Alesia cooked the spaghetti for herself and her new guest. She was curious about him and a bit cautious. She remembered taking her usual night walk when she stumbled upon him in front of her house. He had many wounds that looked fatal.
Alesia felt that she had to help him. What also made her curious was that his wounds slowly healed by themselves.
It scared her a bit, but she couldn't help being fascinated.
Alesia was done cooking the pasta and added the tomato sauce on top, along with the meatballs. Alesia got two plates, poured food on them, and then put the two plates on the table. Then, she got two loaves of bread and cups of fruit punch.
Everything was ready.
The half-breed sat up on the bed, intrigued by what the human female was doing. When the scent of food hit his nose, he felt his mouth salivate. Never had he smelled such good food before. The food he was fed in the facility was usually raw and hardly had any taste. There were times when the facility workers did not feed him at all.
Now he was free. The half-breed enjoyed the smell of freedom that he had always longed for.
Alesia noticed him and smiled. "It is time to eat. Come on." She then motioned him to get off the bed, walk to the table, and sit on the chair. The young woman also motioned him to the eating sign.
The half-breed, to his surprise, trusted her. He noticed that she did not try anything that would hurt him. He saw her make food, and she wanted him to eat. Slowly, he took off the covers and walked towards the small table. He sat on the farthest side; Alesia gave him a plate of food and his cup of juice. His eyes were wide open; the food looked delectable. He then saw Alesia giving him utensils, which confused him.
Alesia sat on the other side of the table, got the fork, rolled it into the spaghetti, and began eating. The half-breed was fascinated. He got a hold of the fork and did what she did. Initially, it was a bit hard for him, but he got the hang of it on the third try. When he took his first bite, he felt like another world. The spaghetti was so delicious that he felt a tear in his right eye. His thoughts were then interrupted.
"Hey there, are you okay? Have you ever eaten spaghetti before?"
The half-breed did not look at her and was slightly embarrassed; he kept eating. He then took a bite of bread and then a sip of juice.
He loved the taste of everything.
Alesia cleared his throat. "So, I saw you were injured. Were you in a fight?"
The half-breed did not answer.
"I can understand if you don't want to discuss it, but can you tell me your name?"
The half-breed stopped eating and slowly looked at Alesia. He looked confused.
"You do have a name, right?"
Name. It was foreign to him. He slowly shook his head.
Alesia's eyes became wide open. "You don't have a name? How is that possible!? Where are your parents?"
Still, he did not answer. "I guess you are not much of a chatterbox. Until you are ready to speak, how about I give you a name? I was thinking..." Alesia became thoughtful about thinking of a name. To her, men's names were a bit harder to choose. For female names, many were creative and had beautiful meanings. The half-breed eyed her curiously as he ate his last bite of bread.
"Many prevalent names exist, but I want to choose something different. Yet, there is one that I have always liked. How would you like your name to be Jedrek? What do you think?"
The half-breed moved his head as if trying to understand.
"I know you are not much of a talker, but I would like to know if you at least like the name. Take it as a new identity."
Then, something happened that shocked her.
"J-Jedrek." The half-breed spoke.
"Y-You spoke!"
He nodded. "I can speak. I always knew how."
Alesia was still in a state of shock. "Th-Then why didn't you speak!?"
The young woman sat still; Alesia opened her mouth and raised an eyebrow. "You were cautious?"
"You could have spoken to me all this time?"
"You could have told me your name?"
"What do you mean?"
The half-breed looked at her. "I never had a name. I was never given one."
Alesia gasped. "You were never given a name!? Your parents never gave you one!? Why would they do such a thing!?"
"I never knew my parents; they died when I was born."
Alesia was about to respond but then stopped herself. She was filled with confusion but also pity. The man before her never had a name and never knew his parents. "Did you have someone at least take care of you?"
The half-breed was hesitant to answer her. He did not want to tell her his true identity and all he went through. If he told her the truth, he was afraid she would fear him or turn him into the organization that imprisoned him all his life. "Not really. I had to survive on my own."
"Wow, I don't know how you are so calm about it. Have you ever on what to name yourself?"
He shook his head. "Not really; a name never came across my mind."
The two were silent then, but the half-breed broke the silence. "C-Could I have some more food? I haven't eaten in a while."
She nodded, got his plate, and served him more food. The half-breed ate with contentment, and Alesia just watched.
"Jedrek, I like it. That will be my name. I thank you for giving me a new identity."
The young woman slowly smiled. "After you are done, you can shower and sleep; I know you are exhausted." Alesia got up and went to wash the dishes. Unknown to her, Jedrek kept on looking at her.
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