What is the point of life? I don't know.
Everone says I am crazy. They just do not understand me. They say I am strange, probably because I spend a lot of time alone, thinking of the reasons we exist.
I am a student. I do not have any true friends, but I do not care. I enjoy learning, but not going to school. School is boring, listening to teachers saying stuff like "you must keep quiet, you must work hard, you should pay attention, you should obey your parents and teachers". Every day, I read books about philosophy. This has been my only hobby for years, but I never tell anyone at school because they will laugh at me if I say so.
I can see many things other people cannot. I can see the souls of people, their connection with other people. When I meet 2 new people together, I can judge how close they are in a mental state. I know if they can understand each other before one of them say anything. You may think friendship can be better if they talk to each other more oftenly, but to me, will a group of people become friends or rivials is already determined before they meet. I can see lines between people, representing their relationships.
You may think that I must hate people a lot because I am always alone. This is not true at all. I like people, I am always fascinated by how a baby who knows nothing become an adult who has his/her own characteristics an personality. I wonder why souls exist, why many people believe in rumors that must not be true.
People are interesting. When two people of totally different personality being forced to work together in a project, what will happen? They may argue, but they may cooperate well because one can do things the other cannot. Who knows?
I always think that we misunderstood the world. We tend to believe in our eyes, ears but not our imagination. We are tricked by our senses. Why we can see things? If you look at things carefully, you realise that the world seem to be so well prepared for us. We can see the things we need to see, such as food, and cannot see those we don't have to see.
When I see numbers or words, I see colours, feel emotions. I always feel like that Sunday is always sunny, while Wednesday is an unlucky day.
I do not think that we really exist. I think life and everything we see is an illusion. People tell me that the things I preceive, such as the lines between people is an illusion, because other people never see that. But I suspect that may be they are all wrong, and I am correct. May be they all life in dreams, perhaps me too. Who knows? There are too many strange things around us which we cannot explain with science or common sense. We are not sure about why we live here even though the chance of complex life existing is very low.
Whenever people laugh at me for overthinking, I say I exist because I think. I don't remember who say this sentence, but it seems perfectly fit my life. I am not sure if things really disappear when all of us stop thinking, that may sound ridiculous, but if we do not think, how are we going to know what we are actually seeing and sensing? If the world exist just because of our eyes, what will the world become when people blindly follow instructions without thinking? The world would disappear. This may or may not happen, but I'm sure that thinking is the most important thing for all of us. Being able to understand the world more than people around me is something I take pride in. Other people only focus on pop culture and trendy stuff, but I think they may miss out an interesting point in life.
Language is not only for communication. It defines what we see and think. Our thinking and memory is supported by language. Without language, we would not become highly intelligent animals on earth. But if there is one thing which language is unable to describe, that thing is ignored and seems to disappear in the world.
What is the meaning of life? To think.