Jedrek looked at Leo and his hand. He was confused about why the man extended his hand to him. It made him wonder if Leo had something to gain. Yet, again, he wasn't too familiar with human customs.
Alesia seemed to catch on, and he went to him. "Jedrek, he is trying to say hello; he wants you to get hold of his hand and shake it gently. It is a form of greeting."
The half-breed nodded, making sense of the situation. He didn't want to shake Leo's hand now that he understood. His alien side was getting control of his actions. Jedrek felt he shouldn't be blamed for something just in his nature. However, he wanted to leave a good impression of himself to Alesia. Slowly and unwillingly, he got a hold of Leo's hand and shook it but held it more tightly than he should.
"You got a good grip." Leo and Jedrek got out of the handshake, and Leo massaged his hand a bit. Leo felt a bit of pain from the grip.
As for Jedrek, he mentally smirked.
Alesia then got between the two. "Hey Jedrek, Leo invited me to a lunch party with the other neighbors." She then looked at Leo. "Would it be okay if Jedrek came along? It would be a great opportunity for him to get to know the neighbors and be more outgoing?"
Leo nodded. "Sure thing. The party will be at noon at my house."
"Great. Would you like me to bring anything?"
"How about your famous shrimp cocktail and your beautiful self?"
Alesia blushed and playfully hit Leo on the shoulder. "We will see you there."
The two friends hugged one another, and Leo left. Jedrek watched him go. Even though the half-breed did not fully know Leo, he noticed how close Leo and Alesia were. He didn't like watching another male touching the female of his interest. His alien part growled mentally. His eyes glowed a dark red but dissipated when Alesia turned to him.
"Well, we need to get ready. I will start cooking so we can go."
Jedrek was sitting on the sofa, awaiting Alesia. She had just finished making food for the little get-together. Alesia gave Jedrek some clothing and informed him that the clothing used to belong to her older brother, who lived in the city.
The half-breed wore a long-sleeved black buttoned shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. He was anxious about the upcoming activities; he had never been to a small party. It would be interesting. On the other hand, he knew that Leo would be present and felt that Leo would try to be close to Alesia. He did not want that. Jedrek was new to these emotions, especially for a woman.
He glanced at the door leading to Alesia's room. With his hearing, he could hear the young woman changing into a new set of clothing.
Strangely, it excited him. It also made him excited. He closed his eyes and imagined Alesia changing and fully nude, trying to see her entire body. He did not realize that his penis was slowly erecting as he imagined.
Suddenly, the door opening noise made Jedrek open his eyes and realize his penis was erect. He immediately noticed a pillow beside him and put it on his erection. Alesia walked out of her room wearing blue jeans, long black buckled boots, and a sleeveless white shirt with a light brown jacket. Alesia braided her hair on the right side of her head.
Jedrek felt his lips apart. To him, Alesia looked magnificent.
"Are you ready to go?" she asked as she went to the kitchen to get the pot of food she had made.
The half-breed calmed his erect penis, stood, and nodded his head.
The two walked out of the house and began to walk out on a handmade walkway within the woods. The woods felt silent yet calm. Handmade poles of lights guided their way. "So calm, right, Jedrek?"
Yes, quite soothing."
"There are other people that live within these woods. My neighbors and I like to live away from the city. It is so calm, peaceful, and less stressful."
Jedrek was a bit confused. "What's a city?"
Alesia raised her eyebrows. "You don't know?"
He shook his head. "It is a bit complicated."
"Well, a city is where a lot of people live. Many buildings are taller than these trees. There is much more to do in a city than here, but I prefer peace."
"Wow, sounds interesting."
She nodded. "I tend to live life slowly here. When one is in the city, they make their life go by at the drop of a hat. I'd rather take my time. I'd rather work to live than live to work."
Jedrek felt confused and upset with himself. This made him feel like an outcast and less human, even though he was half of it.
Alesia could not help but notice his seriousness. "Hey, brighten up! At least you will be out of your comfort zone! You also have me to help you become social!" She let out a giggle. About another twenty minutes after walking, the pair saw a couple of houses close to one another, a group of people together, with some tables, chairs, and a fire beside them to keep them warm. "We will have a lovely time. Come on."
Jedrek followed her to the group of people. It will be the first time he will have conversations with other people.