The Matriarchy. It controls everything, everywhere. It has been in power since the end of the Anti-Patriarchal War, where women rose up against the powerful countries of the world and overthrew them, establishing a pacifist world- the Matriarchy. The Anti-Patriarchal War ended in 2029, after 14 years of bloody war. It is now 2149. One hundred and twenty years have passed. The Matriarchy claims it has eliminated any and all rebellious elements, but that is naught but a lie.
A resistance exists. It is so secret that even those who are in it do not know many details about it. Many have joined, hoping to bring a premature end to the oppressive Matriarchy and finally institute a new Patriarchy. They fight in secret, in fear of discovery. There is a constant fear of discovery, and rightfully so. The Matriarchal Peacekeepers ruthlessly crush any and all discovered resistance, to the point where normal people are afraid of even thinking of rebelling for fear of being detained and executed by the MP.
This is the story of a young man, Fred Dean, who is attempting to escape his family and escape to the resistance where he will assist in finally bringing down the Matriarchy once and for all. He is joined by his friend, Richard-Thomas "Cipher", in the fight against the Matriarchy. They discover many secrets along the way that finally expose the ruthless and brutal Matriarchy for what it really is. They also discover their inner powers, rare among the population, and use those powers to also help in deposing the Matriarchy.