I do believe in an afterlife, a sort of Heaven so to speak, where all who enter realise the truth in it deepest, rawest form in the many different locations, some as close as this side of heaven. Spirits, or ghost choose to remain when business is unfinished, and only those who have commited some of the worse crimes or have no compassion left in them are set to face a Judgement Day.
I believe that somewhere, in the hearts of all, there is still at least a tiny sliver of the innocence of childhood, before the real world shows the bittersweet truth of society. We all have a purpose, though many people won't sure it out. We owe our fellow man nothing, yet we owe him everything.
I believe all religions have at the least a grain of truth in them, and that the New Age ideology has more truths in certain aspects than people want to accept or believe in. I believe sometimes you have to overlook the barriers society, religion and ourselves put on our beliefs and examine the world and what we believe in with unbiased eyes.
I could write for hours and still not explain completely what I believe in, at least not in a way that would make perfect sense without creating questions. So, I'll end it with this. I believe we are here to make an impact on someone's life, in a hopefully positive way. I believe we should all help those who have been kicked down, and be a friend to the underdog, the unwanted, and the misunderstood, for we all live under the same moon.