See thru the matrix with heaven eyes, Recognize you can't19Please respect copyright.PENANAwYx78oPqMh
reckon with the wise, They having seconds with the files, It shows who real in19Please respect copyright.PENANAhcelaHpqSi
love, It glows when you heal the dove, Not intrigued by the world, Not in19Please respect copyright.PENANAAAZz7csEEs
league with the world.
I was trained for peace, They were drained for the beast,19Please respect copyright.PENANA6uoukAiAqk
It's all scripted. I don't ball I'm gifted, Gon see who fall when it's shifted,19Please respect copyright.PENANAOO8ENaHYUl
We all need to clean our hearts to the max, They plead to the scene of the fax,19Please respect copyright.PENANA39UwqmSDV4
It's obvious, It's the mafias.
I shed my tears for you, I bled my fears for you, They try19Please respect copyright.PENANA6exntx3uxr
to match me cause they can't catch me, They tried to latch me but only love can19Please respect copyright.PENANAEmQXkwYIok
patch me, Transgressions can cause havoc, The planned sessions are odds against19Please respect copyright.PENANA51dlWwMDjh
the maverick.
Didn't know I was I lion, I glow with the iron, I admit19Please respect copyright.PENANA7oVBjAB6pj
having a big heart is painful, They led me to the pit from the start cause I19Please respect copyright.PENANAcdwd2cRQED
was like an angel, Left me to the hyenas, Theft of the key of the arenas, I19Please respect copyright.PENANAyRRltbpsP7
won't say much, Just stay in touch.
One conscience word, The sun's conscious of the world, Jesus19Please respect copyright.PENANAIOMt6yJd5u
is Lord over all, They want to seize us in war for the cobra ball, Society know19Please respect copyright.PENANAePixoaV58k
what they do, Variety of what they want you to do, Self control, Don't sell19Please respect copyright.PENANAcOMIZnJ7pu
your soul, Discernment, This is certain.
From Paris to Harris, Subliminal in plain sight, Criminals19Please respect copyright.PENANAhlOMUvxwV1
in the grain of the night, Stay in the holy spirit, Praying in the only limit,19Please respect copyright.PENANA6RMjMSQqM3
Most of the world in the flesh, Post in the Word to be blessed, Now I'm getting19Please respect copyright.PENANA4QrN4ANqTi
upgraded, Now they getting frustrated.
When you got the crown on you they look down on you, But yet19Please respect copyright.PENANACrdQXeScwf
they fear the light, Get the gear for the night, Pray your flight is not on the19Please respect copyright.PENANAhcx9AO59lh
sabbath or the winter, They slay for the might of havoc in the printer, Fake19Please respect copyright.PENANAPPfdXBW7qi
attraction, We break the distraction.
It's not as easy as it looks, This is for the Lamb's Book,19Please respect copyright.PENANA0GYl3jJzYG
It's about the spirit not the flesh, Without love we failed the test, The19Please respect copyright.PENANAuNyH1obwiV
Gospel is your salvation, Used to be a lost soul then I got the revelation, Tap19Please respect copyright.PENANAc8L0rs5PFt
into Jesus, The only one who can free us.
Your light is a glitch in the matrix, The night is a switch19Please respect copyright.PENANAgkF23Jl038
to take you in the spaceship, Don't go in, The zone glowing, Vibration like a19Please respect copyright.PENANAb17Mg9grxc
disciple, The eye nation worship the idol, The world showed its true19Please respect copyright.PENANAcb7pgy8alV
intentions, The Word's soul is true repentance.
My heart pour peace, From the start it was war with the19Please respect copyright.PENANALNcYCsm92I
beast, It's a different part when you ain't got no lease, Frequency off the19Please respect copyright.PENANA0g5NB1wGza
chart cause the evil has cease, They throwing the dart of grease, I'm flowing19Please respect copyright.PENANAvkQmIKFsFH
cause only God I please, I'm the real no tease.
We need the love, Free seed for the dove, It's not worth it,19Please respect copyright.PENANApRsugaoVVS
God called us to be perfect, Protect your eyes and ear gates, Connect with the19Please respect copyright.PENANAgeWtyshWpK
wise cause folks fears is fate, The world can't comprehend, The Word for the19Please respect copyright.PENANAQp0nnl6FZC
saint is the upper hand.
Photographic, Portal magic brings the enemy, Immortal19Please respect copyright.PENANAP2iAyVvNkj
energy, Stop playing with the beast, Start praying with the peace, I ain't19Please respect copyright.PENANAZzyfyxszYQ
talking violence, I'm walking in silence, Unlocking the balance, Not between19Please respect copyright.PENANAked28zA6te
good and evil, In every scene they move in the ego.
Keep your soul obedient, It's deep the gold is the19Please respect copyright.PENANAJxLvlRRhc6
ingredient, God don't care about your race, The heart is aware of all grace,19Please respect copyright.PENANAhsa4owlZNr
This world is mundane, The Word is the sun's rain, The sin is in the blood, You19Please respect copyright.PENANANJYQ5LbpTa
can't win if it's not in love.
Train your mind cause they want to drain your mind, Broken19Please respect copyright.PENANA8yYyhuAkhh
promises, Soak in common sense, Society is losing its marbles, The variety of19Please respect copyright.PENANAXIYyd8SGjf
snoozing goggles, Wake up and see the light of love, They fake up when you free19Please respect copyright.PENANApgfqBsapJV
the rights of the dove.
No toxins, Soul boxing, Absorb the pain, There's orbs in the19Please respect copyright.PENANAcoRoc6tT5l
rain, The storm came in the game, Transform in the name, Jesus to be exact,19Please respect copyright.PENANAyth1CsXk4U
Believers is intact, I don't got them in my contact, Any term got to stay on19Please respect copyright.PENANAGYHSUdQOKc
track, Christ is coming back.
The earth belongs to God. The rebirth is the song card, The19Please respect copyright.PENANAZlYw4vOM7d
decline of those who are blind, Not talking physically, I mean folk don't know19Please respect copyright.PENANAiLf5jghUDh
where they walking spiritually, The Word is a regulator for every hater, The19Please respect copyright.PENANAIaqxgxNCnA
world is a educator for every waiter.
Ripple in the wave, Try to cripple you when you're saved,19Please respect copyright.PENANAohKyKSexfQ
Don't get tripled in the grave, This world is satanic and getting even worse,19Please respect copyright.PENANAkbWrwRLHcr
The Word says don't panic even if they betting on the curse, You better wake up19Please respect copyright.PENANAW0F5g2JEO6
cause God doesn't fake up.
Keep pushing The Gospel to everyone and everywhere, They19Please respect copyright.PENANAT1D1vVZEG6
swooshing the lost souls to the berry sun and heavy air, I'm at fault for19Please respect copyright.PENANAmaFSS8GQTC
looking for fault, Jesus Christ is Lord over all, The rights of war is balled,19Please respect copyright.PENANAongAQfFVwI
They in a cult I know satan is in a vault.
Stay in Jesus, Pray in Jesus, Don't play with Jesus, You so19Please respect copyright.PENANAulRIMh97fr
hungry for power now you starving, Truth ain't ugly it's just the last hour of19Please respect copyright.PENANA4JLfoR9kqv
the carving, Bill Gates and Elon Musk gon partner up, The will of fates belong19Please respect copyright.PENANAf6PMZF6Zzs
to the dusk of the gardener's cup.
If you in the Word you waking up, If you in the world you19Please respect copyright.PENANAukLUM6pdw9
faking up, Lukewarm spirit, Truth warned don't fear it, The news is lying,19Please respect copyright.PENANABFjHpiXQCZ
Without the juice you dying, I'm talking about salvation, I'm talking to every19Please respect copyright.PENANAnZFCVOfFXD
nation, I'm walking like the ancient.
The world is in chaos, The Word is in the playoffs, We19Please respect copyright.PENANAi5iYRCN20V
fighting for the imperishable wreath, We writing for the immeasurable to19Please respect copyright.PENANA6gRqSMOujr
breathe, From the ground up Now I got the crown and the cup, It's real like19Please respect copyright.PENANA2BGRvEAbAS
that. They blitz cause they feel like that.
The risk on the level is why they fear it so I'm praying for19Please respect copyright.PENANAgXjmcSgNpL
the blessing of the heart's dove, Resist the devil with the holy spirit by19Please respect copyright.PENANAW5M7f8uROu
staying present in God's love, The gifts advanced, The myths enhanced, Karma19Please respect copyright.PENANAmqOvPrSM2I
coming when you hear the trumpets.
They scared of you that's why folk act like they don't care19Please respect copyright.PENANAmsJETZD3WQ
for you, They ridicule you cause they can't get rid of you, Keep living right,19Please respect copyright.PENANApzD9eouBUo
It's deep how they giving the night, Now they can't laugh cause you broke the19Please respect copyright.PENANAd6C2KOCFFl
witchcraft, You playing and I'm praying.
They fear it cause you have the holy spirit, Don't quench19Please respect copyright.PENANAWMi0fyg3MW
the fire, Get off the bench and don't retire, Label broken, Cable soaking,19Please respect copyright.PENANAhB6mLrl0pN
Television is read between the lines, They sell vision to those who plead the19Please respect copyright.PENANAhXdVNRt8NA
scene of the mind.
We all need to repent and watch how the enemy relent, If you19Please respect copyright.PENANASl4sojtmwf
want to be free from the devil tap into the holy spirit, If you want to see the19Please respect copyright.PENANAiXNJzzF7z5
level don't cap cause they fear it, Apply the verses or you'll have to reply to19Please respect copyright.PENANAzuV3U8wRQ7
the curses.
People trying to open the portals, People dying hoping to be19Please respect copyright.PENANA3RZNp4m35J
immortals, The world asking how but they waxing the vow, Code of silence by the19Please respect copyright.PENANAJzyqN1xIzA
globe, Mode of violence by the globe, Jesus is the only hope, They try to19Please respect copyright.PENANAjXOoBgp5ho
freeze us cause we can cope.
More of the last for the saints in the connect, Forecast19Please respect copyright.PENANAvQRGxrGk9N
ain't totally in the correct, Metaverse and CERN working with the fallen19Please respect copyright.PENANAp6cZqhxdCu
forces, They want you in a hearse cause you discern the balling sources,19Please respect copyright.PENANA225IejiKAR
Reports of legislation, The courts of conversation.
I was advised to rise above the skies, Talking biblical,19Please respect copyright.PENANAzeL5H6FkkI
Walking miracle, Don't let the devil play with you, They don't get me in the19Please respect copyright.PENANAQpEJlFE6OY
level where I pray to lift you, Won't be complacent, I know they can't face it,19Please respect copyright.PENANAsghSTelB7O
The glow is thanks to the ancient.
I was trained for peace, They were drained for the beast,19Please respect copyright.PENANARqPCdBfVns
It's all scripted. I don't ball I'm gifted, Gon see who fall when it's shifted,19Please respect copyright.PENANArXXwXBcSie
We all need to clean our hearts to the max, They plead to the scene of the fax,19Please respect copyright.PENANAbhEXXo4K6g
It's obvious, It's the mafias.
I shed my tears for you, I bled my fears for you, They try19Please respect copyright.PENANAGfjphMB7Uz
to match me cause they can't catch me, They tried to latch me but only love can19Please respect copyright.PENANAg4c9sGa58v
patch me, Transgressions can cause havoc, The planned sessions are odds against19Please respect copyright.PENANAz4zXtgUIwg
the maverick.
Didn't know I was I lion, I glow with the iron, I admit19Please respect copyright.PENANAE1yCtT9RII
having a big heart is painful, They led me to the pit from the start cause I19Please respect copyright.PENANAFB7itUGp0E
was like an angel, Left me to the hyenas, Theft of the key of the arenas, I19Please respect copyright.PENANA9ySyFtnQqf
won't say much, Just stay in touch.
One conscience word, The sun's conscious of the world, Jesus19Please respect copyright.PENANAnssITUurzq
is Lord over all, They want to seize us in war for the cobra ball, Society know19Please respect copyright.PENANAWPz9WEPQdL
what they do, Variety of what they want you to do, Self control, Don't sell19Please respect copyright.PENANAuxFonjBs3E
your soul, Discernment, This is certain.
From Paris to Harris, Subliminal in plain sight, Criminals19Please respect copyright.PENANAgzU3uXEXNO
in the grain of the night, Stay in the holy spirit, Praying in the only limit,19Please respect copyright.PENANAO6Z0f2GpsU
Most of the world in the flesh, Post in the Word to be blessed, Now I'm getting19Please respect copyright.PENANAu0f67DwQCj
upgraded, Now they getting frustrated.
When you got the crown on you they look down on you, But yet19Please respect copyright.PENANA0ytu1woeVk
they fear the light, Get the gear for the night, Pray your flight is not on the19Please respect copyright.PENANAYmyvQyZAZG
sabbath or the winter, They slay for the might of havoc in the printer, Fake19Please respect copyright.PENANA6gZZLl7PtX
attraction, We break the distraction.
It's not as easy as it looks, This is for the Lamb's Book,19Please respect copyright.PENANAIOhakrEVia
It's about the spirit not the flesh, Without love we failed the test, The19Please respect copyright.PENANA3J026ue8v4
Gospel is your salvation, Used to be a lost soul then I got the revelation, Tap19Please respect copyright.PENANAxicYyKXXm0
into Jesus, The only one who can free us.
Your light is a glitch in the matrix, The night is a switch19Please respect copyright.PENANAYLHhK09Wg6
to take you in the spaceship, Don't go in. The zone glowing, Vibration like a19Please respect copyright.PENANAYEIFdqjppT
disciple, The eye nation worship the idol, The world showed its true19Please respect copyright.PENANAsAaHsr5aM4
intentions, The Word's soul is true repentance.
My heart pour peace, From the start it was war with the19Please respect copyright.PENANAIHykD8gzBt
beast, It's a different part when you ain't got no lease, Frequency off the19Please respect copyright.PENANAxMEz1mUOpO
chart cause the evil has cease, They throwing the dart of grease, I'm flowing19Please respect copyright.PENANAmxjWpQtVdI
cause only God I please, I'm the real no tease.
We need the love, Free seed for the dove, It's not worth it,19Please respect copyright.PENANAih89IznFyY
God called us to be perfect, Protect your eyes and ear gates, Connect with the19Please respect copyright.PENANAiiy05zbty9
wise cause folks fears is fate, The world can't comprehend, The Word for the19Please respect copyright.PENANAR59zKJF8zc
saint is the upper hand.
See thru the matrix with heaven eyes, Recognize you can't19Please respect copyright.PENANAYCxmrexsoM
reckon with the wise, They having seconds with the files, It shows who real in19Please respect copyright.PENANAEu6AvWKFbN
love, It glows when you heal the dove, Not intrigued by the world, Not in19Please respect copyright.PENANAo1n0zQ7sg3
league with the world.
Photographic, Portal magic brings the enemy, Immortal19Please respect copyright.PENANAbt0fKBXTJh
energy, Stop playing with the beast, Start praying with the peace, I ain't19Please respect copyright.PENANAsYQSw58QSO
talking violence, I'm walking in silence, Unlocking the balance, Not between19Please respect copyright.PENANAhmUNyrCO05
good and evil, In every scene they move in the ego.
Keep your soul obedient, It's deep the gold is the19Please respect copyright.PENANA10U9oeYNbg
ingredient, God don't care about your race, The heart is aware of all grace,19Please respect copyright.PENANA5ez8osoA5K
This world is mundane, The Word is the sun's rain, The sin is in the blood, You19Please respect copyright.PENANAVmsS6M73k6
can't win if it's not in love.
Train your mind cause they want to drain your mind, Broken19Please respect copyright.PENANA939Nfo2rEX
promises, Soak in common sense. Society is losing its marbles, The variety of19Please respect copyright.PENANAqGRmAjIfN1
snoozing goggles, Wake up and see the light of love, They fake up when you free19Please respect copyright.PENANANb1m9XQkxw
the rights of the dove.
The earth belongs to God, The rebirth is the song card, The19Please respect copyright.PENANAwD0KaOdiNv
decline of those who are blind, Not talking physically, I mean folk don't know19Please respect copyright.PENANAw798DLEGK9
where they walking spiritually, The Word is a regulator for every hater, The19Please respect copyright.PENANArvLviHAnew
world is a educator for every waiter.
No toxins, Soul boxing, Absorb the pain, There's orbs in the19Please respect copyright.PENANAd6hD4jNqa4
rain, The storm came in the game, Transform in the name, Jesus to be exact,19Please respect copyright.PENANAG9cJtkhYVz
Believers is intact, I don't got them in my contact, Any term got to stay on19Please respect copyright.PENANAiA2KmUAY0b
track, Christ is coming back.