The dark being still stood before them, his power rising with every moment, while Jacob felt the flames of ancient powers emanating from the depths of the forest. The very ground beneath his feet was shaking, as if it were an expression of a struggle between two great forces: the power of the stone and the spirit of the forest against the darkness that began to seep through this unknown being.
Liara raised her sword, and took a step forward, heading towards the dark being. "You will not let us allow you to take the stone," she said in a firm voice, filled with defiance. But the dark being did not care about her, instead, he smiled a very cold smile, and raised his hand towards the sky, as if he was releasing hidden powers from deep within the earth.
Jacob felt something unnatural. Nature around him was speaking, but he was unable to fully understand its message. His body was tense, knowing that the next moment would be decisive. But deep in his heart, he felt something else, something more than just their power, something that the dark being was hiding, as if it was planning something greater.
"Jacob, you must control your power!" Liara shouted, fighting with all her might against the waves of darkness that were flowing towards her.
"Use your ability to communicate with the forest," Zara shouted, grabbing her spear and fighting alongside Liara. "You are not alone in this battle!"
Jacob felt the pressure build. He now realized that the battle was not just a physical one, but a spiritual one. The forces of darkness were feeding on their fear, on their doubts, on every moment of weakness. But if he wanted to win, he had to overcome these feelings and trust in the power and protection of the forest.
He closed his eyes, focusing on himself and his energy. "I am part of this place. I am part of the spirit. Earth, air, water, and fire are all within me," Jacob whispered in his heart.
At that moment, he felt something strange, a power from deep within him suddenly erupting, a power without limits, as if it were an expression of all those years of deep connection to the forest, to the spirits that had blessed him. That moment was the key to transformation.
He stretched his hands forward, focusing on the energy that was filling him. He felt every leaf and tree, every atom of air around him. The universe itself was pulsing through his body, feeding his strength. With every thrust of his hands, the trees began to grow at an unprecedented speed, intertwining and wrapping around the dark being, as if restricting his movement. The struggle between the forces of light and darkness was clear before him.
But the dark being, despite his restraint, did not appear to be backing down. "You think this forest can stop me?" he said in a voice full of sarcasm. "You don't know my true strength yet."
With those words, the ground beneath their feet suddenly began to crack, as if the dark being was trying to summon something more powerful. Thick clouds of darkness were gathering around him, as if he was creating an army of shadows, dark spirits emerging from the earth itself.
Jacob felt a pang in his heart. He knew that this being was not just an ordinary creature, but was part of an ancient history of darkness, part of a threat that had faced this place since the beginning of time. But at that moment, he felt an inner light, something deep within his soul, as if the ancient spirits that had blessed him were watching over him, protecting him, and supporting him in this crucial moment.
"You are not fighting for a stone," Jacob whispered in a deep voice. "You are fighting for the soul of this place. And I am here to protect it."
As if these words were the key that triggered a reaction within the dark being, the ground suddenly shook, and a wave of pure light exploded from Jacob, as if it were the power of the forest itself flowing through his body. The rays spread rapidly, through the trees and the lands, as if cleansing everything in their path.
The dark being tried to resist the wave, but it was clear that he was facing something he was not prepared for. He felt that the forces of the ancient forest were uniting against him, and that his presence here was a real threat to nature.
But as if this moment was not enough to eliminate him, the dark being was growing stronger. Suddenly, he let out a frightening laugh, as if smiling at their misfortune. "You think you've defeated me? You still have so much to discover," he said, before disappearing into a cloud of thick darkness.
Jacob stood in the middle of the forest, panting from the effort, sweat dripping from his brow. The trees around him were breathing slowly, as if they felt the peace that had returned to them. The battle was over, but Jacob knew deep in his heart that this was just the beginning. They had paid the price, but the darkness was not over yet. He whispered in his heart, certain that there would be another battle, perhaps even more brutal.
"It won't stop here..." he whispered to himself.
In that moment, he realized that the forces of darkness would never be easy to defeat, but when they were connected to the forest, they would be able to face any threat, no matter how great. And he, now, was part of this eternal battle.