Remain peaceful, Refrain from the streets rule, God can give25Please respect copyright.PENANA4xvKnr1jWY
you breath or death, Used to be lying, Used to be crying, Now I got the juice25Please respect copyright.PENANAmcY1yLkrbZ
to be trying, Stay overflowing with love, Pray you sober knowing the dove, The25Please respect copyright.PENANA5D7uckpACd
hate is real but your fate is sealed.
Only a few left, The holy new breath, They in major25Please respect copyright.PENANApY2x2gVqGT
violation, Pray in the danger of a entire nation, This is worldwide, The Word25Please respect copyright.PENANAE4Lmz0emXE
is my guide, Biblical light, We’re in the spiritual night, Be led by God, Be25Please respect copyright.PENANAHvApGjUtis
fed by God, Devils gooning, Stay tuned in.
Valley of the dry bones, They rally when they try to stone,25Please respect copyright.PENANAqw1EuiEDOF
They want me in the alley with no phone, The secrets I will reveal, No regrets25Please respect copyright.PENANAvw1ZeirMJF
I keep it real, A lot of things will occur before the end, They got a pot of25Please respect copyright.PENANAkfoKfMEV2D
rings to defer not to repent.
The moment Is rare, The opponent is scared, Nothing is more25Please respect copyright.PENANAvk6NlXJSy2
important than salvation, They tryna bring abortion to every nation, It’s Jesus25Please respect copyright.PENANANd4LTjEkbZ
or nothing at all, Trying to grieve us cause they stunting to ball, I been25Please respect copyright.PENANAEsqaFpHXkG
noticed, I seen the motives.
Make sure you have the imperishable seed, I know they25Please respect copyright.PENANAUregPsEMS4
cherishing everything the beast need, I’m not playing with any devil, I’m25Please respect copyright.PENANArjbcG1wywX
praying on every level, It’s gon be a lot of suffering cause the matrix is25Please respect copyright.PENANA2V95WR92Ea
buffering, Protected by God’s covering.
I feel like a saint in the paint, They only can if you25Please respect copyright.PENANAgIdxif4Ka5
faint, Won’t bow down to the bronze, I ain’t down with their songs, Furnace of25Please respect copyright.PENANAFSWQwqBUgF
affliction, Earnings of addiction, Stay sober, Slay the cobra, Don’t fear no25Please respect copyright.PENANAkXRf4KwfUu
witch or mason, Seer of the glitch we facing.
Don’t drift in the swift, Travesty, Majesty, The battle is25Please respect copyright.PENANARUjw0X6pDz
the Lord’s. They rattle in the wars The cattle is in the doors, We all need to25Please respect copyright.PENANAny8Po7kN5G
repent, Free all the seeds with intent, Break that satanic curse, Fake stats so25Please respect copyright.PENANALiUoG9hiRe
don’t panic of the worst.
Supreme love, Redeem the dove, It’s not about religion, It25Please respect copyright.PENANA4S4jDP21l4
ain’t no doubt or switching, The world is backwards and upside down, The Word25Please respect copyright.PENANAUZQIcSwQjO
is the factors of the truth that guides the sounds, Do you hear the inner25Please respect copyright.PENANA0kv97vJWW0
peace, Why would you fear the sinner beast.
I seen they trying to take my joy in the trailer, They lying25Please respect copyright.PENANAJm9HJFbfnV
to destroy me cause I ain’t been a failure, I’m on God’s time, Water with that25Please respect copyright.PENANAONSvtdsxJ7
lime got them odd cause I’m in my prime, Still elevating, They still25Please respect copyright.PENANAcjd3GzwJio
delegating, Balance the weight, Talents of fate.
My heart won’t reproach the days, May God coach me in all my25Please respect copyright.PENANAxAYxAguqGN
ways, If you toxic the holy spirit is my protection, The myth lost it cause25Please respect copyright.PENANAlWxG6gHLok
they fear the connection, I’m on that wi-fi love, Time to fly high dove, They25Please respect copyright.PENANAd2WYgBy0OW
worried cause my soul can’t be buried.
They try to put me on waiver but Jesus Christ is my Lord and25Please respect copyright.PENANAhgRoNsvXoj
my Savior, Been on my labor that’s why I’m seeing so much favor, Love thy25Please respect copyright.PENANADBVVMIMMU2
neighbor, God is the real deal, My heart is the zeal to heal, The game is25Please respect copyright.PENANA989za70Cyj
peeled, My name is sealed.
By God’s grace my heart got to give praise, Don’t get25Please respect copyright.PENANAW0OIJLBBQS
hoodwinked, They don’t want you good linked, You are the light of the world,25Please respect copyright.PENANA80SmWugGCk
The star of the night in the world, I made it this far with the Word, Hidden in25Please respect copyright.PENANANWJIJrNu8z
plain sight, They bidding in the slain night.
If God ain’t apart of it then I got to depart from it, Sleep25Please respect copyright.PENANAwaR96BmOx5
is a robber of success, Steep the copper in love’s nest, Love is the formula,25Please respect copyright.PENANAVw24h7kZil
The dove is just warming up, I ain’t working with the negative, They perking on25Please respect copyright.PENANAEr1rAYj1PM
a sedative, The Gospel for every soul.
We in Jesus no fevers, Under the moon is the endorsement,25Please respect copyright.PENANAvk6pTLkfex
Soon you gon see the enforcement, I don’t rock Christian Dior, My Rock as a25Please respect copyright.PENANAuikiPFgbOK
Christian is the Lord, Jesus to be exact, Believers be intact, They hate the25Please respect copyright.PENANAs2XdvpdzBX
light, The gates don’t open at night.
The condition of the world is alarming, The nutrition of the25Please respect copyright.PENANAEeEp72lOxg
Word is calming, They want to drop you but they can’t stop you, They fear the25Please respect copyright.PENANAPfr0CqA6PE
glow now so folk want the showdown, I ain’t playing with anybody, The saints25Please respect copyright.PENANAgdSodQnjck
got to be slaying Illuminati.
We’re going backwards to the future, They knowing of the trackers25Please respect copyright.PENANAmn5qRtMI2Z
in the new church, Free thought is being interfered by subliminals, The tree25Please respect copyright.PENANAaXcJ6aUgIB
taught me freeing the center of fear is to be original, We don’t resonate cause25Please respect copyright.PENANAw85UIUlQVU
folk blessing the hate.
We’re changing the world format, They’re exchanging info for25Please respect copyright.PENANA7511hPjQF8
the Word to fall flat, What God said will always be standing, They thought my25Please respect copyright.PENANAi8KVZeLyqp
heart was always abandoned, I’ve been redeemed, I ain’t living no dream, I rose25Please respect copyright.PENANAuO12KQ8uhQ
up with the dose of love.
Now you in Christ they vow to sin the price, They moving25Please respect copyright.PENANAptrrgbJ60n
sour cause we’re in the hour, They acting like love is a curse, That’s why they25Please respect copyright.PENANA8et5QT1i5U
gnashing at the dove tryna put it in a hearse, Be led by the holy spirit, They25Please respect copyright.PENANAQ13xVPH0GT
dread you that’s why they only fear it.
We all know the truth so now what, I don’t ball in the booth25Please respect copyright.PENANAoUP53j6cTa
they vow in dot, Gatekeepers, State sleepers, Fate reapers, If you got a ear25Please respect copyright.PENANArw4yon6hR2
don’t listen to the fear, Major changes coming in the year, God over money,25Please respect copyright.PENANAkCvpE2MBN9
Heart of honey, Gets dark when it sunny.
Your needs will be met in the riches of Christ Jesus, The25Please respect copyright.PENANAyhXAmxPkzC
deeds of the bet is the witches against the rights of believers, I’m seeing old25Please respect copyright.PENANAptZwMSiQVh
faces cause they feel the gold cases, Their energy is toxic cause the enemy25Please respect copyright.PENANAuWb7rf9UHN
ain’t got me hostage.
Right state of mind, Night plate of grind, Heavyweight,25Please respect copyright.PENANAAor2s34xar
Every fate, You can’t break the gate, The earth gon quake on that date, Forget25Please respect copyright.PENANAOYO1GFLNGh
the titles, Don’t get the idols, Are you walking in unconditional love, Are you25Please respect copyright.PENANAfSrEU81Tnw
unlocking the additional doves.
We talking business of The Gospel, We the walking witness of25Please respect copyright.PENANAhQoxt8WmRa
The Gospel, Give me neither riches or poverty, Live with the ether for the25Please respect copyright.PENANAKjVLRvWJev
witches who think hell is a party, Masons know eternity, They facing the glow25Please respect copyright.PENANAZlj0rLEuEC
trying to burn the tea.
The glow wireless, They know my fire bless, The flow is the25Please respect copyright.PENANAaN61k5smUi
higher test, The snow is the flyest best, I grow in the silence nest, I’m not25Please respect copyright.PENANAgGVdr7hQb8
on 5G, I’m on 5D, All kinds see my light, All kinds see the night, Diamonds in25Please respect copyright.PENANAjfovsRsEtD
the ocean, The timing in the motion.
My heart is disciplined in holy peace, From the start it was25Please respect copyright.PENANAZpKzLbq5pV
a sin to sell your soul to the beast, You can make it by prayer and hard work,25Please respect copyright.PENANAxx4c11bwnz
You can’t fake favor in the yardwork, They wanted me to be a mannequin, Feel25Please respect copyright.PENANA9tK0YWhT5L
like I’m most wanted by the Vatican.
Crucify the flesh, Truth is silence the test, This ain’t the25Please respect copyright.PENANAVJ3orCwR2x
time to be playing with God, They try to blitz your prime cause the myth is25Please respect copyright.PENANAf38zMxNKkE
odd, Just know we ain’t dealing with no fairy tale, Milked us like dairy ale,25Please respect copyright.PENANAkDuVTNyxYn
Trust the healing to make you very well.
Where was the energy to restore, Now everywhere the enemy is25Please respect copyright.PENANANWt8SQwz5H
here for war, Sorry to break it to you earth can’t be saved, They can’t ignore25Please respect copyright.PENANAwk6SRy60XT
me that’s why they act fake cause of my faith, I won’t judge, I won’t budge,25Please respect copyright.PENANAjw3BhgQG44
Buckle up or knuckle up.
Greater is the love in you than the hate in the world, Our25Please respect copyright.PENANAceijkAgU3w
Creator of the dove sends the fate in the Word, People acting like they in25Please respect copyright.PENANAYMryyRP5dM
hollywood, The ego got them acting like they probably could, The biblical is25Please respect copyright.PENANAeIdqnDm8XZ
automatic, The miracle is problematic.
All eyez on the born again believers of Jesus Christ, All25Please respect copyright.PENANAqPZ5UkvZWs
lies on the sworn again deceivers who priest for the price, This world is25Please respect copyright.PENANAgTrOr4vjiS
satanic everywhere, The Word is dynamic everywhere, The Gospel frees you from25Please respect copyright.PENANAuGIncEHRgI
spiritual debt, All souls need biblical help.
Reside in the heart, Decide to be with God, If I don’t say25Please respect copyright.PENANALa0xNaytFG
something it’s cause I don’t want the info to get in the wrong hands, I’m gon25Please respect copyright.PENANAl3B84WlU0X
pray something to cause the sinful to run into strong hands, Watch your every25Please respect copyright.PENANAv03DCeW2Le
move cause your faith needs to be proved.
There’s space for love, There’s grace for the dove, You been25Please respect copyright.PENANA8z1NnbkhvG
exposed, I seen the bless rose, The vibration is weird and toxic, Every nation25Please respect copyright.PENANAV0Wjad0ymw
is in fear and has lost it, That’s why the world is being broken down, That’s25Please respect copyright.PENANARYxhAdzxr6
why the Word is freeing spoken now.
I ain’t no fool, The saints live by the golden rule, Love25Please respect copyright.PENANAdYwbpSx5Zl
God with everything and thy neighbor as yourself, The dove's heart is not25Please respect copyright.PENANA4xKlOdocA9
anything you can turn to vapor of breath, Forgive me Lord for judging people,25Please respect copyright.PENANAhXpAxcEFoX
The more I live I ain’t budging to no evil.
Only forgotten, Holy Begotten, You thought the Bible was25Please respect copyright.PENANAKLuxy8TJ9I
lying, Truth caught all the idols now the world crying, Now you in sickness,25Please respect copyright.PENANA4ylG7nhgLJ
You gon be dealt with the quickness, Stop making excuses for evil, Drop the25Please respect copyright.PENANAgdHJ1ejwZb
faking cause your faith is useless in the ego.
Love overflowing in peace, The dove is overthrowing the25Please respect copyright.PENANAQuNgDpxJHI
beast, They ain’t no biblical bypassing, They can’t do no spiritual assassin,25Please respect copyright.PENANA9LuzHQlrA4
The higher you elevate the more you radiate, The fire is the war for every25Please respect copyright.PENANAS69SSdPIOL
hate, Keep your heart open, Peep the scoping.
We need more critical thinkers, We need more biblical25Please respect copyright.PENANA3Ae2czELBy
thinkers, We need more miracle thinkers, We on the same trajectory, Free sun is25Please respect copyright.PENANAiCKAEe4KwS
protecting me, The peace is what they after, The beast is not in laughter,25Please respect copyright.PENANAZl5CMuDwM6
Truly blessed, The unruly don’t rest.
Reality is seen crystal clear, Duality is screened with25Please respect copyright.PENANAEbcEClbgDF
missile fear, I’m humming to my heart, I ain’t running from the dark, This got25Please respect copyright.PENANARKMTa53xJu
major implications, Got clips and a pager for the indications, The honey drip25Please respect copyright.PENANAgwaYxpKuMp
for nature is innovation.
Stay present in today, Pray confessing to not play, You need25Please respect copyright.PENANAdaOIw08yTj
to fast from the past, If you boast about tomorrow then they’ll toast your25Please respect copyright.PENANARlaEyK6usA
sorrow if you let the coast borrow, Acknowledge God in all your ways, They25Please respect copyright.PENANA0bdvLKBChh
astonished cause God is in all my ways.
I’m focused on God, Them locusts gon hit hard, That hocus25Please respect copyright.PENANAFXluACPJPY
aim for the star, Peace treaty in the world, The beast is defeated in the Word,25Please respect copyright.PENANACz3z0BmVhV
The deception is getting real, The inception is betting the deal, Now I’m the25Please respect copyright.PENANAAI6scrlpXo
enemy cause I’m real with my energy.
The saints got spiritual eyes, There ain’t no biblical lies,25Please respect copyright.PENANA5rtEQhbM1H
I can’t play with the enemy cause they want to slay my energy, They say it’s25Please respect copyright.PENANAtgcbJaCrxT
must see tv, I pray you don’t trust what you see on the tv, The beast is on the25Please respect copyright.PENANAtVR4MYDhxn
loose, My peace is what I choose.
Glitch the code, Can’t switch when the love wax cold, Rest25Please respect copyright.PENANA6z6uYfRVBI
assured that I’m blessed for sure, Don’t play any games, Won’t pray many names,25Please respect copyright.PENANAGia2ZpZ483
It’s important to have the holy spirit, They distorting faith cause they only25Please respect copyright.PENANA70lIzd2vQA
fear it, Walk right, Talk light.
For breakthrough in your walk you must break through the25Please respect copyright.PENANA9XQDqPuRVs
talk, Go past the boundaries of fear, Got to fast to get the devils from around25Please respect copyright.PENANAontDRr5urs
me cause life is here, The more peace you have is the war of the beast in25Please respect copyright.PENANA39BKKopokp
wrath, Love is real, We all need to heal.
See with love, Free the dove, Live right, Give light, Pump25Please respect copyright.PENANAavEGK1q6c7
the brakes, Dump the fakes, Be real in every moment, Free zeal cause folk can’t25Please respect copyright.PENANAGjZB2C47VG
own it, Cease to do evil, The beast is the ego, Increased particles, Decreased25Please respect copyright.PENANAp82Xn5xU0y
articles, Walk it as you talk it.
May the Lord have mercy, Clay in the war tryna curse me,25Please respect copyright.PENANAzWA5v1xDZY
Pray at the door cause they want to verse me, Slay the core even if they want25Please respect copyright.PENANAJo47qzfsSv
to hearse me, They can’t soar cause folk thirsty, Play with the score y’all25Please respect copyright.PENANAjcvAx1pGOT
can’t nurse me.
You don’t get it yet, The truth is embedded, People are25Please respect copyright.PENANA7ldgxPkOoO
watching you at every turn, The evil is notching you the fact that love won’t25Please respect copyright.PENANAcWDCzbJ6XR
burn, I can testify the greatness of God, The saints bless the sky cause25Please respect copyright.PENANANbzsi0jO3I
there's no fakeness in their heart.
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