Screams filled throughout the palace. The footsteps get louder, and louder as they draw near. My body trembling in fear. All I could do was run, far, far away. But I felt cornered inside these castle walls. Like no escape was there and I would be the next dinner course in their meal. Everywhere they roamed, everywhere they stalked. Monsters. Vampires, werewolves, zombies. All determined for one thing. To use us, torture us, kill us. Us humans weren't prepared for this apocalypse. Actually, my family was. My parents knew they were coming. They say that monsters can't be killed. But my parents were able to find the one thing that could kill them. It was called "The Slayer." A sword made from the mages and blacksmiths, to create the ultimate weapon that could kill any types of monsters with ease. I could see the shining steel of the sword as I stood in the weaponry room. A room that was used by the guards but also kept as a home for "The Slayer." Seeing the shiny steel, the golden handle, the glimmer of magic bestows upon it. I knew this was my only chance. My only chance to survive. I quickly grab the sword into my hands. Aiming it at the room's door, preparing myself to attack as the monsters try to break down the door. One slice and it will be over. I could feel the magic within the sword protecting me. Giving me a shield of hope. As the door collapses to the ground, the monsters roam in. I could see a few zombies, a vampire, even a few werewolves. I go in for the battle, the sword going into my left hand as I begin slicing them up one by one. A few hits and it was over. Each of them dropping one by one. I could feel my heart racing after the battle, my breathing heavily. I couldn't believe I did it. The sword is true to its words. It really can kill any monster. Easily too. But I still feel like I got lucky. I was no swordswoman, but I managed to survive. Maybe it was the magic, maybe the sword could feel my fear and it couldn't let me die. Either way, I was able to make it out of my castle alive. Whether I had skills or not, whether this sword gave me the ability. I had to keep it by my side if I wanted to keep going. I could feel nature's air as I stepped out of my broken kingdom. The trees flowing with the wind all around me. I didn't know where to go from here. But I knew I couldn't stay here anymore. My parents are dead. My brother is gone. My whole kingdom, destroyed. I don't even know if I can call myself a princess anymore. But I won't let this world become a tragedy. I'll keep going, survive. Try to rid the world of these evil monsters. Make peace again for humans. My name is Elena. And I guess I'm a princess in a monster world. A princess with the ultimate sword and key to destroy these monsters. I won't let them take any more lives... I begin to walk slowly in this small forest. Keeping an eye out for any danger. I was alone now. No one to comfort me. To help me. I was on my own. It felt like the night would never end. A part of me wants to rest but is scared too. Until finally I can't keep going and I collapse my exhausted body beside a tree, leaning against it. I kept the sword tightly in hand as my eyes began to shut. I didn't even realize how long I slept. I just knew I was tired and needed the rest. The sun starts beaming across the land, I can feel the brightness and it wakes me up. I realized then I slept throughout the night. It's morning now. I felt relieved I was safe, no marks, bites. No one came near me as I slept. Feeling energy coming back to me, I begin to stand up, loving the sight of the daylight. I felt just a little bit safer now. During the day monsters aren't as crazy as they are at night. They are calmer. Less ones that attack. The sword was still tightly in my hand. I am grateful for this weapon. It's what saved me last night. And I hope it can keep saving me. But I knew I had to keep going, try to find some shelter, food, anything to keep surviving. I begin walking again throughout the small forest. Eventually I make it out and see more open land. Looking like there wasn't anything for miles but I couldn't lose hope at this point. I just pushed myself to keep walking, hoping to find something, anything. But as an hour or two passed, my feet began to ache and I wasn't sure if I was going to find anything after taking short breaks, passing fields and bridges. Until I noticed something in the distance. It seemed to be a few people. I couldn't make them out. As I came closer, I could see it was a guy in armor, facing a few monsters in his path. "Take this!" "I won't be breakfast today!" I could hear him shout as he attacked with his own sword. It was a few zombies and vampires who looked hungry. He was outnumbered. I couldn't let these monsters consume him. But I was surprised at the vampires out in the daylight, don't they burn in the day. But I had no time to think of such things. I rushed into battle and helped the guy out. Slicing and killing the monsters around him. The guy noticed me, and I could see he was surprised. "Are you okay?" I asked him, as I tried to calm myself from the battle. "Yeah, yeah... Thanks. What's a pretty girl like you doing out here, with a sword?" He asked me. I guess I was still wearing my golden dress, I didn't exactly look like a swordswoman. I didn't look like the type for battle. "I... I'm actually a princess. I survived the monster attack on my kingdom. I was out here trying to survive. This sword was made for my family. It's a sword that kills monsters I was able to use it." I told him, answering his questions. His face was a look of shock, like he didn't expect that kind of answer. "Wow. A princess. I never heard of one like you, that can handle a sword. It's lovely to meet you. You saved my life." He smiles, walking up to me, grabbing my hand and giving my hand a kiss. I blush slightly at his sudden act. "It was no problem. Really. I was happy to help out." I give a friendly smile towards him, gently getting my hand away from his. "You could have been in danger. You're a princess, I should be helping you, you know." He mentions. I understood what he was saying but, in this situation, I can't afford to be a damsel in distress. "Yes, but I can handle this sword well. Don't worry. I'm perfectly okay." I smile again at him to give him reassurance. "Yes, but that's no life for a princess. Give me the sword and I'll protect you." "Give you the sword?" I couldn't believe what he was asking. This was my family's sword, that was made to help others, rid of the world of cruel monsters. And he wanted to take it from me, my only protection. "No... I don't need protection. I want this sword with me." I told him, not wanting to give up this sword that easily. "I'm just saying, someone like you shouldn't battle. I should be saving you." He speaks. I could hear his words clearly and it was starting to irritate me. Was he really being a stereotype right now? I understand I was a princess, but it doesn't mean I need to be a damsel in distress. "I'm sorry but I need my own protection, you know. I know I'm a princess, but I can handle myself... Please, just let me keep this." I told him, not wanting him to act like a prince right now. "Okay, okay. But at least let me try to keep you safe. You shouldn't be alone. I want to help you." He suggests. Was he asking to travel with me? "Um sure, you can help, I guess. I'm looking for some shelter if you have seen any. Or maybe some food." I spoke. "You're in luck, I know a small village that's nearby, I'll take you there. Follow me princess." He smiles and then turns around and begins walking north expecting me to follow. I do follow him. He takes me to a small village where the people seem lively and busy. I glanced around the place and there were food stands and even an Inn. This was perfect for tonight. And I can gather food too. "So, what's your name?" The guy asks me, glancing at me. "Oh, um, Elena." I answered. "Nice name. Princess Elena. I like it. You can call me George. I'm a knight in training." He tells me. "A knight in training? Really?" I asked, curious of his backstory. "Yes, my father was a knight, and I hope to be just like him. I've been training for years, hoping to eventually work in a castle and serve a princess like you." He smiles at me. "Wow, well kingdoms could always use more knights. It's nice you wanted to be like your father. But due to the world changing, I'm not sure how many kingdoms are left." I tell him, unsure if everything could go back to normal after this apocalypse. "I'm sure we will wipe out every monster out there and then things can finally go back to normal. You be back to being a beautiful princess, and I'll be a knight. Maybe your knight if you let me." I didn't know what to say about that response. Would I go back to that? Would everything just be normal again? I wasn't sure. I just tried to be friendly though. I didn't want to be rude. "Well sure, if things go back to normal, you can be my knight." I smile at him. He smiles back, looking overjoyed. "Awesome! I'll start training now. I'll be by your side throughout this journey. What do you say?" I was surprised. He wanted to train to be my knight and travel with me. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have company and help. He seems like a sweet guy. So why not? I give him another smile telling him my answer. "Sure, let's travel together. It could be fun." I guess I have a companion now. At least I won't be alone. Having someone to talk to will be nice. "I think this will be the perfect place to stay tonight, but I would like to keep going. I want to find a place where I can be safe. A home. You know." I speak up. He nods, understanding. "I get it, don't worry, together we will find you a home and you'll be safe, me and you can start a new life together." I felt like he was pushing things a bit, but I didn't want to argue. It's sweet he wants this. But I'm not focused on romance at the moment. I'm here to survive and hopefully find a home and make a plan to bring peace once again to us humans. Maybe I'll begin my own kingdom. But we will see. First things first, I must survive and do what I can. I headed towards one of the food stands since I was hungry, one look at the bread and my stomach was growling. I asked for some bread and the stand owner gave me a price, but then I realized. I had no money. I was broke. How am I going to eat now? Suddenly George speaks up and uses his money to pay for my food. "Here you go, it's on me." He smiles. I was surprised but grateful for his kind gesture. I take a piece of bread and begin eating. My hunger is satisfied for now. The stand owner gave us a bag to put the other bread in. We had four more pieces for us to eat. It was good for now. George carried the bag. And I thanked him for paying. "Hey, no problem. Come on, let's get you that room for tonight." He tells me. We both then go into the inn after that. "Hey Katherine." George speaks to the lady behind the counter. "Oh, hello George. What's our favorite knight doing here?" "My new princess needs a room you think you can hook her up?" "Yeah, I got you. She can take the empty room upstairs, second door on the left." I was surprised. Just like that? I didn't know he was popular here. "Wow, really no charge? What about you George?" I ask him. "Oh, don't worry, I come by here so much they always have a room for me. I'm good. And yeah, I always help out with monsters here, so everyone loves me." George smiles. "Wow." I was impressed, honestly. Despite some of his comments he really was a sweet guy. And everyone seems to like him. So maybe this new companion won't be so bad after all, especially with his skills of dealing with monsters before. Inside the inn was great. They even gave me some free meals. Some more food to even take with me. I was thankful for all their kindness. Eventually as the sun was going down, I decided to head into my room to rest. Finding my room, I enter inside and glance around. It was a decent room with a bed, a dresser, even a window. Simple but perfect. I could feel the soft mattress as I sat down, the warm blankets feeling nice as I wrapped them around me. The pillow below my head is fluffy and comfortable. I knew I was going to sleep well tonight. I glance at my sword that I left against the dresser one more time before drifting myself to sleep. It was a peaceful sleep. When I woke up, I could tell it was early morning, and it was time for me to get going, as I got up, grabbed my sword and headed downstairs. I could see George already there waiting for me. I smiled happy he was ready. We started our journey together, walking away from the small village. I was ready to see where this new partnership will lead. And wondered what would be ahead of me, but not realizing this journey was only going to get harder. That it was going to make me see things I never saw before.41Please respect copyright.PENANAOhwGhlRUww