system and in a secret underground lair lived the city’s 4 mysterious heroes and their master trained in the ancient Japanese martial arts known as ninjitsu. Each were doing their own individual activities like they did every single night whenever they weren’t busy fighting off their enemies including their arch nemesis who was a highly skilled martial artist from Japan named Oroku Saki better known as The Shredder.
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( the sound of wires being welded together)
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“ What are you doing Donnie?”, a human teenage girl with red hair named April O’neal asked in a T-Phone video call she was on with what appeared to be a mutant humanoid turtle wearing a purple mask on his face.
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“ Just putting the finishing patented touches on the new security upgrade for The Lair. Pretty sweet huh April?”, Donnie asked with a gap-toothed smile as he could feel himself starting to blush a bit due to the fact that he had a very obvious crush on her ever since him and his brothers met her and befriended her after they rescued her and her father from the Kraang.
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“ I guess. What’s Sensei, Leo, Raph, and Mikey up to?”, April asked with a sigh.
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“ Well you know Splinter, he’s always meditating either in the dojo or his room and as for Leo, Raph, and Mikey, Leo’s watching Space Heroes in the living room on the floor, Raph’s sitting on the couch near him with his pet turtle Spike just reading a magazine, and Mikey… well he’s being an airhead with his T-Pod at the moment.”, Donnie says as he shrugged his shoulders and stuck his head out of his lab for brief moment to see his 3 brothers doing their said activities with Master Splinter being nowhere in sight at that perticular moment.
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( Mikey dancing around like a goofball to his T-Pod humming the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song while the background sound of the tv was going off nearby)
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“ That sounds about right. I wish I could be down there right now hanging out with you guys but unfortunately my dad is still very paranoid about the Kraang. It’s like ever since the rescue he’s worried that the Kraang may still be out there looking for us.”, April said with a sigh.
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“ Can’t say I blame him for that, the Kraang are pretty ruthless and can show up anywhere at anytime they want.”, Donnie said.
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“ True, it’s just this whole thing really sucks and I don’t know what I’m saying, I guess just really miss the way my life used to be sometimes when I didn’t have to worry about stupid alien invasions and abductions.”, April hissed in frustration.
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“ Tell me about it. Our life is no walk in the park either.”, Donnie said as he went back to welding the two wires he was working on while continuing his conversation with April.
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Living room…
50Please respect copyright.PENANAvafNLhDoN2
“ Gentlemen I have a bold and daring plan! There’s no time for hesitation! My orders must be carried out without question!”, Leo imitated his favorite character Captain Ryan from the Space Heroes tv show he was watching just before the exclaimation of “ Aye-aye sir!” came out of the tv speakers.
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“ Seen this enough times there, chief?”, Raph asked as he sat on the couch nearby reading a magazine while his pet turtle Spike was sitting on his shoulder chewing on a leaf.
50Please respect copyright.PENANArHO3flIqk0
“ Would you-shhh! This is the best part!”, Leo exclaimed as he turned his attention back to the tv to watch Captain Ryan aim his weapon at an enemy.
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( laser blaster goes off followed by a character screaming off screen)
50Please respect copyright.PENANAyPvLBkVqvB
“ What a hero.”, Leo said in amusement.
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“ You know this show is stupid right?”, Raph asked as he looked back up at his brother before back down at what he was reading.
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“ Space Heroes is a great show and Captain Ryan is a really great hero! Someday I am going to be just like him!”, Leo defended.
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“ Well sure if you keep obsessing about some fictional hero then I’d say that you’re well on your way.”, Raph sarcastically said.
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“ Not helping!”, Leo shot back at his brother as he crossed his arms in front of him.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA7Yhd3dB0Od
Reeewoo reeewoo reeewoo!
50Please respect copyright.PENANADS2GVHwpNm
“ Guys! Krangdroids, 4 o’clock! They’re infiltrating the University of New York and attacking everyone inside! We need to go stop them now!”, Donnie shrieked when he suddenly came barging out of his lab after he just ended his conversation with April, holding the spherical orb that alerted them of the Kraang threat in his hands for a moment before he set it down on his lab table and withdrew his bo staff out of the holster on his shell back.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAWPfX7MgCbI
“ Oh yeah, now you’re speaking my language Donnie! Let’s go bash some bots!”, Raph exclaimed with a satisfied smirk as he jumped up from the couch, withdrawing his sais from his belt as he began twirling them around like he did every time he was gearing up for a fight.
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“ Aww I was afraid you were going say that dude!”, Mikey said as he put his T-Pod away and whipped out his nunchucks, twirling them around as well.
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“ Mikey not now! Let’s go you guys! The citizens of New York need us!”, Leo interjected as he withdrew his katana swords after he shut the tv off before all 4 turtle brothers then raced to the turnstiles of the Lair to head up to the surface which immediately caught the attention of Master Splinter who emerged from the dojo with his staff shouting,” What is going on in here?!”
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“ Hi and bye Sensei! Can’t talk right now, got to go stop the Kraang! Don’t wait up for us!”, Leo called out as he and his brothers raced out of the Lair after they hopped over the turnstiles leaving their father alone to shake his head and groan in agitation about what his sons were up to at the moment. Meanwhile back at the university mass panic began to unfold as the Kraang were firing their weapons every which way while searching the whole auditorium for the one person who they were looking for who had immediately ducked down behind the podium on the stage shortly after the attack started while he was right in the middle of his speech that he stuffed back into the front pocket of his jacket behind his Holiday Inn room key card.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA6GjKkE1WFS
“ Ahhh alien robots! Run for your lives!”
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( laser blasters going off followed by alien android chirping sounds)
50Please respect copyright.PENANALToBTCiK6p
“ For god sakes what is this?! Who in the name of Einstein are these freaky clowns and what in the living hell are they doing here attacking people for?! This is so weird, weirder than my roommate/best friend Dr. Sheldon Cooper! I got to get out of here before something or somebody gets… ahhhhh!”, Leonard hissed under his breath to himself in a low register before he suddenly screamed in terror when he looked up and saw a few krangdroids in front of him pointing their weapons at him after they could sense his presence with their advanced technology that they used to scan the building in the first place from outside in the streets of New York.
50Please respect copyright.PENANApebrcEbK73
“ The Kraang have now located the new focus in which will be useful to Kraang’s plan, the one that is known as Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, one of the krangdroids said as they were about to make their first move towards the physicist who was absolutely terrified out of his mind about what was happening to him.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAEe4o5Z4t35
“ Wait, what?! AHHHHHH!”, Leonard screamed in terror bracing himself for a possible death only for things in his vision to suddenly go dark when the power in building goes out and he was knocked unconscious with what appeared to be a nunchuck that came flying out of the shadows out of nowhere like a hurling projectile, striking him in the side of the head before the small metal hook of one of the nunchucks handles lodged itself in one of the androids heads followed by a loud exclaimation of, “ Not if we have anything to say about it! Booyakasha!”
50Please respect copyright.PENANAAGyJmBcz7V
“ Halt Kraang!”, Leo suddenly shouted when he jumped down from the ceiling followed by his brothers doing the same as they pointed their weapons at them to prepare themselves for the fight that was about to happen.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA2jcZQ7J1Sf
“ The halting of Kraang is not a thing that ones who are Turtles will be doing to Kraang!”, a krangdroid said as they were pointing their blaster weapons at the Turtles.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAOqCBio5iup
“ Wrong! The halting of Kraang is exactly the thing that the ones who are… ugh, just halt!”, Leo shouted in frustration as a fight erupted among them after Mikey retrieved his discarded nunchuck back from the androids head that it impaled in.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAAJPJaDWl8D
Crash! Bang! Slash! Whack! Sizzle!
50Please respect copyright.PENANAl4Aecln9Iv
“ Mikey look out! Krangdroid right behind you!”, Raph shrieked as he noticed a krangdroid approaching from behind his orange masked brother pointing his blaster weapon at him the moment he threw one of his sais at another krangdroid and kicked another two away from him.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAaybgw34HM0
“ Ahhhh! Thanks for that dude!”, Mikey shrieked as turned around and whacked the droid with his nunchucks as it started firing his lasers at him.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAKCn6UxiZZv
“ Don’t mention it, but, wait a second where’s the guy that was laying right here?!”, Raph shrieked when he looked down and saw that Leonard was no longer laying where he fell and that two of the krangdroids were beginning to drag his unconscious frame away.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA7uXvAUZnIp
“ Donnie, they’re getting away with that guy! Do something!”, Leo shouted as he turned his head to look in the same direction as well.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAkjvBQShPF4
“ I’m already all over it Leo! Eat my wooden stick you creeps! Drop him now and nobody gets hurt!”, Donnie shouted as he intercepted the krangdroids that had Leonard in their grip, whacking them repeatedly over the heads with his wooden bo staff as a way to get them to drop him to which they did when Raph suddenly came up behind them and stabbed them in the heads with his sais which ceased their laser firing before Mikey decapitated them with his nunchucks. The rest of the Kraang eventually retreated leaving the Turtles completely alone inside the university with an unconscious Leonard at their feet after they stopped the Kraang from successfully abducting him to do God knows what to him.
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“ Aww man that’s it?!”, Raph interjected in a disappointed voice after he put his sais away.
50Please respect copyright.PENANARprkRE4Jwl
“ Not even close Raph, we’ll deal with the Kraang later! Right now we need to figure out what to do with this guy before he suddenly wakes up and discovers us!”, Leo hissed as he put his swords away before he pointed at Leonard on the floor.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAwB4f6elaSN
“ Not to worry Leo, I got it all figured out. Look you guys, apparently this guy is staying at the Holiday Inn which is fortunately just a short distance from here.”, Donnie said as he put his bo staff away before he picked up the Holiday Inn hotel room key card that said the words Second Floor underneath the logo out of Leonard’s front pocket to show it to his brothers.
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“ Well then that’s great Donnie, we’ll take him back there instead of the Lair so that Sensei doesn’t get mad at us for bringing another human stranger into our secret home.”, Leo said.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAnascYC1FnD
“ Good call dude.”, Mikey said as he put his nunchucks away as well.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAbPPkWq4EZK
“ Exactly Mikey, now let’s go you guys.”, Leo said as the 4 Turtles disappeared into the shadows dragging Leonard with them to take him back to the hotel he was staying at but not before Leo restored the power to the university building as if nothing happened in the first place.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAMXnDgWvatV
Holiday Inn- Second Floor…
50Please respect copyright.PENANAiY3Vo6y5BE
“ Alright you guys here’s the plan, we’re going to start at the end of the hallway and work our way down to find out which room this key card belongs to! But remember, we’re ninjas! We move swiftly and silently while trying to stay in the shadows as much as possible! Got that?!”, Leo hissed in a whisper when the 4 of them quietly dropped down from the ventilation system in the middle of the second floor hallway of the hotel moments later dragging Leonard’s unconscious frame with them to which made a slight thump when it hit the floor but not loud enough for it to catch anyone’s attention much to the Turtles relief.
50Please respect copyright.PENANARs8ABnGU68
“ We get it Leo!”, the other three Turtles hissed in a whisper as they then quietly made their way down to the end of the hallway before Donnie began going back and forth down the hallway trying all the doors with the key card to no avail that is until when they finally got to room 214 the card unlocked the door allowing Donnie to push it open.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAno4EvsE5dQ
“ Eureka! It belongs to this one! 214!”, Donnie exclaimed in a whisper as he pointed into the room.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA4knzOgCJov
“ Nice job D, let’s get him inside now.”, Leo whispered as the 4 brothers then dragged Leonard into the room and shut the door behind them, locking it so that no one else could get in or out at that moment.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAMpqW9q28aQ
“ Ok we got him in here, now what?”, Raph whispered once they sprawed out the unconscious physicist on the bed.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAESvWmJ3fqf
“ Now we hide and see what happens.”, Leo whispered.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAy9lgEELGBB
“ Are you insane Leo?! That’s the worst idea ever! We’re going to get caught and end up possibly captured for scientific research depending on what it is this guy does for a living and I don’t think we want that! Especially Master Splinter because it will scare the living whiskers off of him!”, Raph hissed in a low tone at his blue masked brother.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAJlQnVjLzB9
“ Raph enough, you’re not helping!”, Leo hissed in low tone back at his red masked brother.
50Please respect copyright.PENANADJMJu6pFQf
“ Yeah well I don’t think any of us are helping the situation and… huh, dudes he’s starting to wake up! Hide!”, Mikey whispered before he gasped when he began to see that Leonard was starting to regain consciousness causing all 4 of them to immediately disappear out of sight to hide near the window with Raph hiding behind the curtain next to the window while Donnie and Leo dove behind the tv and Mikey hid on the ceiling in the shadows clinging to it with his ninja spikes that he slipped on his hands and feet.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAF3o6f7xjaP
“ Mmm, my head. What just… ok this is weird. How the hell did I get back here to my hotel room? I don’t remember… you know what I’m not even going to question it, it’s late.”, Leonard said to himself as he sat up on the bed rubbing his head before he got up and headed into the bathroom to wash his face completely unaware that the Turtles were there in his room watching his every move from the shadows. However shortly after he did so and changed back into the clothes that he had been wearing before he went to the university to give his speech was when he heard a slight noise coming from outside the bathroom so then the moment he came out to investigate was when Mikey suddenly fell from the ceiling screaming like a little girl after gravity began to take a hold of him as he crashed on the floor causing his head to land in the waste basket.
50Please respect copyright.PENANApU3IvtKh2J
“ He he… hi.”, Mikey said with a nervous laugh as he sat up and looked at Leonard, giving him a slight wave of his green three fingered hand.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAaE2JJtenuT
“ What the…?!”, Leonard gasped as he could feel the fear starting to build up inside of him again at what he was just now seeing in front of his face through his glasses that were surprisingly still on his face despite him being jostled around while unconscious.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAyK7CIraEBM
“ Aww sewer bunnies! Way to go Mikey, you just blew our cover now!”, Raph hissed when he suddenly emerged from behind the curtain while Donnie and Leo came out from behind the tv when they realized that they had now been discovered all thanks to their brother Mikey and his screw up antics.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAjztxROMxhV
“ Well it’s not my fault that gravity assaulted me Raph! This wouldn’t have happened if Leo hadn’t suggested we hide in this guy’s hotel room in the first place!”, Mikey shot back as he stood up from the floor.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAWrLdVHiKUp
“ Exactly! I told him this was the worst idea ever and that we would get caught! Some leader you’re turning out to be at the moment!”, Raph hissed at his brother.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAQN3ASBCHty
“ Oh like it makes a difference!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Leo!”, Raph hissed.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAq107rS50Sg
“ Guys, he’s staring!”, Donnie hissed as he pointed at Leonard causing all 4 of them to begin staring at the experimental physicist to see what he would do next.
50Please respect copyright.PENANANHwbzCNOlz
“ Ahhh! Green alien freaks, get away from me!”, Leonard screamed in terror with wide eyes as he then stumbled backwards into the bed causing his glasses to fly off his face and land somewhere on the floor making him scream, “ Oh for God sakes, my glasses! Where did they go?!” before he frantically began searching for his glasses and once he found them he put them back on his face as he then sprinted to the door like a bat out of hell to try to get it open so that he could run away from whatever these walking talking creatures were that just scared the living crap out of him.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAUiKIurVZWI
“ Come on come on open up you stupid door! I gotta… yes! Ha ha!”, Leonard screamed as he fumbled with the door lock for a few seconds before he was able to get the door open but before he could even have a chance to run away Leo suddenly positioned himself in front of him, holding his hands out after he locked the door again causing Leonard to back up screaming in terror again with Raph, Donnie, and Mikey gathering behind Leonard just as Leo exclaimed, “ Woah easy there pal, we’re not going to hurt you! We’re the good guys!”
50Please respect copyright.PENANAoKNjvCNCSx
“ What?! Why should I believe you?! You’re a…!”, Leonard screamed in terror as he began to feel an asthma attack beginning to take effect on his body. He still couldn’t believe what it is he was seeing and that he was stuck in a very terrifying nightmare that he couldn’t wake up from.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAgGw3n8F8ch
“ Oh crap, this isn’t working! Donnie help me out here!”, Leo hissed as he smacked his palm against his face.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAlqMgkNFLCb
“ Sure thing Leo. Look put it this way sir, if we really wanted to hurt you we would have done it already. So just calm down and take it easy.”, Donnie said as he tried to reason with Leonard who was still looking like he was a bit terrified from what he was experiencing but after a few minutes Leonard began to slow his breathing and said in a calm voice, “ Ok… good point.” before he asked, “ Were you the ones that brought me back here after that freakish nightmare that just happened at the university a few moments ago?”
50Please respect copyright.PENANAVp7uCHfuEp
“ Yes.”, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph said in unison as they began to catch their breath too.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA9ENZ4t8YxY
“ How did you know what room I was staying in?”, Leonard asked in confusion and curiosity.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAdaFHx6aMlm
“ We didn’t, we just made a lucky guess.”, Leo said as he crossed his arms.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAvbjA1hSG9p
“ Huh… you don’t say.”, Leonard said before he let out a cough and slight wheeze causing him to reach for his asthma inhaler to inhale some medicine into his lungs for a moment before he put it away.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAX98FReVUFa
“ You ok?”, Mikey asked.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAuHcAKzK4Aw
“ Yeah I’m fine, it’s just asthma. Anyway if you don’t mind me asking, who the hell are you guys?”, Leonard asked as he was steadying his breathing.
50Please respect copyright.PENANACfMcSWSAhO
“ Well my name is Leonardo and these are my brothers.”, Leo said as he introduced himself and pointed at his three brothers who were still standing behind Leonard blinking their eyes from behind their colorful ninja masks on their faces.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAfG9IBjnppF
“ Donatello.”, Donnie said as he held up his hand to introduce himself too.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAfhja17418N
“ Raphael.”, Raph said as he held up his hand too.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAmgZCKR1GtS
“ Michelangelo.”, Mikey said as he held his hand up as well.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAbmrfXLTbzD
“ And you’re… turtles?”, Leonard asked in curiosity.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAzWMjDfkB2v
“ That’s right, we’re the Turtles of Justice!”, Leo exclaimed with a heroic smirk as Raph then rolled his eyes and said, “ Wow, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes!”
50Please respect copyright.PENANAVXcvr9tgxk
“ You’re not helping!”, Leo hissed back at him before he asked, “ Anyway now that we told you who we are… who exactly are you? If you don’t mind us asking.”
50Please respect copyright.PENANAAXSX3kVEra
“ It’s ok Leo, I don’t. It’s… Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, Leonard said as a friendly smile began to spread across his face due to the fact that he was now starting to become a little aquainted with these new 4 mysterious green mutant turtles that he just befriended even though their appearances completely scared him at first.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAc6nazHBA2g
“ Dr. Leonard Hofstadter? You’re not a mad scientist are you?”, Donnie asked in curiosity.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAbvY8gZNjEa
“ No, I’m not Donnie. I’m an experimental physicist.”, Leonard said as he shook his head.
50Please respect copyright.PENANARr7SqdSoR2
“ Really? Where do you work?”, Leo asked in curiosity.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA11KbDOZjtN
“ The California Institute of Technology or Caltech University as most people call it. It’s in Pasadena which is where I live too, I’m just here for a few days due to the fact that I had been invited here to give a speech to a group of grad students tonight at the university here when all of a sudden it got interrupted by these weird alien robots firing blaster weapons at everyone including me which I don’t even know what the hell that was about because I’ve never experienced anything like this ever in my life.”, Leonard said as he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAafGt60YE7D
“ Well that’s interesting and anyway they’re an alien race called the Kraang, they’re from Dimension X who came here to our planet with the goal of taking over it and enslaving everybody. Not good stuff if you ask me.”, Mikey said as he crossed his arms.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAFyvBDTbcD4
“ Well that’s just sick and unappreciated Mikey.”, Leonard said as he moved to go sit on the edge of the bed.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAXNAoyAksuu
“ Exactly.”, Leo said.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA0uJEIBHItd
“ Thank you Leo. Anyway enough about the Kraang, what about you Dr. Hofstadter? What is it that you actually do for your work in experimental physics?”, Raph asked in curiosity as he crossed his arms.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAtfeTvMyUS1
“ Well Raph my work mostly centers around testing theories and working with lasers, not that it matters but still.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAI9rYFlN0YW
“ Huh, well that explains why the Kraang might have been after you in the first place.”, Donnie said.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAgiquIzgcZy
“ Yeah you think Donnie?! For god sakes that was… hold on one second you guys my phone’s ringing.”, Leonard laughed slightly before he reached over to pick up his cell phone that was sitting on the side table next to the bed when he heard it ringing.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAyyA5g57jee
Ring ring ring!
50Please respect copyright.PENANA7mPnTObeWy
“ No worries.”, Leo said.
50Please respect copyright.PENANANcfgJTyoFc
“ Thanks. Hello?”, Leonard said before he answered his phone.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAh8qhmgYhDZ
“ Oh thank goodness you answered Leonard! I was about ready to lose it!”, Sheldon’s worried voice suddenly screamed out from the other end.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA0c60QgQyw4
“ Sheldon?! What are you still doing up?! It’s after 11 o’clock at night!”, Leonard asked his roommate/best friend in shock when he heard his voice.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAad0iHc49EE
“ I know that but I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop worrying about you! So, how’s everything going good buddy?”, Sheldon shrieked as he was hyperventilating which was very noticeable to Leonard making him roll his eyes in disbelief that Sheldon was still fixated on the fact that he wasn’t there and was over 2,000 miles away on the other side of the nation doing God knows what.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAIqS1wMmO21
“ Fine! Look buddy I’ll talk to you in the morning ok! This isn’t the time for you to act like a whackadoodle and annoy the hell out of me over the fact that I’m not home right now and another thing, keep your voice down! You don’t want to wake up Penny across the hall because that won’t be good for any of us if she suddenly decides to go all Nebraska on you with her Slugger bat for being a giant pain in the a**!”, Leonard hissed in frustration at the theoretical physicist he was talking to on the phone.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA83vlmVc3Mi
“ Well excuse me but the only reason I was being a pain in the b is because you left when I forbade you to go in the first place!”, Sheldon hissed.
50Please respect copyright.PENANARXWd5WuCJH
“ Yeah well I don’t care! Just… good night Sheldon Cooper!”, Leonard hissed.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA5IA1W6bGZF
“ No wait, Leonard…!”, Sheldon hissed before Leonard hung up on him and set his phone back down on the nightstand.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAIYLkzq9OJ2
“ Woah, what was that about?”, Raph asked in concern.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAoQzV2Gz0wz
“ It’s nothing Raph, it’s just a roommate who I share an apartment with.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
50Please respect copyright.PENANApJusdqPfjL
“ And his name is Sheldon Cooper?”, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph asked in curiosity.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAICUd8mLqdo
“ Yeah, it’s actually Dr. Sheldon Cooper. He’s a theoretical physicist working at the same university as me. We’ve been living together for several years ever since I met him.”, Leonard said.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAKUbcvbJx7t
“ That’s nice but what’s up with you calling him a whackadoodle in your phone conversation with him a moment ago?”, Leo asked in confusion.
50Please respect copyright.PENANALxnigor9Yd
“ Mainly because of the fact that he’s just an eccentric person Leo. He does things and fixates on certain things that most people wouldn’t think are that big of a deal which unfortunately can be a bit annoying at times but whatever, it’s just how he is and how our friends and I have always known about him since we met him.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAuYjlXkgoyR
“ Well does he have OCD or something like that Dr. Hofstadter? Because that kind of sounds like what you’re describing here.”, Donnie asked.
50Please respect copyright.PENANA20MbConC06
“ Yeah you could say that Donnie, he’s a bit of a neat freak. He likes things to be a certain way and if anything is remotely out of place even for a moment he’ll pretty much bi*ch about it for weeks.”, Leonard said.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAriNXEARHtO
“ Man how do you put up with that?!”, Raph asked with wide eyes.
50Please respect copyright.PENANAm5uhNCVCbN
“ I don’t know but that’s pretty much how my life is with him and always has been.”, Leonard said.
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“ Wow, this is good.”, Mikey said in amusement as the 5 of them continued their conversation with each other before they ultimately ended up finding themselves crashing in the hotel room with the Turtles sprawled out on the floor and Leonard sprawled out in the bed.
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Wow! Didn’t see that coming! What do you think will happen next between them?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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