Chapter 2
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Then the next morning as the sun began to rise over the city of New York, the Turtles and Leonard were suddenly woken up out of a dead sleep when Leo’s T-Phone started ringing.
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( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song ringtone rings out into the air of the hotel room)
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“ Mmm… for god sakes is someone calling right now?”, Leonard groggily asked as he began to wake up and roll over in the bed to grab his glasses off the nightstand to put them back on his face.
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“ Yeah I think so… who’s calling Leo?”, Raph groggily asked as he started waking up too along with the other three.
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“ I’m not sure Raph, hold on one moment.”, Leo groggily asked as he slowly picked up his T-Phone to look at it while lying down on his shell back on the floor but the moment he saw Master Splinter’s caller ID on the screen he immediately shot up to a sitting position shrieking in a panic, “ Oh god it’s Master Splinter!”
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“ Sensei?!”, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey shrieked in a panic as they did the same thing just as Leonard began to sit up slightly in the bed.
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“ Is that your father?”, Leonard groggily asked.
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“ Yes it is Dr. Hofstadter now will you please shut up for a moment!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Dudes, we are so dead!”, Mikey shrieked in a panic.
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“ Yeah you think we don’t know that Crognard fanboy?!”, Raph hissed.
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“ Raph!”, Mikey shot back.
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“ What?! I’m just saying!”, Raph shot back as he crossed his arms.
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“ Ok can we have an argument about this later please?! Answer the phone meathead, don’t leave him hanging!”, Donnie hissed at Raph and Mikey before he hissed that last part in Leo’s face.
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“ I’m already on it Donnie!”, Leo hissed at him before he answered the phone in a nervous voice, “ Uh h-hey Sensei… what’s up? How goes it?”
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“ Leonardo, where are you and your brothers?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!”, Master Splinter asked in a concerned and angry voice.
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“ Uh… not really. What… time… is… it?”, Leo asked with a slight nervous laugh.
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“ IT IS 7:30 IN THE MORNING!”, Master Splinter shouted in an angry concerned voice.
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“ WHAT?!”, Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey shrieked as they all looked out the window after Leo quickly hung up his phone and saw bright morning sunshine as well as several hundred people bustling around like normal.
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“ Oh man, we overslept! How are we going to get out of here without anyone seeing us?! It’s broad daylight out and there’s people everywhere!”, Mikey shrieked as he put his hands on his head.
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“ We don’t have any clue Turflytle dork!”, Donnie hissed as he took his bo staff out to whack Mikey over the head with it.
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“ Ow! Hey, don’t disrespect the buzz buzz man! That’s not cool!”, Mikey shrieked as he rubbed the top of his head where his brother hit him with the wooden stick.
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“ Oh stick it in your shell already! Enough with the buzz buzz! That’s so stupid Mikey!”, Raph hissed as he threw his head back to look up at the ceiling.
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“ As if! Not as stupid as you being afraid of cockroaches Raph!”, Mikey shot back at his brother.
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“ Ok that’s it I’m gonna…!”, Raph hissed as he was about to pound Mikey’s face into the floor only for Leonard to intervene with, “ Ok you know what you guys let’s cut it out and not panic here! I think I have an idea of how to get you guys out of here without anyone seeing you!” putting his hands out in front of him.
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“ Really? Well what did have in mind Dr. Hofstadter?”, Raph asked with a bit of skepticism.
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“ I was going to say we could try a distraction with this Raph.”, Leonard said as he pulled something out of his suitcase.
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“ What is that thing?”, Leo asked in curiosity.
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“ This is just a handheld laser that I brought with me from my lab at home Leo.”, Leonard said as he was toying with the laser in his hand.
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“ Really? You’re allowed to do things like that?”, Donnie asked in shock.
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“ Of course I am Donnie, it’s my lab and I work there. Duh.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Good point.”, Donnie said.
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“ Exactly. Let’s just go.”, Leo said as he made his way to the hotel room door.
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“ Fine by us but this better work for all it’s worth Dr. Hofstadter or I swear you’re going to be the one explaining everything to our father about what happened to us if we don’t make it home.”, Raph said to Leonard as he then followed Leo with the other two Turtles and the experimental physicist following as well.
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“ Fair enough Raph, now shut up.”, Leonard shot back as they quietly left the room after Leonard grabbed his hotel room key as well as his phone and using his laser as a distraction he carefully managed to somehow get his new mutant friends to their manhole cover without anyone suspecting a thing a few moments later.
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“ Wow that actually worked! I can’t believe it! Impressive distraction!”, Donnie whispered with a gap-toothed smile.
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“ Thanks, so I guess I’ll see you guys later then.”, Leonard whispered with a smile.
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“ Absolutely. Hopefully we won’t get in too much trouble with our father for not coming home last night from hanging out with you in your hotel room after our first meeting with each other.”, Leo whispered with a smile as he nodded his head.
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“ Yeah hopefully not because that would be really bad if you know what I’m saying.”, Leonard whispered.
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“ Yeah you think? Anyway let’s just go you guys.”, Raph said as he started climbing down the manhole ladder.
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“ Fine by us Raph.”, Donnie said as he began to follow.
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“ It was nice meeting you Dr. Hofstadter.”, Leo whispered as he started following too.
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“ Thanks Leo, you too.”, Leonard whispered.
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“ Well hold on wait a minute dudes, shouldn’t we share phone numbers first so we can stay in contact with each other?”, Mikey whispered.
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“ That’s actually not a bad idea Mikey. In fact, here. Can one of you guys just hand me one of your phones for a moment?”, Leonard whispered.
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“ Oh yeah sure, here you can fumble with mine for a minute.”, Leo whispered as he and the other two climbed back up before he handed Leonard his T-Phone.
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“ Thanks. Hmm, this is interesting. I’ve never seen a phone like this before.”, Leonard whispered as he looked at it for a moment before he started to fumble with it.
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“ Yeah that’s because it’s a T-Phone. I invented it.”, Donnie whispered.
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“ You made this? This is impressive dude.”, Leonard whispered in shock as he went into the contacts box on the T-Phone when he finally found it to add his phone number into the contacts.
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“ Thanks.”, Donnie whispered.
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“ Don’t mention it, here you go. Here’s my number.”, Leonard whispered as he handed Leo his phone back after he shared the contact with the other three as well which automatically saved it into their phones too.
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“ Got it, thanks.”, Mikey, Raph, and Donnie whispered when they pulled out their phones for a moment and saw the new contact number in their contacts with the name Dr. Leonard Hofstadter right above it.
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“ Yeah thank you and here’s our contacts.”, Leo whispered as he took Leonard’s phone from him for a moment after he put his away and Leonard pulled his out. At first Leo struggled to find the contacts box but then he eventually found it, saving his and his brothers’ contacts into it as well.
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“ Thanks, got it. Alright so you guys have my number and can call me and text me anytime you want except for when I’m working.”, Leonard whispered as he took his phone back and put it away.
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“ Sounds good man.”, Raph whispered. They all then said goodbye to each other before they went their separate ways with Mikey’s voice exclaiming from the sewer tunnels, “ Dudes this is awesome! I can’t believe we just made another new friend, more specifically an experimental physicist from Caltech University!”
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“ Yes we know that but will you keep your voice down Mikey?! You don’t want Sensei to hear you because if he hears that then he’s going to blow his whiskers off at us and then we’re really going to get it!”, Leo hissed at his brother as they kept walking through the sewer tunnels to get to their secret lair.
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“ Exactly you comic book meathead! Now shut up before you…!”, Donnie hissed before Master Splinter suddenly showed up in front of them and scolded, “ There you are! Where have you boys been for the last several hours?!”
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“ Fighting the Kraang?”, Mikey said with a nervous smile.
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“ That was last night Michelangelo! You boys should have been home directly after that but apparently something happened to where you completely forgot about coming home on time! So please explain what took the 4 of you so long to get home here and do not lie to me because I will find out about it eventually!”, Master Splinter scolded as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes in suspicion at his 4 sons who were standing right in front of him in the middle of one of the sewer tunnels leading to the lair.
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“ Well that, you see Master Splinter it’s a funny story uh… ok fine, we made another human friend!”, Leo nervously laughed before he just blerted it out in a panic making his brothers hiss at him, “ Leo!”
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“ Who Leonardo?! Tell me who this person is right now or I swear to god I’m gonna…!”, Master Splinter scolded in anger making Leo shriek, “ Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, ok! He’s an experimental physicist working at Caltech in Pasadena!”
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“ An experimental physicist?! I don’t believe this! Why didn’t you and your brothers tell me about him the moment after you met him last night?!”, Master Splinter scolded in anger.
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“ Because we didn’t want to freak you out!”, Raph shrieked.
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“ Yes well I would’ve freaked out anyway Raphael, I’m your father! You boys scared the whiskers out of me and nearly gave me a heart attack by not telling me about what was transpiring after that Kraang fight last night in the first place! I was nearly up all night last night waiting for you and worrying that something bad had happened to you when you didn’t show up! That is not something I ever want to think about! You boys are the only family I have left now considering the fact that I lost my wife and daughter many years ago during my last battle with my enemy Oroku Saki in Japan!”, Master Splinter scolded his sons in anger as he thumped his staff on the sewer tunnel floor which made the sound of it echo off the walls in a loud manner.
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“ Well what were we supposed to do?! Let the Kraang take Dr. Hofstadter?! We couldn’t let that happen because there’s no telling what they would’ve done to him had we not intervened in the first place!”, Mikey shot back in defense.
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“ Yes but he was a complete stranger who you didn’t know Michelangelo! Anything could have happened to you and your brothers if this guy wasn’t a physicist as you claim he is! For all I would’ve known you could have been captured for scientific research and that would’ve been my ABSOLUTE HELL TO THINK THAT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!”, Master Splinter shouted in their faces before he lowered his voice and said, “ Look, I love and care about the 4 of you very deeply and I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Ever since you 4 came into my life and I started training you in the ancient Japanese martial art of ninjitsu you’ve become my children. That’s why I get so protective over you. We are different from the people who live and walk above us who do not understand why we exist in the first place. To them we are monsters because of the way we look. Does this make sense what I’m telling you?”
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“ Yes.”, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey said with a sigh.
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“ Good. Now let’s go inside and you can explain more about this physicist that you just befriended.”, Master Splinter said as he headed back into the Lair.
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“ Sure thing Sensei.”, Leo said as he began to follow with his brothers following as well. Meanwhile as the Turtles were explaining more about their new scientist friend to their father, Leonard made it back to his hotel room a few moments later to take a shower and shortly after he put on a fresh set of clothes which consisted of his green recycling logo t-shirt and another pair of brown slacks underneath his beige colored hoodie along with the same converse shoes he wore the other day as well as a wristwatch on his wrist was when someone knocked on his hotel room door to which he went to answer it after he looked through the peephole and saw that it was one of the staff members from the University of New York.
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“ Hello.”, Leonard said with a smile as he answered the door.
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“ Oh hi Dr. Hofstadter it’s Mason Garder from the university. The university president told me to come over here and check on you to see if you were ok from all that freaky alien robot chaos that just happened last night during your speech.”, Mason said as he stood in the doorway.
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“ Oh yeah everything’s fine, I just wasn’t expecting anything like that to happen at first. But yeah everything’s all good now, in fact, some really nice… ‘beings’ brought me back here last night after all that happened to which I can’t say who because they’d probably kill me if I said anything but whatever. You get the point.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he used air quotes with his fingers around the word ‘ beings’.
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“ I very much do get it. Well as long as you’re ok that’s a good thing. Do you need anything else or are you good at the moment?”, Mason asked as he nodded his head.
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“ No I think I’m good but thank you for checking on me though.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
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“ Absolutely. Have a good rest of your day then Dr. Hofstadter.”, Mason said with a smile before he walked away.
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“ Thank you, you too.”, Leonard said before he shut the door and walked over to the bed, throwing himself down on it as he looked up at the ceiling. But as he was doing so while thinking about his 4 new mutant turtle friends that he just made the other night his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a familiar series of knocks on the door followed by someone saying his name three times.
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Knock knock knock! “ Leonard.”
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Knock knock knock! “ Leonard.”
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Knock knock knock! “ Leonard.”
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“ Oh for God sakes, someone kill me!”, Leonard hissed under his breath as he got up and went to the door to answer it to see his roommate/best friend Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper standing there wearing his Green Lantern shirt and khakis underneath his tan colored windbreaker as well as his wristwatch, shoes, and messenger bag that contained his laptop.
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“ Hey good buddy.”, Sheldon said with a smirk as he gave him a Mr. Spock salute with his hand.
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“ Sheldon what are you doing here?! I thought I told you to leave me alone for the next few days!”, Leonard hissed in his face.
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“ You most certainly did but I couldn’t sleep last night knowing that you weren’t home Leonard. It was driving me nuts.”, Sheldon said as he came into the hotel room, shutting the door behind him.
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“ Well you’re driving me nuts by being here to which I don’t even want to ask about how you got here in the first place because I don’t really care at the moment! Just… what the hell did you do now?!”, Leonard hissed as he crossed his arms.
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“ Well, I tried hitting my bongos but that didn’t really help me much. If anything it just gave me an annoying headache.”, Sheldon said as he flicked his hand around for a brief moment.
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“ BIlengbe’!”, Leonard hissed in Klingon as he rolled his eyes in annoyance which was the phrase for ‘ Really you don’t say?!’
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“ Oh so this is a Klingon discussion is it not?”, Sheldon said in a high Almighty voice as he got up in Leonard’s face, standing up to his level and then some considering the fact that he was taller than him.
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“ No, we are not going to have a Klingon fight right now! What the hell is wrong with you crazy b***ard?! Just please get out of here and leave me alone! A lot of crazy and weird things happened to me last night that I would rather take the time to process by myself! I don’t need you here stressing me out at the moment! This isn’t another one of your stupid middle of the night Village People emergency preparedness drills that you annoy the hell out of me with every time you call them! This is just me wanting a few days away from you! laH!”, Leonard hissed in his face as he shoved him away, calling him an asshole in Klingon.
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“ Ok firstly I’ve informed you thusly on several occasions that those drills are necessary to keep our readiness up and secondly what weird and crazy things are you talking about?”, Sheldon asked in confusion.
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“ I got attacked by a bunch of weird alien robots thank you very much!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ And see this is exactly what I was afraid of happening! I told you this was a bad idea for you to come here in the first place but did you listen to me?! No you didn’t!”, Sheldon shot back in an I Told You So voice.
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“ Yeah well I don’t care what you want to say about that right now! Hivje'!”, Leonard hissed as he pointed his finger at the door.
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“ Now now now wait, don’t use that tone of voice with me! Vaj ghob ghotpu' je!”, Sheldon shot back as he jerked his finger at Leonard.
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“ Ghobe', chaHvaD jatlhtaHvIS je quvwI' je! MIp vangbe'mo' vIghajbe'!”, Leonard hissed in Klingon as he then shoved his roommate/best friend out the door, slamming it shut in his face in annoyance as a way to make him finally shut up and leave him alone.
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‘ For God’s sake Sheldon you make me want to cut my head off sometimes for how annoying you can be! This is exactly why I said I wanted a few days to myself! To think about that weird attack I just went through plus getting to know more about my 4 new mutant turtle friends I just met! Seriously, is that too much to ask!’, Leonard thought in frustration as he flopped back down on the bed and picked up the tv remote to watch some tv for the next few hours until later that night his phone started ringing.
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“ Hello? Raph?”, Leonard answered the phone when he saw Raphael’s caller ID on the screen.
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“ Hey you answered Dr. Hofstadter.”, Raph said in an enthusiastic voice on the other end.
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“ Well yeah of course I would answer you dork! You’re the one who called me in the first place so what’s up?!”, Leonard asked with a slight laugh as he shook his head.
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“ True but anyway I just wanted to let you know that… Master Splinter wants to meet you.”, Raph said.
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“ Really? Your father wants to see me?”, Leonard asked in shock as he scratched the back of his head before he pushed his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose.
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“ Well yeah he said that the only way he’d let the 4 of us continue being friends with you is if he meets you first just to make sure that you’re not a threat to us and stuff like that.”, Raph said.
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“ Well that’s understandable considering the fact that you guys are mutants and I’m a… well you get the idea.”, Leonard said.
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“ Right.”, Raph said.
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“ Ok well sure. Are you asking me to come down to your home is that what I’m hearing here?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yeah, so do you want to come down here?”, Raph asked with a smile.
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“ Yeah sure if your father wants to meet me then that’s fine with me.”, Leonard said with a smile.
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“ Great but there’s something I should tell you about him and don’t worry he gave me full permission to tell you this but um, he looks a lot different than me and my brothers… he’s actually a mutant rat.”, Raph said with a sigh.
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“ Really?! He’s a mutant rat?!”, Leonard asked in shock as he shifted on the bed. He almost did a double take because he couldn’t believe what he just heard from his new red masked mutant turtle friend.
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“ Yes he is.”, Raph said.
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“ Well that’s interesting information to know. Thanks for the heads up.”, Leonard said.
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“ No problem man. Just thought I’d tell you first so you don’t freak out when you see him.”, Raph said.
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“ And I appreciate that Raph, thank you. Alright I guess I’ll see you guys in a few minutes.”, Leonard said.
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“ Ok but just be careful when you’re coming down here. Donnie will send you the directions to get to our Lair but just don’t tell anyone about it. The last thing we want is Master Splinter freaking out about other people knowing about our secret home besides the two other human friends we already have to begin with.”, Raph said.
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“ Two other human friends? That’s cool but anyway I get it. See you in a few.”, Leonard said.
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“ Great, bye Dr. Hofstadter.”, Raph said.
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“ Bye Raph.”, Leonard said before the two of them hung up and Leonard then got up from the bed before he put his phone away, grabbed his room key as well as his laptop case and handheld laser before he headed out of the hotel and carefully walked through the streets of New York City until he reached the same manhole cover where he dropped the Turtles off earlier that day after they went their separate ways.
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‘ For god sakes I can’t believe I’m doing this. Anyway, here goes nothing.’, Leonard thought as he took a deep breath, opened the manhole, and began climbing down the ladder into the sewers after he first looked to make sure no one was watching before he shut the manhole cover behind him. He then looked at his phone once he got to the bottom and began following the directions that Donnie had just sent him in a text.
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“ Hey you guys, I’m here.”, Leonard said with a smile as he stood on the other side of the Lair entrance turnstiles a few moments later, waving his hand at his new friends.
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“ Hi.”, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, and Leo said with a smile as they waved back with their green three fingered hands.
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“ Are you Dr. Leonard Hofstadter?”, Master Splinter asked as he walked up to him with his staff, thumping it slightly on the floor.
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“ Yes I am, it’s nice to meet you Master Splinter.”, Leonard said with a smile as he nodded his head and walked through the turnstiles. The two of them talked with each other for a minute before Leo asked, “ Well… what do you say?”
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“ This young man appears to be very trustworthy and very intelligent at what he does. Perhaps this could be very useful to us and a great benefit to him as well.”, Master Splinter said as he stroked his gotee on his furry face.
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“ So you’re saying that we can be friends with him?!”, Mikey asked with a smile and a look of hope on his face with the other three doing the same thing.
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“ Yes.”, Master Splinter said with a smile which instantly made the 4 turtle brothers and Leonard start celebrating that they got permission to continue their friendship with each other.
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“ Man this is awesome, I can’t believe this! We’re going to have so much fun together!”, Raph exclaimed.
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“ Totally dudes! I say we celebrate this moment with some pizza!”, Mikey exclaimed.
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“ Oh yeah Mikey!”, Leo, Raph, and Donnie exclaimed as they started smacking hands with each other.
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“ I’m going to say yes but it has to be lactose-free for me.”, Leonard said as he took his laptop case off his shoulder and set it aside.
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“ Really? Is there a reason for that Dr. Hofstadter?”, Leo asked in confusion.
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“ Yeah Leo I’m unfortunately lactose intolerant so I can’t have anything with dairy in it or else I’ll be miserable the rest of the night and by that I mean stomach problems which I won’t get into detail about much because it’s kind of embarrassing.”, Leonard said with a sigh.
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“ Fair enough that’s not a problem, we can just get two pizzas then. One lactose free pepperoni for you and one regular pepperoni for us.”, Leo said.
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“ Sounds good to me. Thanks.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAoSg1LGRNBB
“ No problem.”, Leo said as he then ordered the pizzas with his T-Phone which Leonard then paid for with his ATM card. Then shortly after the pizzas arrived and all 5 of them were about to start eating as they sat down on the Lair living room floor next to the tv and Master Splinter went into his room to meditate was when Leonard’s phone started ringing again.
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“ Oh skeet shootin’ bullfights, excuse me a minute you guys. My phone’s ringing again.”, Leonard hissed as he pulled his phone out to look at it.
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“ No problem.”, Donnie said as he grabbed a slice of pizza to eat it with the other three doing the same.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAFxIbAiCTRa
“ What do you want Howard Wolowitz?”, Leonard asked with a sigh when he answered the phone as he grabbed a slice of his lactose free pizza from the other box.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAlLIx1MoLAX
“ Are you seriously freaking kidding me Leonard Hofstadter, you sent the nutbag right back to us?! Why did you do that?!”, Howard hissed in a frustrated tone on the other end to his friend.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAt86ARyPg82
“ Seriously?! That’s the question you ask me right now?! Why I sent Sheldon back to you guys?! It’s because I didn’t want him here to begin with! He was annoying the hell out of me which is why I said I wanted a few days away from him at the moment in the first place!”, Leonard hissed as he rolled his eyes and bit into his pizza slice, making sure not to chew too loud to make it obvious that he was eating something.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAhNnR0xkKrE
“ Well dude he was annoying the hell out of us last night too so what were we supposed to do?!”, Raj hissed as he suddenly butted in the background due to the fact that Howard had his phone on speaker, allowing both men to listen to what Leonard had to say.
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“ I don’t know Rajesh Koothrappali! Look can you two idiots just get off the phone and I’ll talk to you later! I’m in the middle of hanging out with some new friends I just met last night and I’m pretty sure they don’t want to be sitting here listening to me scream and yell at my friends on the phone like some complete psycho man so just stop it alright!”, Leonard hissed in annoyance as he threw his head back.
41Please respect copyright.PENANATnM6Es1Twe
“ Well wait a minute, what do you mean by new friends? Who did you meet last night after what happened to you in regards of that alien robot attack which by the way Sheldon told us about just in case you didn’t know.”, Howard shot back.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAeMIXnMcrOH
“ Oh of course he would tell you that crap and I can’t tell you who I met Howard, it’s a secret! Trust me, bad things will happen if I say anything and I mean really bad things! Things that I don’t ever want to talk about or think about! So let’s just drop the subject and move onto something else please!”, Leonard hissed as he rolled his eyes again.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA6FP5LGslam
“ He’s already keeping the secret about our existence! This is awesome dudes!”, Mikey whispered with a smirk to his brothers.
41Please respect copyright.PENANARpJO6Ym84D
“ Shhh, Mikey!”, Leo, Raph, and Donnie quietly hissed under their breath at him as they put their fingers to their lips.
41Please respect copyright.PENANANoURxdNaAo
“ Oh come on that’s ridiculous buddy! Why so secretive all of a sudden?! And where are you?! Your voice sounds like it’s echoing off the wall in the background!”, Howard asked in confusion with a slight laugh.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAO56ytVtij4
“ Yeah it does dude but he’s probably too embarrassed to tell us anything because for all we know he could be cheating on Penny!”, Raj said with a smirk in the phone background.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAaPsyKhpJFi
“ Yeah that’s probably it!”, Howard laughed.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2I0VA6vO2
“ I know right!”, Raj laughed as the two of them were smacking hands with each other which got Cinnamon all riled up in the background due to the fact that both men were at Raj’s apartment at that moment.
41Please respect copyright.PENANApgB4ORTgND
“ What?! No! That’s not what this is you idiots! I’m not embarrassed to tell you guys anything and I’m not cheating on Penny! Look it’s complicated and completely classified information to which very bad things will happen if I say anything about it to you and you know what I’m done talking right now! I will talk to you guys later! Goodbye Howard and Raj!”, Leonard hissed in frustration at his friends on the phone who were still laughing it up with each other over Cinnamon’s yippy barking.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA2q14vg7FHJ
“ No wait Leonard…!”, Howard interjected just as Leonard hung up on him and put his phone away.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAfQTqh4iYK7
“ Sorry you guys had to hear that.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he continued eating his lactose free pizza.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAKec3GHEvmB
“ It’s all cool man. Two friends of yours?”, Raph asked with a smirk as he continued eating his slice of pizza.
41Please respect copyright.PENANALxqgdAWgCH
“ Yeah Raph it’s two colleagues who Sheldon and I work with at the same university. Aerospace engineer Howard Joel Wolowitz and Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali or Raj as we call him.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAwx2Pi2JTnf
“ Nice and what does Raj do for work?”, Donnie asked as he took another bite of his pizza slice too.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAY8XoKV65Eg
“ He’s an astrophysicist Donnie.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANABLuqLJjJgJ
“ He sounds foreign. Where’s he from?”, Leo asked in curiosity as he finished his slice of pizza and grabbed another one.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAsjszqyy6SC
“ India.”, Leonard said as he grabbed another pizza slice too.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAwRPLcoNTk3
“ Nice.”, Leo said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAlvbVc7Ut0K
“ And what about Howard? You said he’s an aerospace engineer? Does that mean he works with NASA and stuff like that?”, Mikey asked as he devoured another slice of pizza too.
41Please respect copyright.PENANApYy8bJZD1J
“ Yes he does Mikey. In fact, he’s been to the International Space Station a few times already so far which he brags about a lot to his wife Bernadette and the rest of us every now and then but whatever. It’s just how he is and even though it gets pretty annoying the way he keeps talking about space he’s actually a really good friend it’s just he’s weird, idiotic, and even creepy sometimes like Sheldon, not in an eccentric kind of way but you get my point.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAQEmWLoYXuC
“ Yeah we do.”, Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey agreed and nodded their heads.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA96CWyMr7XG
“ Great.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANACosJ855bVk
“ Yes well anyway, you said that Howard has a wife?”, Leo asked in curiosity.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAJjdwWqXUUN
“ Yeah he does, Dr. Bernadette MaryAnn Rostenkowski-Wolowitz. She’s a microbiologist.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head and finished eating his pizza.
41Please respect copyright.PENANACvSklDiunw
“ Nice. And what about your other friends? What do they do?”, Raph asked.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA5A7wOY2h8E
“ Well Sheldon’s girlfriend Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler is a neurobiologist, my girlfriend Penny works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory, and then there’s my other friend Stuart Bloom and he’s the owner of a comic book store called The Comic Book Center.”, Leonard said as he leaned back on his hands and crossed one of his legs over the other one while sitting on the floor.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAp8nzsaZnED
“ Dude shut up, no way! Are you serious?! You actually have a friend that owns a comic book store?!”, Mikey exclaimed in interest.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAF9KzqrPivJ
“ Yes.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAPIQfBV9NYS
“ That is so rad!”, Mikey exclaimed in a geeked out voice.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAXMDIsP2NHU
“ Really? You guys read comic books too?”, Leonard asked in shock as he stared at his 4 new mutant turtle friends.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAZfpF88gRRO
“ Well we’ll read them on occasion Dr. Hofstadter but Mikey here reads them all day long. He can go on for hours talking about everything that happens within them. It gets kind of annoying sometimes but whatever.”, Raph said as he first pointed at himself, Donnie, and Leo before he pointed at Mikey.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA9fuMsBEPqw
“ Yeah I get that Raph. Sometimes Sheldon dresses up like The Flash and runs around our apartment acting like him like the crazy bastard he is which annoys the hell out of me at times but whatever, he’s not doing it on purpose it’s just how he is if you know what I’m saying. However aside from that he’s trustworthy and we have a lot of fun together. He’s more than just my roommate, he’s my best friend. My nutcase best friend.”, Leonard said with a smirk as he then took his phone back out and turned on some music. The song that began thumping into the air was Yungen by Rod Wave feat. Jack Harlow.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAp2gAgMTT9G
“ Well if he’s doing stuff like that to you at times then yeah I’d say he is nuts.”, Raph said as he finished eating his pizza along with the other three finishing theirs as well.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAwuhTo8NFFx
“ Exactly.”, Leonard said as he fingered with his phone in his hand, tapping his fingers slightly against the back of it to the beat of the rap song thumping out of it.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAA6wB4cxJGe
“ Did you just turn on some music?”, Leo asked in shock when he noticed the thumping bass playing in the air.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAlcL1oO4xiP
“ Yeah I did. Why? You got a problem with that Leo?”, Leonard asked as he nodded his head with a smile on his face.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAck25lZfQis
“ No I was just curious to know where that thumping bass sound was coming from is all.”, Leo said as he shook his head.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAxHaRhe60Hd
“ Oh, it’s just coming from my Apple Music playlist on my phone.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA3GJA8P6DZc
“ Ah got it.”, Leo said.
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“ Nice music.”, Donnie said with his gap toothed smile.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA5rRevptClK
“ Yeah totally man. I never realized a nerd like you could be this cool.”, Raph said with a smirk.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA0YdG5WVnP1
“ Oh so he’s cool and I’m not Raphael?!”, Donnie shot back at his brother, narrowing his eyes at him in somewhat of offense to what he said.
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“ Sure you’re cool too Donatello… when you’re not being a complete dork.”, Raph said with a smirk.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAODx2fFsK1i
“ Hardy har har, very funny you meathead!”, Donnie shot back in sarcasm as he crossed his arms in front of him.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA4t9sDOvsHo
“ Nice try Donnie, I know that was sarcasm.”, Leonard said as he looked at his friend.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAWDwBV2O85s
“ Yeah you think Dr. Hofstadter?”, Donnie asked as he looked at him too over the thumping music still playing from Leonard’s phone.
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*Donnie’s T-Phone starts ringing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song*
41Please respect copyright.PENANAlcemfTepx8
“ Donnie, your phone!”, Leo exclaimed over the music.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAVIcPDGR7Qy
“ Yeah I hear it Leo and sweet sassafras it’s April! She wants to video chat!”, Donnie shrieked when he saw April’s video chat request on his phone screen.
41Please respect copyright.PENANABPimNNVwnV
“ Of course she does.”, Leo said as he rolled his eyes.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAzSTPbZ9Kld
“ Who the hell is April?”, Leonard asked in curiosity.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA47QFUOWk32
“ April is Donnie’s girlfriend!”, Mikey exclaimed with a stupid smirk in Donnie’s face.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAts5yRpT3eH
“ Shut up! She’s not my girlfriend Mikey!”, Donnie hissed as he stuck his face in Mikey’s forcing him to shut up even though he wanted to laugh so bad.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAniD0Abinfn
“ Yeah but you want her to be so does it really matter?”, Raph said with a smirk.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAentMlzq00V
“ You’re not helping Raph!”, Donnie hissed back before he answered the phone with a nervous gap toothed smile, “ H-hey April, how’s it going?” as he put his hand on the back of his head.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAAvRl9osjME
“ Terrible Donnie, my dad still won’t let me out of his sight because of the Kraang and I’m just so bored right now. What about you? What are you doing right now and… is that rap music I’m hearing in the background?”, April asked in curiosity with a sigh as she sat on the fire escape of the apartment that she lived in with her dad and her aunt.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAPBxJhnLfPE
“ Not much and yes it is, it’s just music playing from our new friend’s phone. Pretty cool huh?”, Donnie asked as he kept smiling.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7GwZmfEFw
“ Yeah I guess but wait a second, new friend?! Really?! Who’s there hanging out with you guys?!”, April asked in shock as she stared at her phone screen. She couldn’t believe what she just heard coming out of her friend’s mouth.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAYHzIvHrnXG
“ An experimental physicist from Caltech University. Here I’ll turn you around so you can see. Say hi man, this is our friend April.”, Donnie said as he turned his phone screen around towards Leonard so April could see his face.
41Please respect copyright.PENANApLVh4WOvKG
“ Oh for God sakes you’re gonna kill me here, uh hi it’s nice to meet you. Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he smiled and waved his hand at Donnie’s phone screen.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAgjXMTLJbk6
“ Hi nice to meet you too. April O’neal. You’re an experimental physicist?”, April said with a smile as she waved back.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAQGEP3r4iAD
“ Yeah I am. I’m just here in New York for a few days to have some time away from my roommate who I live with in addition to being invited here last night by the University of New York to give a speech to a group of grad students majoring in science there which was going fine until I got attacked by the you know what.”, Leonard said as he shifted on his butt on the floor a little bit.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAgmhll5V7gj
“ Really, the Kraang attacked you too Dr. Hofstadter? Is that how you met the guys?”, April asked with a sigh.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA01d2oHvok5
“ Yeah unfortunately that’s how we met but it wasn’t a total loss April, I mean sure they scared me at first but we actually ended up having a great time last night after we met. So much so that they ended up spending the night in my hotel room without telling Master Splinter where they were in the first place.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANASMHo0sdrGU
“ Oh really? You met Splinter too?”, April asked.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA39gaFa0Yga
“ Yeah I just met him a few moments ago. He wanted to meet with me to make sure that I wasn’t a threat to him and his family after he apparently found out about me when Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey got home this morning, with my help of course.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANANAQpmcaNyE
“ Nice. How did you get them home?”, April asked.
41Please respect copyright.PENANALkiKBcLR4y
“ I just used a handheld laser from my lab at home as a distraction. No one suspected a thing which was great.”, Leonard said as he pushed his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose.
41Please respect copyright.PENANArEDuitG3sU
“ Awesome, maybe you could use that same trick to distract the Kraang long enough for me to sneak out away from my dad and come down there to hang out with all of you because right now I’m absolutely just bored out of my mind.”, April said as she flipped her red haired ponytail over her shoulder.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAaCDB9kBgwQ
“ Yeah we get it April but if only that were easy.”, Raph said with a huff.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA6UzZcqMQlg
“ Not helping Raph.”, April shot back over the phone.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA6CreWgAtIN
“ Ok that’s enough of that. You said that your dad is worried about you and won’t let you out of his sight?”, Leonard asked as he stared at Donnie’s screen as Donnie was holding the phone in his hand.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAg1kSTgqC3z
“ Yeah, it’s been that way ever since we’ve been kidnapped by the Kraang the first time and the Turtles rescued us to which it’s really starting to get to me now because I guess I just really miss the way our life used to be. Not having to deal with creepy alien robot invasions and stuff like that.”, April said with a sigh.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAXAAqbotpkn
“ Yeah I get that but um I don’t know if this would help or not considering the fact that we just met but do you think maybe I could try to talk to him for a minute?”, Leonard asked.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAErgNgbxdD3
“ Sure I guess.”, April said before she interjected over her shoulder, “ Dad can you come here for a second?!”
41Please respect copyright.PENANAlmVmMwBdVg
“ Yes April, what is it?”, Mr. O’neal asked his daughter when he stepped out onto the fire escape.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA7JLjmaPOd9
“ Hi Mr. O’neal.”, Leonard said with a smile and a wave from April’s phone screen after Donnie had handed him the phone to continue talking to her.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAWcD5qClWU7
“ What the…?! Cheese and crackers you scared me! April who is this stranger you’re talking to on the phone?!”, Mr. O’neal shrieked in startlement as he looked at the phone screen for a minute before he looked at April.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAkLn7oFcCS6
“ Would you relax Dad, it’s just a new friend of the Turtles. This is Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, he’s an experimental physicist from Caltech University.”, April said as she rolled her eyes and introduced her father to the physicist that she just met over the phone while talking to her friends.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAoP91QI7rwb
“ Oh, hi it’s nice to meet you Dr. Hofstadter and I know I’m probably going to regret asking this but what are you doing here in New York City?”, Mr. O’neal asked as he took the phone from his daughter for a moment to talk to Leonard.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAsvBAt3a7lK
“ You too and well the main reason I’m here is because I was invited here last night by the University of New York to give a speech to their science major graduates and also to have a few days to myself away from my roommate and best friend who I share an apartment with.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he scratched his nose for a moment. The music was still playing from his phone in the background as well.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAe3ED2JwvG7
“ You share an apartment with someone? Who?”, April asked as she butted in the conversation.
41Please respect copyright.PENANACM60pF2HYS
“ His name’s Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper, he’s a theoretical physicist that works at the same university I do.”, Leonard said.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAvFfONFLgIN
“ Ah got it.”, April said. The phone conversation continued among them for the next few minutes until they hung up and Leonard tossed Donnie his phone back but not without Leonard somehow talking Mr. O’neal into letting April come down there to hang out with them for a while on the condition that she would keep in touch with him which April was very happy about and told her father that she would be very careful and not get herself into trouble.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAI9e6WTfrWX
“ Hey guys!”, April exclaimed when she showed up at the Lair a few moments later.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAb2fwVixywZ
“ April!”, Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey exclaimed as they got up and ran to her, throwing their arms around her just as Leonard stood up and watched the scene in front of him with a smile on his face.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAcz1YG9wBbE
“ Well I guess what I said to your father worked, huh?”, Leonard asked when he walked up to them.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA8aKQG08a58
“ You bet it did! Thank you so much for this Dr. Hofstadter! This is awesome that I get to hang out with my friends again and get to know you more at the same time too in person rather than the phone!”, April exclaimed as she let go of her friends.
41Please respect copyright.PENANALqXkhG9wfr
“ Well it was really nothing. You sounded frustrated so I just thought I’d help you out a bit even though we just met.”, Leonard said with a smile.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAzoGxecUqbh
“ True and again thank you so much for that. I just really missed coming down here and hanging out with the guys ever since I met them. Ever since my dad became worried about the Kraang after the Turtles rescued us the only places he would let me go to were school and home which was really annoying because all I wanted was to have a normal social life like I used to but it wasn’t just me getting annoyed with it, my friend Casey was getting annoyed with it as well which didn’t really help me much because if anything it just made me even more annoyed than I already was to begin with over the whole thing.”, April said with a smile.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAuMgHFJaiuc
“ Yeah I get that.”, Leonard said before he turned to Raph and asked, “ Is he your other friend you were talking about Raph?”
41Please respect copyright.PENANAeQEQGBQVQn
“ Yeah Dr. Hofstadter, his name is Casey Jones and he’s a vigilante.”, Raph said as he nodded his head.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA1izgPPKhoZ
“ Of course he is.”, Leonard said as he rolled his eyes.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6cvnYeDkg
“ What is going on in here?! I’m trying to meditate and this is… April. What are you doing here?”, Master Splinter said as he came out of his room and noticed that April was there at the Lair.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAuB48EZpRcw
“ Hi Splinter, my dad let me come down for a bit to hang out, mainly because Dr. Hofstadter talked him into it.”, April said with a smile as she pointed at Leonard.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAAsLpxTR7OK
“ Oh really? You talked to her father?”, Master Splinter asked in shock as he stared at the experimental physicist while leaning on his staff.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAHijsGqC2gN
“ Yeah I talked to him for a few minutes after she called Donnie to video chat him and somehow I talked her father into letting her come down here but on the condition that she stays in contact with him.”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAbLjPATVlre
“ Which I’m totally fine with because I get it, he’s still worried about the Kraang but whatever. In fact before I forget, I’m going to text him right now and let him know that I got here safely so that he doesn’t worry about me.”, April said as she pulled her T-Phone out to text her father.
41Please respect copyright.PENANArM5JskkTQM
“ Probably a good idea.”, Donnie said as he scratched the back of his head with his green three fingered hand.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAWb9Me5vsKe
“ Yeah you think Donnie?”, April asked as she was texting her father before she hit send and put her phone away.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAjfZ5lDKh9v
“ Well alright if that’s all this is then carry on. I shall be going back to my meditation now but please do try to keep it down out here. I do not wish to subject you all to Randori.”, Master Splinter said in a serious tone as he then walked back into his room and shut the door.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAnQ7WSz5thl
“ Randori? What the hell is that?”, Leonard asked in confusion as he stared at his new friends.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAJraGfbJcRD
“ Trust me when I say this Dr. Hofstadter you really don’t want to know what that is because it hurts, a lot.”, Leo said in a serious tone as he looked at the physicist with focused eyes.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAHIaqobKXGp
“ Fine with me Leo.”, Leonard said as he dropped the subject before he switched the music on his phone to I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas and shortly after that Raph invited Casey over to join in with them so that he could meet Leonard too which surprisingly turned out well despite Donnie and Casey trying to one up each other as always for a brief moment to get April’s attention due to the fact that both of them liked her which was the same scenario as what happened between Master Splinter and Shredder when they were fighting over Tang Shen for her affection.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAcnhry92FeX
“ Out of my way chumps, this is going down swinging! Goongala!”, Casey exclaimed behind his hockey mask as he was dancing around the Lair living room like an idiot to the Black Eyed Peas song that was playing on Leonard’s phone just swinging his hockey stick around as well as if he was a big ham.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAEdyBEiRd6V
“ Oh will you just shut up Casey! You’re being a big ham right now!”, April laughed as she playfully punched Casey in the shoulder while she was dancing to the song too.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA0zxnevWFmK
“ Well it’s no different than what you’re doing Red!”, Casey shot back with a slight laugh.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAsdaDhC4Cds
“ As if puck breath!”, Donnie interjected as he bumped his hip into Casey’s to bump him out of the way.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAWcTr11NUfS
“ Hey! Who are you calling puck breath, gap tooth?!”, Casey shot back as he did the same thing to Donnie.
41Please respect copyright.PENANATzF6FULG7i
“ Gap tooth?!”, Donnie shot back.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAhubGtC6kbi
“ Yeah that’s what I said, gap tooth! Got a problem with that Donnie?!”, Casey said with a smirk as he lifted up his hockey mask for a moment.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAJQfpdm7Kbe
“ No, not as much of a problem with that as I do with your face! Eat it Casey Jones, EAT IT! Ha ha! Pow chicka pow pow!”, Donnie exclaimed with a smirk as he began doing a stupid little victory dance in Casey’s face while the music kept playing from Leonard’s phone.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAhWVKyeMm05
“ Oh yeah?!”, Casey said with a smirk as he tripped Donnie with his hockey stick, letting out a slight laugh of amusement as Donnie fell to the floor landing on his shellback causing him to shriek in surprise while doing so.
41Please respect copyright.PENANADAfLbvnZt1
“ Oh nice burn dude!”, Mikey laughed as he was dancing like a goofball to the Black Eyed Peas song and swinging his nunchucks around as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA7WlN8yPka2
“ Thanks Mikey!”, Casey laughed as they kept acting like idiots to the music.
41Please respect copyright.PENANABWrphKulCx
“ Oh shut up!”, Donnie hissed as he got back up and continued dancing.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAXPYvBrvKv6
“ Hey hey hey guys can we please not do this crap to each other and just have a good time! Seriously, we just met and we don’t need this!”, Leonard interjected with a laugh as he continued dancing like an idiot around the Turtles’ Lair living room to the song playing on his phone.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAduoK9tLFA3
“ Yeah what he said! Use your freakin’ heads you dorks!”, Raph butted in as he bumped his shellback into Donnie and Casey, pushing them apart from each other.
41Please respect copyright.PENANARHNl6ANhPv
“ You’re not helping Raph!”, Leo butted in as he bumped into Raph, swinging his arms and hands up and down as he then bumped his knee into Raph’s leg.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAqiGdfni3Rl
“ Hey don’t look at me Leo, I’m not the one who said anything about this! That was Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!”, Raph shot back at his blue masked brother as he pointed at their new experimental physicist friend who looked like he was having the time of his life just shaking and twisting his hips like an idiot much like the time when him and Penny decided to dance in their underwear in the apartment when Sheldon wasn’t home.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAOCdonSXM9o
“ Does it really matter who said what?!”, Leo hissed back at him.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAoEM2vtoMjq
“ Stick it in your shell, Lame-o-nardo!”, Raph shot back as he bumped his hip into Leo’s as a way to shove him away.
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“ Randori!”, Master Splinter shouted when he suddenly came storming back out of his room with his wooden Randori sword to whack all of them with it for being a little too loud and disturbing him.
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Thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack!
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“ Ugh!”
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“ Ow! Son of a bitch! Ok, now I know why I shouldn’t have asked about Randori in the first place! Oh for God sakes that hurt!”, Leonard groaned and coughed as he laid on the floor along with the Turtles and the two human teenagers that he just became friends with just after Master Splinter had ducked back into his room while the music was still playing.
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“ Well I warned you it would! What did you expect man?! We’re ninjas!”, Leo hissed at him as he sat up and cracked his neck.
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“ Uh yeah thank you for the information Leo!”, Leonard sarcastically said.
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“ Yeah thanks for the tip!”, April hissed as she got up too with the help of Casey along with the others.
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“ You ok over there Dr. Hofstadter?”, Raph asked as he looked in Leonard’s direction.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAjPqWhRxHSN
“ Yeah I’m fine Raph, I just need a few minutes!”, Leonard groaned as he let out some more coughing sounds and slowly sat up to grab his inhaler.
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*soft hiss of Leonard’s inhaler fills the air*
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“ Ok now I’m good.”, Leonard said with a breath of air as he then stood up and put his inhaler away.
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“ What was that man?”, Casey asked as he stared at him.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAjQZyft21Ss
“ It was just my asthma inhaler Casey.”, Leonard said.
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“ Really? You have asthma?”, April asked as she looked at him too.
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“ Yeah, I’ve unfortunately had it since childhood April. Not that it matters but you get the idea.”, Leonard said.
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“ Well that sucks. I’m sorry.”, April apologetically said.
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“ Don’t be, it’s fine. It’s just how my life’s always been and there’s nothing that anybody can do about it.”, Leonard said as he scratched his nose.
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“ True.”, Donnie said.
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“ You guys want to just continue our fun now and move on to a different subject?”, Leonard asked as the music kept playing from his phone.
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“ Sure!”, Donnie, Mikey, Casey, Leo, Raph, and April said as they all resumed dancing around like idiots with Leonard as if nothing had happened at all. This went on for quite a while before Casey and April left to go home for the rest of the night and Leonard started heading back to his hotel room while talking on the phone with Amy after she called him to find out what he was up to but as he was doing so he suddenly began to hear unknown strange noises going on around him in the shadows while he was walking down the sidewalk in the city prompting him to stop walking and say into his phone in a somewhat of a scared voice, “ Ok… Amy I’m gonna have to call you back in a few. I’m hearing some strange noises going on around me that are starting to make me a bit nervous.”
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“ Wait, what? What do you mean you’re… Leonard!”, Amy asked in confusion as Leonard then hung up on her in the middle of their conversation to look around at his surroundings more carefully.
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*sound of a metal can rolling on the ground rings out from a dark alley*
41Please respect copyright.PENANAeada1yy5tN
“ What the…?! For god sakes this is ridiculous! Hey, who’s out here screwing with me?! Show your ugly faces you bi*chin’ ba**ards! I’m not playing here! You’re messing with the wrong scientist here I can tell you that much and if you don’t quit it right now I’m gonna act like Darth Vader and send you to The Darkside!”, Leonard shouted, throwing out a Star Wars reference as he kept walking and looking every which way trying to figure out who it was that was messing with him only for him to suddenly come face to face with Shredder and the Foot Clan.
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“ I would think twice about saying that you pathetic fool!”, Shredder said in an evil tone behind his metal faced mask.
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“ Uh… ok… sure. Whoever the hell you are. Oh for god sakes I’m in trouble now. I hate it when Sheldon’s right.”, Leonard said in a frightened tone as he suddenly found himself being completely surrounded by Shredder, several Foot bot soldiers, Fishface, Dogpound, and Tiger Claw.
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“ Silence! Tiger Claw, get this pathetic piece of garbage out of my sight! Now!”, Shredder ordered in an evil tone at one of his minions that appeared to be half human half tiger who was standing next to Fishface.
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“ With pleasure Master Shredder.”, Tiger Claw said in an evil voice with a sinister smile on his face as he began to approach Leonard, cracking his knuckles as if he was going to punch the experimental physicist’s lights out.
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“ Wait, what?! What the hell is this?! Oh god don’t touch me, AHHHH! Son of a…!”, Leonard screamed as Tiger Claw suddenly roughly grabbed him, pressing his hand over his mouth to silence him before he started dragging him away into the night with the rest of the Foot Clan and Shredder following over Leonard’s muffled screaming while he was trying to get away but to no avail.
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“ Well this is interesting, Father. Who’s this guy you just brought back here?”, Karai asked her father in interest as she stood next to a jail cell in the fortress dungeon with her arms crossed just as Shredder and the rest of the Foot Clan was returning moments later, dragging Leonard in with them as he kept screaming and trying to get away.
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“ Not important right now Karai!”, Shredder shouted back at his daughter as he then took Leonard from Tiger Claw and shoved him in the cell, making him scream in terror as he landed on his face on the floor.
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*loud metallic squeak sounds*
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41Please respect copyright.PENANA07UR7quxTh
“ Hey, seriously what the hell is this?! Watch where you’re shoving you asshole! You almost broke my glasses!”, Leonard shouted through the bars of the cell when he quickly jumped to his feet to confront his captors with his fists clenched at his side.
41Please respect copyright.PENANANVPwtl9yAJ
“ I said silence! I don’t have time to be dealing with a fool like you! My main focus is destroying Hamato Yoshi and his accursive Turtles once and for all! Your intrusion into my plans is becoming very troubling and the consequences for it shall be… unfortunate!”, Shredder shouted at him as he stood on the other side of the cell with the rest of the Foot Clan gathered behind him.
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“ What?! A fool like me?! Ok firstly I’m a Caltech experimental physicist, the name’s Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, and secondly how do you know about my new friends?! Who the hell do you think you are you metal faced jerk?!”, Leonard shouted at Shredder in anger as he pressed his face into the bars of the door for a moment, getting up in his face.
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“ I have known about them for many years, longer than you have Dr. Hofstadter! Since my last battle with Hamato Yoshi in Japan I have followed him to this country building my all powerful Foot Clan to seek out my revenge against him to avenge the woman I loved that he stole from me!”, Shredder shouted.
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“ Foot Clan?! Ok that still doesn’t answer my question though! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ The name is Oroku Saki but you may call me The Shredder!”, Shredder shouted.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA9NxNL9WidV
“ Seriously, a bi*ching cheese grater?! You got be kidding me! That is the stupidest name I’ve ever heard in my life and if you don’t let me out of here and leave me alone I’m really gonna make you regret everything you’re doing to me in the first place! San!”, Leonard shouted at him with that last part being in Klingon, calling him a psycho buckethead.
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“ I said silence your mouth and another thing I have no idea what you said in that last sentence! What did you just call me you pathetic fool?!”, Shredder evilly shouted.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA4H1mWHxBia
“ I called you a psycho buckethead in Klingon you idiot! It’s Star Trek language, you wouldn’t understand it if it came up and hit you in the face! Let me out of here or I’m going to rip your friggin’ face off for this Shredder! I’m not playing here! Whatever this is you’re doing it better stop right now or else you’re gonna have to answer to what’s coming to you for this bullshit to which you’re not gonna want to know what it is in the first place! You’re messing with the wrong scientist here and I don’t appreciate it!”, Leonard shouted in anger as he shoved his hands on the cell door in a rough way which made a loud bang noise as if to show that he wasn’t screwing around.
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“ I think not you piece of garbage! The consequences for your incessant whining and disrespectful threats as well as your unappreciated interference in my plans at the moment shall be… unfortunate, as I previously mentioned before and you shall pay with your life!”, Shredder evilly shouted.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAJkcQptTV5K
“ Excuse me but I’m not going to pay with anything! Get the hell out of my face and leave me alone before you make me act like The Incredible Hulk and smash my way out of here as well as all over your goddamn face for this crap, just like I’ve always wanted to do to my mom while growing up in New Jersey due to the fact that I was always mad at her for treating me less like her child and more like her science experiment!”, Leonard shouted in anger.
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“ Shut up! Not another word or I’m going to kill you, pathetic physicist fool!”, Shredder evilly shouted before he ripped the door open for a moment to kick Leonard in the chest, knocking him to the floor again on his face causing him to scream in terror just as Shredder then slammed the door again with a loud bang and walked away with his daughter and the rest of The Foot Clan leaving Leonard alone to pick himself up off the floor in the cell that he just been locked inside of.
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*cough cough!* “ Ow! Ok that really hurt, god I hate Asthma! Ugh!”, Leonard coughed out as he sat up with his back against the cell door and took his inhaler out to suck on it for a moment before he said to himself before he let out a terrified scream, “ Well this is just great, one minute I’m out walking the streets of New York City to get back to my hotel room just talking to my friend Amy on the phone and then the next minute I get captured by some evil Japanese martial artist who apparently knows my new friends and wants to destroy them for some stupid ridiculous nonsense that I have no clue about and have nothing to do with whatsoever! Seriously, can this get any worse?! What the hell am I supposed to do now?! This is… GAHHH SOMEBODY HELP ME NOW!”
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“ Ok ok, get a grip Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! You don’t need to freak out, everything’s going to be fine! Just take a deep breath!”, Leonard hissed under his breath as he started to try to focus on his breathing to calm himself down only for it to be interrupted when his phone started ringing again and he looked at it to see that it was Amy calling him again.
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Ring ring ring!
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“ Oh god, what?! What do you want now?! Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler get off the phone, this isn’t a good time to call right now! I’m literally stuck in a terrifying situation that I don’t want to be in at the moment! Son of a bi*ch!”, Leonard screamed into his phone when he put it to his ear.
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“ Wait, what?! What do you mean what do I want?! I want to know what is going on with you! You’re freaking me out Leonard! Where are you?! What is happening?! Tell me now or I swear to God we’re all going to come up there to New York City looking for you right this minute! I’m not joking here, I’m being dead serious!”, Amy asked in concern as she was pacing around in her bedroom at her apartment in Glendale wearing her nightgown.
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“ No! You guys don’t need to come here Amy, everything’s fine it’s just this is very complicated and I can’t tell you why! It’s a secret! Look, just get off the phone and I’ll talk to you later! Right now I need to figure out what to do before I end up losing my life at the hands of some psycho maniac!”, Leonard hissed as he then hung up on Amy again to try to collect his thoughts and keep himself from going insane.
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“ Losing your life at the hands of some psycho maniac?! What?! Leonard are you there?! Seriously, what is happening right now?! Are you ok?! Hello, are you there?! Leonard?! DOCTOR LEONARD HOFSTADTER?!”, Amy screamed into her phone but got no response back which immediately began to really concern her that something was very wrong and that Leonard needed immediate help. She instantly then proceeded to call Sheldon, Penny, Raj, Howard, Bernadette, and Stuart in a panic only to receive no answer from them either due to the fact that they were all asleep by that point leaving her no choice but to leave them a terrifying screaming voicemail before she tried to go to sleep herself that said:
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“ Sheldon, Penny, Howard, Raj, Bernadette, Stuart, you guys it’s Amy! Listen I don’t know what the hell is going on but I think Leonard might be in trouble! He keeps hanging up on me when I tried to call him twice already and is being very dismissive about what is happening to him which is really starting to scare me! Call me back when you get this message before I go completely insane!”
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Meanwhile at Shredder’s fortress…
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“ Gahhh this is insane, what do I do?! I got to get out of here now before I end up dead but I’m stuck in a freaking jail cell! This is just like D&D only it’s REAL LIFE! How am I gonna… wait a second, of course! Why didn’t I think of this before?! The Turtles!”, Leonard shrieked as he gripped his head for a second before he picked his phone back up to call Leo.
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“ Come on Leo, answer your d*mn phone now! I’m losing my mind here!”, Leonard hissed as he listened to the dial tone while trying catch his breath.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAvGEp8w4Tcq
“ Hello?”, Leo’s groggy voice answered after the first few rings when he heard his TMNT ringtone going off on his T-Phone that was sitting on the nightstand next to his bed down in The Lair from the sewer tunnels below the streets of New York.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAAAfooZ4vXJ
“ Leo, thank god you answered! I’m freaking the hell out right now!”, Leonard screamed into his phone on the other end as he sat in the cell with his back pressed up against the door.
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“ Dr. Hofstadter? Are you ok? What’s going on? Why are you screaming like someone’s going to kill you?”, Leo asked in concern as he listened to the experimental physicist’s screaming voice through his phone speaker pressed against the side of his head.
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“ Because I’m in a terrifying situation at the moment! Look this is probably going to sound really strange considering the fact that we just met, but, by any chance do you, your brothers, and your father know anybody by the name of Oroku Saki or Shredder as he calls himself?!”, Leonard screamed in terror as he sucked on his inhaler again.
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“ Yes he’s our arch nemesis, why do you ask?”, Leo asked in concern as he sat up his bed.
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“ Are you kidding me right now man?! Shredder captured you?!”, Leo shrieked as he sprang up from his bed with lightning speed which instantly caught the attention of his brothers who woke up and sprinted in there screaming, “ What?!” in concern too at what they just heard come out of Leo’s mouth.
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“ Yes he did! Why the hell else do you think I would be screaming at a time like this?! He just captured me right off the street a few minutes ago while I was walking back to my hotel room talking to my friend Amy on my phone! Completely scared the living daylights out of me and not only that but I think I might have also scared my friend too which knowing her she’ll most likely tell the rest of our friends about it! Oh this is not good, at all! If my friends discover your existence then this will be really bad, especially if Sheldon finds out about you! The guy can’t keep a secret to save his own life! He’s going to tell the whole world about you if he sees you to which if that happens it’s going to be the end of you guys! Get me out of here as soon as possible before any of my friends come looking for me from California and expose your existence! I don’t want any of us to end up dead here!”, Leonard screamed as he sucked on his inhaler again.
41Please respect copyright.PENANALY7gnhIB1C
“ God seriously?! Ok ok just don’t panic Dr. Hofstadter! We’ll be there as soon as we can!”, Leo hissed as he threw his head back.
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“ Good, you do that! Goodbye!”, Leonard screamed before he hung up and let out another terrified scream that echoed off the walls inside the cell he was trapped in as well as the night sky when it rang out through the walls of Shredder’s fortress.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAcuUeqqj5db
“ Come on you guys, let’s go! Our friend’s in trouble!”, Leo screamed as he withdrew his katana swords from his shellback after he put his phone away and raced towards the doorway of his bedroom, shoving past his brothers in a panic.
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“ Yeah you think you meathead?! Move it you slow pokes!”, Donnie hissed as he raced after him, withdrawing his bo staff.
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“ Aww man, dudes I don’t like the sound of this!”, Mikey shrieked as he followed too, taking his nunchucks out.
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“ Mikey not now and Donnie stop calling me that! Shut up!”, Leo hissed as he kept running.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAiLO9Cug6bS
“ Yeah well stick it in your shells you lameos and all 3 of you shut up or I’m gonna…!”, Raph hissed as he followed them too, taking his sais out just as Master Splinter emerged from his room leaning on his staff scolding, “ What is going on in here now?! Where are you boys going at this time of night?! Answer the question before you get Randori once again for this foolishness!” making all 4 turtle brothers stop dead in their tracks when they saw their father.
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“ Ahhh, Sensei!”, Mikey shrieked like a little girl.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAZQG2e5r0p6
“ We can totally explain this, it’s an emergency!”, Raph interjected while trying to catch his breath.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAeWnrTbt8zf
“ Raph not now! We actually don’t have time to explain Master Splinter, we got to go… like now! Dr. Hofstadter just called me and said that Shredder just captured him!”, Leo interjected in a panic.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAFDaVDgrplZ
“ What?! The Shredder has your friend?!”, Master Splinter interjected in complete shock and concern as his eyes went wide on his furry face.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAPkvhDDRBKM
“ Yeah he does according to what we heard coming out of Leo’s mouth! That metal faced turkey’s gonna get it for this! He thinks he can just take our friend like that and get away with it?! I don’t think so! I’m gonna take his metal face when I get my hands on him and smash his…!”, Raph shouted in anger as he clutched his sais in his hand as if he was getting to fight someone right on the spot.
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“ Ok thank you Raphael, you don’t need release the raging dragon just yet! We need to think of a plan first before we go storming in there on a rescue mission!”, Leo shot back.
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“ What are you talking about?! There’s no time for that Leo! Shredder’s going to kill our friend if we don’t do something fast and we don’t want that! We just met the guy last night after that Kraang fight! He’s got a life just like us and everyone else in this city even though he doesn’t live here! We can’t just let him lose it so I say nerts to making a plan and go give Shredder what he deserves for taking Dr. Hofstadter in the first place! Come on, are you guys coming or what?!”, Raph shouted in anger as he twirled his sais in his hands and jumped over The Lair entrance turnstiles to run away.
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“ Raph come back here! You can’t just… ugh, we’ll see you in a few minutes Sensei!”, Leo hissed as he rolled his eyes and followed his brother with the other two following as well to go retrieve their new experimental physicist friend from the clutches of their enemy.
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“ Leave it to Raph to always get us in trouble is what I say about this!”, Donnie hissed.
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“ Right on dude! I was going to say that first!”, Mikey interjected.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAv1HbCMeEUN
“ Mikey shut up!”, Donnie hissed as the 4 of them got into The Shellraiser and raced off into the night on an emergency rescue mission to save their friend from his potential doom.
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Streets of New York…
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*car horns sounding*
41Please respect copyright.PENANARY4YCSug90
*screeching tires*
41Please respect copyright.PENANAoaz0T3O7bP
*several people screaming and moving out of the way*
41Please respect copyright.PENANAtUOWSSNMtP
“ Excuse me! Sorry! Out of the way!”, Donnie shrieked as he was driving The Shellraiser like a madman through the streets, narrowly hitting several people and cars that were still bustling around the city even though it was after dark.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAndd9kH6pJB
“ Donnie watch what you’re doing you dork! You’re going to get us in trouble or worse, killed before we even get a chance to reach our friend to save him from Shredder and that won’t be good for any of us if that happens!”, Raph hissed as he sat behind his brother next to Mikey while Leo was sitting next to Donnie up front.
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“ Yeah seriously dude! Could you go any faster than this?! I feel like I’m about to toss up the pizza we had earlier tonight from all this motion going on here at the moment!”, Mikey shrieked as he was trying to hold in his vomit that was threatening to come up his throat due to the vigorous movement that The Shellraiser was making from Donnie’s frantic driving.
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“ Raph, Mikey, shut up! I can not work with all this pressure!”, Donnie hissed as he sharply turned another street corner like a psycho, nearly running another person up a street curb causing them to scream in startlement thinking that they were going to end up dead.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA5v0eiFnMw9
“ You think you’re under a lot of pressure here man?! Try being in my position and then go and say that!”, Leo hissed as he was bouncing all over the place from the motion of the vehicle.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA4cO3bMFfSk
“ Leo please, not now! Shut up! I’m trying to get us to Shredder’s fortress as fast as I can but you guys aren’t making things any better by screaming at me and stressing me out at like, what is it, 11:30 at night now?!”, Donnie hissed.
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“ Yes!”, Leo, Mikey, and Raph shot back at him.
41Please respect copyright.PENANATI78Rrxa9U
“ Donnie watch out! You’re going to hit the curb!”, Leo screamed as he pointed in the direction that The Shellraiser was heading in which was towards a street curb the moment Donnie took his eyes off the road for a split second to scream at his brothers.
41Please respect copyright.PENANApQPI2P6dgd
“ Oh son of a bi*ch! Ahhhh!”, Donnie screamed as he quickly recovered the steering wheel away from the curb and rounded around corner just as Raph interjected in complete shock with the other two dropping their mouths open in shock as well, “ Woah Donnie, what up with the language all of a sudden?! Did you seriously just say something that Dr. Hofstadter said earlier tonight?!”
41Please respect copyright.PENANA0Nq4oOUsSi
“ Yes I did Raph! Don’t tell Master Splinter I said that because I’ll never hear the end of it from him if he finds out about this! I’ll really get my shell kicked for that and probably grounded for who knows how long!”, Donnie hissed.
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“ Yeah you think Einstein?!”, Raph shot back.
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“ Not helping!”, Donnie hissed.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAAhZkgY9dj4
“ Guys, both of you shut up! This is not the time for… Donnie there’s Shredder’s fortress! Pull around behind it now!”, Leo interjected as he pointed at Shredder’s fortress coming into view a few moments later.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAIxBqBTRSZF
“ I see it Leo, hang on!”, Donnie hissed as he jerked the wheel, making a hard left with it causing all 4 brothers to scream as they hung on for dear life before The Shellraiser finally came to a dead stop just a few feet behind their enemy’s fortress concealed by the shadows and a couple of big scary looking trees.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAhhQjUrxmmM
“ Alright we’re here!”, Donnie hissed under his breath as he grabbed his bo staff and stood up from the driver’s seat.
41Please respect copyright.PENANA5H0ws60JzG
“ Awesome dude, I’m gonna hurl! Blehhhh!”, Mikey said as he quickly threw up outside of the vehicle before he shut the door again.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAVlwsPLY09g
“ Great, now this is the part where we kill Shredder for taking our friend isn’t it?!”, Raph hissed as he stood up and gripped his sais in an aggressive manner as he made a move to get out of The Shellraiser only for Leo to block his way with his katana sword and hiss in his face, “ Wait a minute Raph! We can’t just go rushing in there without a plan, it’s what Captain Ryan would do in a situation like this if it was happening to him and his team! Shredder has Footbots guarding this whole area which means it’s going to be very challenging getting in there without being detected! We need to figure out the best entry point to limit our chances of that happening as much as possible because the last thing we need or want happening is our innocent physicist friend from California getting killed! Because if that happens then everyone he knows meaning his roommate, his girlfriend, their friends, and everyone else from their place of work will come up here looking for him which will then expose our existence to the entire world and we don’t want that to happen, especially Master Splinter because again it will scare the living whiskers off of him!”
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“ My god, are you flipping kidding me?! What are you talking about?! Dude this is not Space Heroes, you’re not Captain Ryan! This is real life, we don’t have time to be standing around doing this kind of crap! Dr. Hofstadter needs our help! So I say we screw all of that and we go in there to kick butt, take names, and ask questions later!”, Raph hissed as he shoved his brother out of the way in an impulsive manner only for Leo to get in front of him again, hissing in his face, “ Raph, listen to me! I’m the leader so I’m calling the shots here! We know that Dr. Leonard Hofstadter needs help but that kind of impulsiveness is what’s going to get all of us killed here if we’re not careful and we don’t need that! We will make a move when I say so but we need a plan first! We’re heroes, not zeroes!”
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“ I hate to admit it but Leo’s right here! We can’t just go in there and haul off like 4 crazy psychos Raphael! What are you nuts?!”, Donnie hissed as he narrowed his eyes at him.
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“ Agreed! Besides, I need time to work out my hot nunchuck fury!”, Mikey exclaimed before he let out a battle cry while fooling around with his nunchucks only to accidentally whack himself in the face with one of them causing him to shriek like a little girl, “ Ow! Ok that didn’t count!”
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“ Oh someone kill me please!”, Raph groaned as he rolled his eyes.
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“ Ok that’s enough! Shut up and let’s make a plan so that we can get our friend out of here without him getting hurt or killed! Like I said we’re heroes, not zeroes!”, Leo hissed as he gripped the handles of his swords a little tighter.
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“ And I told you that we don’t have time for that Leo! I’m going in there now no matter what you say! You guys coming or what?!”, Raph hissed as he ignored his brother and shoved his way out of The Shellraiser before he began storming off towards Shredder’s fortress, hissing under his breath, “ You are so dead for taking our friend you bi*chin’ ba**ard! Trust me, your a** is getting shredded all over this place when I get my hands on it! I will see to that!” while at the same time his subconscious mind was saying, ‘Wait, what?! What the shell just happened to me?!’
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“ No, wait… Raph! Come back here, you can’t just… ugh! Come on you guys, let’s go! Apparently Raph is deciding to disregard what I said like he always does! This is so not going to end well for us and our friend right now!”, Leo hissed under his breath as he rolled his eyes and reluctantly bolted out of the Shellraiser to chase after his brother as well.
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“ Totally dude.”, Mikey said as he followed after Leo.
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“ Mikey!”, Donnie hissed under his breath in a low tone as he followed as well forcing Mikey to immediately shut his mouth before he could potentially get them detected by Shredder’s footbot soldiers guarding the entire fortress as if it was Fort Knox. Meanwhile as Raph was continuosly storming towards Shredder’s fortress all hot under the collar just hissing under his breath, “ Stupid Leo, always telling me what to do! I’m sick and tired of it! For once I’m going to do what I want to do and no one’s gonna tell me otherwise!” he began to suddenly slow his pace as he was getting closer and closer with each step he took, beginning to make him start to second guess his decisions he was making.
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“ On second thought, it sure seems a little scary out here. Maybe this wasn’t such a bright idea.”, Raph said to himself with a sigh before he took another step forward only to find himself surrounded by several Footbot soldiers when they sensed his presence.
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*sounds of metal weapons unsheathing followed by a few android chirps*
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“ Yeah, definitely not! Of course, why did I think this was going to be easy! Ahhhh!”, Raph shrieked as he then engaged in battle with the Footbots.
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“ Raph! Come on you guys! ATTACK!”, Leo shouted as he sprang into action with the other two following suit when they caught up to their brother.
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“ You got it Leo!”, Donnie shouted as he was twirling his bo staff around, trying to hit as many Footbots as he could that were coming at him from all sides.
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“ Oh yeah son! Mr. Foot meet Mr. Feet, Booyakasha!”, Mikey shrieked as he joined in the cavalry too in an attempt to make infiltration into their enemy’s fortress to rescue their physicist friend from impending doom.
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“ Hey, watch it meathead! You almost hit me in the head with your nunchucks!”, Donnie hissed as he narrowly avoided his brother’s swinging nunchucks near his head in the midst of their fight against the Footbot soldiers.
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“ Sorry dude! Ahhh!”, Mikey shrieked as he jumped out of the way from an incoming attack on him from another Footbot soldier.
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“ Quit clowning around and focus on what we’re doing! We’re on a rescue mission to save our friend from Shredder, not performing in a circus!”, Leo hissed as his sword sliced through another Footbot that was coming at him.
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“ Gee you think we don’t know that Leo?!”, Raph hissed as he kicked and stabbed another Footbot with his foot and sais.
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“ Not helping Raph! Alright Shredder where are you?! End of the line!”, Leo shouted as they entered their enemy’s fortress after they shoved the last of the Footbots guarding the outside perimeter away from them.
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“ Yeah what he said you metal faced turkey! Show your ugly tin can face you evil coward and give us our scientist friend back if you know what’s good for you! We ain’t playing anymore stupid games with you here! So come out fighting, jack rabbit! We ain’t got all night!”, Raph shouted.
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“ That’s what you think you pathetic reptilian fool! Who are you calling a metal faced turkey, a coward, and a jack rabbit?! That is highly disrespectful and you shall pay for that!”, Shredder evilly shouted as he jumped down from the platform he was standing on along with several other Footbots, Karai, Tiger Claw, Dogpound, and Fishface.
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“ Shut up, we ain’t gonna pay for nothing! Where’s Dr. Hofstadter?!”, Raph shouted as he stood in a fighting stance with his sais in his hands.
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“ Yeah, you better start talking before things get ugly here Shredhead! Where are you keeping him in here?! Huh?! Answer the question before you end up answering to the stick for this crap!”, Donnie shouted as he pointed his bo staff at Shredder as if it was a metal spear.
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“ Keep talking to yourself like a weirdo Turtle and I’ll slap you like a salamander! We will never tell you where your friend is so I suggest you get lost unless if you wish to meet your doom!”, Fishface shouted with a menacing smirk on his face.
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“ The name is Fishface to you, physicist!”, Fishface shouted back at him.
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“ Yeah what he said! Silence your mouth Dr. Leonard Hofstadter! You’re not going anywhere!”, Karai shouted at him as well.
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“ No, don’t listen to them! Keep talking, it will make it easier for us to find you!”, Leo shouted.
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“ Totally agreed! Keep that trap open dude! We’re coming to get you just as soon as we take down these creeps for messing with you in the first place! Booyakasha!”, Mikey shouted as he started twirling his nunchucks around preparing himself for a fight with the enemy with his brothers doing the same thing with their signature weapons as well.
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“ Oh to hell I will Mikey! In fact, how about I add a little bit of this too?! Eat feet you stupid cell door!”, Leonard’s voice shouted as he began to start kicking the jail cell door repeatedly despite his asthma as an attempt to bust it open and free himself from it while his 4 new turtle friends were preparing themselves for a fight with their enemy.
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“ Whatever works for you pal! Come get some, creeps!”, Donnie hissed.
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“ With pleasure you pathetic pieces of garbage!”, Shredder shouted as he lashed out at them with his gauntlets, sparking an immediate fight between all of them as Leonard was still kicking the cell door to try to free himself.
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“ As if! The only pathetic pieces of garbage we see is you and your stupid clan so I suggest you watch your mouth before we shove our fists into it and shut you up permanently! What do you think about that Shredder?!”, Raph shouted as he lunged one of his sais at him and swung his leg out to try to kick him.
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“ I don’t have to think about anything except for sending you accursive Turtles to your doom along with your pathetic master, Splinter or as I call him, Hamato Yoshi!”, Shredder shouted as he swung his gauntlets again and kicked Mikey into Leo who both tried to attack him again with their weapons at the same time.
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“ Excuse me Shredder but you’re not going to do anything to them and that includes Master Splinter too! Put a sock in it you a**hole and do us all a favor by leaving us all the hell alone before I completely bust this door down and break your face!”, Leonard’s voice shouted as he kept kicking the cell door while sucking on his inhaler to keep his coughing and wheezing at bay to prevent himself from getting an asthma attack.
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“ Not before I shut you up and break yours first you experimental physicist!”, Karai shouted as she sprinted down the corridor leading to the fortress dungeon where Leonard was being held captive in to attack him as an attempt to shut him up only for Leo to somehow shove Shredder out of the way shouting, “ Oh no you don’t, get back here Karai! You guys after her!” as he then sprinted after her down the corridor, swinging his katana swords around at the numerous Footbots that were trying to attack him and get in his way to prevent him from attacking Karai.
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“ Don’t have to tell us twice you meathead, we’re already on it! Hang on Dr. Hofstadter, we’re coming to get you!”, Donnie shouted as him and the other two followed him with their weapons swinging around as well.
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“ Come back here and fight you mortals! What are you standing there for Tiger Claw, Xever, and Bradford?! Stop them you idiots!”, Shredder shouted at the rest of his clan as he pointed his gauntlet down the corridor that the Turtles just ran in to try to stop Karai from hurting Leonard.
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“ As you wish Master Shredder! Come back here you freaks!”, Tiger Claw said with a menacing smile as he cracked his knuckles again before he ran down the corridor too along with Fishface and Dogpound following him as well as Shredder who was determined to defeat his enemies once and for all.
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“ Come on come on, open up you stupid f*cking door or I’m gonna…!”, Leonard shouted as he kept kicking the door just as Karai appeared in front of him on the other side of the cell door.
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“ You’re not going to be doing anything Dr. Hofstadter! Now come here jack I’m about to shut you up for good to send a little message to your stupid little friends and girlfriend about what happens to fools like you who get in the way of our plans!”, Karai shouted as she reached out to grab a hold of the cell door to yank it open only to be roughly yanked away by Donnie who captured her around the waistline with his bo staff shouting, “ I don’t think so twisted sister! You’re not going to touch him, EVER! Come here!” as he then twirled his weapon around and whacked her in the face with it sending her careening backwards into a few Footbots who were coming to her defense when she screamed in terror the moment she hit them and crashed to the floor before she got up and lunged again shouting, “ That’s what you think you fool! Father help me!” with the rest of the clan including Shredder following suit to continue the fight after he shouted, “ With pleasure daughter!” outside the cell that Leonard was still trying to get out of by kicking it only to stop when Raph pried open the door with his sais after he kicked Tiger Claw in the face sending him flying backwards into Dogpound and Fishface who were trying to help him take down Raph to prevent him from freeing Leonard.
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“ Yes, finally! Thank you for that Raph! Alright come here you d*ckhead clowns, you’re dead for what you did to me!”, Leonard shouted as he stormed out of the cell and immediately took out his handheld laser from his laptop carrying case that he had with him to use it as a defense weapon against the Foot Clan who were still attacking the Turtles.
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“ Don’t mention it pal and nice timing with your handheld laser! Mikey look out, Fishface 4 o’clock!”, Raph shouted as he continued kicking, punching, and stabbing with his feet, fists, and sais just as he saw Fishface coming at Mikey trying to kick him with his robotic legs.
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“ I see him dude, thanks for the heads up! Booyakasha!”, Mikey shouted as he kicked and whacked Fishface with his feet and nunchucks sending him crashing into Karai just as she was trying to attack Leo with her katana sword.
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“ Booyakasha?! What the hell does that mean?!”, Leonard shouted in confusion at Mikey as he shot a laser beam with his handheld laser at Dogpound who was coming at him swinging his fist.
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“ Nothing dude, it’s just something I say when I’m fighting our enemies! IT’S AWESOME!”, Mikey exclaimed as he kept swinging his nunchucks around.
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“ Huh… you don’t say!”, Leonard interjected as he kept firing laser beams around and shouted, “ I don’t think so you psycho wildcat, get out of my face! Eat my laser jack a**! Don’t you dare touch me!” when he shoved away Tiger Claw and fired a laser at him hitting him in the eyes with it which caused him to scream in pain from the 2nd to 3rd degree burns he received to his retinas from that.
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“ Ow, my eyes! You’re going to pay for that you circus clown!”, Tiger Claw shouted as he lashed out at Leonard again only to fall flat on his face for a moment due to his inability to see because of the laser beam light that Leonard just blinded him with before he picked himself back up to continue fighting.
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“ As if! Who are you calling a circus clown Tiger Freak?! I’m an experimental physicist!”, Leonard shouted as he kicked him in the side of the head sending him into a wall with a loud thump before Leonard tried to come at him again with his laser only for Tiger Claw to try to swing his fist at him again shouting, “ It’s Tiger Claw and I don’t care what you have to say! I’m gonna make you eat those words you just said you pathetic fool!”
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“ That’s what you think! Eat my wooden stick you idiot and leave my friend alone!”, Donnie shouted as he twirled his bo staff around whacking Tiger Claw in the face with it which sent him crashing into Dogpound and Fishface again as they were attacking Mikey and Leo while Raph was trying to hold off Karai, the Footbots, and Shredder. But as the fight continued Raph began to find it a bit hard to try to keep up his defenses from the numerous vicious attacks that were coming left and right at him from every which way around him making him think that at any moment Leo was going to tell them to retreat when he began to notice it starting to happen to the others as well.
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“ You guys I’m getting outnumbered here! What do we do now?!”, Raph shouted as he continued fighting.
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“ We don’t have a clue dude! Ahhhh!”, Mikey shrieked as he ducked his head from a sword swinging at him from one of the Footbots coming at him who then kicked him and sent him flying into Donnie making them both scream in terror when they hit the floor.
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“ Yeah well I do! Fall back now you guys! This is getting too dangerous and what the…?! Dr. Leonard Hofstadter what are you doing over there with a metal canister?! What is that for?! We need to go man before we end up dead!”, Leo shouted as him and his brothers started to retreat just as Leonard was fumbling around with a small metal canister that he just set up in the middle of Shredder’s fortress on the floor while occasionally still firing his handheld laser at the Foot Clan to prevent them from interfering with his work that he was trying to accomplish at that moment.
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“ I will in a second Leo! I almost got… there, it’s set! Come on you guys, move it now! Let’s get out of here, this thing’s gonna blow up in just a few seconds!”, Leonard screamed as he sealed the top of the canister shut and began running away like a bat out of hell with his laptop carrying case slung over his shoulder after he shoved his handheld laser back into it just as thick white smoke began to billow up into the air out of the canister that was sitting on the floor in the middle of the fortress on a small platform.
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“ Works for us genius! Catch you later Shredhead!”, Donnie hissed as he began run like hell too.
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“ Yeah what he said! Booyakasha!”, Mikey hissed as he ran like hell along with the other 2 as well with Raph shouting, “ For once I’m actually happy you said that!”
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“ Not now Raph, zip it and keep running! Back to the Shellraiser, let’s go guys!”, Leo hissed.
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cough cough “ What?! I don’t think so! They’re getting away Father! Do something!”, Karai shouted and coughed from the smoke filling up in the room as she pointed in their direction.
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“ And do something I shall with pleasure my daughter! Come back here pathetic creetins, you’re not going anywhere! Bradford, Tiger Claw, Xever, after them! Stop them you fools! What are you doing and what the Devil is that noise?! Is that a… oh hell!”, Shredder shouted through the blinding thick white smoke at the rest of his clan as a gradual hissing sound began to fill the air for a few short seconds before a powerful explosion went off sending the villains flying everywhere from the blast zone screaming in terror upon impact as the walls and ceiling collapsed down to the ground completely leveling it to the asphalt with a loud boom that was enough to shake the entire city of New York to its core like an earthquake.
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“ Woah! Dr. Hofstadter did you seriously just…?!”, Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie exclaimed in shock with satisfaction on their faces as they watched Shredder’s entire fortress crumble to the ground from the safety of the Shellraiser as they were driving away from the scene just as approaching police car sirens were echoing in the distance.
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“ Yeah I did! Exploded it with rocket fuel! Ha ha!”, Leonard interjected with a smirk as he pumped his fist in satisfaction at what he just did.
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“ Rocket fuel?! Where did you get that from pal?!”, Raph interjected in shock as he stared at him.
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“ From a leftover experiment of it I conducted a long time ago with my friends that accidentally exploded the elevator in my apartment complex due to my incorrect adjustment of the formula shortly after Sheldon and I became roommates with each other! Not really important at the moment but you get my point! That’s what you get for screwing with me in the first place you metal faced punk! Dr. Leonard Hofstadter and The Turtles: 1, Shredder and the Foot Clan: zippo!”, Leonard interjected as he started laughing in amusement along with the Turtles doing the same exclaiming, “ Ha ha, yeah that’s what we’re talking about! You guys suck! Wooo!” as they all started smacking hands with each other while Donnie was continuing to drive the Shellraiser back towards the Holiday Inn hotel to drop Leonard off there for the night before driving him and his brothers back home to avoid getting in trouble with their father for not coming back home like what happened the night before after they met Leonard in the first place. Meanwhile back at Shredder’s completely leveled fortress, Karai was the first to emerge from the rubble followed by the remaining Footbots who made the same nearly identical android chirping sounds that the krangdroids made as they used their robotic hands and fingers to brush off rubble dust that had settled on them when they stood from the ground. Karai did the same thing letting out a few coughing sounds before she looked around her with a terrified expression on her face and screamed, “ What the…?! No… NO, this can’t be happening! Where’s… Father?! FATHER!” as she then frantically started searching through the rubble looking for Shredder fearing the worst had happened to him when she eventually found him unconscious prompting her to immediately start shaking him screaming in his face, “ No no no! Father wake up, answer me! Say something! Are you ok?! FATHERRRRRR!”
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“ Will you stop screaming in my face child?! I am alright but more importantly, WHAT IS THIS?! No, my fortress! Hofstadter just completely destroyed it!”, Shredder hissed when he suddenly came to and got to his feet looking around in anger at his destroyed base of operations.
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“ Yeah no shit he did! That Caltech experimental physicist is going to pay for this!”, Karai hissed in anger as she clenched her fists at her sides.
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“ And pay for it he shall one way or another Karai! In fact… Tiger Claw, Bradford, Xever, where are you fools at in here?!”, Shredder shouted.
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“ We’re right here Master Shredder! What do you want now!”, Dogpound hissed as he emerged from the rubble along with Fishface and Tiger Claw as well.
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“ What the fuck do you think?! Seek out and destroy Hamato Yoshi, The Turtles, and that pathetic experimental physicist ally of theirs Dr. Leonard Hofstadter once and for all! They think that they can defeat us with a rocket fuel explosion like this?! I don’t think so! THIS MEANS WAR! They are going to perish! NO EXCUSES!”, Shredder shouted as he clenched his fist in anger, pointing one of his gauntlets at the nightly New York City skyline.
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“ As you wish Master!”, Fishface said with a menacing smile but just before he could make a move to do anything along with Dogpound and Tiger Claw, the New York City Police suddenly showed up and surrounded the entire clan with their weapons drawn pointing them at them as one of the officers shouted, “ I don’t think so, you’re not going anywhere! Freeze! Put your hands where we can see them now, you’re under arrest!”
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“ Not a chance! You’re not taking us without a fight to your doom you pathetic mortal! Let me introduce you to my blades of death! Ow, what are you…?!”, Shredder shouted as he started swinging his gauntlets at the officer and his deputies only to be quickly taken down to the ground and slapped with handcuffs as another officer shouted at him, “ That’s what you think pal! The only thing that you and your little friends are going to be doing is going to jail for years of harrassing and making terrorizing threats against every citizen of New York! Boys, take ‘em away!”
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“ No, get your hands off me you fools! You can’t arrest me when I haven’t done anything of what you speak of! This is ridiculous and you shall pay for this along with my most hated enemy Hamato Yoshi the next time I see his pathetic face! I shall destroy him, his entire clan, and their foolish allies if it’s the last thing I do! Vengence shall be mine!”, Shredder shouted in anger as he was being lead away by a few officers to one of the squad cars parked on the street curb a few feet away. As the rest of the clan was taken away as well Karai started screaming and kicking her legs trying to break free and telling the officers to get their hands off her only for one of them to shout at her telling her to shut up as she was then thrown in jail at the police department along with her father and the rest of the Footbots while Dogpound, Fishface, and Tiger Claw got thrown in the zoo due to their animal mutated complexions. Things were then surprisingly quiet for the rest of the night but the next morning back in California shortly after Amy woke up and quickly took a shower throwing her clothes on for the day was when her phone started ringing prompting her to immediately look at it to see Penny’s caller ID on the screen. She then quickly answered it with a shriek, “ Penny?!”
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“ Amy! Thank god you answered! I was about ready to lose my f***ing sh*t over this screaming voicemail that I just now heard that you left me about Leonard on my answering machine last night! What the hell is going on?! What’s this about the fact that you think he may be in trouble?!”, Penny shrieked in concern as she was locking her apartment door and heading towards the stairs to head outside to her car so that she could drive herself over to Amy’s wearing the same outfit she wore when she first met Sheldon and Leonard just as Sheldon was quickly emerging from his and Leonard’s apartment across the hall to catch up to her interjecting, “ Hold on wait up Penny, I’m coming with you!” The clothes he was wearing that day consisted of his blue Superman shirt and khakis underneath his tan colored windbreaker along with his wristwatch and shoes like normal too. His messenger bag with his laptop in it was slung over his shoulder as well which was slamming against his hip as he was running down the stairs despite him knowing how dangerous that is to do in the first place.
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“ Not now Sheldon! I’m on the phone with Amy trying to figure out what was up with this screaming voicemail she sent me about Leonard last night!”, Penny hissed at her theoretical physicist friend and neighbor in his face when she pulled her phone away from her ear for a moment.
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“ Dear Lord, you got that too?!”, Sheldon shrieked in concern as he stared at her in shock at what she just said.
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“ Yes! Why, did you?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Oh what fresh hell is this woman?! Yes I did! Why else would you think I’d be following you if I didn’t?! In fact, I think Wolowitz, Koothrappali, Bernadette, and Stuart all got the same message too because they all sounded completely freaked out of their minds when I talked to them just a few minutes ago and they said that they all just called off work as I did as well to head over to Amy’s to which I’m assuming that you did so too because of this?!”, Sheldon shot back in concern as the two of them continued making a fast paced walk down the stairs to get out of the building to go to Penny’s car despite Sheldon always bitching about her ignoring her check engine light on her vehicle whenever he was forced to get into her car with her when Leonard wasn’t available to take him either to work at the university or to the grocery store to get groceries that they needed for daily function every single day.
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“ Yes! Oh balls, Amy you better tell us what the hell is going on right now or I swear to God I’m gonna go Junior Rodeo all over you the minute we get to your apartment because this is getting very ridiculous and pissing me off now that you’re even saying this like a complete crazy bi*ch in the first place!”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes and screamed into her phone again as her and Sheldon reached their building’s lobby and stormed out the entrance doors moments later to get to the parking lot outside.
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“ Ok firstly bestie you’re not helping and secondly, I honestly don’t have any clue of what’s going on with your boyfriend at the moment! We need to all get together ASAP and fly up to New York City to check on him now to see if he’s ok because whatever this is that’s going on does not sound good according to what came out of his mouth to me shortly before he hung up on me twice in the middle of our conversation last night!”, Amy hissed as she was quickly making her bed with her phone pressed in between her ear and her shoulder, wearing clothes that consisted of a dark green long sleeve shirt underneath her blue and gray horizontal striped cardigan as well as a beige colored knee length fitted skirt with a pair of black leggings underneath it and a pair of black dress shoes on her feet too. Her glasses were resting on her face as usual as well which was no different than how she looked every single day due to her profession as a neurobiologist.
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“ Well what the hell did he say to you Ames?!”, Penny hissed in concern as her and Sheldon were piling into her car before she stuck her keys in the ignition to start up her car after they both shut the doors behind them.
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“ I don’t know, something about him losing his life at the hands of some psycho maniac! Whatever that means which again does not sound good at all if you ask me!”, Amy’s voice hissed through Penny’s car radio when Penny switched her phone to the hands free speaker via Bluetooth and set her phone on the phone holder she had suction cupped to her dashboard by this point to avoid Sheldon losing his crap on her about talking on a phone while driving being against the law as she backed out of the parking space and sped out of the lot towards the highway in the direction of Glendale where Amy’s apartment was located.
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“ Yeah you think?!”, Penny hissed in concern.
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“ Oh son of a biscuit, this is chaos! I don’t like the sound of where this conversation is going at all Amy! This is really starting to concern me, I don’t appreciate it and your check engine light is on Penny!”, Sheldon hissed as he rolled his eyes in concern listening to his girlfriend’s freaked out voice on the other end of the phone through Penny’s car speaker system while sitting next to Penny in the front passenger seat of her car and noticed the check engine light was still lit up prompting him to complain about it once again like he always did.
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“ Yeah well I don’t either but will you zip your hole right now you whackadoodle! Stop bi*chin’ about my check engine light for the umpteenth time already! It’s really getting annoying and you’re not helping at the moment!”, Penny hissed at Sheldon over her shoulder for a brief moment as she kept driving while once again ignoring her check engine light that was still lit up on the dashboard and had been since she bought the car a long time ago.
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“ Well neither are y’all either you big ol’ five!”, Sheldon shot back at her with a little bit of Texas twang in his voice.
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“ Shut up and for God’s sake are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?! My God, Leonard actually told you that Amy?!”, Penny hissed at Sheldon again before she screamed that last part into the radio at what her best friend just said.
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“ Yes he did Penny and it was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life! The bi*chin’ bastard nearly scared the living pee out of me with what he said which means something’s wrong, like IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY WRONG!”, Amy screamed through the radio making a Star Wars reference back at Sheldon and Penny as they continued their car ride on the highway to get to Amy’s apartment.
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“ Amy I highly doubt this is an appropriate time to be quoting Star Wars!”, Sheldon interjected back at her through the radio as he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes as if he was doing it to Amy as if she was actually in front of him at that moment.
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“ Yeah well I don’t care what you think at the moment Sheldon Lee! Leonard is in trouble and we need to go check on him now! He’s your best friend and he’d do the same thing for you too if you were in his position at the moment! You and I as well as everyone else in this friend group knows that you care about him very much and he cares about you too even though you annoy the hell out of him as well as the rest of us too at times! You never mean to which is the only reason why we tolerate you!”, Amy screamed.
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“ Well, I suppose you’re right. I didn’t think about that.”, Sheldon said in concern with a sigh.
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“ Of course you didn’t you a**hat but that’s not the point at the moment! The point is, you know what never mind! We’ll see you in few minutes Amy, goodbye!”, Penny hissed at Sheldon and then back at Amy through the radio before she hung up the phone and continued driving towards Glendale letting her mind wonder in concern about what could possibly be happening to Leonard in New York City with Sheldon doing the same thing at that very exact same moment too as he tried to concentrate on his breathing but finding it a bit difficult to do so due to the fact that he was worried that someone was possibly doing God knows what to his best friend in the entire world that very second and he couldn’t do anything about it even though he really wanted to. Meanwhile back in New York City that same morning shortly after Leonard woke up in his hotel room, took a shower, and got dressed in clothes that consisted of a red t-shirt and blue jeans underneath his gray and black hoodie as well as his black and white converses on his feet and his glasses on his face he grabbed his inhaler, clipped it to his belt on his waist, and grabbed his laptop carrying case that had his laptop, phone, wallet, keys, earbuds, and handheld laser in it before he grabbed his hotel room key card and left the room to go back down into the sewer system to continue hanging out with his new turtle friends at their secret underground lair while being careful not to attract any unwanted attention to what he was doing in the first place.
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“ Hey you guys I’m…”, Leonard started to say when he walked through the lair’s entrance turnstiles moments later.
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“ Dr. Hofstadter!”, April and Casey shrieked in concern when they suddenly ran up to him with the 4 turtles gathering around as well when they stood up the floor in front of the tv.
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“ Oh for God sakes woah woah woah, what are you…?! April, Casey, what the hell are you two doing here?! I would have thought you would have been in school by this time of day or something like that by now!”, Leonard shrieked in surprise when he suddenly found himself in a bone crushing hug from the two human teenagers that he just befriended the night before in addition to the Turtles since he first met them on his first night in New York City after his speech at the university.
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“ We were supposed to but they canceled it at the last second due to a pipe bursting in the school boiler room and it flooded everything. We may be out of school for at least a week or two depending on how bad the flood damage ends up being. But anyway, the guys just told us what happened with you, The Shredder, and the Foot Clan last night. Are you ok?”, April asked in concern as she looked at the experimental physicist after her and Casey let go of him.
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“ Yeah did those chumps hurt you or something like that?! Because if they did I’ll kick their butts for that crap the next time I see them, if that even happens depending on the outcome of this news article that was just posted 20 minutes ago this morning!”, Casey asked in concern as he leaned on his hockey stick with his hockey mask sitting on top of his head.
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“ Well that’s interesting and yeah I’m fine you guys, nothing too bad happened it’s just that it scared the hell out of me because I wasn’t expecting anything like that to happen to me in the first place and son of a bi*ch what news article are you talking about that got posted this morning?!”, Leonard asked in confusion as he stared at Casey and the others.
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“ Yeah what else happened you dork besides your school being canceled today?!”, Raph asked in confusion as he stared at his friend, crossing his arms in front of him.
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“ Well believe it or not check this out you guys, Shredder and the Foot Clan got arrested by the police last night!”, Casey said with a smirk on his face as he showed his friends the New York City Front Page News article on his T-Phone that got posted online that morning.
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“ What?! Seriously?!”, April, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Leo, and Leonard asked in shock as they gathered around Casey to look at his phone.
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“ Yeah I’m serious, it says Japanese martial arts clan headed by Oroku Saki taken into NYPD custody for citizen harrassment and terroristic threats following the complete destruction of their base of operations! Isn’t that sick?!”, Casey exclaimed as he read the headline of the news article.
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“ Yeah it is dude! That’s awesome!”, Mikey exclaimed as him and his brothers started smacking hands with each other and exclaiming in agreement.
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“ Yeah totally agreed Mikey! Screw that evil a**hole! He totally got what he deserved now for screwing with us in the first place since I met you guys 2 nights ago after the Kraang attacked me! I thought me destroying his fortress with a canister of rocket fuel was enough but this with them getting arrested too afterwards just really tops it off! Man I just love being a scientist and doing stupid sh*t like this to people who deserve it! Fucking son of a bitch!”, Leonard exclaimed as he started laughing it up in amusement while slapping himself in the chest repeatedly before he leaned over one of the posts of the turnstiles and started pounding his fist against it as if what he just heard was the funniest thing ever which in turn made the rest of them crack up as well prompting Master Splinter to emerge from his room thumping his staff on the floor as he scolded in somewhat of a loud voice, “ What is going on in here now?! What is the meaning of this obnoxious laughter coming from out here at 8 o’clock in the morning?! It’s disturbing my morning meditation session! Boys?!” as he then narrowed his eyes at his 4 turtle sons as if he assumed that they were the ones that started this laughing bit to begin with between themselves, their two human teenage friends, and their new human scientist friend from California.
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“ Oh hey Sensei, don’t look at us! We’re not the ones who started this! That was Dr. Hofstadter!”, Raph laughed as he pointed at himself and his brothers for a moment before he pointed at Leonard who was still laughing it up with them and pounding his fist against the turnstile post he was leaning against despite his asthma that he knew that would mostly attack him at any moment because of that and would have to use his asthma inhaler to avoid dying from being short of breath which was something he didn’t ever want to happen in the first place.
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“ What?! Dr. Leonard Hofstadter?!”, Master Splinter scolded as he narrowed his eyes at Leonard.
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“ Oh come on don’t look at me like that Master Splinter, I can’t help it right now! This what I just found out is so funny and it’s something that you’re gonna be totally happy about!”, Leonard laughed as he looked at the humanoid rat standing a few feet away in front of him.
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“ Well out with it young man! Please explain to me what it is that is so funny right now that you had to completely interrupt my meditation right this second before I subject you to more Randori like I did last night as well as my sons and their other two human friends for this foolishness!”, Master Splinter scolded the experimental physicist as he thumped his staff on the floor again.
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“ Ok ok ok chill out, you really want to know?! Your enemy and his entire clan just got arrested last night shortly after I just destroyed their entire fortress with a canister of rocket fuel for what they did to me in terms of capturing me and shoving me in a jail cell!”, Leonard laughed as Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, April, and Casey continued doing the same thing just smacking hands with each other in celebration as if it was still the funniest thing that had ever happened in the history of the entire universe.
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“ What, are you serious?! Is this a joke right now?!”, Master Splinter asked in shock as he kept staring at Leonard, Leo, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, Casey, and April.
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“ No it’s not Sensei, check it out! It made the Front Page News this morning!”, Donnie laughed as he took Casey’s phone from him for a moment to show Master Splinter the online news article to him.
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“ Well this is interesting my son. Ok, it’s official. This went from being my worst morning to my best morning ever.”, Master Splinter said in shock as he stroked his goatee on his furry face for a moment before he interjected in satisfaction, “ Screw you Oroku Saki, you’re not touching my sons, our allies, and I now! Now you shall officially pay for the crimes you committed once and for all you heathen assassin!” with a smile beginning to spread across his face due to the fact that he just pretty much won the battle over his enemy at that moment.
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“ Oh hell yeah he will! This is awesome!”, Leonard laughed as he smacked his hands together before he kept smacking hands with his new friends who were still celebrating too over that aspect.
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“ Totally dude! I say we celebrate with some music right now! To the downfall of Shredder and the Foot Clan!”, Mikey exclaimed as he threw his hands in the air.
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“ Yeaaaahhhh, wooooo!”, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, Casey, Raph, April, and Leonard exclaimed as Donnie gave Casey his phone back before Leonard turned his phone on and they started dancing around the lair living room like idiots to the song Lovesick by Maroon 5 after Leonard set his laptop case down next to the couch so that he wouldn’t damage anything that was in it. While this was going on Master Splinter stood there for a moment shaking his head letting out an amused chuckle from his throat at the scene in front of him before he went back to his room and shut the door leaving his 4 boys to have their fun with their friends for the moment.
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“ Screw those Foot Clan chumps! They’re nothing but losers! Goongala!”, Casey exclaimed as he was swinging his hockey stick and dancing around like an idiot to the music, bumping his back against April’s.
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“ Hell yeah they are you big dork! They completely suck if you ask me! Stick it in your metal faced turkey face Shredder! You ain’t touching us now! Ha ha!”, Raph exclaimed with a smirk as he bumped his way in between Casey and April as they all kept dancing around the living room like crazy to Leonard’s phone music playing from his Apple Music playlist.
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“ Oh nice one Raph!”, April exclaimed with a smirk as playfully slapped him in the shoulder.
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“ Well thanks April! I thought so too!”, Raph laughed.
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“ Excuse me but what was that I just heard come out of your mouth Raphael?! Did you just say the H word?!”, Master Splinter’s voice scolded from his bedroom from behind his bedroom door.
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“ Yes I did, why do you ask?!”, Raph interjected back at his father as he kept laughing his butt off at what he said while still dancing around like a dork in the living room to the song on Leonard’s phone.
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“ You very well know why my son! That is a very inappropriate adult word and I do not want to hear you or your brothers saying that ever in our home! I did not raise you boys to say words like that!”, Master Splinter’s voice scolded again.
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“ Oh come on Master Splinter, it’s not our fault! Dr. Hofstadter’s been saying that crap in front of us ever since he got here 2 nights ago!”, Leo shot back in defense as they all stopped what they were doing for a moment.
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“ Oh yeah sure Leo, way to throw me under the bus with your father now why don’t ya?!”, Leonard shot back at his blue masked turtle friend.
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“ Oh you know what I meant man! Shut up!”, Leo shot back at him.
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“ What?! Ok well here’s what I’m going to say to you and your brothers about that now Leonardo! Your friend either has to stop saying these kind of words around the 4 of you in our home or YOU DON’T REPEAT WHAT HE SAYS, PERIOD! It’s disrespectful and I don’t appreciate it! The next time I hear any of the 4 of you saying anything like that again you shall be subjected to Randori once again in addition to doing 50 flips after that and then you’ll be grounded for a month as part of your punishment too for saying things that I did not give you permission for to say in the first place! Do I make myself clear here?!”, Master Splinter’s voice scolded.
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“ Yes.”, Donnie, Mikey, Raph, and Leo said in acknowledgement.
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“ Good! Thank you! Alright that’ll be all, you may go back to your fun!”, Master Splinter’s voice scolded.
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“ Great, thanks!”, Mikey exclaimed as they all resumed dancing around to the music. Meanwhile back in California a few minutes later, Sheldon and Penny finally arrived at Amy’s apartment and knocked on the door as a way to finally get to the bottom of what Amy was flipping out about in her voicemail she sent them the night before.
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Knock knock knock! “ Amy!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Amy!”
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Knock knock knock! “ Amy!”
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“ There you are! What took you guys so long?! I was about two seconds away from calling the police to report you guys missing too! What the hell Penny?!”, Amy hissed in concern when she answered her door after Sheldon knocked on it and crossed her arms with Bernadette, Stuart, Howard, and Raj gathered around a few feet behind her after they had gotten there shortly before Penny and Sheldon finally showed up.
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“ Oh shut up Amy, we don’t have time for this! Sheldon and I would’ve gotten here sooner if the traffic hadn’t been backed up for the last 3 miles due the highway being reduced down to one lane because of stupid construction and because Sheldon would not shut his hole about my stupid check engine light for the bitchin’ gazillionth time already even though I’ve told him over and over again that it’s fine and that the light’s been on since I bought the car but that’s not the point at the moment!”, Penny hissed as her and Sheldon stood in the hallway outside Apartment 314 looking like they were clearly very annoyed about the whole situation at that moment.
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“ Yeah clearly it’s not! Look can you just get in here and we can discuss this later please?! We got bigger issues to worry about!”, Amy hissed.
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“ Fine, sure! Whatever! Thank you bestie and wait a second, what the hell?! You guys are already here?! How long have you been waiting?!”, Penny hissed as her and Sheldon walked into the apartment to see the other 4 of their friends standing there behind Amy when she stepped aside to let them in.
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“ We’ve been here for the past 10 minutes Penny.”, Stuart said.
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“ Well how did you get around the road construction?!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Michigan Avenue, what the hell do you think?!”, Bernadette hissed as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.
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“ D*mn it, seriously?! I guess I should have done that too had I known that the traffic was going to be this bad in the first place! God I’m so stupid!”, Penny hissed as she rolled her eyes.
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“ Ok firstly Penny you are not stupid even though sometimes you do act like you are once in a while and secondly, we can discuss more about your driving issues later! Right now we have more pressing matters to talk about and by that I mean Leonard!”, Sheldon interjected in a Know-It-All voice as he narrowed his eyes at her.
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“ Yeah I know that Dr. Whackadoodle! You don’t need to rub it in my face like the weird crazy man you are to us nearly every single day and another thing, there’s nothing wrong with my driving to begin with! Shut up before you make me want to go Nebraska all over your a** for annoying the hell out of me driving over here in the first place!”, Penny hissed in his face looking like she wanted to punch his lights out for what he just said to her.
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“ Ok you know what I don’t think that’s…!”, Sheldon hissed back as he pointed his finger at her only to be interrupted by Raj’s little Yorkshire Terrier dog Cinnamon barking while she was sitting on one of her owner’s arms as if she was trying butt in on the conversation too.
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Arf arf arf arf!
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“ Cinnamon shut up, you’re not… seriously Raj?! You brought your dog with you too?! What is this madness?!”, Sheldon shouted at Cinnamon forcing her to shut up almost immediately as he then hissed that last part in Raj’s face to show him that he was starting to become very annoyed with the situation due to the fact that he was still very worried about Leonard and didn’t know what exactly was happening to him on the otherside of the nation at that moment.
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“ Ok firstly Sheldon do not scream at her like that and secondly, I had to dude! There’s no way that I was just going to leave her alone in my apartment for who knows how long we’re gonna be gone! She’s my baby and has been since the day Howard and Bernadette first gave her to me!”, Raj shot back at his friend shortly after he had taken his placebo due to his selective mutism.
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“ Yeah way to point out the obvious Sherlock Holmes.”, Howard said as he rolled his eyes at his best friend.
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“ Would you shut up Howard?! You’re not helping!”, Raj hissed back in his face as Cinnamon was resting on his arm.
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“ Both of you aren’t helping you putzes so why don’t both of you shut up because we don’t need this at the moment!”, Bernadette hissed at her husband Howard and their friend Raj making them zip their traps almost immediately to avoid getting smacked by her like she always did whenever she got annoyed with their antics.
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“ Yes thank you Bernadette, we really don’t! We have more important things to worry about right now such as getting the hell out of here to go look for Leonard in New York City because the longer we stay here arguing about stupid things that don’t matter decreases our chances of finding him alive if he’s in trouble which I’m pretty d*mn sure he is and I don’t think any of us want to end up planning a funeral for our friend who we love and care about very much and don’t want to lose him to somebody doing God knows what to him to begin with!”, Amy hissed as she clenched her fists at her sides while gripping the strap of her purse that she just picked up to sling over her shoulder.
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“ Oh to hell we don’t Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler!”, Sheldon, Raj, Stuart, Howard, Bernadette, and Penny interjected in concern as they all stared at her.
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“ Exactly! So let’s just shut up and go, we have a friend to find!”, Amy hissed before she stormed out the door slamming it behind her.
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“ Bossy bi*ch, just like my mother when she was alive.”, Howard mumbled under his breath as they all began to follow her with Bernadette shutting the door behind them after she latched it from the inside so that no one could break into Amy’s apartment and steal anything while they were gone.
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“ Ow! Bernie what the hell was that for?!”
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“ You already know that! Shut up and keep moving mister! We ain’t got all day!”
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“ Yeah what she said! I heard that Howard Joel Wolowitz! Shut up before you make me break your face for that comment you just made about me you aerospace engineering meathead! Not another word until we get to New York City to kick some psycho’s a** for screwing with Leonard in the first place, whoever that may be!”, Amy’s voice shouted at him from the stairwell as they were making their way out of the building.
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“ Alright I get it Amy! You don’t need to repeat it!”, Howard’s voice shouted back.
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“ Oh grow up you douche!”, Amy’s voice shouted followed by several car doors slamming shut and starting engines fading away. By that point in time it was nearly noon when they started making their way to the airport to embark on their adventure to search for their missing friend, hoping that he would be ok for if and when they found him.
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Meanwhile back in New York City at the Turtles’ Lair the celebration continued among Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Leonard, April, and Casey despite Donnie and Casey trying to one up each other again for April’s attention prompting Master Splinter to scold them once again for being too loud and threatened to subject them to Randori again if they didn’t quit it which forced them to stop what they were doing and go do something else with Leo watching tv on the living room floor, Raph on one end of the couch reading another magazine, Leonard on the other working on his laptop, Mikey in the tire swing reading his comic books, April and Casey playing the pinball machine, and Donnie in his lab doing God knows what in there while Master Splinter was back in his room doing some more meditation when all of a sudden Leonard decided to take a break for a moment to go talk to him about something that he was curious to find out more about.
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Knock knock!
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“ Master Splinter? You in there? It’s Dr. Hofstadter.”, Leonard said as he stood outside Master Splinter’s closed bedroom door.
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“ Yes? What do you want?”, Master Splinter’s voice asked through the door.
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“ Can I come in for a minute? I want to ask you something.”, Leonard asked.
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“ Fine, very well. You may enter.”, Master Splinter’s voice said through the door again with a sigh.
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“ Great, thanks.”, Leonard said as he walked into the room and shut the door behind him to see the wise old humanoid rat sitting on the floor on a futon mattress with his legs crossed like a pretzel in one corner of the room and with several candles surrounding him as well as incense burners which were among some of the things that he was able to salvage from his defection from Japan after his last brutal battle against The Shredder took place at his home when he was human which ultimately led to the death of his beloved wife Tang Shen and assumed death of his baby daughter Miwa too. His staff was leaning against one of the walls near him as well which was no surprise to Leonard considering the fact that he was a ninja after all despite his unsightly appearance that most people would be totally appalled by if they saw it in the first place and would want nothing to do with whatsoever even if someone paid them to.
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“ Woah. This is quite a setup but anyway, hey.”, Leonard said with a friendly smile as he held up his hand for a moment.
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“ Hello. So, what did you want to ask me?”, Master Splinter asked.
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“ Well, I know that this is probably not something that you want to talk about with me at the moment considering the fact that I’m still a very new friend to your sons but, I’m just really curious about something here and it’s more so about this Shredder dude.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he sat down in front of him.
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“ Oh? And what is that?”, Master Splinter asked the experimental physicist in curiosity as he slowly blinked his eyes at him.
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“ What exactly is his deal with you? He said something to me about loving a woman and that you supposedly stole her from him. Is that true or is he just full of crap?”, Leonard asked as he scratched the back of his head and he grabbed his inhaler to suck on it for a second before he put it away.
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“ I believe that he is as what you said ‘ full of crap’. Trust me when I say this, nothing he says about that is true.”, Master Splinter said as he put a hand on Leonard’s shoulder.
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“ Really?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes. He believes it is but it’s not. Tang Shen fell for me of her own choice.”, Master Splinter said as he pulled his hand away.
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“ So you’re saying that this is all just jealousy is what I’m hearing?”, Leonard asked as he pressed his elbow into his leg and leaned his cheek against the palm of his hand.
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“ Yes that’s exactly what this is young man. Just pure jealousy, rage, and a possible sense of entitlement is the way I see it.”, Master Splinter said as he nodded his head.
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“ Well that doesn’t really make much sense. Why the hell would he be jealous of you and hate you so much because of it in the first place?”, Leonard asked as he blinked his eyes and continued leaning on his hand while sitting in front of Master Splinter with his legs crossed like a pretzel in front of him too.
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“ I honestly really don’t know Dr. Hofstadter. That is something I have yet to discover myself someday before my time on this Earth is up and I am once again reunited with my beloved Tang Shen and possibly… my baby daughter Miwa as well.”, Master Splinter said with a sad sigh as he blinked his eyes again.
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“ Tang Shen is dead isn’t she?”, Leonard asked.
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“ Yes unfortunately she is and Saki was the one who murdered her over his savage blind jealousy and rage that manifested itself in the form a brutal attack against me at my former home in Japan long ago when I was human before I became what I am now.”, Master Splinter said.
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“ Well if it makes you feel any better sometimes my roommate Sheldon gets a bit jealous of me too even though it gets kind of annoying at times.”, Leonard said as he pushed his glasses up on his face and continued leaning on his hand.
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“ Oh is that so? Is he a scientist like you?”, Master Splinter asked.
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“ Yeah he’s a theoretical physicist.”, Leonard said.
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“ Interesting. And what is his last name?”, Master Splinter asked.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAYF9UGYUu3P
“ His last name’s Cooper and if I’m being completely honest here he’s actually more than just my roommate, he’s my best friend too even though he annoys the hell out of me at times with the things he says and does on a daily basis.”, Leonard said.
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“ How long have you known this man?”, Master Splinter asked.
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“ I’ve known him for at least several years since we started living together. We work at the same university along with two other friends of ours too so it’s not like we’re total strangers to each other.”, Leonard said.
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“ And you trust him?”, Master Splinter asked.
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“ Yeah I do, I trust him with my life. He’s my best friend, although I will admit we do fight with each other on occasion but it’s more so just verbal fighting about stupid nonsense and not anything like what happened between you and Saki. The most physical we’ve ever gotten in our fights so far is just slapping each other which the majority of the time it comes from me whenever I’ve had enough of his nonsense at the moment.”, Leonard said as he pushed his glasses up on his face again.
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“ Well then perhaps you just got lucky that Dr. Sheldon Cooper isn’t a rage filled spiteful man like Oroku Saki is who uses his words and actions as deadly weapons to avenge those who they don’t have the right to avenge in the first place.”, Master Splinter said as he put his hand on Leonard’s shoulder again for a moment before he pulled it away again.
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“ I guess you could say that, otherwise I’d probably be dead most likely with a bullet to my head or something like that from his registered firearm that he keeps for self defense concealed in a secret sleeve of his messenger bag that he takes to work with him everyday that we leave our apartment.”, Leonard said as he leaned back on his hands when he placed them on the floor behind him.
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“ Well this is very interesting information. Where exactly in Pasadena do you two live at?”, Master Splinter asked as he stroked his goatee for a moment.
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“ 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, Apartment 4A.”, Leonard said before he suddenly let out a yawn to indicate that he was starting to get a bit tired.
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“ You seem like you’re getting tired Dr. Hofstadter. Perhaps it might be a good time for you to go get some rest and restore your energy now considering the fact that it’s just about 12 o’clock in the afternoon.”, Master Splinter said as he stood up from his futon and grabbed his staff.
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“ Well, now that you mention it that’s probably not a bad idea. I think I’ll just go take a nap on the couch in the living room if that’s alright with you.”, Leonard said with a sigh as he really began to get sleepy when he stood up as well.
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“ Yes I believe that is very acceptable. Come, it is time for you to rest or as what you would say ‘ nap time’.”, Master Splinter said as he put his hand on Leonard’s shoulder once again to walk him out of the room to back to the living room.
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“ Works for me.”, Leonard said in exhaustion as he then laid down on the couch resting his head on a pillow, took his glasses off, and set them aside on the arm of the couch above his head before Master Splinter covered him with a blanket that he grabbed from the linen closet the moment he stepped out of his room.
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“ Come my sons, April, and Casey. Let us leave your friend out here alone to rest, it is time for our training session anyway.”, Master Splinter said as he interrupted what the 6 teens were doing to get their attention.
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“ Sure thing Sensei. Come on you guys let’s go.”, Leo said with a smile as he shut the tv off and headed to the dojo with the other 5 following after him as well just as Leonard began to fall asleep on the couch snoring peacefully at a moderate level when sleep began to take over him.
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“ Rest well young man, we shall check on you later.”, Master Splinter said with a soft smile as he gently placed a hand on Leonard’s head for a moment before he headed to the dojo himself to begin his training session with his students leaving Leonard alone to take his nap.
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*Master Splinter’s voice faintly interjecting from the dojo, “ Hajime!” which was Japanese for: Begin!*
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“ Hai Sensei!”
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*sounds of clashing weapons rang out followed by punching and kicking noises*
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‘ Finally, some skeet shootin’ bitchin’ peace here away from my crazy ass roommate Sheldon as well as those stupid robot alien freaks from Dimension X, that evil psychotic metal faced jerk, and his evil Japanese martial arts clan! I am gonna sleep so good right now that I’m not even gonna take it for granted because I highly doubt I’ll ever get another peaceful moment like this again anytime soon!’, Leonard’s subconscious mind said as he continued sleeping letting his mind fall into a much needed circadian rhythm with a satisfied smile beginning to spread across his face. But however just 2 to 3 hours later while the others were still training in the dojo with Master Splinter, Leonard was suddenly woken up from his nap when he heard a loud alarm going off in the air that sounded like something out of a Sci-Fi movie prompting him to immediately snap his eyes open and sit up on the couch in a sitting position wondering what was going on at that moment.
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Reeewoo reeewoo reeewoo reeewoo reeewoo reeewoo!
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“ Gahhh, what the…?! Ok this is strange! What the hell is that going off?!”, Leonard shrieked as he quickly jumped up from the couch, putting his glasses back on his face as he then raced into Donnie’s lab to see a somewhat large chrome-like sphere lighting up with these hundreds of little pink dots just dancing all over the place and on Donnie’s computer screen sitting on his desk was a message flashing repeatedly that said: Kraang Alert!
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“ Kraang Alert? Oh sh*t not these freaky robot alien creeps again!”, Leonard hissed under his breath when he looked at the screen for a moment before he immediately took off like a bat out of hell out of Donnie’s lab heading towards the dojo to barge in there screaming, “ Hey you guys, I think the Kraang might be up to something again!” which immediately caused Leo, Casey, April, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, and Master Splinter to stop what they were in the middle of doing to stare at him as if he said something insane.
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“ Wait, what?!”, Leo, Casey, April, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, and Master Splinter exclaimed in concern.
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“ Dude are you serious?!”, Mikey shrieked like a little girl as he continued staring at his friend along with the others doing the same.
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“ Do I sound like I’m kidding to you Mikey?! No! Don’t you guys hear that weird alarm going off?! It woke me up from my nap out of a dead sleep just a few seconds ago out here! Scared the sh*t out of me!”, Leonard interjected as he pointed his finger out the door for a second before he sucked on his inhaler again and put it away.
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“ Well now that you mention it I’m definitely hearing something! Excuse me a moment you guys!”, Donnie hissed as he raced to his lab to go see what Leonard was talking about only to interject moments later, “ Sweet sassafras, Dr. Hofstadter’s right you guys! We got Kraang activity again!”
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“ Oh sewer bunnies! Well where are they this time geek face?!”, Raph hissed as he and the others followed after each other into Donnie’s lab moments after they heard this so that they could hear what he had to say next.
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“ I’m trying to find that out Raph now shut up!”, Donnie hissed as he was typing in a fast pace on his computer keyboard to get a lock on the Kraang’s homing signal to find out exactly where they were and what they were up to at that moment.
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“ Well what do you got so far?!”, April asked in concern as she looked at him.
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“ Not much but… oh here we go, crap!”, Donnie hissed when he finally located where the signals were coming from.
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“ What?! What is it Donnie?!”, Leo interjected in concern as he stared at his brother.
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“ They’re busting The Foot Clan out is what they’re doing Leo! I’m picking up two signals from them, one coming from the New York City Police Department and the other one coming from the Central Park Zoo!”, Donnie hissed as he slammed his fist down on his desk.
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“ Oh son of bitch, are you kidding me?! These guys are in allegiance with these alien creeps?! Can this seriously get any worse?! Godd*mn it!”, Leonard hissed as he rolled his eyes and threw his head back in frustration and anger, clenching his fists at his sides while standing behind his group of new friends who were trying to figure out what to do next.
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“ Apparently it can Dr. Hofstadter and yes, these guys are all chummy chummy with each other and have been since they met!”, Raph hissed.
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“ Well that’ll be the day Raph! This is so not how I wanted to be woken up from a nap! These clowns are going to be the death of me and possibly my friends and my girlfriend too if they end up showing up to look for me anytime soon which will be even worse if you ask me!”, Leonard hissed as he sucked on his inhaler again.
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“ Exactly so let’s hope it doesn’t come to that man because the last thing we need is more human exposure and being captured for scientific research potentially setting up your innocent friends and girlfriend for sudden unknown doom at the hands of our enemies!”, Leo shot back in concern.
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“ Gee you think I don’t know that Leo?! Because I do! I have an IQ of 173!”, Leonard hissed.
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“ Really, only 173? That’s interesting dude.”, Mikey said in shock as he stared at him.
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“ Yes well can we please discuss intelligence later Mikey?! Right now we need to go stop these alien bozoheads from wrecking havoc all over the city and putting innocent citizens at risk of death!”, Donnie hissed as he shut his computer down and whipped out his bo staff again.
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“ I completely agree Donnie! April, Casey, why don’t you two go home and let us deal with this situation before you potentially get hurt!”, Leo interjected as he took his katana swords out again too.
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“ And miss this action?! Heck no Leo! These chumps are so going down whether they like it or not! Goongala!”, Casey interjected as he lowered his hockey mask over his face and took out his hockey stick again, gripping it firmly as if to show he meant business and wasn’t screwing around.
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“ Yeah what he said! We’re coming with you guys!”, April interjected as she pulled out her tessen that Master Splinter had given her when he decided to train her to be a kunoichi( a female ninja) so that she could defend herself against anyone who would want to potentially harm her if it ever happened.
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“ No! You two shall not be doing anything, especially you April since the Kraang are still after you and your father! Are you insane?! Do you seriously want to be scaring the living daylights out of him like that?! I know I don’t therefore you and Casey shall remain here until the situation at the surface is contained!”, Master Splinter scolded in a firm voice at her as he gripped his staff in his hand, thumping it slightly on the floor as if to show that he was being serious about forbidding April and Casey to put themselves in harm’s way even though they had become his students too since they met him and his sons in the first place.
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“ But Sensei…!”, Leo argued with his father.
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“ No Leonardo! It is too dangerous to be sending these two out into harm’s way just to get them home! They will be much safer down here until you, your brothers, and Dr. Hofstadter have taken control of the situation to prevent further harm coming to every single citizen of this city! No exceptions!”, Master Splinter scolded the blue masked turtle as he gave him a stern look.
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“ But… ugh. Fine, as you wish.”, Leo said with a defeated sigh as he acknowledged Master Splinter’s wishes.
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“ Yeah works for me too! You idiots coming or what?!”, Leonard hissed as he grabbed his handheld laser in one hand and picked up his laptop carrying case by the couch slinging it over his shoulder after he put everything away back into it before he began making his way towards the lair entrance turnstiles, grabbing his phone with his other hand to fumble with his Apple Music playlist for a moment.
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“ I’m offended by that!”, Donnie hissed as him and his brothers started following too leaving Master Splinter, April, and Casey still standing there looking in their direction with concerned expressions on their faces about what was to come next.
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“ Oh you know what I meant Donnie! Now come on, let’s go give these bozobrains what for before anybody else gets hurt here! Playtime’s over you AI alien bi*chin’ ba**ards, we’re coming for you whether you like it or not and you’re going back to your stupid dimension where you came from in the first place! We ain’t playing around here! You clowns are dead for this, you hear me?! Dead!”, Leonard hissed as he pressed play on This Is A Warning, a warning message from the music band Shinedown that was from their album titled Planet Zero on his phone as he then stormed out of the lair through the turnstiles with the Turtles following behind him to get to the Shellraiser so that they could go stop the Kraang and The Foot Clan from hurting the New York City citizens once again.
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“ AI alien whatever else it is that you said with that?! Woah, our friend is already starting to sound like you now Raph even though we just met him 2 nights ago! Who would have thought of that?!”, Leo interjected, making sure to avoid saying the words ‘ bi*chin’ ba**ards’ in front of Master Splinter as they kept storming away to get to their vehicle parked on the subway tracks a few feet away from the door of their home.
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“ Not helping Leo! Shut up!”, Raph hissed as they piled into the Shellraiser and raced off in it into the night with the Shinedown warning message still blaring from Leonard’s phone after he put it on repeat.
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This is a warning!
41Please respect copyright.PENANAVdbzMXCFps
Planetary regulators have noticed a decline in your social and group adherence!
41Please respect copyright.PENANAzwLi3075M3
These actions and your reluctance to abide by the behavioral standards set forth are becoming, troubling!
41Please respect copyright.PENANAqM5dRNHezC
If there is not a drastic and immediate improvement in your programming and thinking we will be forced to turn you over to the populace for significant social judgement!
41Please respect copyright.PENANAFjiwf6A1vP
This carries with it the possibility of loss of status, deletion, and even erasure!
41Please respect copyright.PENANAFS1xsvMS0Y
Thank you in advance for your future cooperation with the standards and policies of Planet Zero!
41Please respect copyright.PENANA28hFlJutLV
We will be monitoring your behavior going forward with great interest!
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“ This is a warning? What the…? What is this that you’re playing on your phone right now Dr. Hofstadter?”, Raph asked in confusion as he stared at Leonard while listening to the message playing in the air inside the Shellraiser.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAbKjHoDMEDo
“ It’s a warning message that I’m aiming at the Kraang. What the hell do you think it is Raph?”, Leonard said as he pushed his glasses up on his face.
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“ I don’t know, I’ve just never heard anything like this before and so I was just curious.”, Raph said as he shrugged his shoulders before he crossed his arms in front of him.
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“ Yeah me too. What group is this from man?”, Leo asked in curiosity as he turned around in his seat next to Donnie to look behind him.
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“ It’s just a band called Shinedown. They released this message with their Planet Zero album Leo.”, Leonard said as he leaned back in his seat.
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“ Planet Zero? That’s awesome dude! I don’t think any of us thought to do something like this before!”, Mikey exclaimed as he leaned back in his seat too.
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“ Well I guess you can thank me for that Mikey! I thought it made perfect sense!”, Leonard exclaimed with a slight laugh.
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“ Yes well can we please just discuss this later and go destroy the Kraang before they hurt anybody else?! We don’t have time for this!”, Donnie hissed as he kept driving the Shellraiser.
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“ Yeah I know that and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now Donnie! Hence that’s why I’m playing this message! It’s basically telling them that they better stop what they’re doing or they’re going to cease to exist, period!”, Leonard hissed as he jerked his finger at his phone that was still blaring the warning message out of the speakers of it.
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“ Well you could have just said that before Hofstadter!”, Donnie hissed back at his friend.
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“ Excuse me but that’s Dr. Hofstadter to you!”, Leonard shot back.
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“ Oh shut up, does it really matter at the moment?!”, Donnie hissed.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAc2uZVIYxYN
“ No it doesn’t! Stick it in your shell geek face and just keep driving! The more we keep running our mouths over stupid things that don’t matter increases our enemies’ advantages over us and everyone else in this city and we don’t want that!”, Raph hissed at him as he uncrossed his arms and leaned back against his seat.
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“ Ok ok I get it Raphael! You shut your trap too because like I told you and our brothers the night before, I can not work with all this pressure!”, Donnie hissed as he kept driving while the warning message kept playing from Leonard’s phone.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAimwHtYH34d
“ Really? You actually told them that last night?”, Leonard asked as he stared at him.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAEaMSpO4Atx
“ Yes I did! I told them that when we were on our way to rescue you from the Foot Clan because they wouldn’t stop screaming at me!”, Donnie shot back.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAHtZVoh5NPZ
“ Yes well enough talking about that and DONNIE LOOK OUT! THERE’S A KRANGDROID COMING RIGHT AT US!”, Leo screamed in terror when he noticed a krangdroid suddenly running towards the Shellraiser with his laser blaster weapon pointing towards it ready to fire it at them.
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“ What?! Oh skeet shootin’ bullfights, ahhhhh!”, Donnie screamed when he noticed it too only to end up crashing into the droid when he got too close to it, knocking him down and destroying him just as the lasers from his weapon came firing through the windshield nearly taking off their heads as they sailed over them and crashed into the back wall of the Shellraiser which in turn immediately attracted the attention of the other krangdroids as well as Shredder and the Foot Clan after the Kraang successfully broke them out of jail and the zoo.
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“ The Kraang will now eliminate the ones who are known as the Turtles and Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!”, another krangdroid said as he and the other droids were pointing their blaster weapons at the Shellraiser while surrounding it like an intergalactic police force with Shredder and the Foot Clan surrounding it as well looking like they were ready to go for round 2 in another fight with them.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAO3ubFoK8EY
“ As if! Oh sewer bunnies, nice going genius! Now you just got us all in trouble again and ruined our advantage point against our enemies! What is wrong with you?!”, Raph hissed as he jumped out of his seat to yell at his brainy purple masked brother for his stupidity.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAhLbzJBJ3Ly
“ Nothing is wrong with me Raph! Zip your trap, you’re not helping right now!”, Donnie hissed as they all got out of the Shellraiser when it came to a complete stop and another fight ensued as the warning message continued blaring from Leonard’s phone that Leonard had attached to his hip next to his asthma inhaler. It was also at this point that he started firing his handheld laser around at them in self defense shortly after he took his laptop carrying case off his shoulder and left it sitting on the floor in the Shellraiser while the 4 turtle brothers were fighting with their weapons as well making a few people who were standing around start running away screaming in terror at the situation that was unfolding in front of them at that moment.
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“ Yeah well you’re not helping either Donnie and ow, Mikey! Watch where you’re swinging your nunchucks! You almost knocked me out!”, Leo hissed at Donnie before hissing at Mikey when orange masked turtle suddenly whacked him on the back of his shell by accident with his nunchucks when he exclaimed, “ Booyakasha!” as he was trying to take off another krangdroid’s head with them as it was firing its laser blaster at him or at least trying to which looked and sounded like something out of a Sci-Fi movie making the situation incredibly terrifying for those who were unlucky enough to be caught in it in the first place.
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“ Oh sorry dude, I didn’t mean to! Ahhhh!”, Mikey screamed as he moved away from Leo and kept swinging his nunchucks around before he ducked his head to avoid more lasers blasting at him from several more krangdroids as well as having his head taken off by several Footbot soldiers swinging their katana swords at him.
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“ You accursive Turtles are dead! You’ve all been a thorn in my side for far too long and you shall pay with your lives once and for all including Hamato Yoshi!”, Shredder shouted as he began attacking Mikey and the others too with his gauntlets that he stole back from the police officers who threw him in jail in the first place the night before.
41Please respect copyright.PENANAhXeSKGIBRG
“ That’s what you think you metal faced jack rabbit! You touch my friends and you’re gonna be the one who’s dead! You seriously think that jealousy of someone else over a girl is a valid excuse to hurt innocent people?! Because I know for a fact it isn’t! That is a very stupid sorry excuse and it really pisses me off to hear things like that in the first place!”, Leonard shouted as he aimed his laser at him after he shoved Mikey and the other three out of the way.
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“ Silence your mouth Dr. Hofstadter! You know nothing about me considering the fact that we just met last night before you completely destroyed my entire fortress with a rocket fuel explosion and my entire clan and I got arrested as a result of that! You shall pay for that because no one shall destroy something of mine like that and get away with it, EVER!”, Shredder shouted as he lashed out at Leonard, trying to take his head off with his gauntlets making Leonard start ducking his head repeatedly as this was happening.
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“ Well I know enough to want to kick your tin can ass all over this city and again I told you I ain’t paying for nothing! If anything you’re going to pay for screwing with my friends in the first place, including me too! A**hole!”, Leonard shouted as he got in a few punches to Shredder’s chest too for good measure in addition to firing his laser too.
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“ I don’t think so you experimental physicist! Don’t you dare touch my father and insult him like that or I’m gonna end your pathetic life!”, Karai shouted as she came to her father’s aide swinging her katana sword at Leonard to try to take him out with it. By this point in addition to the warning message still playing from Leonard’s phone the song Whole Lotta Rosie by AC/DC started playing in the background too as the fight really began to heat up between them.
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“ Not a chance, I’ll insult him all I want because he deserves it! Get the hell out of my face Karai before I end your life you f*cking bi*ch and ahhhh Mikey what are you…?!”, Leonard shouted as he kicked her away from him before he shrieked in surprise when Mikey suddenly came crashing into him after Tiger Claw kicked him in the stomach making him scream like a little girl, “ Sorry dude! Ahhhh!” as the krangdroids kept firing their weapons at them as well making it look as if Leonard and the 4 turtle brothers were living in a real life Star Wars scenario at that moment forcing Leo to start screaming, “ You guys this is getting too dangerous again! Retreat to the Shellraiser, it’s time to switch to plan B to figure out our next move!” as he began making his way back to the Shellraiser while still defending himself with his weapons as well to ensure that he would get back inside of it safely.
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“ Seriously we’re running away again?! Now?! Ok the first time you told us to retreat I was happy about it but now I’m pissed off and annoyed Hero Boy! This is ridiculous and I oughtta…!”, Raph shouted in his brother’s direction as the other two along with Leonard began making their way to the Shellraiser as well as the enemies kept closing in on them.
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“ Yeah well I don’t care what you think at the moment! I’m the leader and I say let’s move it! So come on Raph, let’s go! We ain’t got all night! Peoples lives are on the line here including ours! So just get in here and shut up! You call me Hero Boy again and I’m gonna show you no mercy for that!”, Leo shouted back at him out the open door of the Shellraiser after everyone else got in and sat down.
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“ But I… ugh, fine! Have it your way! Ahhhh!”, Raph hissed in a defeated sigh before he screamed and bolted into the Shellraiser just as more lasers kept firing at him as well as numerous attacks against him from the Foot Clan when they tried to grab a hold of him. Leo then slammed the door shut and shouted at Donnie to floor it to which he did so causing the Shellraiser to go speeding down the street like a rocket as Shredder, his entire clan, and the krangdroids who were still firing their laser blasters in their direction began to follow them.
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“ The ones in this place that are known as The Turtles shall be destroyed by Kraang including the human that is detected to be useful to Kraang’s plan! The one that is known as Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!”, a krangdroid said as him and the several other krangdroids were still running after the Shellraiser firing their weapons at it.
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“ I couldn’t agree more with that! Where do you think you’re going?! Come back here and fight you pathetic cowardly freaks!”, Tiger Claw shouted with a sinister smile on his face as him, Shredder, and the rest of the Foot Clan were running after the Shellraiser as well while the AC/DC song kept playing in the background.
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“ Shut up and go home you idiots before I… ahhhhh! D*mn it this is insane! Where the hell are we going now Donnie?!”, Leonard shouted out one of the windows back at the villains before he screamed and ducked his head back in to scream at Donnie when he nearly got his head taken off by another laser firing at him from one of the krangdroids blaster weapons. It was at this point that he also killed the warning message on his phone while the rock n roll music continued playing in the background.
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“ Where do you think Dr. Hofstadter?! Excuse me, sorry, out of the way people!”, Donnie hissed at Leonard as he was driving the Shellraiser like a madman again almost running into more innocent people who were running away screaming in terror at the situation that was happening at that moment as if it was a horror film involving some kind of man eating monster that was chasing them which began to add more intense stress fuel to the fire than there was already there to begin with making things much worse as Leo began to start planning out their next move just like Captain Ryan from Space Heroes would do in a situation like that in the first place.
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“ The Holiday Inn where I’m staying at?!”, Leonard shrieked with wide eyes.
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“ Yes! That’s exactly where we’re going! It’s the perfect cover spot for us to figure out our next move here!”, Leo shot back at his friend as Donnie made another sharp turn with the Shellraiser trying to get away from the firing lasers coming at them from the krangdroids that were still following them with Shredder and the Foot Clan still following as well.
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“ What?! Oh no, I know exactly what you’re thinking here! We are not going back to my hotel room! Are you insane?! Those clowns are gonna absolutely destroy it and then I’m gonna get in really big trouble for it!”, Leonard shouted as he shook his head.
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“ Well at this point what choice do we have pal?! We can’t go back to the Lair because then they’ll know where we live and destroy every single one of us including the Lair itself which will really piss off Master Splinter if he gets involved in this and do you really want that to happen?! Because we don’t!”, Donnie hissed back at him.
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“ No of course I don’t want that to happen genius but I also don’t want to get in trouble with the hotel staff for causing unnecessary damages to their hotel property! Seriously what are you guys trying to do, get me banned from staying there ever again?! Because that’s ridiculous and it really pisses me off that you guys are throwing me under the bus like this after we just met 2 nights ago and became friends shortly after you nearly scared the living daylights out of me with your appearances in the first place!”, Leonard hissed before he sucked on his inhaler again for a second and put it away again.
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“ Would you relax man?! We’re not trying to get anybody banned here! We’re just trying to save ourselves from getting our shells completely kicked by our enemies! Seriously, is that so wrong?! Because I don’t think it is! It’s perfectly reasonable!”, Leo hissed at the experimental physicist over his shoulder.
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“ Perfectly reasonable?! Since when you idiot?!”, Leonard hissed at the blue masked turtle as he threw his hands out to his sides.
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“ Since just now because of the fact that I’m the leader of this team here and you’re not helping by screaming at me at the moment! So just sit there and shut up! Let me call the shots here because I know I’m doing! I’ve been training my whole life for this!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Yeah you may think that you know what you’re doing Leo but you really don’t sometimes because you keep comparing yourself to a fictional hero on that dumb space show you like to watch all the time every time we get into fights with our enemies which really gets annoying after a while and makes me wonder why Master Splinter appointed you as our leader in the first place!”, Raph hissed at his brother as he crossed his arms again.
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“ Raph didn’t I tell you to shut up not even a few moments ago before you got in here?! Do not question my authority and how many times do I have to tell you that Space Heroes is not a stupid show?!”, Leo shot back at his brother.
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“ Yes you did tell me that but I really don’t care what you say at the moment! Call it whatever you want bro but I still say it’s stupid and I really don’t understand why you like it so much to begin with!”, Raph hissed.
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“ Because I already told you this nearly a thousand times already, I really like it because it’s a great show and Captain Ryan is a really great hero!”, Leo hissed.
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“ Well that’s your opinion bro, not mine!”, Raph hissed as he turned his head to look away from his brother for a moment.
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“ Whatever, I’m not gonna argue with you Raph! Let’s just focus on where we’re going and Donnie look out! You’re about to hit another curb!”, Leo hissed at Raph before he shouted at Donnie while pointing at another street curb that the Shellraiser was heading towards.
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“ Oh for God’s sake seriously again with another one?! Ahhhh!”, Donnie hissed with another scream as he once again quickly turned the Shellraiser away from the street curb it was heading towards and made another sharp turn with it causing them all to scream holding on for dear life while the krangdroids and The Foot Clan were still chasing after them with lasers still firing at them from the krangdroids blaster weapons too.
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“ Man this is insane! Remind me again why you’re the one driving Donnie?!”, Raph hissed when his body slammed against the back of his seat along the others backs doing the same when Donnie straightened out the vehicle.
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“ Yes I agree with that and well gee Raph let’s think about that for a second! Why am I the one driving?! Because I’m the one who built this thing in the first place! It’s my creation so it makes sense for me to operate it!”, Donnie hissed as he kept racing the Shellraiser away from their enemies who were still chasing them.
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“ Wait, what?! You tricked this entire thing out yourself Donnie?!”, Leonard asked in shock as he stared at Donnie.
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“ Yes I did Dr. Hofstadter.”, Donnie said.
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“ Impressive.”, Leonard said.
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“ Thanks.”, Donnie said as he continued driving while trying to avoid hitting people who were scattering away as the enemies continued to give chase after them. Meanwhile in the air, the plane from California carrying Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Sheldon, Stuart, Howard, Raj, and Cinnamon as well as many other people aboard the aircraft was beginning its gradual descent into New York City prompting the pilot to come over the PA system and say, “ Attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. At this time the seat belt sign has now been turned back on and we have now begun our initial descent to JFK International Airport in New York City. Please return your seats to the upright position, stow away all tray tables, and make sure that all electronic devices have been switched to airplane mode until we have safely landed on the ground. We should be arriving at the gate in about 30 minutes. Thank you and welcome to New York City.”
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“ Oh thank god we’re about to land. My feet are killing me.”, Penny said with a sigh of relief as she threw her head back against her seat while sitting next to Amy and Sheldon.
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“ Same here bestie. I can’t wait to get off this plane and finally go look for Leonard to see if he’s ok or not.”, Amy said to Penny as she did the same thing.
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“ Me too.”, Bernadette said as she pushed her glasses up on her face.
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“ Same here bitches.”, Penny said as she held her hand up for a moment.
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“ You still think Leonard’s in trouble do you Amy?”, Howard asked from his seat across the aisle of the plane cabin as he sat in between Stuart, Raj who was holding Cinnamon tightly in his lap, and Bernadette.
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“ Yes I do Howard! What kind of a stupid question is that?! Why do you think we flew all the way up here in the first place?! To check on Leonard to see if he’s ok! Duh!”, Amy hissed at her aerospace engineer friend as she threw dagger-like eyes at him.
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“ You know, there’s a way to say that nicely.”, Howard shot back at the neurobiologist, making a Drake and Josh reference of Drake saying, ‘ You know, there’s a way to correct people nicely!’ from the alien invasion prank episode of that show as he adjusted the collar of his dickie.
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“ I don’t care Wolowitz, shut up! We can discuss this later after we find Leonard!”, Amy hissed.
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“ Yes can we, please?! This is certainly something I do not wish to listen to at the moment! This is like the hell of my childhood all over again and I don’t appreciate it!”, Sheldon hissed as he butted into the conversation.
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“ Sheldon!”, Amy, Penny, Howard, Bernadette, and Stuart hissed at him as Raj just sat in his seat looking at him in silence with narrowed eyes as if to say, ‘ Dude shut your hole, no one was talking to you!’ due to the fact that his placebo had worn off forcing him to clam up because of his selective mutism.
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“ What?! What are y’all yelling at me for like that?! What did I even say?!”, Sheldon shot back as he looked at his friends in confusion.
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“ Nothing we just want you to stop talking at the moment!”, Penny hissed.
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“ Really? Why?”, Sheldon asked as he kept staring at his friends.
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“ BECAUSE YOU’RE BEING ANNOYING AND WE DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE! SO JUST STOP!”, Bernadette, Penny, Howard, Amy, and Stuart shot back at him in annyonce while Raj glared at him again in silence before he turned his head away again.
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“ Now hold on wait a minute! In my defense…!”, Sheldon protested.
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“ No! Shut up Sheldon Lee! You’re done talking for the moment! Not another word until after we find Leonard!”, Bernadette, Penny, Howard, Amy, and Stuart hissed at him again.
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“ I see. Is this open for discussion?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ No!”, Bernadette, Penny, Howard, Amy, and Stuart hissed.
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“ Is the decision not to discuss it open for discussion?”, Sheldon asked.
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“ We said no! Zip your hole Sheldon Lee Cooper!”, Bernadette, Penny, Howard, Amy, and Stuart hissed as Raj looked at him again in silence and rolled his eyes while Cinnamon let out another bark as if she was saying, ‘ Yeah what everyone else said, shut it crazy man!’ while sitting in her owner’s lap.
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“ That’s Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper to you and aww alright, fine! As you wish!”, Sheldon shot back as he reluctantly shut his mouth.
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“ Thank you!”, Penny hissed as they all spent the rest of the plane’s descent in silence before they exited the plane when it landed to go get their luggage at baggage claim, taking their carry-ons with them as well. Meanwhile as this was happening Donnie continued racing the Shellraiser through the streets to get himself, his brothers, and Leonard away from the villains causing more panic amongst the citizens who were running away to avoid getting hit just as Donnie then jerked the wheel again one more time before the Shellraiser came to a stop on the curb right in front of the Holiday Inn that Leonard was staying at moments later allowing just enough time for the Turtles and Leonard to book it out of the vehicle and split up with the Turtles jumping up to the hotel rooftop to go inside through the ventilation system to avoid being seen by other hotel guests staying there while Leonard ran like a bat out of hell through the lobby doors and towards the stairs screaming at the other people in the lobby, “ Carry on people, nothing to see here! Out of my way!” who were beginning to stare at him as if he had gone insane wondering what was going on only to start running every which way screaming in terror when Shredder, his clan, and the krangdroids came running in through the doors of the hotel lobby attacking and terrorizing everyone as the majority of the krangdroids were firing their weapons around with some of them joining with Shredder and the rest of the Foot Clan in the chase after Leonard up the stairs to the second floor as Karai shouted, “ You’re dead Hofstadter! Come back here you pathetic fool! You’re not getting away from us!”
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“ That’s what you think you bi*ch! Leave me the hell alone!”, Leonard shouted as he ran up the last flight of stairs and through a door leading to the second floor hallway slamming it behind him with such force that it knocked the villains back down the flight of stairs when they tried to reach out to grab him resulting in them crashing down on the landing at the bottom of the stairs for a moment allowing Leonard to run down the hallway shouting, “ God this is insane! Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey?! Where are you guys at up here?! I’m about to lose my mind here and I don’t want to!”
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“ Would you calm down and not shout your voice like a gorilla like that Dr. Hofstadter?! We’re right here man! What are you trying do, get the 4 of us exposed by more humans?!”, Leo hissed at his friend and pointed at himself and his brothers when they dropped down from the ventilation system on the ceiling right in the middle of the hallway just outside Leonard’s hotel room.
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“ No! Not important at the moment Leo! You and your brothers just get in my room now and shut up because the enemies are coming up right behind me!”, Leonard shouted as he quickly took his key card out and swiped it in the door lock before he shoved the 4 turtle brothers into the room running in behind them in one swift motion just as the villains were running behind him trying to push the door open at the same time that Leonard was trying to shut it on them to prevent them from coming into the room and destroying it along with himself and his 4 new friends.
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“ Open this door now you pathetic fool or suffer the wrath of my blades of death! You shall perish along with Hamato Yoshi and his accursive Turtles once and for all for your unwanted intrusion into my plans and for standing in my way! Enough fooling around, this ends now!”, Shredder evilly shouted as he pushed on the door with his shoulder to try to open it, scraping his metal shoulder armor pad against it as the rest of his clan helped him out along with the few krangdroids that came up there with them.
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“ Not a chance you idiot! You guys, help me hold this door shut!”, Leonard shouted back at the evil Japanese martial artist before he shouted at the Turtles as he began to struggle with pressing the door shut from inside the hotel room with his shoulder as well.
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“ Well you don’t have to tell us twice! Get out of here you turkeys!”, Raph shouted as he joined in pressing on the door along his brothers doing the same thing too just as the rest of the krangdroids came running up there from the lobby to help their comrades in pushing the door open from outside the room in the hallway.
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“ Yeah son what he said! Go gobble gobble your way in somewhere else and leave us alone because we don’t have time for it! Get it?! Because you said they’re…!”, Mikey shouted before a stupid smirk began to spread across his face when he said that last part in a joking manner.
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“ MIKEY!”, Leo, Leonard, Donnie, and Raph shouted at him to get him to shut up when he started slightly crossing over the line to being a little bit annoying.
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“ We’re losing our patience here you wretched reptiles and you foolish Caltech physicist! Open this mothershipping door before we bust it open in the next 3 seconds! We’re done playing games with you!”, Tiger Claw shouted at them through door as him, Shredder, and the rest of the clan along with the krangdroids kept trying to push the door open to get in the room while the Turtles and the experimental physicist kept trying to push it shut.
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“ Well we’re done with all of you in general! Keep shoving on this door you psycho and you’re getting my laser in your face again! What do you say to that?!”, Leonard shouted back at him through the door.
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“ I say prepare to meet your doom once we get into this room! You’re history once and for all you freaks!”, Tiger Claw shouted as he kept pressing and beating on the door along with the rest of the clan and the krangdroids still doing the same thing as well.
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“ That’s what you think! Go away now or you’re really gonna get it! All of you for being so notoriously STUPID!”, Donnie shouted as he continued to try to press the door shut along with his brothers and Leonard doing the same thing while the villains kept trying to shove it open.
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“ Donnie that’s not helping!”, Leo shouted at his brother as he was grunting while still trying to hold the door shut.
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“ Leo!”, Donnie shouted back.
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AHHHHH! were the sounds that were heard in the air as Shredder, the Foot Clan, and the krangdroids finally kicked in the door of Leonard’s hotel room, shoving the Turtles and Leonard out of the way after they couldn’t hold the door shut any longer.
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“ You’re mine now you fools! You got nowhere to go! This is where you’re going to meet your end, FOREVER! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”, Shredder evilly laughed as he lashed out at The Turtles and Leonard after he shut the door behind him with rest of his clan and the krangdroids doing the same resulting in Leonard’s pristine looking hotel room turning into an absolute war zone as if it was part of a game of Call of Duty or Halo.
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“ Oh skeet shootin’ bullfights, this is not good! Breach in the line of defense!”, Leo shouted as he swung his katana swords around trying to cut off some of the krangdroids and Footbots heads while at same time trying to kick and punch Shredder, Karai, Fishface, Dogpound, and Tiger Claw away from him as well as his brothers and their new scientist friend.
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“ Yeah thanks for pointing out the obvious Captain Dorkface!”, Raph shouted at his brother as he punched Dogpound in the face and shoved him into Fishface, knocking both of them down to the floor and nearly tripping Tiger Claw as he lunged at Raph to try to subdue him in an attempt to help out his fallen comrades.
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“ Hey no fair bro, I was going to say that first!”, Mikey shrieked as he swung his nunchucks at a few Footbots sending them careening backwards into Karai making her scream and fall down as she was coming at him swinging her katana sword at his head at full force in an attempt to decapitate him.
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“ Mikey can it! You’re not helping the situation by saying that right now!”, Leo hissed at him as he dodged Shredder slashing one of his gauntlets at him as well as several lasers being fired at him from several krangdroids coming at him left and right before he kicked Fishface in the stomach away from him when he tried to swipe his hand at him in an attempt to bring him to his knees when he shouted, “ Come here Turtle, I’m gonna slap you like a salamander!”
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“ Not in any realm of reality Fishfreak! Don’t you dare touch my friend you asshole!”, Leonard shouted as he intervened and swung his fist at Fishface before he kneed him in the stomach and aimed his handheld laser at him to try to blind him with it.
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“ I told you it’s Fishface you pathetic Caltech physicist! Quit disrespecting my name and quit projectiling your foul language at me as well as at the rest of my comrades Hofstadter! It’s getting annoying now as well as your voice too and if you don’t silence your mouth this instant we’ll silence it for you, PERMANENTLY!”, Fishface shouted as he lashed out at Leonard, swiping his arms at him as well as trying to kick him with his powerful metallic bionic legs while at the same time trying to dodge the laser that Leonard was aiming at his face.
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“ As if! A squared plus B squared equals you’re going to be a dead robo carp in the abyss squared and the odds of me letting you forget this are zero!”, Leonard shouted.
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“ Keep thinking that you annoying, destructive pest and you just may find yourself in the abyss instead for interfering with me trying to destroy my most hated enemies once and for all! We barely even know each other and yet you’re already becoming a big thorn in my side too which as I said before YOU SHALL PAY FOR THAT AND PERISH BEYOND RECOGNITION! ESPECIALLY, THIS INCLUDES YOUR FOOLISH CALIFORNIAN FRIENDS AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND IF I EVER SEE THEIR STUPID PATHETIC FACES IN MY LIFE! VENGEANCE SHALL BE MINE, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!”, Shredder shouted as he then lashed out at Leonard too.
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“ You wish Shredder! Hands off my friend before things get really ugly here you metal faced bozo! Eat my stick you jerk!”, Donnie hissed as he butted in the fight, swinging his bo staff at Shredder to get him away from Leonard.
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“ Yeah that’s telling him Donnie and… huh, hold on one second I hear something out in the hallway! What is…?!”, Leonard hissed before he gasped in fear the moment he began hearing voices approaching the door from outside the room in the hallway and quickly rushed to the door to peek through the peephole to see who it was while blasting his laser behind him towards Karai, Fishface, Dogpound, and Tiger Claw to keep them away from him when they tried to lunge at him again to unleash another attack on him. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that it was his friends and his girlfriend out there approaching the door with their belongings and chatting with each other in concern about the current situation that was happening at that very moment.
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“ Oh f*ck! It’s my roommate/best friend Sheldon, my friends Howard, Raj, Bernadette, Amy, Stuart, and my girlfriend Penny! They all just showed up with their belongings and oh crap Raj brought his dog Cinnamon with him too! For God sakes this is not good at all! Ok you psycho clowns, playtime’s over! Get the hell out and as for you 4 idiots get in the closet now, I’ll explain everything in a minute!”, Leonard hissed under his breath before he turned around and kicked the villains out the window as if he was kicking a football, sending them to go crashing down to the street below on the asphalt making Shredder, Karai, Dogpound, Fishface, and Tiger Claw scream in terror as a result of this as well when they landed on the ground along with the Footbot soldiers and the krangdroids before he then gathered up the 4 turtle brothers to march them towards the closet causing Raph to somewhat shriek in surprise, “ Ok fine whatever you say man but what are you… ahhh!” as he was shoved into it along with his three brothers and Leonard shut the door on them.
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“ Shut up Raph before you end up drawing unnecessary attention to yourself and your brothers and get yourselves exposed by more humans which includes my friends and my girlfriend who are standing right outside my hotel room at the moment!”, Leonard hissed at the red masked turtle as he stood outside the closed closet door.
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“ Wait, what?! Your friends and your girlfriend from California are here Dr. Hofstadter?! Like right here right now?!”, Donnie’s voice shrieked in surprise and horror from inside the closet at him.
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“ Yes they are! I just said that Donnie! Were you not listening to a word I said you idiot?!”, Leonard hissed under his breath while trying not to be too loud with his words.
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“ No we were listening to you and FYI I’m offended by what you just said!”, Donnie’s voice hissed through the closet door.
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“ Whatever, just shut up geekface! We’ll discuss this later because right now I’m not…!”, Leonard started to his under his breath only to be interrupted when Amy suddenly began screaming and banging on the door in a panic.
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“ Leonard?! Leonard Hofstadter?! Are you in there and are you OK?! Open the door now, you’re freaking us out!”
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“ Yeah I’m in here Amy and I’m fine! Just hold on one second, I’m straightening things up here!”, Leonard hissed at her through the hotel room door before he frantically went around the room, trying to make it look somewhat decent again as he then hissed under his breath at the closet door in a low whisper saying, “ Do not make a sound right now! Do the four of you understand me?! I mean it, not a word ok!"
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“ Hear you loud and clear dude, we got it. We’re zipping our traps now.”, Mikey’s voice whispered through the closet door before he shut his mouth entirely along with his other three brothers.
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“ Great! You do that Mikey! You bullfightin’ knucklehead!”, Leonard hissed in a low whisper under his breath before he tossed his handheld laser aside and began making his way to the hotel room door after the room was somewhat decent looking again causing Leo, Donnie and Raph to start quietly snickering at what he just said.
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“ Bullfightin’ knucklehead?!”, Leo quietly snickered under his breath from inside the dark closet.
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“ Sounds about par for the course! Man I love this guy, who would have ever thought that a physicist like him could be this funny!”, Raph quietly snickered under his breath too.
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“ No one knows! Now shut up you meathead before you get us in trouble!”, Donnie quietly snickered under his breath as well before they all instantly shut up again the moment they heard Leonard open the hotel room door.
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“ Hey, what are you…?!”, Leonard breathlessly said as he stood in the doorway.
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“ LEONARD!”, Sheldon, Amy, Howard, Stuart, Penny, and Bernadette exclaimed in concern with Raj silent as a mouse while carrying his dog Cinnamon on his arm as they all rushed into the room and threw their arms around him causing him to give them a confused look wondering what was going on at that moment.
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“ Woah woah woah what is this you guys?! You’re crushing me! What is going on here?!”, Leonard interjected in surprise as his friends were nearly squeezing the life out of him.
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“ Why don’t you tell us you rat b*stard! Amy left us all a frantic voicemail on our answering machines last night saying that you were in trouble, forcing us to come up here to look for you like some goddamn police force looking for a missing person or a suspect!”, Penny hissed in concern in her boyfriend’s face when they all let go of him.
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“ Yeah seriously Leonard, you nearly gave us all a heart attack with what she said! She said that you hung up on her twice during your conversation with her and that you said something about losing your life at the hands of some psycho maniac! Now what the hell kind of crap is that?! Who’s this psycho maniac you’re talking about?!”, Bernadette hissed in concern as she butted into the conversation too.
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“ Yeah, answer that buddy!”, Howard hissed in concern as well as he crossed his arms in front of his chest with the others doing the same thing.
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“ Ok Penny don’t say the RB word at the moment because that’s just inappropriate and insulting, Bernadette I can’t tell who that is and Howard butt out! You’re not helping! Look you guys, I’m fine! There’s nothing going on here and even if there was which there isn’t, I can’t tell you guys about it because it’s very secret information that’s between me and my new group of friends who I met the first night I got here!”, Leonard hissed as he was gesturing his hands around in somewhat of an annoyed way while the Turtles were silently listening to the conversation from inside the hotel room closet.
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“ Oh cut the crap Leonard! There has to be something going on here because when we got here the entire hotel lobby was in almost complete disarray with virtually no one around and not to mention you hung up on me TWICE last night in the middle of our conversations, completely freaking the hell out about something which scared the sh*t out of me! So what is going on here?! Tell me now or I swear to God I’m gonna slap your glasses right off your face!”, Amy hissed in concern as she got up in his face a bit.
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“ Amy I told you I can’t tell you! Trust me, if I say anything and I mean anything at all then really bad things are going to happen! It’s the same thing I told Howard and Raj the last time I spoke to them on the phone after I sent Sheldon back home to you guys when he showed up here uninvited to begin with! So please don’t force me into this conversation because like I said really bad things will happen to my new friends if I say anything and not to mention their father will get really furious with me if that happens and that is something I don’t want, period! I do not want this guy to get mad at me for letting something really horrible happen to his family because he’s already been through complete hell on Earth enough as it is, I don’t want to make it worse for him by betraying him and his kids like that after I just met them 2 nights ago following all that alien robot chaos I was talking about! So please, all of you just go back home and let me have my few days to myself! I’m under a lot of stress at the moment and you guys being here at the worst time possible is not helping it!”, Leonard hissed as he began to pace the room a bit.
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“ Well excuse me but what you are saying here is stressing us out and that is most certainly completely absurd Leonard! Will you please just tell us what is going on because we are really concerned about your safety right now by the way you’re acting!”, Sheldon hissed in concern as he got up in Leonard’s face, narrowing his eyes at him.
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“ Sheldon Lee I already said I can’t say anything, it’s a secret! Dah suq the ghe'tor out of my qad 'ej nob jih 'op logh nadev tlhih a**hole! ( Now get the hell out of my face and give me some space here you a**hole!) I am not in the mood for this!”, Leonard hissed, saying that second to last part in that sentence in Klingon as he shoved Sheldon slightly to get him out of his personal bubble. This prompted Mikey to quietly pull out his T-Phone while inside the closet to silently text Leo with a response of:
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Mikey: Wait, what?! Dude, Leo what did Dr. Hofstadter just say to his friend?! What kind of language is that?!
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To which Leo pulled out his phone and replied with:
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Leo: We don’t know Mikey! Now put your T-Phone away and shut up before you get us detected and we get in serious trouble with Master Splinter for exposing our existence once again like you did to Dr. Hofstadter by accident 2 nights ago after we rescued this guy from the Kraang in the first place!
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Mikey then responded with a message of:
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Mikey: Well again, it’s not my fault that gravity assaulted me bro! The three of you had already taken the easy hiding spots so what was I supposed to do in that moment?! Just stand there like a humanoid turtle statue and hope that I wouldn’t get noticed?! Because that’s ridiculous man!
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Leo replied back with:
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Leo: Yeah keywords you dork, WE’RE TURTLES! You could’ve just ducked behind the bed and hidden inside your shell! It’s in our DNA anyway!
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Mikey replied:
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Mikey: Yeah like I haven’t already heard that one before Leo!
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Leo replied:
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Leo: Mikey!
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Mikey replied:
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Mikey: What?! What did I say?!
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“ Please don’t touch me like that Leonard! Have you forgotten that I’m extremely germophobic and prefer little to no contact upon my person if you will?!”, Sheldon shrieked as he stared at his roommate/best friend with crossed arms for a moment prompting Leo and Mikey to put their T-Phones away to continue listen to the conversation in silence along with Donnie and Raph silently listening too.
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“ No I haven’t! Look buddy, this really isn’t a good time for you and the others to be here right now! Just please go back to Pasadena and leave me… huh, wait what’s that?!”, Leonard hissed before he gasped and pointed his finger behind his friends for a moment as a distraction when he noticed out of the corner of his eye behind him that Shredder was trying to climb back in through the window with the aide of his gauntlets after he managed to pick himself up off the street below and scale the wall.
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“ What?! Where?!”, Bernadette interjected as she turned her head towards the door with the others doing the same thing for a moment just as Leonard quickly and quietly turned towards the window to confront Shredder.
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“ I don’t think so you metal face idiot! I said get out of here along with the rest of your stupid clan!”, Leonard hissed in a low whisper under his breath as he then punched Shredder’s metal helmet, knocking the evil Japanese martial artist back out the window as Leonard then quickly slammed the window shut and locked it, leaning his back against it amidst Shredder screaming again on his way back down to the street below causing Penny, Bernadette, Stuart, Amy, Raj, Howard, and Sheldon to turn back around and stare at him as if he had gone insane.
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“ What was that noise Leonard?”, Stuart asked as he continued to look at him along with the others.
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“ It was nothing Stuart! Look can you guys please get out of here and go home?! Get on a flight back to LAX! This situation really doesn’t involve you! This is between me and my new friends and I don’t know I just… huh!”, Leonard hissed before he gasped again causing the others to do the same as they turned towards only to see the 4 turtle brothers come tumbling out of the closet to the floor with their weapons screaming after Mikey had pushed Donnie slightly to make some more room in the closet for himself making the purple masked turtle and brains of the team hiss under his breath, “ Oh sweet sassafras Mikey!” as they did so which immediately caused the majority of the Pasadena gang except for Leonard to scream in terror, “ Green alien freaks!” as Penny, Amy, and Bernadette jumped up on the bed arming themselves with their purses, while Cinnamon started barking as Raj, Howard, and Stuart began cowering behind the lamp near the window like a bunch of scaredy cats while Sheldon instantly withdrew his firearm from his messenger bag, stepping back a few feet as he pointed the barrel of it at the Turtles in fear with his finger hovering over the trigger which instantly made all 4 of them get up and brace themselves with their weapons just as Mikey shrieked, “ Oh man, the dude’s got a gun and he’s pointing it right at us! We’re so dead bros! It was nice knowing you all for last 15 years of our lives together!”
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“ Mikey shut up, you’re not helping!”, Donnie and Raph hissed at him as they continued gripping their weapons, bracing themselves for another potential attack on them this time from Leonard’s friends and his girlfriend who were absolutely terrified by what they were seeing in front of them at that moment just like how Leonard was when he first met the Turtles after they rescued him from the Kraang the first night he arrived in New York City to begin with.
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“ Yeah you’re really not you goofball and woah woah woah easy there pal, don’t shoot us! We’re not gonna hurt you! What do you think you’re doing?!”, Leo hissed in his brother’s face before he screamed that last part in Sheldon’s face while tightly gripping his katana swords in his hands as well, looking like he was going to kill somebody which immediately raised more tension and fear amongst them all than there already was to begin with causing Leonard’s frustration to grow even more too over the absurdity that was happening at that very moment right in front of his eyes.
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“ Excuse me but that’s most certainly none of your business and why should we believe you?! Stay back alien or I’m gonna blow your brains out if you and your extraterrestrial comrades come anywhere near me and my friends! I’m not playing around, I’m being dead serious! Stay away or I’m going to kill you!”, Sheldon screamed in terror as he continued to point his firearm at them, threatening to pull the trigger as Cinnamon kept barking over the chaos that was unfolding while Raj was holding her in his arms.
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“ Yes please, don’t touch us whatever the hell you are! You do anything stupid and I’m gonna hit you with my purse!”, Amy screamed in terror as she continued standing on the bed in between Penny and Bernadette, wielding her purse like a weapon.
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“ Yeah and us too! In fact, I’ll give you Nebraska up your asses if you don’t stay back!”, Penny screamed in terror as her and Bernadette continued doing the same thing.
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“ Not helping Penny!”, Howard screamed in terror as he continued cowering behind the lamp along with Raj, Stuart, and Cinnamon too.
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“ Oh would you just shut up Wolowitz before I end up doing that to you too?! None of this is helping you jack a**!”, Penny shot back at him giving him a death glare.
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“ Penny we get it already! You don’t have to scream at my husband for stupid things that have nothing to do with the situation at the moment! My putz of a husband is not the threat here, it’s these four weird looking aliens right in front of us!”, Bernadette screamed in terror at her friend as she pointed her finger at Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey who were still armed with their ninja weapons ready to use them for self-defense just in case if they needed to like Master Splinter taught them to do whenever their safety was being threatened.
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“ WE KNOW THAT BERNADETTE! NOW SHUT UP!”, Sheldon, Howard, Stuart, Penny, and Amy shouted back at her as Cinnamon continued to bark over them.
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“ Uh if I could just say something here…!”, Mikey chimed in.
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“ NOT NOW MIKEY!”, Leo, Raph, and Donnie hissed at him, forcing him to shut up as they continued gripping their weapons like their life depended on it.
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“ Oh son of a bitch! For God sakes will everybody just shut up and calm down?! There’s no threat here! This is ridiculous! In fact, you three ladies get down off the bed and put your purses away, you three idiots come out from behind that lamp which includes your dog Cinnamon too Raj, you put your firearm away Sheldon, and as for the 4 of you… put your weapons away because this is not a fight! Nobody is going to get hurt here!”, Leonard shouted as he rolled his eyes as he stood in the middle of the controversy happening and pointed at all of his friends in an attempt to get them to shut up and take a chill pill.
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“ Excuse me but what the hell do you mean that there’s no threat and that this isn’t a fight Leonard?!”, Penny screamed at her boyfriend as if he had gone nuts.
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“ I mean that we’re all on the same side here Penny, they’re the good guys! I know you guys must think I sound crazy right now, but trust me they’re not gonna hurt us!”, Leonard hissed as he pushed his glasses up on his face.
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“ Oh what fresh hell is this?! How would you know that Leonard?! Have you been hanging out with these freaks?!”, Sheldon hissed as he pointed at the Turtles while still pointing his gun at them as well.
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“ Ok firstly they’re not freaks and secondly yes Sheldon, they’re my new friends I was telling you guys about!”, Leonard hissed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
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“ WHAT?!”, Penny, Bernadette, Stuart, Amy, Howard, and Sheldon exclaimed in shock as they dropped their mouths open with Raj dropping his mouth open in shock too while Cinnamon continued barking up a storm at the Turtles, just being a complete nuisance and frustrating Leonard even more than he already was at that moment.
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“ You gotta be flipping kidding me Leonard?!”, Penny hissed as she moved her hair out of her face.
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“ I’m not Penny, I’m being serious here! They’re my new friends that I’ve been hanging out with for the past two days now and they haven’t done a thing to me once! In fact, they actually saved my life from those alien robots I was telling you guys about the very first night I got here! This happened right in the middle of my speech I was giving to those grad students at the University of New York! I mean sure their appearances scared me at first like they did to you, but you know what we ended up having a really good time with each other after we got to know each other! They’re this city’s protectors! They only come out at night because of the way they look! This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you about them in the first place, it’s because I knew you do this sh*t just like I did when I first met them! So will you guys please just calm down and just give these guys a chance?! They’re actually really nice!”, Leonard hissed as he pointed at Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey who still had their weapons out.
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“ Are you sure about this buddy?”, Howard asked with a bit of skepticism in his voice.
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“ Yes Howard, I swear to God I’m not lying to you! In fact, I’m not lying to any of you! So come on, let’s all chill out for a moment! We’re all friends here!”, Leonard hissed as he shot a look at everyone in the room while Cinnamon kept barking. For the next few minutes nobody said or made a move to do anything until Penny reluctantly slowly got off the bed and put her purse down with Bernadette and Amy following suit which made the 4 turtle brothers slowly put away their weapons and made Sheldon slowly and reluctantly put his firearm back in his messenger bag as well as reluctantly made Howard and Raj slowly come out from behind the lamp, bringing Cinnamon with them as she continued to bark leaving Stuart still cowering behind it refusing to move.
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“ Thank you!”, Leonard hissed as he relaxed his arms.
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Arf arf arf arf arf!
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“ Cinnamon, chup raho(shut up!)!”, Leonard hissed at his friend’s dog, telling her to shut up in Hindi which forced her to cease her barking immediately after he said it causing Raj to give him an unamused look in silence as if he was saying, ‘ Not cool dude.’
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“ Oh don’t give me that look Raj! I’m not in the mood for this and Stuart get over here! Quit cowering behind the lamp like a weenie! No one is going to hurt you man!”, Leonard hissed at Raj before he turned his attention to Stuart.
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“ Yeah well you’re not me Leonard. You don’t know what I’m thinking about this situation. I’m not too sure about this so I’m just going to remain here thank you very much.”, Stuart said in a skeptical tone as he kept hiding.
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“ Stuart!”, Leonard hissed as he pointed his finger to the middle of the room to show his friend that he wasn’t playing around.
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“ Fine.”, Stuart said with a sigh as he reluctantly joined his friends.
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“ Alright now as far as introductions go, Penny, Amy, Bernadette, Howard, Raj, Cinnamon, Stuart, Sheldon, these guys are my new friends Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo but I’ve just been calling them by their nicknames Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. But they’re better known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, this is my roommate/best friend, Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper, my friends Astronaut Howard Joel Wolowitz, Stuart Bloom, Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali or Raj and this is his dog Cinnamon, Howard’s wife Dr. Bernadette MaryAnn Rostenkowski-Wolowitz, Sheldon’s girlfriend Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, and my girlfriend Penny.”, Leonard said as he pointed at everyone in the room to introduce them all to each other.
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“ Hi.”, Howard, Stuart, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette said with friendly smiles as they gave them a short wave with their hands.
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“ Hello.”, Sheldon said with a soft smile as he gave them his Mr. Spock salute while Raj just silently waved his hand with a friendly smile and Cinnamon let out a friendly little bark before she shut up entirely.
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“ Hi nice to meet you.”, Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey said as they did the same thing with their green three fingered hands.
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“ Can he say anything?”, Raph asked as he pointed at Raj.
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“ He can, he just can’t speak in front of them unless if he’s drunk or if he’s taken his placebo pill. He has selective mutism. I know it sounds weird but it is what it is.”, Leonard said as he pointed at Penny, Amy and Bernadette.
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“ Well that makes sense.”, Donnie said as he showed off his gap tooth smile.
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“ Of course it does genius but anyway, let’s see if I can remember this. Sheldon, Howard, Raj, Cinnamon, Stuart, Bernadette, Amy, and… this is your girlfriend Penny?!”, Leo asked as he pointed at everyone.
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“ Yeah she is Leo, why do you ask?”, Leonard said as he nodded his head.
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“ Dude, this chick’s smoking hot! How did you get a girl like that to go out with you?!”, Mikey exclaimed when he saw how attractive Penny was.
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“ Mikey!”, the other three turtles hissed in their brother’s face.
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“ What?! I was just asking him bros! I’m curious!”, Mikey shot back.
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“ Please excuse him Dr. Hofstadter, that was just really rude what he said.”, Leo apologized as he shook his head.
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“ It’s ok Leo, I get it.”, Leonard said as the conversations amongst all of them continued, completely unaware that the villains were watching them through the window from outside the hotel after they picked themselves up off the street below and they perched themselves up on a neighboring rooftop hidden in the shadows to avoid being caught by NYPD officers who were still searching the streets for them to recapture them.
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*alien android chirping noises sound off*
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“ The Kraang will now re-infiltrate the place that is known as the Holiday Inn to eliminate the ones who are known as The Turtles and Dr. Leonard Hofstadter!”, one of the krangdroids said as him and his fellow krangdroids stood next to Shredder and the Foot Clan on the rooftop, gripping their blaster weapons ready to fire them again.
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“ No not yet you imbeciles, this is interesting! It’s those fools from California that pathetic experimental physicist was talking about! Oh this should be good… very good!”, Shredder evilly said as he held up his hand for a moment and continued to watch what was going on through Leonard‘s hotel room window.
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“ So what should we do Master Shredder?!”, Tiger Claw evilly asked as he placed his furry paw on Shredder’s metal shoulder pad.
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“ We shall destroy them all, Tiger Claw! Because as I said before… this means war!”, Shredder evilly said as all of the villains continued to watch the Turtles, Leonard, and the rest of the Pasadena getting to know each other and becoming friends.
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Uh oh, it appears more trouble is about to brew! What do you think will happen next?! Let me know in the comments. To be continued…
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