No Plagiarism!nH4CeZVwwTVZTtGD3EZTposted on PENANA I cut your own skin to taste their own blood that this can feel life and soul.8964 copyright protection1761PENANA2d8Yuovs4J 維尼
我劃破自己的皮膚品嚐自己的鮮血,這樣才能感受生命和靈魂。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAJB9XkgfDnk 維尼
I am carrying out an indiscriminate massacre.8964 copyright protection1761PENANA6RZ8VOPZ5K 維尼
我正在進行一場毫無顧忌的屠殺。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAUKyrvMMP9w 維尼
I stand above the tower and look down at you.8964 copyright protection1761PENANA3fQDD2XAm2 維尼
我站在高塔之上俯視塔下的你們。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAXMiVmPtcW6 維尼
Facing the dawn into the heart of the dagger.8964 copyright protection1761PENANAi2rWyNfAPi 維尼
迎著黎明把匕首插進心臟。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAFtSNMulgyA 維尼
Bring up the mouth to reveal the last smile.8964 copyright protection1761PENANAxcykFzG6vk 維尼
勾起嘴角露出最後一個微笑。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAy2rZo5rm7j 維尼
Gently said:8964 copyright protection1761PENANAhh5qdoqr6f 維尼
輕輕的說:8964 copyright protection1761PENANAhFpFz0yeC0 維尼
"I curse you at the expense of life."8964 copyright protection1761PENANAEMqNNPGRee 維尼
我以生命為代價 詛咒你們。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAXO2TTL5GjG 維尼
From the smoke grows in the white rose.She died before dawn came.8964 copyright protection1761PENANASbgMHx92QI 維尼
從煙硝中生長出來的白玫瑰,她死於黎明到來之前。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAgelR3d4brg 維尼
In the night in the mirror.8964 copyright protection1761PENANA0v8F3KMMh5 維尼
在黑夜裡照鏡子8964 copyright protection1761PENANA4HZZn9V2Hf 維尼
Looking at me like a mirror like a Satan smile.8964 copyright protection1761PENANA5aJaL3SCtF 維尼
看著我與鏡中人似撒旦般的微笑8964 copyright protection1761PENANAVcg6HjAfxW 維尼
沒有什麼話好說,畢竟只有死亡才是你的歸屬,你說,是嗎?8964 copyright protection1761PENANAuJL1gI54u4 維尼
盛放的玫瑰會掩蓋令人悚然的白骨,白骨會因為玫瑰的燦然成為藝術。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAxH18Q3jbNC 維尼
成為我的唯一,你將會成為永恆。8964 copyright protection1761PENANAUSdJQBhamB 維尼
Become my only and you will become eternal.8964 copyright protection1761PENANADOOYtdm7Wi 維尼