We traveled a long way until we hit a forest. It was bigger than the last one. I got to know George and I discovered a lot. He was only a few years older, and his mother used to be a maid in this castle when she met his father and fell in love. His father used to serve the king Alexander. I heard of him from my father. My father was king Leroy. Alexander was a good king but after his daughter was born, he mysteriously disappeared. It was strange, and then his kingdom was overrun by monsters. And it seems after all this time, they are trying to take over more. They already destroyed mine. But it was nice to hear stories from George. "You know I get my good looks from my dad." He mentions. I can't help but smile at that. I couldn't lie he was good looking. His pale skin, the way his blonde hair dances with the wind, his shining blue eyes. He was definitely a dream, but I had no interest in being anything more than friends. I just want him as my friend for now. "I get my looks from my mother." I told him. Which was true. I was like a mini her with a few features from my father. My hair was brown and long to where it reached over my shoulders. My eyes were a good brown, and my skin was pale like his. Though I was a little lighter. I can just picture my mother now. I missed her. She was queen Mary she was kind and graceful. I remember the days she would watch me, and my older brother Liam play in the garden. Those were the good days. Suddenly something spotted my eye. I glance over and notice a blue scarf. I rushed over and picked it up. It was familiar. I examined it and it looked like my brother's. He wore this the day the monsters attacked. It even has our royal symbol on it. There isn't any doubt about it. But if this is my brother's then... Does that mean he escaped? Is he still alive? There are no signs of blood or a body nearby. Maybe my brother was still around somewhere. I could feel myself lighting up with hope at this thought. But if this is true and he escaped, where did he go? Why did he leave his scarf behind? "What's with the scarf?" George asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's my brother's... He wore it the day the monsters attacked my kingdom." I explained. "Really? If you're sure, then he might be alive, princess. We should search around the forest more." He tells me. I agreed with his words, we should. "Yeah, let's search around before we continue." I stood up, and then I turned to face him. "By the way, you can call me Elena. You don't have to call me princess all the time." I give him a soft smile. "I know. But I like calling you princess." He smiles back at me. I sigh, knowing he probably will just keep doing it. "Well alright. If you like that better." I told him. I know I was a princess, but he didn't need to address me as such. But I guess he does. After that I grabbed the scarf, putting it on me. It felt soft around me and warm. I was hoping for the best news. I hoped he wasn't gone like our parents. Me and George begin exploring around, checking every inch of the forest around us. But there was no sign of my brother. Not even any clues besides this scarf. I sigh I was beginning to lose hope. Until suddenly me and George heard a noise in the distance, he immediately stood in front of me to protect me. He aimed his steel sword, ready to attack. But what came out was something I didn't expect. It was a zombie, a male zombie to be exact. Standing there, staring at us. Looking stoic, emotionless. But not looking like he was going to attack us. I saw his light green skin. His dark green hair that slightly went over his hazel eyes. George immediately didn't like the sight and charged at the zombie he was ready to slice him up. My eyes widened not knowing what to expect. When the zombie dodged his slash quickly. "What the-!?" George looked over at him. "You really think I was just going to stand there. You humans are idiotic." The zombie spoke up. "I'll show you idiotic!" George goes for another slash but the zombie dodges again. "Are you going to do this all day?" The zombie speaks up again. I finally have the courage to speak up. "You're not going to attack us!?" I shouted. "No, I have no interest in attacking you two. I was just passing by when I heard footsteps." He explains to us. I was surprised. He didn't want to hurt us? But usually monsters just want to hunt. "Bullshit! I bet once we turn our backs you will be on us for a meal!" George says to him. George goes for another attack but yet again the zombie dodges. I could see him just dodging, not moving closer, not even going into a fighting stance. Just backing away. Maybe he was telling the truth. "George, wait!" I shout. "What!?" He shouts back at me. "Maybe he's telling the truth!" "Why would he tell the truth!? He's a monster!" George argues back not wanting to hear it. The zombie backed up near me, but he didn't try anything, George looked over. "That's a stereotype." The zombie speaks up to him. "Oh, shut up dude!" I could see George going for it again but this time I stepped up. Holding my sword high, rushing over, blocking George's attack with my sword, protecting the zombie. George's eyes widened. "Princess! What you-!?" "That's enough George! He's not doing anything!" I said, having enough of this. George stops and puts away his sword. I calm down and put down mine. "A human saving a monster... That's new." I heard the zombie speak, I turned around and he had a smirk on his face. "Like I said, not here to fight. I just heard footsteps." He adds. "If he makes one wrong move I swear-" I heard George complain. "Why don't you want to? Most monsters just want to hunt. Use us, eat us." I say, I was curious. "And that's the term, most monsters. Most monsters don't care about human beings. But others do. The ones that do not like to prey on the innocent we like to get our food another way. Us zombies usually go to places where people have died just so we can eat. We'll starve to death without human flesh. As vampires need blood to survive. Werewolves just can't control themselves sometimes. It's the moon that affects them." The zombie explained to me. I was shocked, this was whole new information for me. Was this true? "Are you serious?" I asked him. He nods at me. "Yes, we have to do what we can to survive. Us monsters can't really handle most human food. It's the only way we can live sometimes." "So, you're one of the good ones?" He nods again. "Yes, I am. I don't like preying on the innocent. I don't kill as you call it. I find my food another way." "Wow, a good zombie." I was actually intrigued by this revelation. "I don't trust him. He could just be lying to you like crazy, princess." I hear George's words. He could be. But what I saw, and just looking at him. I think he is telling the truth. Maybe I'm being naive. But we should give him the benefit of the doubt. I know my parents were killed by monsters and I shouldn't even be thinking of trusting one... But at the same time, I am a princess, and I have to look at everyone's point of view. That's what my mother taught me. To understand everyone's view. There are good views and bad views, you just need to know which to believe. So maybe for now I give him the benefit of the doubt and see if his words are true. "If I was lying you two would be on the ground already. What are you two humans doing here anyway?" He asks us. "We were traveling, and I found my brother's scarf and I was trying to look for him. Hoping he would be nearby." I tell him the truth. I could see his expression softening slightly. "You brother huh? I did see a man here earlier." He tells me, I could feel my eyes light up with hope. "Really?" He nods. "Yeah, he was struggling, he was being taken by two vampires. I didn't want to get involved. It was probably your brother. I could tell he was human." This was the best lead I got. I smiled. "Which way? Can you take us to him?" I asked. "I um... Suppose I can take you where I saw him. They were heading north..." He tells me. "Princess, you can't be serious! This monster isn't coming with us!" George protests. I glance at him. "George, this is the best lead on my brother! This means he's still alive! I have to find him. Please." I give him a pleading look, he sighs. "Fine, fine. Whatever... He can show us where your brother went. But if he makes any sudden moves, I'm slicing him up." "I don't want trouble. Believe me. Come on, I'll show you. I think I know where they are heading anyway." The zombie begins walking away. I follow him. He leads the way while George walks slightly besides me. "So, um Mr. good zombie. What's your name?" I asked him. He chuckles. "Jasper, call me Jasper. You? Ms. saving a monster." I giggle a bit, amused by the nickname. "Elena. And this is my friend George." "Nice to meet you both." "Yeah... Nice to meet you..." George speaks up, his tone unfriendly. I glance at him. "George. Be a little nice." I tell him, not wanting him to be so rude after all it's not like he was the monster that hurt my family. He was different. "No, no, it's okay Elena. He's not the biggest fan of me. Most humans aren't. He's just mad that he couldn't get a single hit on me." Jasper says in a slightly cocky tone. "Hey! Want me to slice you up right now!?" George shouts. "George!" I spoke. "You're lucky the princess likes you! Or you'll be a goner buddy!" George tells him. I sigh. "Sorry about that. I guess George needs time. How did you dodge his attacks so easily though?" I ask Jasper. He speaks up answering my question. "Well, when you know humans hate you, and they want to kill you, it's good to learn some skills here and there so you can protect yourself against them. From an early age most monsters are taught to fight against humans just so we can protect ourselves from their harm." "Early age? You weren't turned?" I was astounded honestly. "Yes, some monsters do turn humans into monsters. But monsters can have families too. I was born a zombie. So, I grew up like this." He tells me. Wow. So, monsters can have children and all too? I never knew that. I'm learning a lot from him. It didn't change my view completely, but I was beginning to understand. I think I still had a hard time accepting this due to what happened in my kingdom. But I was trying to make myself be more understanding as I was raised that way. We continue talking throughout the journey. He was telling me that not every monster was as bad as they seemed. I couldn't believe it. But I was slowly trusting him. He seemed to be a nice guy. And he was leading me towards my brother. Eventually we arrived at a kingdom. A dark kingdom. I looked at the brooding castle ahead of me. "What is this place?" "People call it the monster kingdom. Ruler queen Vanessa." Jasper tells me. "Queen Vanessa?" I was confused, I never heard of her before, or this kingdom. "She's a vampire and a bitchy one at that. All monsters obey her. You don't want to cross her. She's the only vampire in existence that can survive without blood. We don't know how, but this makes her a long-lasting vampire. She's not scared of anyone. I think your brother might be here." Jasper explains. "But why would she want my brother?" I asked him. "No idea. But I have a feeling he's here. I can get you two into the castle. But it won't be easy." Jasper says and then he turns around to face us. "What do you mean?" George asks. "It's heavily guarded... But I did some snooping around ages ago, and there are secret entrances. Just follow my lead, and you'll be okay." Jasper tells us and then turns around and starts walking towards the castle. I followed him without hesitation. Determined to get my brother. I could hear George following behind as well. We sneakily went inside the kingdom, Jasper seemed to know what he was doing like he snuck in this kingdom before. Finally, we make it to the back of the castle, and he removes a few bricks to reveal a small entrance, big enough to crawl through. "Here, this leads to the dungeon room." Jasper says, crawling in first. George goes in second, and speaks "and how do you know that?" I crawled in last and entered inside with them inside the dungeon room. The darkness was filled with only the light of torches. And the cells of metal looked strong but rusty. "I was once a prisoner here..." Jasper confesses. "What!? You were a prisoner!?" George raised his voice slightly. "I didn't like all this control. I wanted to tell the queen that there isn't need for all this violence. But she wouldn't listen. Because I didn't follow her orders, she locked me up in here. I managed to escape, and I've been away from here since." He explains. I was surprised. The queen seemed like a real dictator. Locking him up for that? He really was different from most monsters. And she didn't seem to be a good queen. We begin walking through the dungeon, I keep an eye out for any sign of my brother. George and Jasper were doing their usual back and forth. It was starting to get irritating. "So, you're not just a monster! You're a criminal too!?" "You need to be quiet, blondie! Shut that big mouth of yours will you!? I didn't ask to be locked up." "Still! Leading us here in this dangerous situation! You don't tell me to shut up. What I'm doing is for the princess!" "You're going to get us caught!" I had enough. "Will you two shut it!?" I spoke up at them, they looked at me surprised. "I'm here for my brother, okay... So please... Enough... George, he's trying to be nice here... And Jasper, it's okay. So please." I tell them. "Sorry princess." George apologizes. "Yeah... Sorry... We're here for your brother." Jasper also apologizes. I sigh with relief happy they are done fighting. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me. "Well, well, look who we have here. A couple of trespassers." A woman spoke, I turned around gasping slightly. It was a vampire, a woman wearing an enchanting black dress, black crown. Her very pale skin was visible by the torch nearby. Her red eyes looked as menacing as her and clear as day. Her long dark brown hair that almost looked black in the darkness covering her shoulders. I assume from the sight this was the queen. "What are you doing in my kingdom huh? Who are you?" She glares at me, my heart beating in fear. I held my sword tightly in my hands positioning it in front of me. We were caught, what now?22Please respect copyright.PENANAkLQEJ6e9F4