After their done their little make out session Dustin smiles. I'm certain he was surprised but he's just trying to play his part and he's done it perfectly.
"I know it's hard to resist me but, can we keep this professional?" He smiles and winks once he finished his sentence.
"Good. You're in. Now who's this friend of yours?" She crosses her arms and stares at me. I fix my outfit so it looks like I'm nervous. Ugh I hate this.
"This is Violet Briggs. She's looking for a servant position." Dustin announces while playing with his hair.
"Can she cook?" She asks. I'm not a good cook but I do know the basics.
"Yep." He uttered. She smiled and then grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. She whispered in his ear
"I like you. I'll drop her off in the kitchen and then come meet back with you. Wait here." She said her final words and added a wink. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the kitchen. I looked around and was impressed. For such an ugly place it's not a bad kitchen.
"This is where you stay. Novia is your boss. You must respect her. Sophie!" She yelled this girls name so loud I felt the ground shake.
"Y-Yes?" She sounds petrified.
"Show whoever this girl is around." She pushed me forwards and sauntered off. I haven't even been here for a full day and I already hate someone. Great way to start off.
"Hi! I'm Sophie Ball. And you are?" This girl was so sweet. It's certainly a nice change. Since I've been here all I've seen are these nasty mean people. "Hello! I'm Violet Briggs. I just joined as you can probably tell." We both laughed.
"Well, let me explain a few things. Every meal there will be 3 jobs. The first job is cooking. You get a certain order off of a menu and you must make it. The second job is serving. I think it's the worst job. Don't ask why, I just hope we don't get it. And finally serving the upper class. So basically you bring food up to the exclusives." She ran threw the systems with me and even showed me a couple of the special meals.
"If you don't mind me asking, who are the exclusives?" I ask. I need as much info as possible.
"The exclusives are the Boss and his hand picked 4 executives. They're called the exclusives because only important people talk to them." She said while preparing for today's dinner.
"So when do we find out our jobs?" I asked nervous as to what job I might get.
"Listen up!" Novia shouted "On cooking duty we have Olive Jenkins, Grace Eaton, Lorene Franks, and Leola Hurley. Serving our exclusives we have Alma Irwin, Carolyn Booth, Maude Sargina, Don
na Bryan, and last Wanda Preston. And serving our dinners we have Sophie Ball, Violet Briggs, Nina Stuart, Daisy Knox, and Patricia Livingston. Get to work you brats!"
"Oh no! We have Serving duty!" She ties back her platinum blonde hair and straightens out her uniform.
"Sophie. Relax, nothing bad is going to happen." I speak calmly trying to get her to relax. She looks at me and gives me a smile.
"Thanks for trying to cheer me up. The only problem is that you've never been out there yourself. You don't know how cruel those people are!" She begins to panic again and I pull her into a hug. Her stress starts to melt away.
"Just remember to be calm okay?" I whisper. I let her out of my embrace and she nods her head.
"Okay so you grab a plate and deliver it to the guests. Unless they have a special request it's all the same. " I nod my head as I watch members flood into the cafeteria. I pick up a plate and a cup and walk out into the cafeteria behind Sophie. I deliver the food to a tall, slim girl with golden brown hair. She sent we a warm smile and said
"Thanks!" Maybe there are more nice people then I thought. I look around the room before leaving and notice something. Sophie and some guy probably double her size are arguing. Well, more like him yelling at her but, it's basically an argument.
"This has too much salt on it! What did I say about Salt?" He shouted. Everyone stopped and starred.
"I I s s sorry." Sophie stuttered.
"I don't want your useless apology." I said in a cold tone then slapped her. She looked at the floor holding back her tears. He then pushed her on the ground. I can't take it anymore. The next thing I knew I was running towards him. As I reached him I punched him in the face. Shortly after that it was a full on a battle. About 4 minutes later he was finally knocked out but I couldn't stop. Soon I was yanked off to the side. My arms being held back by Dustin.
"Violet! Relax, he's knocked out already." He said using all of his force to restrain me. The room was silent and I slowly calmed down still very angry by this mans actions. Nobody should be treated this way no matter the gender. I heard foot steps coming towards me and Dustin let go.
"What have you done to my member?" He said in a cold tone. His Deep green eyes looked into my chocolate brown ones. We didn't once break eye contact. Looking into his eyes I felt like my surroundings disappeared. The servant uniform isn't the easiest thing to move in but it was flexible enough for me to fight. Plus, why do the servants need black skirts and a white shirt? Shouldn't they be able to pick what they want? Ugh I hate being a servant.
"He deserved it." I said with confidence. What am I getting myself into?
"If you can fight so well, why are you a servant?" He said to me looking down. I wasn't extremely tall. I was 5'9. I wouldn't classify myself as short but I wasn't as tall as the man standing in front of me.
"Because I'm a good cook." To be honest I didn't even know myself. That was just what I was told to apply for. He sent me a questioning look. This isn't good.
"Well, you're obviously a better fighter. " He said through his devilish smirk "Come." This man is so demanding. He spun around and began to walk. I don't know who he is or what he wants with me but I follow him. All I can hear are whispers behind me. I feel many eyes following me. This can't be good.
We finally reached a gym looking area and he turned around to look at me. I look him in the eyes which wasn't the best decision.
"You've got a certain confidence not many have. How would you like to be apart of our cartel? You'd get to do missions and work with the exclusives." He says. Wait, is he apart of the exclusives?
"What are you to the cartel?" I ask immediately regretting it.
"I'm Spencer Merritt and I'm the boss."