"6969! Get back here!" cried the overseer, pointing at Fred's number tag on his faded prisoners' uniform. She cracked her whip, and Fred cringed instinctively.
Fred dropped his lukewarm can of broth, grabbed his pick-axe, and ran towards the rest of the prisoner convoy who were hammering away at a mountain side.
"Next time I see you fucking doing that, I'll fucking neuter you, you hear me! Dirty cis scum white males check your fucking privilege! You're getting two privilege checking sessions tonight! Now get back to work, you dirty shitlord!"
Fred swung his pick-axe at the impregnable slab of stone before him. He attempted to raise his axe again, but his tired arms mutinied against his will. He collapsed to the ground, completely exhausted.
"Do I need to castrate you, you cis-homophobe-bigot! Did you think that the Great Tumblr Overlords overthrew the Old Patriarchy just for you to take a nap and oppress me with your male privilege, you racist bigot?!"
The overseer raised her whip over her head and grinned sadistically. Fred raised his arms before him in a feeble attempt to protect himself.
However, the whip never came down.
A different crack ran through the air, more explosive and staccato in nature; it was followed by a low grunt.
Fred opened his eyes hesitantly, and before him stood the overseer, clutching at her chest and groaning. Blood poured out from the cracks between her fingers. Her eyes were crossed and confused as the sight of her wound befuddled her mind.
She dropped to the ground after several seconds of disoriented swaying.
Behind her stood a man who slowly lowered a hunting rifle, which was still steaming at the barrel. He was clad in a military combat uniform of an age long past, and his eyes peered solemnly at Fred through the lenses of his gas mask.210Please respect copyright.PENANA6hkWupasBZ
"I've been looking for you for 40 years. You must come with me now. We have a many miles to cover."
Every worker had halted their digging and stared at the mysterious man.
"Um... can I first-"210Please respect copyright.PENANAjEkOFv7RYm
"We must leave immediately."
Fred swallowed anxiously and peered around him. Eyes peered at him eagerly, awaiting a signal.
"Can I take some-"
Fred slowly rose to his feet and swept dirt off of his shoulders with a few brusque swipes.
"Ok then. Let's move."