Glass Alice as she was called stood at the end of the bar waiting to be served.
she was a good natured person, but life hadn't done her any favors, always dealing the losing hand.
She’d hit the drink after the incident and death of her unborn baby, the grief had been uncontrollable and had cost her her relationship to businessman Danny Dew.
Danny had moved on and was now a millionaire who gave Alice a weekly sum to help her out as he now felt sorry for her.
“Can I help you Alice asked the young barman?”
“ I'll have a pint of lager and a double whiskey please .”
“Don't you think you've had enough today Alice?”
“This will be my last.”
“Yes, I've heard that before.”
“It will I promise I'm on the wagon after today I need to sort myself out but one more won't hurt will it?”
“No, I suppose not if you're on the wagon after today”
Placing the pint and whisked down he says,
“What will you do Alice what are you planning to do when you straighten yourself out?”
“I haven't decided yet,” she lied.
Sitting back down at her table which was positioned in the window, she could sit watching the world go by.
Of late she had noticed a change in the people in the area, a lot of drug users and dealers had moved in and she could see the young uns getting dragged into their way of life and she was going to help clear them out but first she needed to clear herself out, so with the help of Danny she'd booked into rehab.
Her mind wandered back to the days when she worked, she had been an up and coming policewoman with a good future in front of her. a promotion to C.I.D had been the career move she had longed for, but it was a drugs bust gone wrong that had changed everything and cost her, her baby.
Walking into the drug house and being attacked by two vicious thugs.
The house was supposed to have been empty the informant had said and she'd walked straight into the trap.
The only blessing was that she had reported it in before going there or they may never have found her, by which time she'd have been dead.
They had caught her two attackers who were both given life sentences.
Losing her baby and a stay of six weeks in the hospital had been, bad but being told she was no longer fit for duty had been the final straw that had sent her on her downward spiral to where she was now.
But her idea is to get her life back on track and do private detective work, taking some of the scum off the street
Looking out the window she sees two young girls doing a deal with a drug dealer she knew who he was she knew where he lived and when she sorted herself out he was her first target to get him off the streets.
Watching for a few hours the light starting to fade outside she began to see her reflection in the window the drink was taking its toll drawn haggard looking bags under her blue eyes,her nose was starting to glow red from the whisky she'd taken to drinking lately her only feature that hadn't changed was her long blond hair it still swept down her back.
Breaking her thoughts the young barman asks.
“Do you want another Alice?”
Alice looks at her glass ponders for a minute
“No thanks she smiles time to sort myself out.”
She lifts the larger glass empty it then stands and puts her coat on.
“Good luck Alice.” says the barman, he senses she means it this time.
She smiles and walks out of the pub this would be the last time she would venture into here.
Now to do some packing for her stint in rehab.