I stared at my reflection, hoping for a change. Wishing, that some how you'd still be here. Your arms wrapped tightly around my waist, your face buried in the crook of my neck. The thought of you just makes me ache. Reminding me of what we could have been, what we could have done.
Why couldn't i have been there, why didn't I move? Why did I let your life slip from my grip, into the empty cold hands of death it's self. Please... For more then I could remember the pain grew to much. I loved you more then I loved my own life, but yet here I am burying the last of your weightless remains.
The whole kingdom wearing dark clothing, grieving their beloved king who left them to his broken hearted queen who had nothing left but their broken kingdom. Please... Please come back to me. Show me your not gone, take my hand and place it to your beating heart. Please... I need you.
I stare at the candles of lost, pain and hurt. This ceremony means nothing to me! It doesn't take away the pain that i'm feeling, or the darkness that surrounds my heart like a rusted barred cage. Please... i'm nothing without you. I'm nothing but a useless weakling brat! Come back to me! Come back!