Silence filled the place as the mysterious woman stood watching Jacob with her steady eyes. Her words echoed in his mind: "Between knowledge and freedom, between staying and leaving." Jacob stood before the stone that seemed to be pulsing with life, emitting a glowing blue light as if it were part of a mysterious entity luring him towards an unknown he knew little about.
Time stood still for him. He didn't know how long he had been looking at the stone, but something seemed to be trying to communicate with him. There was a palpable energy in the air, a sense that something greater was about to happen.
"What does it mean to become a part of you?" Jacob finally asked, his voice a mixture of fear and curiosity.
The woman took one step forward, standing beside him as she looked at the stone with him. "Becoming part of us means giving up your previous life, everything you knew. You will become one of the guardians of the stone, committed to protecting it forever. You will not return to the outside world, but you will gain the power and knowledge that the stone possesses. You will be able to understand its secrets and live in the embrace of this forest as you have never lived before."
Jacob swallowed his saliva. The thought of giving up his life was terrifying, but he knew that the knowledge he could gain here in this mysterious place was priceless. How many times had he dreamed as a young man of discovering something that would change his life forever? Could this be his chance? But in return, the price was too high.
"And what about the other option?" Jacob asked, trying to understand all the aspects before making his decision.
"The other option is to leave this place, but without any memory of what you saw here. The stone will remove everything you discovered, and you will return to the outside world as if you had never entered this forest. You will be free, but you will still be haunted by unanswered questions, and you will remain part of the unknown."
The decision became more complicated. Jacob knew that his choice now would determine the rest of his life. He could leave and return to his former life as an adventurous journalist, but how long could he live without knowing what he was about to discover? On the other hand, becoming part of this tribe would mean losing his entire life as he knew it and becoming a guardian of an entity he did not know how it would affect him.
At that moment, Jacob felt something strange. He began to hear faint whispers in the air, as if the stone was trying to communicate with him directly. A faint but clear voice, speaking in a language he could not fully understand, but he felt it was directed at him.
The woman noticed the change in his face and said in a calm voice, "The stone knows who is suitable to be its guardian. If you feel the stone calling you, it means you have the strength to bear this responsibility."
Jacob felt the weight of the words, as if this stone in front of him was not just a piece of rock but a living being that held secrets and power greater than anything he had ever encountered in his life. He knew that the stone was testing him and that his choice now would not be just an ordinary decision.
He slowly reached for the stone but stopped before touching it, asking himself one last time, "Am I ready?"
Before he could touch the stone, another person appeared in the room. It was another woman, with a completely different appearance than the one who had led him here. She was dressed in a long black robe decorated with gold ornaments, and her eyes shone with something that could not be ignored-a mixture of power and mystery.
"Stop!" she said in a sharp voice, as if she knew what he was about to do. "Before you make your decision, you need to know the whole truth."
Jacob turned to her, confused. "The truth? What truth?"
The new woman slowly walked towards him, her face showing no emotion. "What no one told you is that the stone doesn't just give power. It consumes a part of your soul in return. Anyone who touches it must make a sacrifice, not a physical one but a spiritual one. A part of your being will remain bound to the stone forever. The more you bond with it, the more you become a part of this place and of this power."
She looked at him sharply and added, "The decision is not just life or death. It is a choice between becoming part of an uncontrollable force or returning to your life with no memory of what happened here. But once you touch the stone, there is no turning back."
Jacob felt a shiver run through his body. The sacrifice he was talking about was not just a physical sacrifice but a spiritual one. He knew that this stone held great power, but he had never imagined that it was about his soul.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" The first woman asked sharply, her eyes filled with anger.
She looked at him coldly and said, "Because we don't allow anyone to discover this truth until the last moment. You are here now, and you have to choose."
Jacob hesitated for a moment. Was he willing to sacrifice a part of his soul in exchange for power? In exchange for knowledge? In exchange for becoming part of the legendary tribe of women?
Time passed slowly as he stood there, in front of the stone, staring into its glowing light. Everything seemed clear and difficult at the same time. Either he could choose to become part of something greater, or he could leave and live his life, but he would lose that opportunity forever.
At that moment, Jacob knew that his decision would change his entire life, whether it was the decision to stay or to leave. He knew that he was about to make the biggest decision of his life.
He slowly reached his hand towards the stone again, then stopped.