It's been a while since I had moved in this small town. It was pretty boring... nothing special, really. A couple of people here and there, a cow or two if you're lucky. It was the most mundane thing ever, and I loved it. It was everything I ever wanted.
I hopped onto a rock and breathed in the dew of fresh rain, "This is the best..." I whispered to myself. I crouched on the rock, looking up, a drop of water fell on my nose. I chuckled at that. It has been raining a lot lately.
Around me was nature, beautiful, beautiful, nature. The trees so big and so green. Grass and fields everywhere! Animals just roaming free to wherever they was amazing. Nothing like the city.
It's been a while since I moved here, and it's been a while since I met her beneath the storm clouds and the wet rain.
Digging inside of my pocket, I combed back my slightly wet hair with my fingers and found my phone. It was almost time for supper, it should be getting dark soon, but there was still time. I found a dry spot right underneath a big tree and sat down. The rain was soft and peaceful... it made me feel sleepy.
Breathing in the fresh air, and listening to the hum of raindrops falling down onto the surface, I closed my eyes and slowly fell into a deep sleep.
At the first sign of lightning, my eyes flashed open and my body awoke with a jerk. It's time! I jumped from my place and ran back inside the forest, grinning when the rain started harshly pouring down on my back. I ran through the thing trees, I've been in and out here so often, that I knew the way towards the bus stop.
When I arrived, I was panting harshly, and also soaking wet. I looked around frantically, waiting for some sort of sign, some sort of glow. Then there it was... a small butterfly glowing underneath the shade of a big leaf. Immediately I turned around.
A girl with the brightest of ginger colored hair curled around her shoulders, with an umbrella smiled at me from the other side of the road. She was beautiful.
I smiled and waved at her, "Hello again!" this has always been my routine every time I thought it would rain. She waved back at me, the butterflies hovering from beneath her umbrella.
It's always like this. The rain, the thunder, the lightning, and the two of us separated by the road. She has never spoken a word to me once, it's always been me doing the talking. It's hard to have a conversation with the harsh rain interrupting, though.
I've never once crossed that road, in fear that if I did, she would disappear... vanish as if she had never existed. I didn't want to risk that.
But, as long as I'm here... and as long as there's rain... I would be able to see her again and again.
And I'm alright with that.