Since his birth, he was given no name, no human name. He was only called 'half-breed. The half-breed was experimented on by government officials ever since his birth. The child grew faster than any human child. Five months after his birth, he grew into the height of a three years old human child and still had his alien traits, but he would slowly dissipate as he grew older.
Ever since childhood, the half-breed could climb and run faster than any human, even at his young age. He would eat any meat from any animal. When he was five, the half-breed would fight off animals twice his height and strength.
The scientists and officials were amazed by the half-breed's strength and experimented on him more as he grew older. About five years after his birth, he grew up into an adolescent form; his alien appearance disappeared, and he had a completely human appearance. During that time, he learned to transform into his alien form.
It was difficult to change because it was a painful process for him. The process made him feel like his skin was tearing, and his bones formed into different positions.
However, it made those around him lose their patience and try to force him to transform, which he would refuse. When they would use force, they would electrocute him, cut parts of his body, starve him, and dehydrate him.
The half-breed would almost die occasionally but eventually give in to their demands.
Another form of experimentation would be fighting off other soldiers to see his combat skills; they were immense. He also would be trained to dodge bullets and other forms of weaponry. He would get injured or have parts of his body decapitated, but his body would heal and regenerate, not as fast as his pure-blooded alien father.
Years later, he became a full-grown adult. Even though he had extraordinary strength and gifts, he would not speak. He stood at six feet and three inches tall; his skin was light olive. His eyes were a dark gold color. He had a muscular build from all the pieces of training and fights he was forced to do. The half-breed held handsome features that made the most attractive male model shame. Like his father, his muscular body was filled with many scars that showed his abuse. He had short dark brown curly hair and a messy light beard. Sometimes, he would refuse to communicate with the scientists and officials.
The half-breed often wondered if there was more to life than his captive facility whenever he had free time. He sometimes desired to go to the outside world that his human mother was born into.
The scientists and government officials did not know that the half-breed was considering ways to escape prison.
Also, they didn't know that he would soon make his move.
Night befell the inhabitants of the facility. Many were going to their homes or going into the facility to work. For the half-breed, it was an everyday thing. He would look at the full-blooded humans who go on with their lives and work.
There was a part of him that was envious of them. They had the freedom that they were able to come and go from the facility as they wished. Never in his life had he been outside of the facility. He remembered when the scientists told him about his parentage. His father was a purebred alien, and his mother was human. When he was younger, he didn't understand the concept. However, as he grew older, he understood why the humans were so invested in knowing more about his abilities.
He is descended from beings that were of different worlds. He realized that even though his mother and father were captured, they were once free. Sometimes, the half-breed wondered what life would have been like if his parents were alive.
Yet, the half-breed was alone.
He was sure he wanted to be as free as his parents once were. The need for freedom motivated him to study and learn all the strengths and weaknesses of the facility. He also knew every facility member by memory, their schedules, and much more.
He had had enough of being trapped throughout the years. He carefully planned his escape. Today was the day he would put all he had learned into action.
Meanwhile, the two male scientists were walking through the halls. They were the ones that worked in the facility the longest and were in charge. Professor Antony, 55, and Professor Logan, 47, were in order of the half-breed and were in order of his parents. "It has been a while since we had the half-breed, and his powers are extraordinary," stated Antony as he sipped his coffee.
"Indeed, I am sure you received a message from the government, wanting to know more about the half-breed. I am sure they would want to use it for military purposes. However, I am concerned that it will interrupt our scholarly work. I wondered if we should bring females to mate with to study it more and sell them more. We-" Logan could not finish his comment when the alarm system went off.
The workers of the facility were running everywhere. The guards were running towards the experiment room. Antony and Logan immediately went with the guards. They were met with thrown and decapitated bodies when they arrived in the experiment room.
They saw the half-breed growling in his alien form as he fought the guards. He would dodge the bullets and slash anyone in his way. The half-breed knew that more backup would arrive, and he couldn't fight them all off. He began to run, jump, and dodge everyone toward a closer exit.
Dr. Logan noticed this. "Stop him! He must not escape!"
The exit/entrance doors were closing. The half-breed ran faster. When the doors were about to close, he returned to his human form and jumped out before the doors closed. Some guards outside the facility began to shoot at him, and the half-breed got hit, but it didn't faze him as he kept running. He then got to the fence and jumped over it.
Then, he went deeper into the woods. The half-breed felt the fresh air for the first time and enjoyed it. He felt small tears forming in his eyes. However, the half-breed kept running.